How to install xf-prot in Puppy 5.28?

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How to install xf-prot in Puppy 5.28?

#1 Post by otropogo »

Have finally bitten the bullet and abandoned Puppy 4.3 for lupu5.28. One of the first things I missed was xf-prot, since I move a lot of stuff from my linux machine to Windows.

I tried using both the pet for xfprot2.4 and the debian package. Both were reported installed succesffully by petmanager, and both have an icon in the utility. But when I click on either one, the system beeps and pops up a red window saying "binary not found".

Any suggestions?

Has anyone succeed installing xf-prot?

Alternatively, is there any other AV scanner one can install in lupu?
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#2 Post by nooby »

Sorry me so wordy.
Edit again. I found it in Slacko now.
It is installing so don't know yet how well it worked.
Try it out and tell if it worked well for you! :)

oops it installed and then said a warning
Cannot detect f-prot's version
So maybe one need to do something more.
Compare with this thread.
F-Prot 4.6.6 and xfprot 1.15 virus scanner

Him says
Here's the F-Prot virus scanner with the XFprot GUI.

I downloaded the latest F-Prot engine and Guest Too's xfprot version 1.15 dotpup, then repackaged them both with Mark's dotpup wizard.

After downloading click on update to download the latest virus def files.

Scans for Unix and Windows viruses.

Home page:

then he uploaded a .pup which I have forgotten what that is about
and which puppy does that work on? Take a look
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#3 Post by otropogo »

nooby wrote:Sorry me so wordy.
Edit again. I found it in Slacko now.
It is installing so don't know yet how well it worked.
Try it out and tell if it worked well for you! :)

oops it installed and then said a warning
Cannot detect f-prot's version
Yeah, that's the old problem that could sometimes be fixed with a patch. It's nothing like the new problem I have of the "missing binary".

Also, Slacko, like earlier versions of Puppy came with xfprot (and presumably fprot also) pre-installed . It just had to be activated, go online, and download the virus sigs (which is basically its job, together with providing a gui for fprot).

But lupu doesn't have xfprot preinstalled. And I'm guessing the problem I have is that while xfprot is now installed, fprot isn't! And since the debian package doesn't work any better than the old pet in lupu, I'm stumped.
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#4 Post by nooby »

Ah yes you are right one need to know how to do such things.
The GUI is only a help but one need to activate it in CLI
I tried without downloading files and only clicked on the Meny entry
and that did not work.

It is not something a computer challenged noob can make use of.

Which is sad because one need to do some anti virus things now and then.

I have to find somebody that can teach me how to activate it. I am too noob to sort it out reading texts. Them describe on a level too difficult to know what it refers to.
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#6 Post by otropogo »

Thanks. Now the xfprot gui comes up, asks me if I'm running as root, asks me to agree to the license agreement, and everything looks good., although browsing to the target folders is a bit slow. But...

When I click on the update tab, I get the following terminal message in LX:
Error: Parsing config file '/etc/f-prot.conf': No such file or directory

Please wait...contacting Update server

Error: Parsing config file '/etc/f-prot.conf': No such file or directory

You can close the terminal emulator now.
Any suggestions on fixing this? I find it quite a bit more convenient to click on "update" than to open a terminal and type in the update command provided in your link.
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#7 Post by nooby »

pemasu thanks indeed for sharing this with us who want to use F-prot.

How did you get it going on your machines?
what is it we do wrong? Late at night so I read your friendly answer
tomorrow. Much appreciated that you care.
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#8 Post by pemasu »

Code: Select all

# ./
	(c) FRISK Software International
	You are about to install F-Prot Antivirus for Linux Workstations
 	on a Unknown Linux 2.6.39 running on i686 into the '/opt/f-prot'

/opt/f-prot/f-prot.conf already exists, not copying /opt/f-prot/f-prot.conf.default to that location

Link /etc/f-prot.conf already exists, pointing to /usr/local/f-prot/f-prot.conf.

