A faster internet or is it something else?

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A faster internet or is it something else?

#1 Post by jockjunior »

The Global Internet Speedup is about making the web faster. Speed matters on the web and as bandwidth requirements continue to increase, the best way to make sure the web stays fast is to bring the content as close to the users as possible. This decreases latency to high-bandwidth content like video and allows for a more efficient utilization of Internet capacity world-wide.



Easier to track us??

time say goodbye to Opendns
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Re: A faster internet or is it something else?

#2 Post by nooby »

I remember vaguely that I read about it on PCWorld or similar. Yes maybe it will makes us all totally transparant?

Could you quote what is the most important part of that text to you?
How It Works

DNS is like the phone book for the Internet. It converts human readable domains (www.opendns.com) to an IP address ( that your computer can connect to.

But what happens when you look up a business in the phone book and there are 50 locations? You probably want the location closest to you.

When trying to reach a website that exists in 50 locations around the world, you would want the same thing to happen.
You want to be sent to the closest, fastest or least congested location automatically.
Until now, figuring out which location is closest to you was not possible with DNS alone.

Today, if you’re using OpenDNS or Google Public DNS and visiting a website or
using a service provided by one of the participating networks or CDNs in
the Global Internet Speedup then a truncated version of your IP address
will be added into the DNS request.
The Internet service or CDN will use this truncated IP address to make a more informed decision
in how it responds so that you can be connected to the most optimal server.
With this more intelligent routing, customers will have a better Internet experience
with lower latency and faster speeds. Best of all, this integration is being done
using an open standard that is available for any company to integrate into their own platform.
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
not an ideal solution though
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Joined: Tue 29 Jan 2008, 21:11
Location: Lancashire,U.K.


#3 Post by jockjunior »

then a truncated version of your IP address
will be added into the DNS request.
The Internet service or CDN will use this truncated IP address to make a more informed decision
in how it responds so that you can be connected to the most optimal server.
With this more intelligent routing,
customers will have a better Internet experience..

and Google, commodo, Cloudfare will have more data to mine...

If you aren't paying for a product, YOU are the product.
Posts: 10369
Joined: Sun 29 Jun 2008, 19:05
Location: SwedenEurope

#4 Post by nooby »

I should have made a good bookmark and notes on the info I heard or read.

Either it was a TV doku on internet and people making money out of
helping the advertizers to do "profiling" or what to name it.

Pardon my extreme poor memory. Was it 7 or 70 firms or was it 7 firms
with 70 employees? Anyway. it is bad really bad even if it is only 7 firms
with one single person or something.

But what the TV program or the text I read? I don't remember anymore.
What them told was that these 7 or 70 persons had sniffing programs that made statistics on individual people how them behaved after visiting the sites with the products of the Ad firms that them tried to sell the info to.

Suppose you want a contract from an Ad firm that concentrate on Cars.

Okay so you get every person that visit the homepage that have ads for that car or cars or the brand.

Then you put these individuals on the list of whom you follow around
and sniff through the servers all over the world. What else do them look
on. What political Party sites them visit. What kind of forum do them visit and write on. What Facebook people do them visit and what Tweets do them follow.

Them make complete "profiles" of these individuals with email address and phone number and what them write about links to their texts and so on.

I found it very scary. Them seems to want total control over the customer.

When I bought a pre paid mobile phone and wanted to activate it. Then the ISP or Operator are them the same maybe? Them refused to help me at their Customer Desk if I did not give them my cell phone number.

I mean I only wanted to know how one get it online. How one activate it?

simple question but them had an order to relate each Cell phone number
to me as a real person. I was not supposed to be allowed to own that
cell phone without them knowing who I am in real life.

Okay I can guess it has to be some agreement with law forces that maybe or most likely the Crim gangs buy such phones and then throw them away after the Bank Robbery?
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
not an ideal solution though

#5 Post by gcmartin »

Some of what is discussed on this thread is WHY I have found it the reason we should be on-guard specifically with misuse and mis-ID that can result from particular kinds of subject matter in the Forum.

This thread show how the technical ability can be used inappropriately from a citizenry standpoint. From a business standpoint (governmental, too) they see this is as an appropriate means while the individual probably would object.

I have friends who are in the legal and enforcement fields (these are different). Long, long ago I can still remember their laughter as they have shared how some persons, assuming they were "law-abiding" said "Go ahead, I've got nothing to hide!"

No one (even "J.C.") is exempt from how information about you will be used.

Here in the forum, we should continue to focus on just the technical aspects as it pertains to its title This thread is an example of a good technical awareness.

3 entirely different questions which come to mind are:
  • For us, individually, discuss or share what we should or could do to counter the behavior of the "big guns"?
  • Who/how to we reverse this?
  • Are there any known efforts to give individuals control of tracking?
Thanks in advance
P.S. Is this thread's title still accurately reflective?
Last edited by gcmartin on Tue 27 Sep 2011, 01:17, edited 1 time in total.

#6 Post by gcmartin »

After reading this thread and poking around I found this.
Our discussion here is infinitesimal compared to this
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