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#21 Post by Galbi »

Since my bed is far away from the Puppy Box, I´d like to save the output to a mp3 file. Is that possible?
I´ve tried (and works) to do:

Code: Select all

#sbagen -o myfile 
and generates a raw file (a huge one) with the sound redirected to the file.
What am I supposed to do with that file?
Perhaps coding it to mp3 with ffmpeg?
Any advise?

Thanks in advance.

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#22 Post by jpeps »

Galbi wrote:Since my bed is far away from the Puppy Box, I´d like to save the output to a mp3 file. Is that possible?
I´ve tried (and works) to do:

Code: Select all

#sbagen -o myfile 
and generates a raw file (a huge one) with the sound redirected to the file.
What am I supposed to do with that file?
Perhaps coding it to mp3 with ffmpeg?
Any advise?

Thanks in advance.

try: sbagen -Wo out.wav myfile.sbg

then: ffmpeg -i out.wav out.mp3
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#23 Post by DPUP5520 »

The problem with using mp3 versions of binural beats is that a bit of quality is lost when the files are compressed and you don't get the full effect. If you read the doser people's site they claim that there is not much quality loss but if you are sensitive to the stimulation you can really tell. It's always best to use them in either their sbg format or in an uncompressed wav format.
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#24 Post by vovchik »

Dear galbi,

If you want to convert an entire directory of *.sbg files to mp3, you can try this script:

Code: Select all

for f in *.sbg; do
   n=`basename $f .sbg`;
   echo "converting brain wave: $f => $n.mp3";
   sbagen -L 00:10:00 -o $n.wav $f
   lame -r -x -m d $n.wav $n.mp3
   rm $n.wav ; ls -l $n.mp3 ; echo
This will create a slew of 10-minute mp3s. Change the "sbagen 00:10:00" line to the time you prefer, or add an argument and get rid of the loop for processing individual files. If you open the sbg file with a text editor, you will see a "Duration" field with the recommended time. The script makes use of lame, which you may not have on your machine. If not, use ffmpeg, as recommended by jpeps.

With kind regards,
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#25 Post by jpeps »

I needed "-W" to create a playable wav. Regarding quality, they're all just a few boring mid frequency tones out of phase. The only interesting aspects occur within the listener's brain. Very zen
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#26 Post by 666philb »

vovchik wrote:Dear 666philb,

You need a very recent gtkdialog linked as gtkdialog4. Here is a pet that might work for you (if you have a recent puppy): http://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/pe ... i486-s.pet. It should also make the symlink.

You also need 01micko's recent yaf-splash replacement (gtkdialog-splash), which needs to be symlinked to yaf-splash. The installer will do this for you, most probably. The file is here: http://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/pe ... ash-r3.pet.

That's about it.

With kind regards,

cheers vovchik... got it working now
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#27 Post by Galbi »

:oops: Sorry for posting without having read the whole sbagen help.
Later I saw the -W parameter and ffmpeg coded the mp3.
Thanks vovchik and jpeps for your quick answer.

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#28 Post by jpeps »

Here's a script to play your favorite either by clicking on it to toggle on/off, or from the terminal with time option in minutes: eg, "delta 10" You can edit the PCM volume and file path. It restores the old PCM setting when you toggle it off.

note: drop a copy or link of sbagen in $PATH (eg, /usr/local/bin/), or add "/usr/local/zensound/bin/sbagen" to script.

edit: my favorite is ts-delta set at very low volume PCM 2

Code: Select all


## Plays sbg by CLI with timer or toggles from ROX icon.
## Edit file location and desired volume  
## USEAGE: delta [minutes] 

## set directory of file and desired PCM volume

[ "$1" ] && export var="$1"
STATE="$(pidof sbagen)" 

## Store  old PCM settings 
if  [ -f /tmp/pcm ]; then 
     OLD="$(cat /tmp/pcm)"
      OLD="$(amixer scontents | sed -n '/PCM/,/Simple/p' | grep -m1 "\[on" |awk '{print $4}')"
      echo "$OLD" >/tmp/pcm 

function stop() {
     kill -9  `pidof sbagen` 2>/dev/null
     amixer -q set 'PCM' "$OLD"
export -f stop
function start() {
     amixer -q set 'PCM' "$VOL"  
     sbagen -Q  "$SBG" & 
export -f start
function timer() {
        while ((i < ${tm})); do 
           sleep 1 
           i="$((i + 1 ))"
export -f timer 
   tm="$((var*60))"  ## convert minutes into seconds 
   echo "time: ${tm} seconds"

if [ $STATE ]; then
     [ "$1" ] &&  timer
(13.66 KiB) Downloaded 808 times
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#29 Post by jpeps »

