Lucid Puppy 5.2.7 RC2

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#1161 Post by Minnesota »

Please I don't want to start a cat fight... but if you work production of any kind it is reasonable to have Numlock ON... so the keypad is automatically in Numeric mode. OK, OK.. so I can learn new tricks....and press the button when it does not work.. :)
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#1162 Post by playdayz »

This Euro-W.Coast phase shift is driving me crazy, PD. Any chance you could move to Oz so the sun comes up 16hrs earlier than LA?! Or maybe you could get up at 2am...
I hear you on Raleigh. Thanks for speaking up.

You know, I love the beach and Oz has some beaches. So does the U.S. of course. I saw some research recently that almost all of the beaches from Maine all the way around Florida to the tip of Texas, and then much of the California coast, is a "dead zone" where the water does not contain enough oxygen to support life. Dead beaches--truly depressing. Don't let it happen to OZ!
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#1163 Post by DaveS »

Brown Mouse wrote:
DaveS wrote:
Brown Mouse wrote:not yet got it to unmount a mounted partition drive without right clicking and using the 'unmount.sdaxx' method.
Confirmed. Had to create a partition to prove it :)
Hi DaveS

I removed the .pet from 525 earlier.Did a reboot and reset it from 'desktop icon switcher' but it still remains.
I have a savefile backup but is there another method to restore it that you may know of?
I dont think so as it overwrites some files.
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#1164 Post by PaulBx1 »

Open /tmp/xerrs.log and see what's there. Then close it. Then start a program, do something with it, then close it. Then open xerrs.log again and see if there are any repeated messages
If one is trying to monitor log files, the way to do it is open a console window, and do this: "tail -f /tmp/xerrs.log". Stick the console window in a corner of your monitor and you will see when something is added to the log, as it happens. I see str4y also noted this. I used to have a systems engineering job where we had several logs tailing away in separate windows...

Of course if the same message is coming out over and over, at some point you get a window full of them and you can't tell when you get a new one any more. :roll: We need timestamps in these logs I suppose.

BTW I notice I get a new VDPAU message every time I open a new tab in Seamonkey. The fix in mplayer.conf stops it.
Someday we are going to have to stop adding great ideas and stomping nasty bugs.
I never understood the tendency to cram so much into a single bug fix release. Instead we should have multiple bug fixes released, a few bugs dealt with in each one, and testing happening for only those bugs. It's not like we are going to run out of numbers to call our release.

I also wonder if we shouldn't be using pets to fix specific bugs. Most people will not run into the bugs we are digging up now. If we had bug-specific pets (like the old idea of patches), the user could fix the one or two bugs that actually bothers him, and forget the rest. The bugfix pets could be collected in a central repository. One advantage is that the repository could be added to whenever, as each bug is found, without syncing to any release schedule. Just a thought...

I am going to remove some of the blocky old themes ..., Raleigh, ...
How expensive are these themes, anyway?

I am a little sensitive to this because I have found the more pretty, modern-looking themes (with all the gradients and what-not) actually less functional, not contrasty enough. Perhaps it has something to do with looking through 61 year old eyes.
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#1165 Post by Sage »

..if you work (in) production of any kind it is reasonable to have Numlock ON...
If you work in production, it's worth shelling out for a separate keypad on an extension lead so you can walk around with it.They are dirt cheap. No need for the rest of us to suffer. Snarl, snarl.
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#1166 Post by playdayz »

The option that rerwin suggested for mplayer.conf works for pupradio but it has a very unfortunate side effect -> gnome-mplayer will no longer play video.

01micko is extremely busy with real life so I looked further. This works to stop the messages from mplayer into the xerrs.log

Code: Select all

sh-4.1# mplayer -really-quiet mms://
However, this does *not* work. Line 37 in /usr/local/pupradio/func

Code: Select all

if [ "$PLAYER" = "mplayer" ]; then OPT="-fs -really-quiet" ;fi
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#1167 Post by playdayz »

I am going to remove some of the blocky old themes ..., Raleigh, ...

