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#21 Post by Eathray »

This has got to be a gag. There must be more than one Bill Gates on planet Earth. The founder of M$ is not going to switch to Linux. It would invalidate his life's work.
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#22 Post by disciple »

Of course it is a gag. But the MS Bill Gates' life work has been to make money essentially from a scam, not from good software. If he is smart he probably is using good software.
Last edited by disciple on Fri 08 Jul 2011, 23:59, edited 1 time in total.
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#23 Post by Bill_Gates »

disciple wrote: If he is smart he probably is using good software.
That's why I'm here boys! Besides, like the saying goes; keep your friends close, and your enemies closer!

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#24 Post by disciple »

Bill_Gates wrote:
disciple wrote: If he is smart...
That's why I'm here boys!..
Aha - some people would take that as proof you are an imposter!
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#25 Post by Tman »

Eathray wrote:This has got to be a gag. There must be more than one Bill Gates on planet Earth. The founder of M$ is not going to switch to Linux. It would invalidate his life's work.
I am leaning towards the notion that we do not have the real Bill Gates as a member of this forum, but maybe, just maybe, Bill Gates is exploring other operating systems to find what improvements can be made with Windows. I have to admit, Windows 7 has a lot of nice features and I don't remember it ever having crashed on me. Nevertheless, it cannot compare to puppy when you look at it from a size-to-features ratio. I love how you can totally screw up puppy in a frugal-install and then fix it so easily by deleting the save file...or by copying over a backed-up save file.
However, Windows will continue to be popular simply because it is easier to use, and the masses are so used to it. Although Linux it is making great improvements on user friendliness, it is still, for the most part, less polished, and is more attractive to us geeks or at least geek-ish folks.

Please note: I don't favour Windows; I am just pointing out its good qualities.

And with all of the Bill Gates bashing; I have to applaud him for all of his charity work.
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#26 Post by disciple »

maybe, just maybe, Bill Gates is exploring other operating systems to find what improvements can be made with Windows
That is a joke, isn't it? Maybe I should add it to the "Classic Microsoft quotes" thread.
Since when did Microsoft want to improve anything? :roll:
Windows 7 has a lot of nice features
Please point me to them so I can also benefit... I have found most of the "improvements" reduce my ability to do things efficiently i.e. they are usability anti-features.
the masses are so used to it.
But easier to use? I guess maybe if the masses only want to do web browsing and facebook and emails and lightweight word processing or something... (once they have actually acquired flash, a real browser and a word processor :) )
And with all of the Bill Gates bashing; I have to applaud him for all of his charity work.
But wasn't most of the Bill Gates bashing because of his alleged wrong motives for (some of) that charity work? (And the alleged harmfulness of the work) :)
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#27 Post by Dewbie »

Eathray wrote:
This has got to be a gag.
Perhaps Bill loosens up a bit and posts here when he's drinking. :wink:
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#28 Post by Tman »

Hi disciple, :)

I guess I was asking for trouble by defending Windows (kind of) in a linux forum, but meh...I just stated my opinion and that is that.
... I have found most of the "improvements" reduce my ability to do things efficiently i.e. they are usability anti-features.
I see your point. Most of the new features that impress me ( aerosnap, aeroshake, transparency, taskbar thumbnails, gadgets ..etc ) involve extra bling/extra processing power so if you don't have a modern computer, than those things may slow the system down to unbearable levels. My main computer has more than enough power to do these things, so for me they are "nice features". I dont' get significant speed gains in Puppy when compared to Windows on my semi-modern, dual-core 2.7GHz AMD with Nvidia GT 240. Throw in a Solid-state drive, the speed difference would be further reduced.
But easier to use? ...
For a linux pro like you, I'm sure Windows isn't easier to use. But what about average Joe who doesn't have very much technical, knowledge, who just wants to surf the net, watch movies and play video games?
Downloading Firefox and Flashplayer takes only a few clicks. Wordpad is good enough for average Joe; if not there's MS-Office and OpenOffice/LibreOffice.
When I say easier, I mean all you need to do for most of the setup configuration and customisation is to click here and there with the mouse...have you ever tried renaming and rearranging the items of the main menu in puppy? Can you honestly tell me that it is easier to do in Puppy than in Windows? How about setting up your linux box to install and play the latest Video games? How long is the learning curve to do it in Linux, and how long does it take in Windows?
But wasn't most of the Bill Gates bashing because of his alleged wrong motives for (some of) that charity work? (And the alleged harmfulness of the work) :)
The key word is alleged.

Please note: I did say that I don't favour Windows; but I think it is because I am more of a nerd than average Joe who wouldn't want to bother to learn things like shell scripts, terminal commands, editing desktop files...etc.

I favour Puppy for a variety of reasons:
- Puppy is not plagued by viruses as Window is
- I do not have to frequently run Ccleaner to clean the registry files, temporary files, etc.
- Speed is not so severely reduced if I decide to add a ton of apps
- Puppy is so small and portable
- I can break Puppy, knowing that I can get it back to working condition quickly and easily

I don't expect to change your mind with all of this talk, but those are my opinions and you are entitled to yours. It has been nice arguing with you :).
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#29 Post by Lobster »

As far as I am aware the real Bill Gates
is here and the benevolent philanthropic retiree
in the 'real world' is a plant (possibly a pod) :oops:

Is is also possible that Windows 7 is a fake Operating System
designed to almost work.

