KDE4 SFS for Lupu 528

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KDE4 SFS for Lupu 528

#1 Post by battleshooter »

KDE 4.6.3 SFS

Update! 24/1/12

Since Megaupload is down I've uploaded the SFS again with a new host thanks to Russoodle. This SFS is smaller by almost 100MB, but no features are missing. I just was able to strip QT further.

A few other minor changes:
Enabled root logins by default
Shutdown using KDM should work by default. Any other login method will still have to use a separate shutdown manager.
Fixed the Dolphin menu entry so there isn't an error when starting it from the menu.

New Size: 225MB
SFS Download!
MD5sum: de23f44e93f734fa84eb2a98745c6cac
Extra programs

KDE is an international free software community producing an integrated set of cross-platform applications designed to run on Linux, FreeBSD, Microsoft Windows, Solaris and Mac OS X systems. It is best known for its Plasma Desktop, a desktop environment provided as the default working environment on many Linux distributions, such as Kubuntu, Pardus and openSUSE.

The goal of the community is to provide basic desktop functions and applications for daily needs as well as tools and documentation for developers to write stand-alone applications for the system. In this regard, the KDE project serves as an umbrella project for many standalone applications and smaller projects that are based on KDE technology. These include Calligra Suite, digiKam, Rekonq, K3b and many others.

KDE software is based on the Qt framework. The original GPL version of this toolkit only existed for the X11 platform, but with the release of Qt 4, LGPL versions are available for all platforms. This allows KDE software based on Qt 4 to also be distributed to Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X.
So the upshot is this SFS is the KDE base you need to run KDE applications. It also includes the KDE desktop (which I am not really fond of, so haven't tested much). All headers are included again, which means you can add the devx sfs and start compiling KDE4 stuff.

I'm more interested in the software that relies on KDE4, particularly Kdenlive, as some may know. I haven't included Kdenlive in this SFS, but I'll add links to to a few programs including Kdenlive that I have compiled with this SFS later on.

If you want to try the KDE4 desktop, you can:

a) Change to it with the window manager (Desktop->desktop settings->WM switcher)

b) Just run it on top of you current window manager by typing "startkde" into a console (Probably good if you just want to have a quick peek at what it's like)

c) Log in through kdm. This is done by exiting X and then typing in "kdm" into the prompt. This will allow KDE to run the way it was designed to, but it requires you to add a non root user. I had trouble with this because I'm not familiar with non root user procedures (having been a puppian all my Linux life) .

Fixed Issues
Rxvt can now be used while in the KDE desktop.
Log out now works when starting KDE without kdm. It will just take you to prompt or your original desktop depending on how you started KDE.
Now phonon has a backend so Juk works and there is KDE notification sounds.

Known Issues
There's no shutdown or restart option, or they don't work without starting with kdm. See fix below.
Starting a KDE program without starting the desktop first will give you 2 errors about there being no .kde folder, but then the program will create the folder and continue.
Most of Puppy's menu entries in the KDE menu are still in "Lost and Found" due to different format issues


If you like Dolphin (the KDE file manager) you can replace rox with it by editing /usr/local/bin/rox and replacing "/usr/local/apps/ROX-Filer/AppRun" with "dolphin". Of course this means now when you type "rox" Dolphin will pop up instead.

(I was able to startup dolphin instead of rox in pmount last SFS by just replacing instances of "rox -d" with "dolphin", but pmount seems to have changed a little and now I'm not sure if it will still work).

Instead of scrolling through lost and found looking for pup apps, Master_wrong mentioned using Menu->Applications->Utilities->PupApps launcher, which is easier :)

Roadkill13 suggested symlinking the contents of /root/Startup to /root/.kde/Autostart. This gets the usual stuff which starts in Puppy to start in KDE4 too :)


Last edited by battleshooter on Mon 23 Jan 2012, 21:23, edited 11 times in total.
[url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94580]LMMS 1.0.2[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94593]Ardour 3.5.389[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94629]Kdenlive 0.9.8[/url]
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#2 Post by battleshooter »

SFS contents

qjson (svn)
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[url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94580]LMMS 1.0.2[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94593]Ardour 3.5.389[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94629]Kdenlive 0.9.8[/url]
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#3 Post by battleshooter »

KDE4 programs

Kdenlive rev5850-Video editor
Smplayer 0.6.9- Media player
kdemultimedia 4.6.3- KDE multimedia pack, includes Juk, Dragon player, Kmix, KSCD.
kdegames 4.6.3- KDE games pack, includes a lot of games full list here.
Muse Score 1.1- Music score editor
Keepassx 0.4.3- Secure personal data manager
Last edited by battleshooter on Thu 10 Nov 2011, 20:11, edited 6 times in total.
[url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94580]LMMS 1.0.2[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94593]Ardour 3.5.389[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94629]Kdenlive 0.9.8[/url]
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#4 Post by Master_wrong »

great sfs...

with 528 we can load the sfs on the fly too... good job... very nice...

btw from

menu- application-utility-pupapps launcher
we can run all the puppy program too
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#5 Post by battleshooter »

Thanks Master_wrong, for downloading and pointing out about the launcher, I'd forgotten about that, that'll make starting up the Pup apps easier than scrolling through lost and found :)

I'll add that to tips in case other people missed it like me.

