ICEWM: Pound key is behaving like backspace key

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ICEWM: Pound key is behaving like backspace key

#1 Post by sambhajisgayake »

Hi All,

I am using icewm 1.2.26. When I use it, i have found that pound(number) key is behaving like a backspace key. e.g. in VI, when I press "#" key, it behaves like a backcpace. But when i use DTWM, i have not observed this behavior. Can anybody please let me know how to rectify this problem? is any setting is required for this>

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#2 Post by darkerror05 »

have you tried re running the mouse keyboard wizard?
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#3 Post by sambhajisgayake »

no i have not tried. but whats that? i tried using "xmodmap", but nothing happened.
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#4 Post by darkerror05 »

its in the main menu. Start, setup, mouse/keyboard wizard and try "choose layout for your country." hope that helps
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#5 Post by sambhajisgayake »

Found solution, had to add following line to .Xdefaults.

XTerm*ttyModes: erase ^H intr ^C kill ^U eof ^D susp ^Z dsusp ^Y

Thanks for reply.
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