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Luci-268 Test

#1201 Post by ETP »

Manual frugal install to fat32 USB2 stick – syslinux boot.
No issues found. Slideshow of tests can be found here:

This is a superb effort and a worthy tribute to all the developers.
If I were Bill Gates I would be mighty worried at this rate of progress.

Many thanks to all involved.
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#1202 Post by Jim1911 »

Frugal installation on a Dell Dimension to check out wireless operation. Everything works well and Frisbee makes the wireless connection after installing a proper Realtek driver.

Problem I reported above on my main hardware with Burniso2cd did not occur on the Dell system.

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#1203 Post by DaveS »

is it me or does frisbee take a long time to re-connect wifi after boot?
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#1204 Post by rerwin »

Sage wrote:
This is something I would like to work on, but would require your assistance
Oooh! Well outside my comfort zone, would need a lot of hand-holding and some other guys peering over my shoulder for when I do stupid things. Build you a dozen PCs in 20mins instead?
Let's see if there would be a quorum...
Don't get me wrong. I am not asking to do any of the work, just to advise me on which items I need to deal with. I just need to know where people notice something they expect should not be there after an upgrade. I should be able to take it from there.
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#1205 Post by bigpup »

Luci 268
Frugal + save
USB flash stick

No problems so far. Been testing items that this version should correct.

Can confirm Dillo likes to talk to xerrs.log a lot.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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#1206 Post by bigpup »

Luci 268
Frugal + save
USB flash stick

At boot to desktop no other action taken.

Xerrs.log has this info never seen before in other Luci's.

The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Warning: Duplicate shape name ""
> Using last definition
> Warning: Duplicate shape name ""
> Using last definition
> Warning: Duplicate shape name ""
> Using last definition
> Warning: Duplicate shape name ""
> Using last definition
> Warning: Duplicate shape name ""
> Using last definition
> Warning: Duplicate shape name ""
> Using last definition
> Warning: Duplicate shape name ""
> Using last definition
> Warning: Duplicate shape name ""
> Using last definition
> Warning: Duplicate shape name ""
> Using last definition
> Warning: Duplicate shape name ""
> Using last definition
> Warning: Duplicate shape name ""
> Using last definition
> Warning: Duplicate shape name ""
> Using last definition
> Warning: Duplicate shape name ""
> Using last definition
> Warning: Duplicate shape name ""
> Using last definition
> Warning: Multiple doodads named ""
> Using first definition
> Warning: Multiple doodads named ""
> Using first definition
> Warning: Multiple doodads named ""
> Using first definition
> Warning: Multiple doodads named ""
> Using first definition
> Warning: Multiple doodads named ""
> Using first definition
> Warning: Multiple doodads named ""
> Using first definition
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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fix for dillo's excessive logging

#1207 Post by rerwin »

playdayz, et al,
In response to the complaint that dillo logs excessively, I investigated the situation. Although dillo logs a significant number of startup messages, the real problem is the thousands of messages of this sort:

Code: Select all

I discovered that there is a new version of dillo out there, 2.2.1, so I compiled and massaged it into a dotpet package. After much testing, the results look good. The new version does put out more "progress" messages. but not the runaway messages. This is from starting dillo and going to, then exiting.

Code: Select all

paths: Cannot open file '/root/.dillo/keysrc'
paths: Using /usr/local/etc/dillo/keysrc
dillo_dns_init: Here we go! (threaded)
Disabling cookies.
** WARNING **: preferred serif font "DejaVu Serif" not found.
** WARNING **: preferred monospace font "DejaVu Sans Mono" not found.
Nav_open_url: new url='about:splash'
Nav_open_url: new url=''
Dns_server [0]: is
Connecting to
>>>> a_Nav_repush <<<<
Nav_open_url: new url=''
a_Nav_expect_done: repush!
  Html_tag_open_link(): addCssUrl
Capi_filters_test: ALLOW from '' to ''
Capi_filters_test: ALLOW from '' to ''
Capi_filters_test: ALLOW from '' to ''
Capi_filters_test: ALLOW from '' to ''
Capi_filters_test: ALLOW from '' to ''
Capi_filters_test: ALLOW from '' to ''
Capi_filters_test: ALLOW from '' to ''
Capi_filters_test: ALLOW from '' to ''
>>>> a_Nav_repush <<<<
Nav_open_url: new url=''
** WARNING **: IO_write, closing with pending data not sent
** WARNING **:  "GET /puppylogo96.png HTTP/1.1\x0D
Connection: close\x0D
Accept: text/*,image/*,*/*;q=0.2\x0D
Accept-Charset: utf-8,*;q=0.8\x0D
Accept-Encoding: gzip\x0D
User-Agent: Dillo/2.2.1\x0D
a_Nav_expect_done: repush!
  Html_tag_open_link(): addCssUrl