Replace it with a link pointing to /opt/f-prot/f-prot.conf?
(Just press Enter to accept the default) [Y/n]: y

Where do you want a symbolic link to 'F-Prot Antivirus command line scanner (fpscan)' to be created?
(Just press Enter to accept the default) [/usr/local/bin]: 

Where do you want a symbolic link to 'section 8 manuals' to be created?
(Just press Enter to accept the default) [/usr/share/man/man8]: 

Where do you want a symbolic link to 'section 1 manuals' to be created?
(Just press Enter to accept the default) [/usr/share/man/man1]: 

Where do you want a symbolic link to 'section 5 manuals' to be created?
(Just press Enter to accept the default) [/usr/share/man/man5]: 

Changing file access permissions on the installed files and directories ...ok
Checking if you have an existing license key...yes

Found an existing license key in /opt/f-prot/license.key, updating antivir.def ...

Downloading update (%18)
Seems to work fine as described in my post.

If you want to use gui. Then just install Barrys gui and let it handle whole business. Then you dont need my posted package at all. And you miss needed symlink in that /etc/f-prot.conf to point it to the real location. If you used my posted small guide it has instruction to launch the installer, where the symlink creation is asked. As my post above shows. You seem to have missed that. My copy of the installation above is somewhat misleading since I first installed fprot with Barrys gui and then I tested my posted Lucid fprot package. Thats why there is some files already found. ...
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#9 Post by nooby »


Not that I get exactly what to do but I test it anyway.
hope Otro do too and tell result.

I go to bed now.
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#10 Post by otropogo »

pemasu wrote: Lucid fprot package. Thats why there is some files already found. ...
Thanks Pemasu. That new pet (I hadn't found it in any of my searches) finally did the trick. I just installed it, it downloaded the latest sig file (assume), then I accepted all the defaults offered. When I reopened it, IIRC, it gave me a red popup sayding fprot not found, or words to that effect, then downloaded everything again. But now it works, although it seems to take a two or three tries to get the target folder listed in the path using the gui browser.
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#11 Post by nooby »

I am in two headed 528 now and try to get f-prot going but I am not intelligent enough.

Struggled for hours.

Sure I went to and dl the zipped thing and extracted it and moved the f-prot to /opt and it fail to do anything. Nothing works.

I try pemasu desccription now and see what that one says.
Well that one get things going a bit but I don't know how to run it
Edit then reading that otropogo had success with pemasu pet
then I tried that one again and it downloaded the update
but then I don't know how to get it going scanning obviously

F-PROT Antivirus version (built: 2009-12-23T13-43-55)

FRISK Software International (C) Copyright 1989-2009
Engine version:
Arguments: --output=/root/.xfprot/xfprot.log --report --archive=99 --adware --applications --scanlevel=3 --heurlevel=2 /mnt/home
Virus signatures: 20110914173940df9188fcacea3534131c48cb05f60d

[Error] <Not a scannable filesystem object> /mnt/home


Files: 0
Skipped files: 0
MBR/boot sectors checked: 0
Objects scanned: 0
Infected objects: 0
Files with errors: 0
Disinfected: 0

Running time: 00:01
Scanned: /mnt/home
otropogo wrote:But now it works, although it seems to take a two or three tries to get the target folder listed in the path using the gui browser.
could that be where I go wrong too. You did not say what you did to get it going :)
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#12 Post by otropogo »

Hi Nooby,

Not sure I understand what's happening on your system. But I never downloaded or unzipped anything from Frisk directly. I let xfprot do all that.

Here's what I did:

1. I tried to install the old xf-prot pet (2.4). pet manager announced success, and an icon appeared in the utiltiy menu. But when I click on it, a red popup says "binary not found".

2. I went to the xfprot site and downloaded the debian package and let pet manager install that too. Same result, only a different icon in the utility menu.

