Fatdog64-521 (October 12, 2011)

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#21 Post by jim3630 »

kirk wrote:Jim,

You must of downloaded that pet a while ago. I originally tried to get vlc running as spot, but kept running into problems so I recompiled it to run as root. Download the pet again.
Kirk, yes old pet will get new one and try. thanks
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usb modem

#22 Post by timremy »

hello jamesbond

thank you for explaining to me the use of a usb modem with fatdog64.

its ok. the reason i wondered is where i live we have power outages

all the time. so if i use a laptop with a usb modem i can still connect

as long as the laptops battery is charged. besides the canopy i had

just did not connect and i got tired of calling for their assistance.

the only other option i had was go to the usb modem.

i use puppy mostly as a secure live cd.

wary 2 is nice so i will just use that.

thank you again.

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#23 Post by tasmod »

Hi Kirk,

Don't know if you want this but I compiled Psync as 64bit.

Psync uses ntpdate which I recompiled in 64bit.

I tested it out and seems to work OK to sync the time.
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#24 Post by kirk »

I posted a pet with a couple of minor bug fixes to the first post in the thread.
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#25 Post by jim3630 »

Sage wrote:timremy : I am here to help, some folks just wont be helped. Today I tried to offer very detailed advice on PSU repair and yesterday I offered a free real external modem - what more can I do? I don't do SW, surely everyone knows that? If you don't live in the UK, I would expect other contributors to make similar offers as many also have old real modems sitting on their shelves gathering dust. For your part, you refuse even to edit your profile to show your location. I cannot help it if you are American, you'll just have to live with it or move.
can't quite tell if you think you are being witty but it is clear your no help.
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#26 Post by russoodle »

Made myself an FD64 wallpaper, simple and unfussy.

Kirk, jamesbond: I took the liberty of using your logo from Fatdog's homepage and adding to it, i hope you don't mind.

It's here in two sizes if anyone else wants one...
(77.14 KiB) Downloaded 758 times
(84.71 KiB) Downloaded 788 times
[i][color=Green][size=92]The mud-elephant, wading thru the sea, leaves no tracks..[/size][/color][/i]

#27 Post by gcmartin »

I'm testing a Live media with 2 DVD recorders attach to system without a HDD. I have 3 items to share

Has anyone else noticed that ROXfiler is "scanning" every 2 seconds? This is not occurring on my 5.11 Fatdog. (See attaach pic)

And, there is a new behavior of DVD use with desktop icon for DVD player.

My system boots its LIve media and assigns the boot drive as /dev/sr0.
In the past, I have put selected folders-files on tbe boot media, which also has the save-session files used at boot-time. The FATDOG 5.11 and earlier FATDOGs would start playback of video DVDs from the 2nd DVD (/dev/sr1), always. Should be obvious why the system was designed that way. ("because its not the boot DVD device")

Now, it does NOT work that way anymore. The system now INSISTs on using /dev/sr0 for playback of videos. This forces removal of the boot material.

Dont know what's changed, but is there any instructions someone can give to permanently set the system to use /dev/sr1 when there are 2 DVD drives in the system?

The system appears to be ejecting properly now, though.

  1. I noticed that Barry is including 2 tools for reporting problems that were obtained from TaZOC; namely Report-Video-GLX and sys-info.
  2. JamesBond, last year, produced a tool for reporting.
  3. I have used a method of reporting to you in the past using a combo of video and Hardinfo.
I would like to use a tool that you feel is best for providing good information to you on the system layout and behavior. Since each of these methods provides and lays our information differently, I was wondering if it would make your effort easier, either in review or when helping, if we use a method that you prefer.

Which method would make your life easiest for us to use when reporting system behavior for FATDOG? If it doesn't make a difference, I'll continue reporting as I had in the past.

Thanks in advance.
ROSfiler is SCANNING every 2 seconds. Is this normal.png
ROX behavior has changed with this release.
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#28 Post by Stripe »

Hi all

Love the new fatdog, everything works out of the box, nice to see Psip 1.2 included, (didnt even have to change the audio settings it just worked straight away :lol: )

A very good selection of libs in the devx, and the source code is included as well.

one fly in the ointment is the inclusion of the nouveau driver, but this was soon removed and replaced with the nVidia one. (thanks to catdude on psip talking me through it :lol: )

I have been busy pimping it up to how I want it :lol: Thanks to DaveS for the howto on the launchbars.

Heres a couple of screen shots

Desktop with launchbars showing.png
(81.48 KiB) Downloaded 1771 times
default desktop.png
(23.35 KiB) Downloaded 1907 times
:D Testing PuppyPhone version 1.3PRE :D
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#29 Post by WillM »

This is working great. Thanks for the upgrades. Especially ePDFView.
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#30 Post by lag0a »

I accidentally deleted squashfs.ko from /lib while trying to remove unnecessary modules but I can still boot into fatdog64-521 desktop so do I need it because I saw during the loading boot up screen that it was looking for it?

If so, how do I get it back? I originally thought there was a backup file at /initrd but it's not there.
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#31 Post by kirk »


Squashfs.ko is contained in the initrd.gz, it's copied to save file at first boot along with all of the other initrd modules. It's OK to delete it, it's always loaded in the initrd.gz anyway.
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#32 Post by russoodle »

I downloaded and installed the Audacity 1.3.13b pet from the official repo but received an error message regarding missing libwx_gtktu_richtext-2.8.so.0.