Capi_filters_test: ALLOW from '' to ''
Capi_filters_test: ALLOW from '' to ''
Capi_filters_test: ALLOW from '' to ''
Capi_filters_test: ALLOW from '' to ''
Capi_filters_test: ALLOW from '' to ''
Capi_filters_test: ALLOW from '' to ''
Dillo: normal exit!
The "Capi_filters_test" messages seem new. But these can be handled. The dillorc configuration file has the following option, which I have set to suppress the messages.

Code: Select all

#                        DEBUG MESSAGES SECTION

# Soon we should add the "show_debug_messages=NO" option...

# Generic messages (mainly for debugging specific parts)
# Change this to disable them.
That is in ~/.dillo. The system-wide/default version of the file is now in /usr/local/etc/dillo (instead of /etc/dillo) because that's where dillo now expects it. That copy does not have the option set, but is overridden by the ~/.dillo copy. (The option does not suppress the runaway messages in dillo 2.2.)

The attached package can be tried by our testers and is uninstallable. The files in the now-unused /etc/dillo directory are replaced by null files. But if this new dillo version is merged into lupu, the /etc/dillo directory should be deleted entirely. I hope many will try it, so as to flush out any issues with it.

It's been a fun day, doing this.

EDIT: I have withdrawn the package temporarily. It works only for html pages, but should support other file types. The replacement is now further down this page..
Last edited by rerwin on Fri 05 Aug 2011, 03:41, edited 2 times in total.
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#1208 Post by bigpup »



Your version of Dillo 2.2.1

Will not show menu->help->lupunews help

Get error - can't start dpid daemon (url scheme ='file' )!
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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thinkpad t43 luci 268

#1209 Post by goolwa_pup »

created luci 268 iso from lupu 526 iso then copied over the three 268 luci files to my test folder and renamed my lupu saves to luci saves and put them in the test folder and rebooted my thinkpad t43 (yeah I know prob wrong procedure) but everything is ship shape as far as I can tell so far....also saw over 5000 fps in glx gears I have never seen more than 3200 fps on this machine before! ..good work.....
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my vote is nay to Frisbee

#1210 Post by str4y »

I had a bad experience with Frisbee, which I described while posting ... 279#550279
which is pemasu's with the Frisbee yanked away from it. Not sure if you're using some way-better, updated version (apologies for not having been able to test this latest 268 yet) but I just wanted to chime in with that PoV.
Last edited by str4y on Thu 11 Aug 2011, 22:06, edited 1 time in total.
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#1211 Post by rerwin »

bigpup wrote:Luci268
Your version of Dillo 2.2.1
Will not show menu->help->lupunews help
Get error - can't start dpid daemon (url scheme ='file' )!
Thanks for trying the new dillo and reporting the problem. I guess compiling and making the pet were the easy parts. This may take awhile sort out. Any help from those familiar with dillo's workings would be very welcome.

EDIT: I am onto the problem and fix. Need to rebuild with a "configure" argument.
Last edited by rerwin on Fri 05 Aug 2011, 01:57, edited 1 time in total.
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#1212 Post by 01micko »

pupradio-0.11 should address some issues. All stations/channels are tested working here in mplayer and gnome-mplayer. There is some output to xerrs.log but certainly much less!

Have fun :)
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#1213 Post by bigpup »

I am wondering about something :?:

All of this "Oh No" it is writing stuff to xerrs.log! :shock:

Is it bringing to light some defects in the program code?
Are fixes making programs work better?
Seems it would, but do not really know.

Just wondering :idea:
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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dillo replacement redux

#1214 Post by rerwin »

I have rebuilt dillo using "configure" arguments to place the components into the standard puppy directories.

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
The only manual actions I took were to (1) convert the man page to html, using the "man2html" tool and (2) copy the dillorc configuration file into the hidden root directory, .dillo and adding the line, "show_msg=NO", to suppress the logged messages.

Everyone, please replace the earlier dotpet package with the attached package and try it out. Thank you.
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#1215 Post by 01micko »

Hi bigpup

xerrs.log records anything from standard out (stdout) and standard error (stderr). Those messages from mplayer were actually "normal" messages, however, conceivably, they could have been damaging to a small pupsave.