3. I installed the pet provided here in response to my complaint, and the rest is described in my previous post.

As to making it work. The last pet started by making a long download , perhaps the fprot engine itself. Then I clicked on the update tab in xfprot, and it downloaded the latest sig files. Then I configured the gui and tried a scan (doing a test scan is a good idea too). Don't forget to save your configuration.

There are two ways to do a scan , either type in the path in the navigation window or click on the folder icon at the end of the window and browse to the target folder, then click on "open" in the file manager, and on "scan" in the gui.

On my first two tries, the folder didn't list in the navigation bar, and I had to type in the final part of the path. Third try the folder itself listed. No idea why. The navigation is not as efficient as in my previous xfprot setup because the directories don't appear in list view, and so are harder to navigate. I just tried this again just now, and couldn't get the final folder to list. Also, you have to get out of the root directory to find your partitions to scan - click on the folder icon in the file manager navigation window and you get a second drop down icon. Clicking on that will display the "mnt" directory and you can find your way from there...

Hope this helps.
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#13 Post by nooby »

Thanks indeed for caring about me. Obviously I am not clever enough
to get what you describe there.
Then I configured the gui and tried a scan (doing a test scan is a good idea too). Don't forget to save your configuration.

There are two ways to do a scan , either type in the path in the navigation window or click on the folder icon at the end of the window and browse to the target folder, then click on "open" in the file manager, and on "scan" in the gui.
Reading and reading. Most likely something wrong with my head.

Don't forget to save your configuration.
Have no idea how one even do a config or then to save that one?

I even fail to get the GUI too. What are one supposed to do?

I guess I simply have to do clicking on variations again and again until it suddenly work.

Much appreciated you took time to describe. Obviously I need somebody
on my own level that do the description.

Get out of root? Have no idea. I try tomorrow maybe my head is giddy today. Lack of deep sleep dreaming about the Alien Ants again :)
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#14 Post by nooby »

otropogo this is your thread and you have solved it so it works for you.

Sadly I am not intelligent enough and I steal stole stolen?
Stealthly sneaked in and hijacked your good thread and
asked for help to get xf-prot going for me.

Should I maybe start my own xf-prot thread.

Flash, Beem and all you kind mods. I have no idea what to do now.

I really really need to check if I have virus and I don't want to start up
windows because it will take ages to learn it again now when I have forgotten
all about how to run it. I even fail to know what my user name was and
what password I used.

So could some friendly user of f-prot either give link to an easy
to grasp text or to reuse this thread and explain exactly how one use
this xf-prot thing.

As far as I get it it is installed and seems to ahve updated the sigs too
but I have no idea how to use it to scan the HDD.

It never scans things. One need to know how to use it.

I am at bed sleeping in case you wonder why I am not answering your friendly suggestions the next ten hours.
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#15 Post by otropogo »

nooby wrote:otropogo this is your thread and you have solved it so it works for you.

Sadly I am not intelligent enough and I steal stole stolen?
Stealthly sneaked in and hijacked your good thread and
asked for help to get xf-prot going for me.

Should I maybe start my own xf-prot thread.
No, I think that would just confuse things. You're welcome to use it. Although the originator has the ability to modify the thread headers, he doesn't own it. And splintering discussions on the same subject just makes the forum less effective.
nooby wrote:Flash, Beem and all you kind mods. I have no idea what to do now.

I really really need to check if I have virus and I don't want to start up
windows because it will take ages to learn it again now when I have forgotten
all about how to run it. I even fail to know what my user name was and
what password I used.
If your most pressing priority is to check your system thoroughly, I would suggest you download the F-Secure rescue cd iso. There are a number of download sites listed, and unfortunately I can't honestly advise you which are safe, but one I've used in the past is the one below:

You burn the CD, go online with it, download the latest sigs file, and then run it on your system. It will take a loooong time... There is also an option (a bit more difficult to effect) to download the sigs to a usb flash drive, so that you can update them periodically without having to reburn the entire rescue disk. That way you will have a fairly recent sig file to use if you're unable to get online.
nooby wrote:So could some friendly user of f-prot either give link to an easy
to grasp text or to reuse this thread and explain exactly how one use
this xf-prot thing.

