Multiple Lupusaves on External Media

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Multiple Lupusaves on External Media

#1 Post by ogobot »

Abject apologies from the sub-nooby before hand, but searching has failed to help.

If I install multiple Lupusave files on my hard drive, Puppy always prompts me with the selection to choose from when I boot up.

But I when I install multiple Lupusave files on my external boot media, I do not get an option of which one to boot.

Should I? Or is this not within the Puppy functionality?

Also, on the first Lupusave, you get to specify the file location and name, but on subsequent saves you don't get that option. Is it there and I'm missing it, or is it not part of the package?

If there are links please just direct me. Sorry to bother the forum with such low-level stuff.


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#2 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
I find some confusion in your question.

Also, first point...
When posting a question, some default info needs to be given.
Computer specs, ie Make/CPU/Ram/Video

Version of Puppy, and type of install/running environment.
IE: Puppy Lupu 5.25 running live CD with a save file
og Puppy 4.31 installed frugally to Hard Drive..
If I install multiple Lupusave files on my hard drive, Puppy always prompts me with the selection to choose from when I boot up.

Do you mean you have booted pfix=ram and then made different save files.?
Do you refer to multiple versions of Puppy, or just one?
Also, on the first Lupusave, you get to specify the file location and name, but on subsequent saves you don't get that option. Is it there and I'm missing it, or is it not part of the package?

OK, that one is a little easier..
On first run, Puppy creates the savefile.
After that, it appends, or adds to, the one it already created..

USB boot is different, and if Puppy knows it is booted from a USB,
its behavior is different than if booting from a CD, or Hdd...
So, question one:
Are you referring to just the savefile being on the USB, and booting from another media..??
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#3 Post by ogobot »

Hello Puppyluvr:

I'm running 5.2.5, kernel

Let me try to clarify. I want to run off either a USB flash or (preferable) a USB hard drive. I'd like to plug either on into a PC of my choice - whatever is available - and be able to select the puppy save file I'd like to boot. These save files would of course need reside on the removable media, that way they are always available no matter where I am.

The general idea is to avoid having to dicker around with the networking settings. On the three PCs I have at home, I have to go into the network wizard to alter the communications every time I boot up a different machine.

Does that help?

Maybe my strategy is wrong? Is there a better way to deal with changing communications set-ups?


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#4 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
@Brian.... That`s brilliant...
A single USB drive with pre-configured save files for every machine you use it on.. I like it...
So, as Ive never tried I have to...
Now, where is that jump drive?? :D
My guess would be that if we change the pupmode so that Puppy thinks it is booting from a Hdd, it will search for multiple save files.. (Guessing that when booting from a USB, like a multisession CD/DVD, Puppy only expects one..)
Well, I need to "learn up" on USB booting anyhow, for another project, so...
Im currently working on expanding MultiPup to include USB,..
No worries...
In a minute one of our Puppy guru`s will stumble across this and say..Duh. :D

I`ll do a little looking around and get back..

Running Puppy Lupen A-1 with kernel, Xfce4/Compiz-Fusion/Emerald and GLX-Dock... 8)
Last edited by puppyluvr on Thu 04 Aug 2011, 02:34, edited 1 time in total.
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#5 Post by bigpup »

Lucid Puppy 5.2.6rc

Try this:

Install Puppy to the USB drive
Boot with the Puppy install
When asked make save file to USB drive.
When it has rebooted back into Puppy
Open a window in Rox to the location of the save file.
Right Click on save file and choose copy
Name the copy
copy to same location as original save file.
Repeat for how many save files you want. Just give each a different name after the -


When it gets to load save file you will be asked which one to use.

Worked for me on a USB flash drive I boot from a Grub menu on my hard drive. My computer will not boot directly from USB.

You will have to boot each computer from different save file to set it up for the specifics of that computer.
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#6 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
Yep...Duh... :oops:
A perfect example of K.I.S.S. in action... :D
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#7 Post by ogobot »

That should work, except the save icon on my desktop has disappeared. It was there when I started, and I've done a lot of work configuring the system. Is it supposed to disappear like that? It was there for some time; I remember using it repeatedly. What might have happened?


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#8 Post by bigpup »

What kind of device is the save file and Puppy on?

If USB flash drive:

Look in


Drag save2flash to the desktop to make a new link on the desktop.

Right click on icon, select edit item, if you want to change name to save.
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#9 Post by ogobot »

Brilliant, Bigpup!

OK, I think I have enough ammunition to figure out what will work best for me. Thanks very much for the help. And thanks to all who posted prior.


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