Getting Arduino run properly on Puppy 5.28 and 5.3 and 5.31

Booting, installing, newbie

Getting Arduino run properly on Puppy 5.28 and 5.3 and 5.31

#1 Post by tytower »

As was the case in the past trying to get the Arduino IDE set up in Linux can be a nightmare of download and mismatch and directories not found etc

Below is how I did it
Last edited by tytower on Thu 05 Jan 2012, 23:10, edited 2 times in total.

#2 Post by aarf »

Last edited by aarf on Mon 10 Oct 2011, 12:11, edited 1 time in total.

#3 Post by tytower »

Hmm I'd be a little careful with aarf's suggestions above. He makes the statement " if its avr download it" --Not so

Go to the install page and follow through carefully

Here is a list of what I installed and mine is up and running in Puppy 5.28


The last two from Ubuntu repo
Last edited by tytower on Thu 10 Nov 2011, 20:27, edited 5 times in total.

#4 Post by aarf »

Last edited by aarf on Mon 10 Oct 2011, 12:11, edited 1 time in total.

#5 Post by aarf »

Last edited by aarf on Mon 10 Oct 2011, 12:12, edited 4 times in total.

#6 Post by aarf »

Last edited by aarf on Mon 10 Oct 2011, 12:16, edited 1 time in total.

#7 Post by tytower »

Continuing .... I suggest when you get the arduino window working you go to your Arduino directory and drag the arduino icon on to your desktop. It will then start up without the terminal behind it.. Much neater

I don't know how to make a pet but I'll go have a read and if I can understand how I'll make a pet for this.

EDIT err looks like too much messing about for me atm-dont have the time . Perhaps someone might have a go at it ?

Arduino is a little $5 chip that can be programmed to do amazing things by people who are just ordinary when it comes to electronics or C++ programming. Full startup kits cost $50 or so and with a breadboard you wire up various sensors and devices to it and the info you wish is sent to your computer screen via a USB lead. Many many programs are already written fo you and you download them for free and just plug em in and away you go.
Last edited by tytower on Thu 10 Nov 2011, 20:29, edited 3 times in total.

#8 Post by aarf »

Sorry for messing you thread. i will move the mess.

#9 Post by tytower »

Thanks for moving that.

Now I have delved a little further and found this page for Compiling in Puppy

I'm downloading the sfs file from ... _528-3.sfs atm and suspect some of the Arduino linux list above may not be needed
More on this as I experiment

#10 Post by tytower »

I have also noted that the java sfs download and install sfs on boot seems to take care of the java side also.So you only need load the sfs file when you want to run Arduino

However I'm just messing with 5.3 Slacko (What a name?)
and am not getting the serial ports up right atm. Its almost running but there are a couple of dependencies missing
these can be downloaded from slacko repository

And the choose port and choose board don't come up and it cant compile cause it cant find avr-gcc

Nothing is running right yet
Slacko stinks !
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#11 Post by Semme »

Ty, aboard 528 grab libmpc2 and libelfg0- try again..

To deal with gcc-avr, add it to your PATH variable..

*You'll need this if choosing the bashrc method..

#12 Post by tytower »

Yeh thanks I got those already from
these can be downloaded from slacko repository
As far as
To deal with gcc-avr, add it to your PATH variable..
I played around a bit with various path solutions to no avail

I think it is a library not found for sure but why puzzles me . Each program has downloaded and installed supposedly correctly. I cant copy the error section bel;ow the sketch window but Ill try a screenshot.
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Last edited by tytower on Thu 10 Nov 2011, 08:09, edited 1 time in total.

#13 Post by tytower »

Been looking deeper into this issue.

Its not the path that I can see
It installs to a directory "avr" in the /usr dir.
So to be sure I adjusted my Path to include /avr /avr/bin /avr/lib avr/includes.

"Env" confirms that, so its looking in all those areas to find what it seeks to no avail.

Anyone have any other ideas ? The window loads perfectly except under tools there are no Serial Ports , no Processors and no bootloaders and compiling a simple program gives the above errors in red ?
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#14 Post by Semme »

Ty, before I say I'm out (for lack of a device to mess with)- which set of distro pkgs did you install.. these?

