about safe installation of puppy in hard drive

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about safe installation of puppy in hard drive

#1 Post by jctots »

hello... im trying to install puppy on my hard drive in another partition (ext3) while i have a running windows xp installed in another partition (ntfs). on the setup wizard. if i choose the option 2, can i still run my windows xp? and on the grub part... the wizard tells me that i must install grub on mbr, but the wizard also tells me its unsafe, if i choose mbr, can i still run my windows xp?
just asking to be safe... im not the only one using this PC so i want it to be safe... thanks
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menu.lst needs modification

#2 Post by raffy »

While in the 1.xx Puppy versions, the Grub settings in this method works without modifications, but in your case, you will have to modify the partition number in the menu.lst file and point to the actual location of the kernel. There are many Grub tutorials in this forum - try this.

Note that the Puppy files in your case are in another partition (not in the same NTFS partition).
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