Messages in there are not necessarily a bad thing, often they are helpful in debugging or even letting you know that something is working ok, also not all errors are particularly bad.

One thing I have noticed is that if you run things in a terminal they don't get printed to xerrs.log, just straight to the terminal, which makes sense.

All in all, this little adventure has made pupradio a better app. :)
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Audio CD playback on PUP268

#1216 Post by gcmartin »

Running PUP268. Audio "woof-woof" is fine.
  • Created an Audio CD from some personal MP3s using Pburn
  • In playback of the CD on PUP268 using GNOME MPlayer, I'm getting audio for 15 seconds with a 10 second pause, constantly.
  • There is NO other system activity
Top shows the following

Code: Select all

CPU:   4% usr   6% sys   0% nic  89% idle   0% io   0% irq   0% sirq
Load average: 0.28 0.20 0.17 1/118 22769
21308     1 root     D    70640   5%   0   1% mplayer -profile gnome-mplayer -vo
13908     1 root     S     3732   0%   0   1% sh -c while [ ! -f /root/.pclock/t
31312 21541 root     S     148m  10%   1   0% gnome-mplayer
21424 21423 root     S <  38500   2%   1   0% X :0 -br -nolisten tcp
21925 21541 root     S    29728   2%   1   0% roxterm
 1893     1 root     S    17756   1%   0   0% retrovol -hide
 1855     1 root     S    16832   1%   0   0% fbpanel
With Pmusic, the CPU is a bit higher, but I do NOT get any audio pauses every 15seconds. I don't get ANY unusual playback. All is well, here.

Code: Select all

CPU:   5% usr   9% sys   1% nic  83% idle   0% io   0% irq   0% sirq
Load average: 0.05 0.09 0.10 4/131 30518
13908     1 root     S     3768   0%   0   2% sh -c while [ ! -f /root/.pclock/t
22370 22367 root     S     3724   0%   0   1% aplay
21424 21423 root     S <  40124   3%   1   0% X :0 -br -nolisten tcp
22787     1 root     S    30472   2%   1   0% gtkdialog3 -p Pmusic_sources -G +1
29894 29831 root     S    30892   2%   1   0% gtkdialog3 -p Pmusic -G +504+13
22803 22787 root     S     3656   0%   0   0% sh -c while [ ! -f $WORKDIR/end_wh
22369 22367 root     S    28192   2%   1   0% ffmpeg -i pipe:0 -f au -
 1893     1 root     S    17756   1%   1   0% retrovol -hide
 1888  1885 root     S    14748   1%   1   0% /root/Startup/network_tray

System's Hardware Report attached
Video - RAM - Hardinfo Reports
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#1217 Post by Sage »

I should be able to take it from there.
OK, Richard. Will see what I can do. Need detailed instructions!
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#1218 Post by playdayz »

I reported earlier the same problem with 526. Trying to use Burniso2cd, when OK is pressed, the Usage for xdialog screen instead of the proper screen appears. Before, when this happened I had not created a save file and after creating a save file it operated as it should. This time it happened with a save file.
jim1911, I tested this from your previous report and could not get it to happen. What happens if you use pburn instead? Does your system see the drive if there is a cd in it instead of a dvd?
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Audio CD playback on PUP268

#1219 Post by ETP »

Running PUP268. Audio "woof-woof" is fine.
Created an Audio CD from some personal MP3s using Pburn
In playback of the CD on PUP268 using GNOME MPlayer, I'm getting audio for 15 seconds with a 10 second pause, constantly.
There is NO other system activity
Luci-268 contains version 1.0.4. See first post in this thread which indicates that it should have been reverted.
526RC gnome-mplayer and gecko-mediaplyer <- 1.0.3 (reversion) Beem
The stuttering you experienced is due to gnome-mplayer ignoring the audio cache setting and failing to instruct mplayer to set up an adequate cache - say 2000kb depending on latency. Worse than that if you edit mplayer.conf to use an audio cache gnome still overrides it. SMplayer is a better bet as it is far more configurable.
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#1220 Post by playdayz »

In playback of the CD on PUP268 using GNOME MPlayer, I'm getting audio for 15 seconds with a 10 second pause, constantly.
Back to gnome-mplayer 1.0.3.
Luci-268 contains version 1.0.4. See first post in this thread which indicates that it should have been reverted.
526RC gnome-mplayer and gecko-mediaplyer <- 1.0.3 (reversion) Beem
It was reverted and rereverted and now reverted again.
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