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#41 Post by nooby »

Yes I got very surprised that here at Puppy them want (Solved)
at the end while in Ubuntu? or was it LinuxQuestions forum there them want it in the beginning of the title of thread.

I guess it is not so important if one have (Solved)
or [Solved] but some do like the [] over the ():)
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#42 Post by Whusmaname »

Please see previous post for edit...
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#43 Post by Béèm »

Can you issue in a terminal free and post the result here.
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#44 Post by Whusmaname »

Okay... Opened urxvt:
total used free shared buffers
Mem: 60360 58776 1584 0 7928
Swap: 6144808 112 6144696
Total: 6205168 58888 6146280
PS: How does one do columns in BBcode?

Edit: Oh, wait... did you mean while I've got Gparted running? I'll edit this if so...

Edit 2: Nevermind... it allowed me to delete the partition, so I can now edit /dev/sda2 to increase the size, then make the rest of the unpartitioned space into a swap-part.
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#45 Post by Béèm »

Glad you could make a step forward.
I am not sure BBCode can do columns.
Maybe in HTML mode.
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#46 Post by Whusmaname »

Maybe tables? Now, how did I do it in the other forums again?

Table 1:


Nope... I guess not.

How do I suggest this BBcode to be added in the next major version?
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#47 Post by Béèm »

Did you try in HTML mode?

In any way, John Murga keeps the software up to date.
You can PM him about this.
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#48 Post by Whusmaname »

No, I didn't... but my html is set to off, so it wouldn't help even if I knew how to do tables in html. (I used to know, but I've forgotten so much of it...)

As for telling John Murga via PM, I'll do just that. thanks.
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#49 Post by Béèm »

Well, I don't want to push you, but going into your profile preferences-posting a message you can put HTML on.

But indeed John Murga is the person to contact.
I can't remember this has come up before.
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#50 Post by Whusmaname »

That's the thing... I've set it to on, but for some reason, it's not working.
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#51 Post by Béèm »

The HTML code uses the < > pair not [ ]
That's one reason.
But the structure you propose isn't valid either.

In SeaMonkey you can start the composer.
Insert a table and study the code.

But best is to wait on an answer of John Murga.
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#52 Post by Whusmaname »

I figured out why the html is still off in my posts when the setting says it's on.
I haven't been on this forum long enough to warrant the trust that's required for html just yet. Once the admins of the forum see whether I can be trusted with html or not, they'll activate it if I'm worthy... no rush there... I still need to learn how to use html, so I'm not fussed.

As for the BBcode structure not being valid... are you saying that it would be better in html-type format, but using [ and ] instead of < and >?
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#53 Post by Béèm »

Where did you get the idea that you have to be trusted for html?

When you did the example for table1, I thought you made it as an example of html. Hence my remark that html statements/code is between < >

If you intended it to be BBCode, then yes brackets are used.
I saw that the table commands exists, but probably not implemented here.

Maybe John Murga has to change his version of phpBB.
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#54 Post by Whusmaname »

Oh, I just assumed it was about earning the trust of the admins as a noobie before the privilege of using html became active...

As for using the html code with BBcode brackets, I didn't know that was the syntax for html... I just knew that as BBcode from my previous experiences with BB's
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#55 Post by Béèm »

Well I have the same issue as you.
Altho I activated HTML in my profile, it doesn't show as being on.
I have never worked like that.

I'll investigate as this is an interesting question.
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#56 Post by Whusmaname »

Thanks, Béèm. I just checked the PM reply from John, and he said he'll be checking into that as well (At least, I think he is... that part of the message wasn't all too clear...)

As for what he said about doing tables, there is the screenshot option (Which you can't cut and paste from) and the formatted text option (which you CAN cut and paste from)...

What I was wanting to do was use the table to space out the stuff I could've just taken a screenshot of if I wasn't afraid of overtaxing the machine I needed to get the screenshot from in the first place.
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#57 Post by Béèm »

When I take a screenshot I crop the part which is relevant and resize the picture to have it max 600pixels wide. This reduces the space needed on the server.
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#58 Post by Whusmaname »

When (If, more like) I take a screenshot, I upload it to my photobucket account, and post a link to it.
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#59 Post by nooby »

Ah a photobucket account. I had one at Flickr yahoo something?
But lost the password so now fail to log in.

But one can do editing in the mtpaint too? Not that I am good at it. I barely know what I do but a 1000KB got down to 57KB or somethng but the low resolution looks bad to look at :)

haha this thread can go on forever.
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#60 Post by Whusmaname »

Unless it gets locked, that is... We could always start another thread in the general talk section, and link back to this so the conversation can continue...

I think I'll do that, then edit this one to link to it... I'll be back in a mo.

Edit. Click here to continue, I'll PM a mod to get this thread locked.
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