I'm sure to find it floating somewhere around the traps, but thought i'd let you know.
[i][color=Green][size=92]The mud-elephant, wading thru the sea, leaves no tracks..[/size][/color][/i]
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#33 Post by kirk »

You need to install the wxwidgets pet. If you use the Puppy Package Manager it should let you know about other needed packages.
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#34 Post by russoodle »

Done and dusted now, thanks Kirk....all good.

I didn't use the PPM, i was browsing the pets on your repo and just grabbed it while i was there.

Pardon my ignorance if this is a doofus question, but....what would i have to do to install more filters in Gimp? Would most filter scripts work in 64-bit as well as 32-bit?
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Java crashes: Fatdog 520 and Fatdog 521

#35 Post by maddmike »

I've been using Puppy 421 for years. But my new laptop (Panasonic CF-C1) is too new for it... So I've been trying the newer Puppy versions and derivatives. Fatdog runs the best; it's the only puppy I've found that correctly identifies the networking and display hardware. Everything seems great except for one big problem: Java applications all crash with the same type of segfault:

Code: Select all

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007fba0c220680, pid=15851, tid=140436762040080
# JRE version: 6.0_27-b07
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (20.2-b06 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# C  [ld-linux-x86-64.so.2+0x12680]  _dl_make_stack_executable+0x2410
The same thing happens with freemind, moneydance, and QtCreator. The crash always seems to be caused by _dl_make_stack_executable in ld-linux-x86-64.so.2. I've had the same trouble when I use the JRE sfs file from the Fatdog download page, or a fresh installation of JDK from Oracle's download site.

Has anyone else had this trouble? I have yet to find any java app that works OK.

Thanks in advance.
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#36 Post by 2byte »

Kirk and Jamesbond

I just assembled this desktop PC today and Fatdog64-521 is the first OS ever installed (frugal). This GPU has been giving some Ubuntu 11.04 users the fits and I expected major trouble getting any Puppy to work with it.
I am deliriously happy to report that all 4 cores were recognized, sound, and the integrated graphics were no problem at all thanks to your ati-catalyst-11.8-3.0.3.pet. This thing runs like lightning.

Sun 23 Oct 2011 Operating System: Fatdog64-521 Linux 3.0.3
1.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Device 9640
oem: AMD ATOMBIOS product: SUMO 01.00

X Server: Xorg Driver: fglrx: vendor=FireGL - ATI Technologies Inc.
X.Org version: 1.9.5
dimensions: 1680x1050 pixels (444x277 millimeters)
depth of root window: 24 planes

direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: ATI
server glx version string: 1.4
OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon HD 6550D
OpenGL version string: 4.1.11005 Compatibility Profile Context

AMD A8-3850 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
Core 0: 800 1: 800 2: 800 3: 800 MHz

# glxgears
35158 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7031.329 FPS
34933 frames in 5.0 seconds = 6986.337 FPS
35069 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7013.776 FPS
35335 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7066.807 FPS

Gigabyte GA-A75M-UD2H

Corsair 8GB DDR3 1600

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Re: Java crashes: Fatdog 520 and Fatdog 521

#37 Post by jamesbond »

maddmike wrote:Has anyone else had this trouble? I have yet to find any java app that works OK.
I don't have the problem. I used to use Java6 Update 18 (that's the old SFS), recently I updated the Java SFS to Update25, both works fine here. All the java apps I use - freeplane (fork of freemind), jarnal, eclipse, and a few others - work all right - I never have that kind of crash :?:
Fatdog64 forum links: [url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=117546]Latest version[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/ke8sn5H]Contributed packages[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/se8scrb]ISO builder[/url]
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#38 Post by jamesbond »

2byte wrote:I am deliriously happy to report that all 4 cores were recognized, sound, and the integrated graphics were no problem at all thanks to your ati-catalyst-11.8-3.0.3.pet. This thing runs like lightning.
It's very encouraging to hear success stories like this :D
Fatdog64 forum links: [url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=117546]Latest version[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/ke8sn5H]Contributed packages[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/se8scrb]ISO builder[/url]
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#39 Post by Ncmprhnsbl »

hi there
posting from fatdog
nice work 8)
so.. frugal install on usb using universal installer, too easy.
Processor : 8x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 720 @ 1.60GHz
Memory : 3979MB (286MB used)
Resolution : 1366x768 pixels
OpenGL Renderer : Gallium 0.4 on AMD REDWOOD
X11 Vendor : The X.Org Foundation
-Audio Devices-
Audio Adapter : HDA-Intel - HDA Intel
Audio Adapter : HDA-Intel - HD-Audio Generic
Audio Adapter : PC-Speaker - pcsp
-Input Devices-
Lid Switch
Sleep Button
Power Button
Video Bus
AT Translated Set 2 keyboard
ImPS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse...?
PC Speaker............sound working
Wacom BambooFun 4x5.....working sort of
Asus Laptop extra buttons...working
USB2.0 UVC 2M WebCam ...not working

no cpu temperature :cry:

wacom functions without any intervention :D .....BUT no xinput detected by gimp or mtpaint. giving no pressure sense. would this be related to bug#24d53ff795....GTK+ recompiled with --enable-xinput ?
also, installed mandelbulber3d 1.08 64 .deb from debian wheezy...works a treat.....a little scared to use it without temp. monitoring :wink:

#40 Post by l0wt3ch »

Installed 521 on my HTPC. It's great, I can tell a lot of thought was put into every aspect of this distro; it's really quite the achievement.

Love the "Puppy-style" notifications!
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