Hi vovchik,

In your next version, you might consider adding a sbagen link in /usr/local/bin. Thanks
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#30 Post by jpeps »

Entraining Tones and Binaural Beats - by Dave Siever

The Binaural Beat Industry

"Since the 1980s, the Monroe Institute has popularized binaural beats under the trade name of “Hemisync.
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#31 Post by Lobster »

Have fun and, perhaps, find enlightenment...
I need all the help I can get . . . :)
I ran the Einstein sequence and now am going for meditation/Epsilon in Slacko rc++
Good job. Works well.

I find (personally) one of the best is the
Schumann resonance

Interestingly (slightly off topic) UFO abductees tend to be
susceptible to power cables (sets off visions)

. . . as for enlightenment. I find chanting or music
can elevate or otherwise change mood very efficiently :)

What I really need is a sequence that entrains
ones brain to another dimension or time line . . . :wink:

Many thanks Vovchik 8)

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#32 Post by Puppyt »

Cheers Vovchik - this works straight off the bat with pemasus' dPup Exprimo 5.X.15. Nice surprise! I have been using Lobster's Puppy sbagen on this setup for ages (worked fab), but after a recent glitch in my pupsave I opted to find what else has been happening in the binaural beats field. Just found this - dunno how I never saw it earlier. Big Thanks :-)
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#33 Post by Puppyt »

vovchik wrote: I am working on version 0.2c, which will allow for user-supplied sequences... vovchik
Hallo vovchick! I am about to re-enter an intensive study period and thought I might revisit the possibility of using binaural beats to assist my grey matter. I found your pet in Puppus Dogfellow's repository http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 760#730760, and found to my delight that it worked OOTB in TahrPup64 with the 32-bit compatibility pet added. Cheers!

Then I did a quick squiz at the latest evidence-based research on the use of binaural beats - these recent peer-reviewed papers appear positive, and I'm especially interested in some learning effects described therein:
1. Hommel, B., Sellaro, R., Fischer, R., Borg, S., & Colzato, L. S. (2016). High-Frequency Binaural Beats Increase Cognitive Flexibility: Evidence from Dual-Task Crosstalk. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01287
2. McConnell, P. A., Froeliger, B., Garland, E. L., Ives, J. C., & Sforzo, G. A. (2014). Auditory driving of the autonomic nervous system: Listening to theta-frequency binaural beats post-exercise increases parasympathetic activation and sympathetic withdrawal. Frontiers in Psychology, 5. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01248
3. Reedijk, S. A., Bolders, A., Colzato, L. S., & Hommel, B. (2015). Eliminating the Attentional Blink through Binaural Beats: A Case for Tailored Cognitive Enhancement. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 6. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2015.00082
4. Reedijk, S. A., Bolders, A., & Hommel, B. (2013). The impact of binaural beats on creativity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2013.00786
5. Ross, B., Miyazaki, T., Thompson, J., Jamali, S., & Fujioka, T. (2014). Human cortical responses to slow and fast binaural beats reveal multiple mechanisms of binaural hearing. Journal of Neurophysiology, 112(8 ), 1871–1884. https://doi.org/10.1152/jn.00224.2014
6. Young, C.-W., Tsai, C.-Y., Zheng, S.-R., Wang, L.-P., Chen, H.-W., & Ay, C. (2014). Investigate the effect of eeg for relaxation using binaural beats. Yilan, Taiwan: 7th ISMAB. Retrieved from http://www.brainisohertz.it/p/nuovi
7. Zampi, D. D. (2016). Efficacy of Theta Binaural Beats for the Treatment of Chronic Pain. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 22(1), 32–38.

...so back I went to the SBaGen database (http://sbagendb.gusari.org/) to check out any theta- focused .sbg file submissions for playback and inclusion in my learning environment. I found that while I can download the sbg files offered and open them as text to see the working innards, I am unable to get Zensound to "see" the new files and I have to 'gut' (comment out) examples of your splendid collection to paste in the new code. Writing to ask whether you have inklings to include the feature I quoted from the ancient history of this thread,
With Best Wishes
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#34 Post by backi »

Hi Puppyt !

Thanks for your interesting tips and references . :D
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#35 Post by 666philb »

with the help of OscarTalks there's now a 64bit version of zensound.
https://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/p ... x86_64.pet
it should work in most 64bit pups or extract and manual install for dogs
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