I blame the current soap powder salesmen head of MS Corp

Despite extreme caution and security measures
one sisters Windows 7 has lasted 6 months before slow down
and yet it is the devil she knows and wants to be abused by. :cry:
As Windows collapses and for online transactions she boots up
to the canny canine aka Puppy 8)

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#30 Post by scsijon »

still better than vista !
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#31 Post by puppyluvr »

Close the Windows, and open your eyes, to a whole new world
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#32 Post by Tman »

I have an uncle, who owned his own business's. I found his business tactics to be rather greedy and cut-throat. But over the years, he became more involved in Buddhism and has given rather large portions of his money to family members, temples and to charity. Some people do evolve for the better; I can't say if that is the case for Bill, cause I don't know him well enough, but I like to think so.

Btw, The last post was very funny.
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#33 Post by disciple »

Tman wrote:Most of the new features that impress me ( aerosnap, aeroshake, transparency, taskbar thumbnails, gadgets ..etc ) involve extra bling/extra processing power so if you don't have a modern computer, than those things may slow the system down to unbearable levels.
Oh, I was hoping there were some useful features I'm missing :(
Yes, I do enjoy the fact that at home I can run machines more than a decade old quite happily. But I would never run Windows there anyway - I run it on recent, high spec machines at work, so what annoys me most are things like removed or broken features, and all the extra clicks they keep adding to be able to do things.
But what about average Joe who doesn't have very much technical, knowledge, who just wants to surf the net, watch movies and play video games?
Ah, now you have a point. If I wanted to go and buy the latest video games, I don't think I would bother with Linux :)
Although in this part of the world it seems like everyone uses a gaming console now, anyway...
have you ever tried renaming and rearranging the items of the main menu in puppy? Can you honestly tell me that it is easier to do in Puppy than in Windows?
No, you're right, that is quicker and easier in Windows. But I didn't think the average person would want to rearrange it - everything is in nice logical categories. There certainly isn't the mess that you get on Windows.
those are my opinions and you are entitled to yours.
As are you, of course. And in spite of what some people would like, on this forum you are allowed to express them, even if we all know they're wrong ;)
It is interesting; thinking about it, I guess there's a big section of computer users whose perspective I don't actually have a clue about. They would be considered by some to be very computer literate - a lot of them are my age, they've grown up on the web, they know their way around the surface of certain software, they're used to finding the program typically used for something, and playing around with Windows to make it work. These people use the computer for entertainment - games and youtube and social media.
I tend to see two quite different perspectives:
1) people who would be considered computer illiterate. They just want to do simple tasks - they don't want to have to find and install software or drivers, or mess around to make something work, and they are scared and/or confused when the computer asks them half a dozen times if they are sure they want to do something. Puppy is generally ideal for these people, but if they need to do certain less common things they would probably be better off with a mainstream distro.
2) people who have work to do and just want to use the computer to get the job done. They want to be able to do things quickly and efficiently, they don't want the operating system to get in the way, and they don't want to spend hours trying to work around problems. Puppy might be best for these people in terms of everyday use, but there are times when they need to do something unusual, which will be easier with a mainstream distro where all the standard software is available straight away, either in the default install, or in the package manager.
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#34 Post by backi »

I´ m not quite shure where to post this information. So I do it here.

Today I have seen in DISTROWATCH some comments about economic crisis and if this maybe will give Linux in future some advantage over MS Windows.
Please read for your own.

There was a comment from a guy " Linux in Africa (by Atle on 2011-08-01 10:37:23 GMT from France)" which I like to cite here.

3 • Linux in Africa (by Atle on 2011-08-01 10:37:23 GMT from France)

"Dear readers. After spending more than 2 years in various African countries, I can for sure tell you why it does not succeed. Its as simple or stupid as this:

There is no money to collect. Nothing to be stolen. No government kickbacks, no 10% percent commission to the government people. So the public sector, as well as the private, will only deal with MS, that has off course specialized into offering the 10 or 20 percent commission on all sales. Microsoft main sales partner in Tanzania was awarded something like “Partner of the Year
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#35 Post by disciple »

I'm surprised you didn't post that in its own separate thread - it might make for quite an interesting thread.
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#36 Post by eztuxer »

bignono1 wrote:Is nancy reagan Nancy Reagan?
Off Course she is !

But she is too shy to admit it, and pretend her Name is Astrid something, and lives in Holland. :oops:
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#37 Post by RJARRRPCGP »

backi wrote: followed by Slitaz Live DVD
WTF? SliTaz is smaller than Puppy!
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#38 Post by darkcity »

Africa has stolen studio4

#39 Post by aarf »

What town in inner mongolia is the home of ubuntu?
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#40 Post by russoodle »

edited because post is no longer relevant..
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