High CPU Usage !

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High CPU Usage !

#1 Post by Tui »

I have been using a full instal of LUCIPUP V525 and upgraded
to v528. All looks to run ok with the exception of high CPU usage.

With various progs open I notice that the CPU usage runs at around
85+% and when I introduce WINE the usage this now climbs
to 98-100% things start to slow down! no problem with RAM
that sits at around 158Mb, with heaps to spare.

So can any thing be done to improve the situation - this is a 64bit machine
I am using - I need to test things out using same progs
on a lower spec machine, and compare results.

Thanks Tui

#2 Post by Dewbie »

You might want to try this or this.
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#3 Post by alienjeff »

Consider "top" or "ps -u root"

Identify resource hog(s)

Fix and/or report back
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#4 Post by crshbndct »

various progs - does this include chromium by any chance?

when i use chrome on debian, even to just display google homepage uses 65% cpu (6 core amd)
in the time it took me to boot windows, edit this signature, save it, and shutdown, an identical spec pc was able to boot puppy, start songbird, and reboot 3 times.

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#5 Post by analog »

I have also noted the fan is working overtime since I went from Lucid 525 to 528. I use .pet's made for 525. Installation: medion netbook e1210 2GB, 2GB CF superfloppy ext3. This is a 32 bit atom, maybe 528 is not the best choice?
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#6 Post by 8-bit »

Run menu - system - System Status & Config - Htop system process viewer.
Make note of the applications or processes in the top lines and the CPU usage.
You can try killing the ones that are using lots of CPU time.

Report back with which ones are holding your CPU hostage.
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#7 Post by analog »

The cpu hog is - not surprisingly - firefox with multible tabs open. I'm not sure it has anything to do with Lucid 525 vs 528 - I would have to go back to 525 to test. 528 seems to have some quirks (like puppy pfix=ram not doing anything)(and what happened to the crypto option for the pupsave file), so I think I will go back for awhile.
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#8 Post by ttuuxxx »

Usually when I play Cafe World on facebook, the cpu usage goes to about 95%, Its basically firefox's plugin-container that is loading adobe flashplayer, Flash has always been a bit of cpu hog, I did contact the games manufacture and informed them that maybe in the future look more towards html5 than flash based games. I did reduce the percent allocated to the plugin-container and only allowed 70% Cpu usage but it did slowdown the game and made flash crash, which was good because then it sends a message to adobe about the crash, so then I made it crash a few times at 80% also :) just to be a pain, lol
http://audio.online-convert.com/ <-- excellent site
http://samples.mplayerhq.hu/A-codecs/ <-- Codec Test Files
http://html5games.com/ <-- excellent HTML5 games :)
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