Pussy: potentially a Puppy with a perfect package manager

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#121 Post by john3voltas »

My savefile was gone, right?
So I used the update-save-file link in the catroll panel and it actually created a new savefile.
Been working with this new savefile for a few minutes.
Installed irssi, blueman and iceweasel and everything still looks fine.
This is actually the 1st time that the savefile keeps working for me more than 10 minutes :o.
Anyone else trying Pussy's USB image?
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#122 Post by john3voltas »

I think this kicks in when I do an "apt-get update"...

#123 Post by aarf »

john3voltas wrote:
aarf wrote:i have so much that i could be doing now that i do nothing at all except play chess online. must be the planatary arrangement.
Which one? The one that brings 2012 doomsday with it? lol
if thats what you want it can be arranged. just ask bugman, he is in day to day control these days.
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#124 Post by sickgut »

john3voltas wrote:Ok, it works now with the help of chum_bucket.
Searched for the files in this wiki http://packages.debian.org/lenny-backpo ... i/filelist.
Since I couldn't find them had to install the firmware files using this package http://packages.debian.org/lenny-backpo ... i/download
Launched 'Network' applet again, configured wlan0, my networks appeared, selected my network AND had to manually set the DNS server with the same IP of my router (as Sickgut had already mentioned) and write down my WPA2 passphrase. Also, I set the 'automatically connect to this network'.
Restarted the 'Network' applet and voila, wifi working.
Piece of cake.
i think ill include that package in the /addon dir of the live media from now on and in the next version there will be a readme about wifi firmware etc.

Note: chum_bucket is awesome, with his help i was able to setup the compressed save file thing in pussy. more irc chans should have chum_bucket's as they are really helpful
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#125 Post by sickgut »

john3voltas wrote:Interesting...
My savefile was gone, right?
So I used the update-save-file link in the catroll panel and it actually created a new savefile.
Been working with this new savefile for a few minutes.
Installed irssi, blueman and iceweasel and everything still looks fine.
This is actually the 1st time that the savefile keeps working for me more than 10 minutes :o.
Anyone else trying Pussy's USB image?
Hi john3voltas

OK the catroll-panel save-file script works like this:
whatever is in the /live/cow dir (whatever changes hhave been made since boot) is compressed into a file called /live/save-file.squashfs (or something similar that indicates a save file im on a online access centre computer that is locked down for my internet access atm so i cant check/ remember for sure)

the important things to remember about this are:
make sure the first partition on the usb flash drive is large enough to accommodate save files. There is only 100 and something free space on the first paririton of the usb drive once pussy is installed, this is ok for a very small save file not much else.

The creating of the save file takes some time and you will be given a popup message when completed.

If you are not getting the popup message once completed then it is erroring out somehow, most likely from lack of space. It only uses space on the first partition of the usb stick so we need to increase that. The easiest way is to run gparted and select the first partition and then enlarge it to cover the entire stick or atleast a good portion of it to get a decent amount of space for your save file.
if you have enough ram then you might want to boot with the copy to ram option at the boot screen so that the partition isnt mounted at boot so you can edit / change it.

for touble shooting purposes you can open a terminal within the catroll-panel / save-file section then type dir to see the real filename of the save-file script then type ./savefilescriptname.sh (where savefilescriptname is the actual file name of the script as the save file icon there is just a script) and you will see the save file creating process in the terminal, the next version will somehow display this. Any errors you get ofc you will see in the terminal, but with more space added to the first partition of the usb stick you shoudlnt get any. This save file is like super compressed, makes for excellent loading times etc but saving is faily slow (altho compared to puppy its kinda similar).

I have the .img usb version of pussy with a 699mb partition size so it can be the same as the 700mb iso size that future versions might be to have everything you can possibly fit on a live cd. (+1mb spare for fancy boot methods).