As far as I get it it is installed and seems to ahve updated the sigs too
but I have no idea how to use it to scan the HDD.

It never scans things. One need to know how to use it.

I am at bed sleeping in case you wonder why I am not answering your friendly suggestions the next ten hours.
OTOH, if you just want to get xfprot running properly now, then I suggest you describe exactly what is happening when you try to run it. You say it's installed, how do you know? Do you have an icon for it in the utility tab?

You said previously that you don't have a gui, then what appears when you click on the xfprot tab in the utility menu?

If you can only access it from the command line, you can still run it from there, but as described in previous replies. But then you need to understand its function better, and it's easier to make a mistake. Beware, above all, of telling it to list all of the files scanned. If you do that, and set it to scan an entire hard drive or system, you may find that your 2fs file is no longer usable or accessible (it's happened to me).

If xfprot is properly installed from the pet, it should open a gui when you click on its icon. It will also ask you if you are running as root every time, unless you tell it not to. In version 2.3 , which I'm stuck with now (go figure, I'd been using 2.4 for two years or more)The gui as tabs named "scan", "update" "report" "test""info" and "virus list" across the bottom bar, at the top bar these are replicated in the tools and file menus, with the addition of the "save setting" and "clear settings" tabs. once you've selected your settings, you need to click on tools/save settings, or they'll be lost when you close xfprot.

The one thing you can't save, regretably, is the directory into which the log file is saved. Furthermore, the log file doesn't increment, it always presents the same name and automatically says "file exisist - replace it". The only options are yes and cancel. Save log files you have to rename them manually.

The gui seems to offer the user a means of selecting the path for the log files, but it can't be saved in the configuration file. Similarly, it allows you to change the scan path manually or via the file manager, but that can't be saved either. You have to reset it every time you open xfprot.

My best advice, if you get the gui going is to immediately tick the "report only", "scan subdirectories" and
"use defaults" options, make sure "list scanned files" is unchecked, and save the configuration. Then download the latest sig file. I generally do an update the first time I open the app for the day.

And Nooby - get yourself a decent password safe. It can be something as low tech as a flash pda with a password protection option (preferably a primitive one without connectivity options - so the password can only be entered via the keyboard), or something as spophisticated as Keypass, which allows you to have double protection of a using a pseudorandom generated key on flash media together with your self-designed (ie. memorable) password (in other words, a double turnkey system). And put all your essential passwords (ie. Windows or Linux admin passwords, critical online accounts, etc.) in there.
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#16 Post by nooby »

Thanks for your generous effort describing all possible stumbling blocks on the road to success.

From default it is set to /root is that what it should be at? I test now to do

should it maybe be /mnt/home/ instead? There are not examples to follow?

Error not a scannable file system object.
does one need some kind of *.* or something
haha now it is scanning. it needed the /

I am scanning this /mnt/home/ and it will go on for hours I guess.



Files: 57510
Skipped files: 6080
MBR/boot sectors checked: 0
Objects scanned: 109523
Infected objects: 0
Files with errors: 4
Disinfected: 0

Running time: 40:06
Scanned: /mnt/home/

I wonder about these:

Skipped files: 6080

could that be the clever virus hiding then?

Files with errors: 4

why do them name them like that? Could not be read or what?
It does not say how many virus or trojan I have?
I guess I should have included malware?

thanks for making it work. Now I only need to get what it says :)
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#17 Post by otropogo »

nooby wrote:Thanks for your generous effort describing all possible stumbling blocks on the road to success.

From default it is set to /root is that what it should be at? I test now to do

should it maybe be /mnt/home/ instead? There are not examples to follow?

Error not a scannable file system object.
does one need some kind of *.* or something
haha now it is scanning. it needed the /
In my gui 2.3, the following "/" is not required. But I'm still having the same problem in browsing to my tartet folder. I can only get to the partition level with the file manager, then I have to type in the rest of the path....
I am scanning this /mnt/home/ and it will go on for hours I guess.