[url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94580]LMMS 1.0.2[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94593]Ardour 3.5.389[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94629]Kdenlive 0.9.8[/url]
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#6 Post by Master_wrong »

i just realized that were pupcontrol panel... under pup launcher... it include alot of thing too like roxterm, gparted, network wizard and remaster... :wink:

KDE surely fun and fast with puppy... even dolphin work.

however bluetooth is not installed.
hopefully it can be actually useful, like ability to install those big program for kde.

btw have you try remaster... ?

about login it should be set from
menu-system setting-login screen, but it was no go...
so the best bet is to set autologin manually...
check kdmrc in

successfully boot as root after editing the files kdmrc to enable root login

then login using
name ---> root
password --->woofwoof

btw shutdown using the kde will put you back into terminal, so its still be better to use shutdown pet.
the only difference is that now it would be possible boot into kde automatically then enter name and password...

thank again
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#7 Post by battleshooter »

Ahh you're awesome Master_wrong, I've been puzzling over the root login for awhile, beats me why I didn't think of googling it all this while. Nice work :)

Yeah, it's a pity about the shutdown not really working. Maybe it's just a config file that needs to be tweaked?

Remastering, yeah, I thought about that, but it doesn't really seem practical. I prefer SFSs that can be loaded on to the official Puppy so people can customize one Pup, otherwise people have to keep on rebooting into different Puppies to get different things done. If there's a demand though, I don't mind giving a KDE4 puppy ago. I even have name for it:

KOG -The KDE dog, because it's too slow and old to be a puppy

;) Sorry, that was meant to be a joke, hope that's not offensive to anyone that likes KDE4, cause I do like it myself. And the logo would have the "O" in the shape of a cog with the puppy logo in the middle :)

Back to topic...

Bluetooth, hmmm, not sure how to get started with that if I were to look into it. I think I have a dongle somewhere a could test with, but as I'm not even sure how to get bluetooth in regular Puppy, I don't know if I'd be the one to bring KDE bluetooth to Puppy :\

[url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94580]LMMS 1.0.2[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94593]Ardour 3.5.389[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94629]Kdenlive 0.9.8[/url]
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#8 Post by Master_wrong »

Yeah, it's a pity about the shutdown not really working. Maybe it's just a config file that needs to be tweaked?
i think its about shutdown script from kde we should edit that or we can create boot up kde script on puppy such as :
exit from puppy desktop ----> i dont know the command

so after exit kde then the computer will shutdown.

about bluetooth... I have created blueman for 5.2, however i think the major overhaul into 528 makes the 5.2 pet useless. i will create again from source... i also will try to create the kbluetooth is possible.

yes i know puppy was meant to be small, but more option is a good thing imho.
kde-puplet... yeah that would be great if you can boot puppy and get kde desktop automatically isnt ?
i assume that the size of iso would be around 500mb then ?
or 140mb normal puppy, and 350mb sfs but with just 1 click, can change destop into kde ?
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#9 Post by puppyiso »

battleshooter, the megaupload is inaccessible.

Any other link(s)?

And what version of puppy can I use the KDE sfs for?

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#10 Post by battleshooter »


Been fiddling with the shutdown issue. In the /usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc file there is also the option to set the shutdown and reboot command. The only problem is the usual Puppy shutdown and restart commands seem to be broken in KDE4 as the scripts rely on having the window manager's name recorded in /etc/windowmanager, and I can't figure out what the windowmanager is called in KDE4. It seems it should be kwin, but kwin seems to only control the taskbar and window frames.

This also means the Pupshutdown tweak won't work :\


Unfortunately, that's my only link :\ If Megaupload is still causing trouble next morning, I'll start a new upload, it will take awhile though, so sorry about that.

Edit: Good news, Megaupload seems to be running again. Still, I know it's not very reliable and annoying with the waiting time. Next time I'll try and upload somewhere else as well.

Last edited by battleshooter on Mon 05 Sep 2011, 09:37, edited 1 time in total.
[url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94580]LMMS 1.0.2[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94593]Ardour 3.5.389[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94629]Kdenlive 0.9.8[/url]
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#11 Post by Master_wrong »

http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-freeb ... 05114.html

check above

also log off script

shutdown scripts I found the output to be


A script placed in /usr/shutdown does get run when a user logs out.
Cluster-Pup v.2-Puppy Beowulf Cluster

#12 Post by Adagio »

K3b is easily installed from Ubuntu .deb.
The required libs are on the system already, just in the wrong place. :)

Haven't got Konqueror addons working yet.