How expensive are these themes, anyway?
Not expensive. The problem was that several of them, emacs, default, raleigh, all looked the same (to me at least) and we had some offer more distinctive themes and the list started seeming too long--but Raleigh is still there.
I also wonder if we shouldn't be using pets to fix specific bugs. Most people will not run into the bugs we are digging up now.
Yes. we will do that anyway after release, and as you know we have issued at least one bug fix pet for each release. IMHO, the udev was worth updating--and the pupradio needs to be fixed--anything that throws a hundred thousand lines in under a minute is nasty. After that, we will either release or else....
I never understood the tendency to cram so much into a single bug fix release.
Yes, One could say either 1) this one little bug fix release got out of hand, or 2) we saw some opportunities to make significant improvements and took them ;-)
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#1168 Post by pemasu »

I am sure all these profound investigations and bug fixes benefit the whole puppy community.
People probably will face samekind obstacles and there are now documentation inside this thread about them and also fixes.
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#1169 Post by rerwin »

Sage wrote:
It merely sets a switch to indicate that numlock should be turned on at startup.
Hope I'm misunderstanding this? Mandrake was the only major to turn NL on at boot up. Damn nuisance. Everyone else has it OFF. Did take a k/b apart at one time to see if I could hard wire it off. C'est la vie..
Not to worry. The automatic setting of numlock-on is controlled by a checkbox in the "Country Setting" window. You can get to that option by way of the "Change Time Zone" suboption and probably some others. Not exactly intuitive, but it is there. It defaults to unchecked, so no change is being forced onto the users.

Sorry to hear about the gnome-mplayer video hit from telling mplayer to "shut up." I will dig around for more ideas.

But I was able to watch some videos with the option in place, but did not try flash, because I did not install flash player. Could you point me to a site where you found that gnome-mplayer failed, so I can try it? I ran windows media videos and one "aa-something". Will try a DVD shortly -- EDIT: DVD seems to work

playdayz, 01micko,
Before you go very far, please elaborate on the nature of gnome-mplayer's failure to play "videos". I have encountered no problem playing a DVD, and six downloaded test files from ubuntu via gnome-mplayer in the menu:
  • test.avi
My solution still seems cleanest. Please be sure to rule out another cause for the failure. Please don't "rearrange the world" yet, in case we don't have the complete story on the failure. BTW, sending everything to /dev/null would then drop real error messages, too

EDIT: OK, I found a case where gnome-player is impacted. It is while running videos in puptelly (Nasa, Australian Parliament) with gnome-mplayer selected as the player, instead of mplayer.. The audio comes through but the video part of the stream does not appear. Maybe it is gnome-mplayer's problem.
Last edited by rerwin on Wed 03 Aug 2011, 22:49, edited 4 times in total.
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#1170 Post by 01micko »

Seems I learn something new everyday!

I was trying to use this to suppress mplayer:

Code: Select all

$PLAYER $URL1 > /dev/null 2>&1
which usually works in many cases. Same result.. xerrs.log filling up with millions of lines!

But I found another way:

Code: Select all

$PLAYER $URL1 &> /dev/null
.. and guess what, clean xerrs.log!

Also, playdayz, the $OPT option only works for the telly part, the radio part runs with no options to mplayer (apart from whats read in the /root/.mplayer/config if any)

New pupradio hopefully shortly.
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#1171 Post by str4y »

don570 wrote:
..and I now have given Puppy a central structure
to help users store their data neatly.

{image of rox window with the big honking folder icons}
I have never comprehended who would want folder icons that big. In the pup derivative I'd hoped to get the time to assemble, (which it's looking increasingly like I won't get to soon, hence I'm starting to pass my many strong opinions on to the forum..) my OotB settings for Rox would definitely be Small Icons, Detailed List view. Maybe I'm just not organized enough, having directories with scads and scads of files in them instead of super deep, subdivided levels of directory structure. Glad the setting of thumbnails-view got changed eventually-- my directories are usu. so full it takes awhile just to display them without the consarned thumbs.

And as for creating structure for us.. well suffice it to say, for my part, one of the 1st things I would do with my Winbloze machines was to rename the "My so-and-so" directories and definitely choose somewhere else to put stuff. Ever security-conscious, that surely was the 1st place intruders (corporations' software mostly I presume) would go to snoop on my bidness.

Just my $.02USD (worth less and less every day..)
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#1172 Post by 01micko »

direct download to pupradio-0.10

Fixed thanks to Richard
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#1173 Post by 01micko »

rerwin wrote: EDIT:
playdayz, 01micko,
Before you go very far, please elaborate on the nature of gnome-mplayer's failure to play "videos". I have encountered no problem playing a DVD, and six test files from ubuntu:
  • test.avi
My solution still seems cleanest. Please be sure to rule out another cause for the failure. Please don't "rearrange the world" yet, in case we don't have the complete story on the failure. BTW, sending everything to /dev/null would then drop real error messages, too
Ah, just spotted the edit.

Yeah, sending to /dev/null is definitely not the cleanest way to code, pupradio is an early attempt by me to make a gui app, I have only fixed blatant bugs, never really developed the app. Frankly, it's not at the top of my priorities right now.