#15 Post by tytower »

I still have it running flawlessly on a 5.28 USB. I just want to get it up on 5.3

I did the same as my previous post for 5.28 except with latest
jre-1.7.0-20110811 which is extra SFS installed by sfs-load

and the two files mentioned above . but I think these are not needed when I find the fault

aarf seems to get himself in an almighty mess and that's what all the deleted posts are in this thread. What he has on his thread now seems to be taken from mine. He says things like "if its avr download it " and he does that and downloads "dude" I noticed too but "dude" comes down with Arduino 0022 so that's not necessary- he's very confused and writing how-to's ?

Now I'm going to start again and wipe this particular USB stick because I think it has errors. I'll post back when I set up the new stuff

Don't understand what you mean by "for lack of a device to mess with" ?
Don't have arduino or dont have linux box?
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#16 Post by Semme »

Five-three I won't be able to help with, so.. I'm out.

#17 Post by tytower »

OK Still not running in 5.3 but I have discovered and removed one problem that messed with the arduino window as it opened . The ports and boards did not show up.

Now they do .

The answer was to chuck out the Java SFS and install JRE 1.6
The 5.3 Java SFS is missing something vital maybe
Maybe the java binary

Still won't compile though
Last edited by tytower on Wed 21 Dec 2011, 09:57, edited 1 time in total.

#18 Post by tytower »

Nope that seems wrong too
When you click on Tools they all drop down but where the Boards should be is a line and where the Ports should be there is a line.

Moving the cursor to just below the lines reveals the missing titles but its intermittent so perhaps the Java SFS works and the fault is with the display of the Arduino window in both .0023 and Ver 1
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#19 Post by pabloA »

Found this thread whilst trying to hack together an Arduino IDE onto three headed dog - went well.

As they both share the same kernel, I thought I'd try the installation in Slacko 531 using the same packages.

I believe the order in which they are loaded is important:

1) binutils-avr_2.20-2_i386.deb
2) gcc-avr_4.5.3-2_i386.deb
3) avr-libc_1.6.7-1ubuntu2_all.deb
4) gcc-g++-4.5.3.tar.gz

I have also made the switch to the Arduino-1.0 version


I have left both the DevX.sfs and Kernel.sfs loaded as a consequence of some trial & error hacks - probably not needed, although I did receive some errors when compiling <missing> when they weren't available after a unsuccessful hack :)

Hope that helps you forward.

#20 Post by tytower »

Would have thought the three headed dog had enough problems

I'll sterilise and start again

Edit -Took out everything and started again

Had to d/l "libmpc-0.8.2" from the repository.,got a message
Didn't get a message on "libmdp2" yet but that will probably pop up when I can get the compilation running.

First 3 downloaded and installed seemingly OK via pet
Fourth gcc-g++-4.5.3.tar.gz is a bugger
82.5 Mb takes a while but the xarchiver takes 3/4 of an hour to open it with the processors running at full speed . Have tried and had this trouble many times before. So I'm still trying to get this to compile .
The problem seems to be with the uncompressing of the tar.gz file
The xarchiver takes 1/2 an hour pluss at least to list up the files before you can extract them . Then when you do extract them it tells you it finished with one error but does not tell you what the error is ! I did this about 20 times so far with various download and file size problems but have finally got a successful start to compiling . It took 2hrs 10 minutes to compile !!
I started at 6am and wanted to get away by 8 but had to be here until - well it will be 11.30 now 5 & 1/2 hours

There also seems a likelyhood that only part of gcc-g++-4.5.3.tar.gz being needed . On the repos there are core files and branch files etc so maybe someone in the know might tell us what smaller file to download and compile or remove the compile requirement altogether.

On other versions I have compiled this takes about an hour . There must be a better way to get this file onto my system! maybe someone will write a ".pet" for it or something?

Geez I've wasted months on this . If it does not come soon I will discard 5.3 altogether -a difficult distro.

May not have had enough room for the download initially so I gave it about 500Meg
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