Got a bit carried away and did a custom background. It translates OK to widescreen.
Now my workmates don't hang it on me when they see me boot up and a comical puppy appears.
I used Grub to hide it, and the background gives me more credibility.
Yes, I'm a traitor, I know.
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#13 Post by battleshooter »

Great news Master_wrong, I think I've figured out the shutdown problem. As suspected, the solution lies in /usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc.

By uncommenting

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

and setting their values to /sbin/poweroff and /sbin/reboot respectively, this seems to sort out the shutdown issue.

I was initially looking there, but I didn't realize they required the whole path to work out. I just need to do a bit more testing to see if it's dependent on any of the other tweaks I tried before this one, but I doubt it.


That's good to know. I used to use K3B all the time, but stopped using it due to HAL issues. Which Ubuntu version did you take it from?

Thanks for the wallpaper, I'm not sure if KDE4 can really be considered slim, but it's the the thought that counts :)

Haha, you're not a traitor, you're "undercover" ;)

[url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94580]LMMS 1.0.2[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94593]Ardour 3.5.389[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94629]Kdenlive 0.9.8[/url]

#14 Post by Adagio »

K3b from Oneiric.
Just discovered a write permissions issue with it, to sort out.

"Slim" cos it's running on SlimPup.

It looks particularly nice with the SlimPup icon set. :)
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#15 Post by battleshooter »

Haha oh okey, I get it now. That was a bit of a puzzle to me :)

Ah yeah, the permissions, hope that works out for you, that's where things got messy for me. K3B would install, but I couldn't actually get it to burn.

[url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94580]LMMS 1.0.2[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94593]Ardour 3.5.389[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94629]Kdenlive 0.9.8[/url]
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#16 Post by Diamond »

Thank you for this great SFS :)
I have been waiting soo long for this :)
My problems are:
1) Sound card is not working,I have sound blaster,and KDE asks every time I log... "Should I forget about this cards"....

Oh no,that is my SB sound card...
There is no "mixer",it would be much easier to disable onboard sound card.
I tried with multiple sound card,to make SB default,and no use. It happened that music is playing but no sound (?!?!)
2) Restart and turn off not working,all I got when I log off.... is restart to console mode. Tried with this workaround edited file,but no use.

edit: OpenGL graphic effects won't work.
Many effects are not working under XRender.
(blur,glide,screenshot,startup feedback,wobbly windows,desktop cube animation...)
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#17 Post by battleshooter »

Hey Diamond,

Glad you like it and thanks for the feedback. For desktop effects, I'm pretty sure you'll need the kdeplasma-addons package, (download it here) and have DRI running on your system. Try typing "glxinfo" in a console and look for "direct rendering:yes" near the top. If you haven't got DRI going, use "Quickpet->Drivers->Test Graphics Card" to figure out which driver you'll need to get DRI going.

See how things go from there.

Music but no sound? Not quite sure what you mean, could you elaborate? Is the this a problem you have normally in Lupu without the KDE4 SFS or did the trouble only start when using KDE4?

Strange about the restart not working. I tested the tweak on a clean save and it worked fine. Did you remember to uncomment HaltCmd= and RebootCmd= by removing the " #"? Are you logged in as root or another user?

[url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94580]LMMS 1.0.2[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94593]Ardour 3.5.389[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94629]Kdenlive 0.9.8[/url]
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#18 Post by Diamond »

battleshooter wrote: Music but no sound? Not quite sure what you mean, could you elaborate? Is the this a problem you have normally in Lupu without the KDE4 SFS or did the trouble only start when using KDE4?

Strange about the restart not working. I tested the tweak on a clean save and it worked fine. Did you remember to uncomment HaltCmd= and RebootCmd= by removing the " #"? Are you logged in as root or another user?
There is no sound in KDE. I have not this problem in Puppy,everything worked fine untill I installed KDE. Now there is no sound without KDE.

I will try fix about reboot later,thanx for your tip.
Greetings :)
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#19 Post by Diamond »

Kde seems in early beta stage ? Crashed this morning,it won't start.
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#20 Post by battleshooter »

Diamond wrote:Kde seems in early beta stage ? Crashed this morning,it won't start.
How are you trying to start it up? With "Desktop->desktop settings->WM switcher" or "startkde" or with kdm? I'm finding it hard to troubleshoot for you because I don't know how you're doing things.

For example, if you log in with kdm as a user without permissions set, you won't get sound, but I don't know how you're logging in so I'm not sure where to start. :)

[url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94580]LMMS 1.0.2[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94593]Ardour 3.5.389[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94629]Kdenlive 0.9.8[/url]
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