The trouble with supporting multiple players (pupradio supports vlc, xine and gxine too) is that all the options are different.
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#1174 Post by rerwin »

I wrote:EDIT: OK, I found a case where gnome-player is impacted. It is while running videos in puptelly (Nasa, Australian Parliament) with gnome-mplayer selected as the player, instead of mplayer.. The audio comes through but the video part of the stream does not appear. Maybe it is gnome-mplayer's problem.
I do want you to know that I am delighted to see pupradio/telly in lupu! I have been wondering how I would access all the video and radio sources around. Pupradio seems to be the gateway I was hoping for. Mplayer on it works great. I like the immediate use of full screen.

I am about to check out the new version. In looking through it, I see two different "pupradio" scripts in /usr/sbin and /usr/local/pupradio. That could be confusing. How are they related?
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#1175 Post by 01micko »

Hi Richard

Thanks for the compliment :)

The one in /usr/sbin is the calling "wrapper". I added it after mcewanw (precord dev) requested that I add some commandline switches for pupradio. The main switch is '-p' which plays the last radio station selected so you can run pupradio without GUI. I probably should have renamed /usr/local/pupradio/pupradio to /usr/local/pupradio/ to avoid that confusion.

One thing on my 'todo' list (which will take some time :) ) is to research multi user integration in puppy and implement something more robust and conventional than 'fido'. I don't agree with Barry's approach of fido's home dir being /root. Pupradio will then serve a purpose for me as "guinea pig" app so that I can figure out the correct way to get everything working with the user's $HOME. Then I will "develop" pupradio,... as I said, will be awhile though.

Last edited by 01micko on Wed 03 Aug 2011, 23:24, edited 1 time in total.
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#1176 Post by playdayz »

Luci-268 What's not there!

1. Rox Right-click Full screen with mplayer is removed. Gnome-mplayer plays full screen See note on mplayer.

2. Rox Right-click Extract deb is removed (though I know that pemasu worked hard on it). After i used it Rox had trouble opening some of the created archives. Not that many people need to extract debs and they can Open the archive and extract.

3. pprocess 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 are sending unending messages to xerrs.log. Zigbert is out of pocket somewhere it seems. pprocess 1.0 is in Luci-268. I can test at home b fore the release of Lucid 5.2.7 if Zigbert makes a 2.2.4.

4. The drive icon overlay is very pretty but it seemed to significantly slow the opening of some drives. We can feature it as a pet in LupuNews.

5. The rewrite of numlock is not there. It is not worth the risk to make a change when there hasn't been a problem, imho.

6. PupRadio is not there. I had just uploaded luci-268 when I saw 01micko's posting of a revised PupRadio. The pet looked good to me. It is on the previous page and it looks like another coming soon.. I can do testing at home before the Lucid 5.2.7 release. I will post the tests.

Note on mplayer. I believe mplayer expects to run with a front end now. Look at the command line that gnome-mplayer sends--it seems to me that we should be careful unless we can do it that well. "Being careful" means using gnome-mplayer.

Code: Select all

mplayer -profile gnome-mplayer -vo x11 -vf-pre yadif,softskip,scale -vf-add screenshot -af-add export=/tmp/mplayer-af_exportfivyiv:512 -quiet -slave -noidle -noconsolecontrols -nostop-xscreensaver -identify -volume 100 -softvol -osdlevel 0 -delay 0.000000 -subdelay 0.000000 -subpos 0 -sub-fuzziness 0 -wid 0x1c00021 -brightness 0 -contrast 0 -hue 0 -saturation 0 -nomsgcolor -nomsgmodule -nokeepaspect -ass -embeddedfonts -ass-font-scale 1.00 -ass-color ffffff00 /mnt/sdb1/Media Test/
Last edited by playdayz on Thu 04 Aug 2011, 00:49, edited 4 times in total.
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#1177 Post by rerwin »