This helps streamline the process of keeping the iso and img the same, but maybe because of the trouble with the compressed save file space ill increase the first partition size to 930mb or something so it fits snugly on a 1gb stick, or maybe we can make 2gb stick the minimum for pussy and have the first partition as 1.7gb?

or maybe a separate img image download that has non compressed save partition (see aarfs howto on setting this up on this thread) so users can choose between instant noncompressed saving and the slower but more space saving compressed ways of having persistence, having this already setup i think is a must for future versions. this version didnt have it setup as it was mainly a preveiw for puppy devs and to let the experiment with what works best.

Note: you might want to run the cleanup-script before saving it helps with removing unwanted junk. but dont run the driver cleanup one as you have some custom firmware wifi thing i wouldnt trust that driver cleanup thing, its only for when you use multiple computers on the one stick ans you have 100 different drivers ont here you dont need.
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#126 Post by john3voltas »

Thanks for your reply sickgut.
I have enlarged my /dev/sdb1 partition (usb disk) to 2GB but still I'm having lots of issues with my savefile.
I think I'm going to make a movie to let you see what happens.
Maybe if you see it happening you might be able to tell what's wrong or what I am doing wrong ;).

Oh! BTW, would you please consider adding a

Code: Select all

synclient TapButton1=1
to pussy's next alpha/beta release? Because for "customers" like me that have laptops with touchpads, it is veeery frustrating not being able to tap/double-tap when we want to single-left-click/double-left-click something.
Just a thought ;)
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#127 Post by sickgut »

john3voltas wrote:Thanks for your reply sickgut.
I have enlarged my /dev/sdb1 partition (usb disk) to 2GB but still I'm having lots of issues with my savefile.
I think I'm going to make a movie to let you see what happens.
Maybe if you see it happening you might be able to tell what's wrong or what I am doing wrong ;).

Oh! BTW, would you please consider adding a

Code: Select all

synclient TapButton1=1
to pussy's next alpha/beta release? Because for "customers" like me that have laptops with touchpads, it is veeery frustrating not being able to tap/double-tap when we want to single-left-click/double-left-click something.
Just a thought ;)
did i mention you need to manually click the save file update thing to save it doesnt do it automatically when you shutdown, if you need auto matic updateing (more like realtime writing to the usb stick) then add another partition preferably ext2, 3 or 4 and using gparted or whatever means label it as live-rw
this seems the most fool proof way of doing things but it isnt compressed.
pussy will auto look for any partition called live-rw at boot and will find it and use it immediately.
also if your using the compressed save file thing (from the script in catroll-panel) trying doing it without booting without the copy to ram option, for some reason this complicates things a little, then save again as this seems to be less troublesome. i think in copy to ram mode it doesnt mount the drive automatically or something

#128 Post by aarf »

from http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 926#551926
I have Debian Squeeze on my netbook, and getting connected to wifi is dead easy: it just asks for the wep code, and off you go. Where's the hassle in that?

also discussing pets to debs there.
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#129 Post by sickgut »

when making pussy i kinda presumed that just using the standard debian base would have all the wifi drivers and firmware you could ever want, i was wrong... even this tplink wn442g usb wifi thing that is from 2008 has trouble, however the rtl8187se from the eeepc701sd and newer atheros are supported fine. The next release will have all the available wifi drivers/ firmware available to install from the live media in the /addon dir, however if my research concludes that there is no extra system load or compatibility problems in including it all installed into the pussyos.squashfs base then ill do that instead. thankyou to everyone here for bringing my attention to this wifi firmware issue


#130 Post by bugman »

aarf wrote:
john3voltas wrote:
aarf wrote:i have so much that i could be doing now that i do nothing at all except play chess online. must be the planatary arrangement.
Which one? The one that brings 2012 doomsday with it? lol
if thats what you want it can be arranged. just ask bugman, he is in day to day control these days.
aarf, please take one step to your right

thank you

#131 Post by aarf »

bugman wrote:
aarf wrote:
john3voltas wrote: Which one? The one that brings 2012 doomsday with it? lol
if thats what you want it can be arranged. just ask bugman, he is in day to day control these days.
aarf, please take one step to your right

thank you
a big step or a little step? is the time of day important? before meals after meals?,do i repeat each day?. can i take left steps sometimes? i need to get it right, it seems so critically important. :( .you know i wouldn't want doomsday to come too late or early because of me.. :arrow:

#132 Post by bugman »

aarf wrote:
bugman wrote:
aarf wrote: if thats what you want it can be arranged. just ask bugman, he is in day to day control these days.
aarf, please take one step to your right

thank you
a big step or a little step? is the time of day important? before meals after meals?,do i repeat each day?. can i take left steps sometimes? i need to get it right, it seems so critically important. :( .you know i wouldn't want doomsday to come too late or early because of me.. :arrow:
do not forget the gift of free will
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#133 Post by sickgut »

is dooms day a lan party?
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#134 Post by john3voltas »

sickgut wrote:is dooms day a lan party?
If it is, then count me in :P.
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pppoe for pussy linux

#135 Post by Payoon »

Hi Sickgut,
didn't forget about that pppoe thing to connect to internet fixedline without dhcp (without router).

4 packages have to be installed to make pppoe work:

- libpcap0.8_1.1.1-2_i386.deb
- modconf_0.3.11_all.deb
- ppp_2.4.5-4_i386.deb
- pppoeconf_1.19_all.deb

I think install in this order. After that pppoe can be configured with pppoeconf or pppoe-setup.
Maybe You want to include this in Your next release.

So far Pussy Linux works fine, same like a full hd install, but a lot faster.

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Re: pppoe for pussy linux

#136 Post by sickgut »

Payoon wrote:Hi Sickgut,
didn't forget about that pppoe thing to connect to internet fixedline without dhcp (without router).

4 packages have to be installed to make pppoe work:

- libpcap0.8_1.1.1-2_i386.deb
- modconf_0.3.11_all.deb
- ppp_2.4.5-4_i386.deb
- pppoeconf_1.19_all.deb

I think install in this order. After that pppoe can be configured with pppoeconf or pppoe-setup.
Maybe You want to include this in Your next release.

So far Pussy Linux works fine, same like a full hd install, but a lot faster.

hi payoon..
thanks for your input. those packages will be included in the next release and may i add directly as a result of your testing and feedback, thankyou for making pussy better
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Re: pppoe for pussy linux

#137 Post by laika »

Payoon wrote:4 packages have to be installed to make pppoe work:
Thanks, Payoon! Very timely - I booted Pussy Linux for the first time last night and tried to connect with pppoe-setup... then pppoeconf ...then I thought I'd try to configure etc/ppp by hand, but it wasn't there! I'll grab those packages and see what happens.
Payoon wrote:So far Pussy Linux works fine, same like a full hd install, but a lot faster.
That was also my first impression of Alpha Pussy. Unpolished so far, but it's like a big distro, but snappy fast like these little LiveCD/RAM disk flavors. Must not be busybox? So much commandline stuff in the man pages. I even did an old-fashioned #shutdown -h "now" to get out of it last night :-)

Good Stuff, sickgut! To the degree that I understand what you're doing, Pussy Linux is a very interesting development in a very interesting GNU/Linux. niche. I think I read somewhere that Barry K was thinking about a distro agnostic Puppy-type builder. Is this a step in that direction, sort of?
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#138 Post by laika »

Observations from an end-user who is not as savvy as the average Puppy forum member seems to be:

(I realize that Pussy is Alpha)
In order to copy over the pppoe-related debs that Payoon kindly listed, I had to create a mount point for the media where I'd stored them, then configure /etc/fstab for that device. Unless there's a pmount-type mounter tool in there that I overlooked, mounting other drives is gonna be a hurdle for a user less familiar with the command line who wants to try out Felis Linus. It was a bit of challenge for me, having forgotten most of that stuff after lazily using convenient graphic mounters such as pmount for so long :oops:

I'm still not online, as pppoeconf wanted to used a gettext.sh that was not present in /usr/bin where it looked for it. I imagine that this is the text dialog for configuring pppoeconf. I know that sickgut is aware of the need for ways of configuring connections beyond WICD, but thought I'd mention it again as part of what I've encountered from the perspective of a less sophisticated user. The packages listed by Payoon did generate /etc/ppp and contents, so if I could remember how to configure a connection by hand, I now have that much at my disposal.
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#139 Post by sickgut »

laika wrote:Observations from an end-user who is not as savvy as the average Puppy forum member seems to be:

(I realize that Pussy is Alpha)
In order to copy over the pppoe-related debs that Payoon kindly listed, I had to create a mount point for the media where I'd stored them, then configure /etc/fstab for that device. Unless there's a pmount-type mounter tool in there that I overlooked, mounting other drives is gonna be a hurdle for a user less familiar with the command line who wants to try out Felis Linus. It was a bit of challenge for me, having forgotten most of that stuff after lazily using convenient graphic mounters such as pmount for so long :oops:

I'm still not online, as pppoeconf wanted to used a gettext.sh that was not present in /usr/bin where it looked for it. I imagine that this is the text dialog for configuring pppoeconf. I know that sickgut is aware of the need for ways of configuring connections beyond WICD, but thought I'd mention it again as part of what I've encountered from the perspective of a less sophisticated user. The packages listed by Payoon did generate /etc/ppp and contents, so if I could remember how to configure a connection by hand, I now have that much at my disposal.
Hi Iaika (is that a uppercase i or alowe case L at the start of your name? i can never tell lol)

if you use a iso editor (apt-get install isomaster) or use the same app in puppy... etc..(isomaster will be included in next version) and remove the /live/pussyxtra.squashfs file from the iso then reburn it or whatever... you will be left with a 207mb distro not a 500mb one, due to the lack of server space at the moment ive ony uploaded the large iso but the user can remove the /live pussyxtra.squashfs and or the pussyos.squashfs and be left with a 207mb or 67mb distro respectively. So with little tinkering pussy doesnt have to be a large distro

There isnt a good auto mounting system in pussy yet other than mkdir /mountpoint <enter> mount /dev/sdb1 /mountpoint <enter>

as this distro was originally intended to be a snapshot for puppy devs and an ask for help from them to fit puppies cool stuff to this distro, the puppy automounting thing isnt there as i was hoping toget a hand fro the puppy devs to fit it there, also i dont know if there is any debian way that is as good as puppy to get this happening. Also take a look at /etc/fstab .

note about jerry rigging up a mounting system.. any ideas people?
I can setup desktop shortcuts to say /media/sda1 /media/sda2 /media/sdb1 /media/sdb2 /media/sdc1 /media/sdc2 ....etc ..... and enter their mount points an /dev names in the /etc/fstab and if the actual drives are found on startup they will have a green dot on the folder icon indicting they are found and good to go, also if the drive isnt foundd there will be a grey or a blue dot on the icon, but if that drive is inserted you can click the folder and /etc/fstab will mount it for you thus turning the folder "on" with a green dot on it and it is accessible. I can set it up but its messy as there could be 10 folder icons and there might be only 4 that the average user might use also if we are dealing with like 5 partitions on one drive then there will have to be like 20 icons lol.
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#140 Post by laika »

sickgut wrote:Hi Iaika (is that a uppercase i or alowe case L at the start of your name? i can never tell lol)
Laika, like the little Russian space dog.
sickgut wrote:if you use a iso editor (apt-get install isomaster) or use the same app in puppy... etc..(isomaster will be included in next version) and remove the /live/pussyxtra.squashfs file from the iso then reburn it or whatever... you will be left with a 207mb distro not a 500mb one...
Ha! You read my mind there... I've been wondering if something like that would be best, or if there was a live boot option to ignore the pussyxtra.sfs. I refer to my LiveCD with the extras as Pussy Galore. All I want right now is the 207mb version, what I will call Felis Domesticus Linus.

Still trying to get online with DSL. /etc/ppp/peers/provider complains about plugin rp-pppoe.so when I pon.

Thanks for your help, sickgut. Pussy Linux continues to impress me as an interesting and worthwhile pursuit. I hope that you succeed in interesting some people that can help you along with it.
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