Guy Dog 5.0.1

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#161 Post by pacer106 »

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#162 Post by pacer106 »

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#163 Post by lemmy999 »

Nice work Iguleder. I'm having a couple of problems with GuyDog on my EEEPC 1005. During boot I am offered a monitor resolution of 1024 x 768. I use that but when the netbook boots into the GUI the screen resolution has changed to 800 x600. I have rebooted and ran the "Test" in Video select and that defaults to 800 x 600 as well.

Only other issue is when setting up the network connection. If i choose the "network wizard" then nothing happens. Using the Simple Network Setup option works fine
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emelfm2 vs. Rox

#164 Post by mikeslr »

Hi Iguleder, Stu90 & All,

Thanks Stu90 for the info regarding ymount. But I've decided to take another whack at emelfm2. emelfm2 actually reminds me of xfe which I've frequently installed to get around some of Rox's limitations. The main obstacle I've encountered with emelfm2 is not its fault, but rather as iguleder suggests, that we've become so accustomed to Rox being the file manager that its presence has been assumed by those creating apps. For example, both pmount and ymount do.
I think Raffy's solution would be best. But in the meantime, not being a purest like Iguleder, I don't mind using his "dirty hack." So I stole it from the 5.0.0 ISO and installed it.
As I also mentioned, I figured out how to run XP-portables under emelfm2. I just don't have an easy way to add them to the menu. Wbar also doesn't accept them. So I'll bite the bullet and see if I can make use of binfmt_misc.
If not, it's no great loss. emelfm2+wine has no problem with xp programs actually installed. And there are, of course, native Linux applications equivalent to the three portables I run. It's just that I run them from /mnt/home so that they can be used by any of my Puppies.
The only other advantage I see to Rox is its ability to provide a thumbnail view of all the graphic files in a folder. Perhaps there's a plugin for emelfm2 which could provide that? I couldn't find one.
Alternatively, an app run independently of emelfm2 --such as the preview option of fehbg wallpaper chooser or pemasu's xnView-- could be used. XnView, if you haven't tried it yet, appears to be a very complete package for handling graphic files. Although, as pemasu admits, as a 36 meg SFS, it is rather large. So I'll start first by installing SFS-on-the-fly.
By the way, for other non-purists, both the picasa.sfs and the picasa xp portable run well, although they complain about the available storage space being below recommended levels. Its a false negative. It only counts the storage space in the SaveFile, not the space otherwise available on one's system.

Last edited by mikeslr on Sun 23 Oct 2011, 14:50, edited 1 time in total.
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#165 Post by pacer106 »

Hi mikeslr :)

There is a plugin for thumbnail views I personally do not possess the talent to install it (or most things that are not pets lol).

Here is the info I was able to find
Library for Thumbnails Plugin

This archive (110kB) provides a version of the GIMP thumbnails library that (unlike the original) works with multiple users and/or multiple threads, and doesn't crash when re-used. You will need to run the included script before the usual build sequence.

This shared library is badged as 'libthumbs' and may be installed in parallel with the standard libgimpthumb.

Use of libthumbs is optional (via a Make parameter) for the thumbnails plugin. If not used, relevant code is built into the plugin, instead. However, for versions < 0.7.5, the built-in code includes static data for a GObject-class, so you really must use the library if: multiple instances of emelFM2 are ever to be open simultaneously, and more than one of those instances has an open thumbs dialog when the instance is terminated and the opened instances are not terminated in LIFO order. Probably not a big risk.
It was found here:

If you do manage to get it installed I would be curious as to how you did it :)
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library for thumbnail plugin

#166 Post by mikeslr »

Hi pacer106,

Thanks for the reference to the plugin. I downloaded the plugin, unpacked it, and scanned its "Readme" file. Despite that it originated on, it appears to be a plugin for Gimp. I use the word "appears" purposefully as I did not carefully read "Readme." The gist I got, together with the other files revealed by unpacking, was that the plugin has to be compiled. Compiling is something I have yet to develop the courage to undertake. On those occasions when I am tempted to try to compile something that doesn't already exist in Puppy, I am deterred by the realization that if it doesn't work I won't know if the fault lies in my inexperience or some incompatibility with Puppy.
That said, the plugin in the hands of someone who knows what he is doing would be a valuable addition even if it is only adds to Gimp's capabilities, currently absent, by affording a thumbnail view of files in a folder. With that addition, Gimp could also be used in tandem with, or independent of, emelfm2 to provide easy identification and manipulation of graphics files.

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Partial Success with XP Portables under wine

#167 Post by mikeslr »

Hi iguleder & All;

As indicated in my prior posts, thanks to pacer106's advice as to how to include "exe" as a file-type recognizable under emelfm2, I was able to start xp portables by browsing to them and clicking them. However, I was not able via a script in /my-applications/bin to call the program, an icon, and a desktop file to add them to the menu. I still haven't been able to do so. But I have been able to add them to wbar.

As previously mention, all the folders for my various puppies and for the XP Portables are on my mnt/home.