Files: 57510
Skipped files: 6080
MBR/boot sectors checked: 0
Objects scanned: 109523
Infected objects: 0
Files with errors: 4
Disinfected: 0

Running time: 40:06
Scanned: /mnt/home/

I wonder about these:

Skipped files: 6080

could that be the clever virus hiding then?

Files with errors: 4

why do them name them like that? Could not be read or what?
It does not say how many virus or trojan I have?
I guess I should have included malware?
In the gui, there's a tab called test, to show you that the scanner is working (the installation of xfprot plants a test virus for this purpose).

the test result looks like this
F-PROT Antivirus version (built: 2009-12-23T13-43-55)

FRISK Software International (C) Copyright 1989-2009
Engine version:
Virus signatures: 20110916121881592c201bfd34d5407bb49b0d53ee76

[Found virus] <EICAR_Test_File (exact)>


Files: 1
Skipped files: 0
MBR/boot sectors checked: 0
Objects scanned: 1
Infected objects: 1
Files with errors: 0
Disinfected: 0

Running time: 00:01

You'll see that if fprot detects a virus, it will list its name and location. In the gui I prefer to look at the report as a clearer way to see whether my search was successful by checking the path and the number of files checked.

I've found that xfprot/fprot (I don't know where the error arises) can't scan any file which has a space in it's name, such as commonly occurs with html pages saved to disk. I'm not sure, because I can't easily locate such a file to test, but that may account for the skipped files. If you have a directory/folder or subdirectory with such a name, it may skip it. I've also found other files which in which it finds errors.

If you have suspicions, narrow down the field (for instance, to a folder with few files, to see how many are successfully checked). Then submit the suspect ones to one of the online virus checking sites for a second opinion.

I'm also hoping to find out how to install clamAV in Puppy (I believe it's in the Ubuntu repositories), to provide a backup checker for fprot.

thanks for making it work. Now I only need to get what it says :)
You're welcome nooby, and good luck.
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#18 Post by pemasu »

Tasmod has created new pets, Xfprot and F-prot. I combined them and the result worked in my Dpup. It was announced in Lucid Puppy thread originally, sorry I dont remember in which thread, there are several nowadays. I would have posted straight link to original pets, but I post all of them here also.
I believe Tasmod wont be angry. Great update.

Install only the first pet or....second and third pet both.
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#19 Post by otropogo »

pemasu wrote:Tasmod has created new pets, Xfprot and F-prot. I combined them and the result worked in my Dpup. It was announced in Lucid Puppy thread originally, sorry I dont remember in which thread, there are several nowadays. I would have posted straight link to original pets, but I post all of them here also.
I believe Tasmod wont be angry. Great update.

Install only the first pet or....second and third pet both.
Thanks pemasu and Tasmod. I uninstalled lucid Fprot 6, and the 2.3 xfprot pet, then installed the first of the listed pets as instructed. I had to restart x to make the icon appear in the utility menu, then downloaded the sig update, and everything seemed to function fine.

NB: I tried the browser navigation to set the scan path again, and this time I was able to set it by double clicking on the final folder. Maybe I neglected to try that in previous tests.

The one complaint that comes to mind is that there's no way to turn off scanning of subdirectories, so if you want to scan all the files in the root directory of a folder, you also have to scan all of the subdirectories. This could be a big waste of time if you need to scan files in the root directory of a partition. It would probably be faster to copy them all to a separate folder for the scan.
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Installing xf-prot in Puppy 5.28 - how?

#20 Post by majorfoo »

thanks pemasu for combining the two pets.

I d/l and installed in Dpup Exprimo 5.X.6. I had to run fixmenus to get the gui to show in utility > xfprot. First tried ctrl+alt+del and startx and did not appear.

I have used your combined pet only in dpup 5x6 full install
I used both pets provided by tasmod in luci-001 and lucid 528 on full install

screenshot of how I set it up
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