I am running the new pupradio and still have the "really-quiet" option set in the .conf. Same misbehavior as before but this time I checked dmesg and find that gnome-mplayer segfaults, which explains the misbehavior.
gnome-mplayer[31999]: segfault at 5f44000c ip b6b508d9 sp b065acfc error 4 in[b6ae4000+153000]
gnome-mplayer[1593]: segfault at 7361000c ip b6c278d9 sp b0731cfc error 4 in[b6bbb000+153000]
gnome-mplayer[1885]: segfault at 7361000c ip b6bf38d9 sp b0efecfc error 4 in[b6b87000+153000]
gnome-mplayer[19759]: segfault at 0 ip b6e0a598 sp bf95af20 error 4 in[b6dcc000+c8000]
gnome-mplayer[20789]: segfault at 0 ip b6f23598 sp bfc5ada0 error 4 in[b6ee5000+c8000]
gnome-mplayer[21516]: segfault at 0 ip b6e1b598 sp bfc4d160 error 4 in[b6ddd000+c8000]
gnome-mplayer[22936]: segfault at 0 ip b6f67598 sp bfbf28b0 error 4 in[b6f29000+c8000]
gnome-mplayer[25043]: segfault at 0 ip b6ef4598 sp bfd33300 error 4 in[b6eb6000+c8000]
gnome-mplayer[26063]: segfault at 0 ip b6fca598 sp bfd53340 error 4 in[b6f8c000+c8000]
gnome-mplayer[1277]: segfault at 0 ip b6e4b598 sp bfbd4b10 error 4 in[b6e0d000+c8000]
Another avenue to pursue. Or not.

EDIT: Regarding your fix (in next posting), that sounds perfect. Thank you. R
Last edited by rerwin on Wed 03 Aug 2011, 23:42, edited 1 time in total.
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#1178 Post by 01micko »


Seems I can make a very simple fix. I get no errors in xerrs.log if I use gnome-mplayer in pupradio.

I'll just add the --really-quiet option to $OPT for mplayer only ala playdayz for the video side, and make a new ROPT variable for the radio side. Won't take long. Then I can remove the /dev/null suppression :)
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#1179 Post by playdayz »

Seems I can make a very simple fix. I get no errors in xerrs.log if I use gnome-mplayer in pupradio.
No errors for me either using gnome-mplayer *except* if gnome-mplayer is still playing when I hit the Quit button in PupRadio soemthign goes bad and gnome-mplayer stops responding. If I quite gnome-mplayer before hitting quit in PupRadio, then no problem.

I guess you saw my post about playing WA-FM with mplayer from the command line with the -really-quiet option. No errors there either.

Thanks for working on this Mick. There's no hurry now--we have a few days before the 5.2.7RC.
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intel 82845G and 5.26

#1180 Post by cowboy »

and I see I just missed the 5.2.8! Anyway, with my Intel 82845G chip, 526 was running well. Got desktop first book, set numlock, and accepted the default settings for monitor.

Sound present on first boot, and persistent on 5 reboots. That was always a challenge with 5.2.5.

Desktop stable through 5 reboots, downloaded firefox 3.6.13 and flash, and watched some BBC news videos without trouble.

Processor Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz
Memory 506MB (129MB used)
Operating System Puppy Linux 0.52
User Name root (root)
Date/Time Wed 03 Aug 2011 07:29:14 PM GMT-8
Resolution 1024x768 pixels
OpenGL Renderer Unknown
X11 Vendor The X.Org Foundation
Audio Adapter ICH4 - Intel 82801DB-ICH4

Resolution 1024x768 pixels
Vendor The X.Org Foundation
Version 1.7.6
Monitor 0 1024x768 pixels

PCI Devices
Host bridge Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE/PE DRAM Controller/Host-Hub Interface (rev 03)
VGA compatible controller Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
USB Controller Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) USB UHCI Controller #1 (rev 02) (prog-if 00 [UHCI])
USB Controller Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) USB UHCI Controller #2 (rev 02) (prog-if 00 [UHCI])
USB Controller Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) USB UHCI Controller #3 (rev 02) (prog-if 00 [UHCI])
USB Controller Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-M) USB2 EHCI Controller (rev 02) (prog-if 20 [EHCI])
PCI bridge Intel Corporation 82801 PCI Bridge (rev 82) (prog-if 00 [Normal decode])
ISA bridge Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL (ICH4/ICH4-L) LPC Interface Bridge (rev 02)
IDE interface Intel Corporation 82801DB (ICH4) IDE Controller (rev 02) (prog-if 8a [Master SecP PriP])
SMBus Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) SMBus Controller (rev 02)
Multimedia audio controller Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)
Ethernet controller National Semiconductor Corporation DP83815 (MacPhyter) Ethernet Controller
Communication controller Agere Systems LT WinModem (rev 02)
Ethernet controller Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)
FireWire (IEEE 1394) NEC Corporation uPD72874 IEEE1394 OHCI 1.1 3-port PHY-Link Ctrlr (rev 01) (prog-if 10 [OHCI])

looking good fellas. thank y'all.
"you fix what you can fix and you let the rest go.." - Cormac McCarthy - No Country For Old Men.
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