The following code was included in a script, named foxit, in /my-applications/bin. Permissions were set to executable by all, and to be on the safe side. the system was rebooted.

wine /mnt/home/'Foxit'/'FoxitReaderPortable.exe'

Note the HARD Quotation marks before and after the names. Not sure if those before and after the folder are needed, nor if soft quotes would do.

clicking foxit in /my-applications/bin will start the application, and wbar config accepts it as an executable. Consequently, I can now start Foxit reader (along with 7-Zip and FileZilla) by clicking icons on wbar.

Anyone interested in my efforts to utilize wine's binfmt_misc interpreter function can read about it here: ... 726#576726

Were it not for that exploration, and emelfm2's handy pane reporting errors encountered when you try to run an app --both of which kept insisting that existent files weren't found-- I probably would not have stumbled upon the flaw in my prior scripts.

Desktop files in usr/share/applications still do not produce listing in the menu. That would be much preferable as I only occasionally use these programs and would prefer only to have commonly used applications on wbar. Ideas? Suggestions? are welcome.


p.s. Strangely, wbar now appears always to be above opened windows, where before it was always hidden by them. I'll have to explore wbar-config to see if "hidden unless clicked" can be established. If I recall correctly, it used to be necessary to preserve 1 or more pixels at the bottom to accomplish that -- i.e., somewhere to click not actually covered.

p.p.s. Ignore p.s. -- a momentary aberration. Gone away.
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#168 Post by pacer106 »

Hi mikeslr

I am not running in Guy Dog (for some reason the kernel included in it & other puplets with the same kernel do not like my belkin router it seems. It tries to asign an IP from a block of IP addresses way off from my block lol). I did look at the icewm menu file & it looks like adding programs for wine might be added manually. I did not test it out myself.

I am not very good with linux in general so did not try. Looks like it would be easy to add new menu items though.

If you try & succeed I would like to know what you did :)

/root/.icewm/menu is what im speaking of.
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Icewm Toolbar

#169 Post by mikeslr »

Hi pacer106,

Awhile back when icewm was all the rage as an alternative window-manager to jwm, I wrote a tutorial on how to modify its toolbar to display your favorite apps, including those which run under wine. ... 412#301412

It didn't include a discussion of parameters required to call XP portables.
I would guess, however, that they could be included by using a script file in /my-applications/bin with the executable specified using hard-quotes the same way as I did to include them in wbar.

That is an interesting idea: icewm rather than openbox.

Sorry Guydog doesn't play nice with your wireless. It is the fastest puppy on my system. But if it locks you out of the internet it defeats about 60% of the reason for having a computer.

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#170 Post by pacer106 »

Hello again mikeslr

I personally do not know how to write scripts. You are far beyond me in skills :)

No worries about not being able to get online with Guy Dog. I think Iguleder will be able to do something with an older kernel. i believe that would solve my connection issue.

Guy Dog is the fastest puplet i have ever used as well :)
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#171 Post by TLM »

Nice puplet! I had previously posted that i could not get x to start, however it could have been a bad burn on my end. MD5 checked out on the download so good there. Anyway I downloaded Guy Dog 5.01 (btw splash still says 5.00) and it boots up perfectly for me. This is very similar to Reborn Pup: ... 76&t=67244

However Guy Dog is lighter and has wbar. I am still playing with it. Like it a lot. Thanks!
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#172 Post by Iguleder »

OK, time for some development news after a very busy week.

I decided to skip 5.0.2 and keep the fun stuff for a future release. I don't know how much time this will take, but I'm doing very serious development work.

My main goal is to make a larger number of packages built from source instead of taken from binary package, so I can port Guy Dog to x86_64 easily.

I already have most of the Puppy-specific traditional packages and tomorrow I want to build an i486 build of Guy Dog with a 64-bit kernel, as I did once already with Lupu.

This time, though, I want to use it to remotely rebuild all Guy Dog's packages for x86_64 and use them later to build a fully native 64-bit Guy Dog, without a single 32-bit package.
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Guy Dog 5.0.1

#173 Post by Billtoo »

I'm still using 5.0.0 on this pc, it seems to be fairly stable :)
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Request for GuyDog 64 -- Question about 5.0.1

#174 Post by mikeslr »

Hi iguleder,

I look forward to your 64-bit, since Guy Dog 5.0.1 has become my favorite Puppy. Perhaps because it's the fastest 32-bit on my system. But more likely it's because I ended up spending so much time figuring out how to get it to easily do what previously had been routine. Affection is directly proportionate to time invested.
As it now stands, there's only a couple of things I would like to add. I indicated in a recent post how I solved the problem of running XP portables from wbar, but they failed to appear on the menu even though .desktop files in usr/share/applications exist. Where exactly is the file which generates the menu? Maybe the routine which is supposed to generate the menu from .desktop files breaks down? While I don't know enough to try to fix such routine, I do know enough to edit text files. I have to do that all the time in order to add PupSnap or mtpaintsnapshot to jwm's tray.
Which reminds me, I'd also like to know the name and location of the file which generates the tray in GuyDog so that I could add a screenshot app to it. A "show desktop" icon on the tray would also be of value, especially as wbar is frequently hidden behind an open app. But for that I'd also need to know "show desktop's" executable. Does Guy Dog have one?
Lastly, I've figured out how to restart-x and restart-wm via the terminal. Both would be handy to have on the menu,
Regarding GuyDog 64, please keep in mind that --as far as I know-- there isn't a 64-bit version of wine or LibreOffice. Additionally, many of us have favorite 32-bit apps for which there are no 64-bit versions or adequate substitutes. So while an "all 64-bit" distro would be ideal, unless and until there are quality 64-bit apps to fill every niche, you may want to consider --as, as far as I know, every 64-bit distro including FatDog and LightHouse64 has-- developing some method by which 32-bit apps can be utilized. Transitional measures are important until the rest of the world catches up. At which time they can be discarded.

mikesLr -- but you can call me igu-follower
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#175 Post by James C »

FWIW, there is a 64 bit LibreOffice.....
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Re: Request for GuyDog 64 -- Question about 5.0.1

#176 Post by stu90 »

mikeslr wrote:Hi iguleder,

I look forward to your 64-bit, since Guy Dog 5.0.1 has become my favorite Puppy. Perhaps because it's the fastest 32-bit on my system. But more likely it's because I ended up spending so much time figuring out how to get it to easily do what previously had been routine. Affection is directly proportionate to time invested.
As it now stands, there's only a couple of things I would like to add. I indicated in a recent post how I solved the problem of running XP portables from wbar, but they failed to appear on the menu even though .desktop files in usr/share/applications exist. Where exactly is the file which generates the menu? Maybe the routine which is supposed to generate the menu from .desktop files breaks down? While I don't know enough to try to fix such routine, I do know enough to edit text files. I have to do that all the time in order to add PupSnap or mtpaintsnapshot to jwm's tray.
Which reminds me, I'd also like to know the name and location of the file which generates the tray in GuyDog so that I could add a screenshot app to it. A "show desktop" icon on the tray would also be of value, especially as wbar is frequently hidden behind an open app. But for that I'd also need to know "show desktop's" executable. Does Guy Dog have one?
Lastly, I've figured out how to restart-x and restart-wm via the terminal. Both would be handy to have on the menu,
Regarding GuyDog 64, please keep in mind that --as far as I know-- there isn't a 64-bit version of wine or LibreOffice. Additionally, many of us have favorite 32-bit apps for which there are no 64-bit versions or adequate substitutes. So while an "all 64-bit" distro would be ideal, unless and until there are quality 64-bit apps to fill every niche, you may want to consider --as, as far as I know, every 64-bit distro including FatDog and LightHouse64 has-- developing some method by which 32-bit apps can be utilized. Transitional measures are important until the rest of the world catches up. At which time they can be discarded.

mikesLr -- but you can call me igu-follower
Hi mikesLr,
The openbox menu file is /etc/xdg/openbox/menu.xml to generate the menu /usr/sbin/fixmenus calls /usr/bin/ob-xdgmenu

The tray in GuyDog is Tint2 the tint2rc file is usually located in /root/.config/tint2/
Adding icons / launchers to the tint2 tray can be pretty involved - i have included 3 tray icons /launchers in my tint2 theme maker and switcher - you can edit the .desktop files in /usr/share/tint2/ .desktop files to change the icon used or the application launched - default launchers are Menu/Show-desktop/Terminal.

Both .pets below will need to be installed.
GUI for making and changing tint2 themes
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#177 Post by Iguleder »

stu90's answer is correct, but there's something I'd like to add - ob-xdgmenu is an in-house script I wrote especially for my Openbox packages. If there's any issue with it, please report it and we'll fix it together :)

Also, I added a menu entry for restarting Openbox, but restarting X is a bit more complicated so I won't do that, since it's hacky.

And by the way - there are 64-bit packages for Wine and LibreOffice; they are built the same way as the 32-bit ones. If I ever get a 64-bit Guy Dog ready, I'll build Wine, since I'm pretty sure LibreOffice has official binary packages.
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#178 Post by stu90 »

Iguleder wrote:stu90's answer is correct, but there's something I'd like to add - ob-xdgmenu is an in-house script I wrote especially for my Openbox packages. If there's any issue with it, please report it and we'll fix it together :)
Hi Iguleder,
Your ob-xdgmenu script works well for updating menus - although i did change it slightly to use external top and bottom menus - but that is just personal preference as i like to have these separate so it is easy to add custom application launcher etc.

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#179 Post by mikeslr »

Thanks Stu90 & Iguleder for the info.

I just examined the script & .desktop files for my XP-Portables (installed via a pet created on a different Puppy) and found errors. That may account for their failure to appear on the menu. Will edit and see what happens.

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#180 Post by Iguleder »

Eek! Packages ... they are everywhere! :lol:

More news!

So far I've got 156 build scripts for many packages Guy Dog uses and I'm working on replacement of more and more Debian packages with automatically-built PETs. This selection includes all Guy Dog's applications and many upgrades, such as udev.

Now I'm working on conversion of packages such as coreutils (cp, mv, etc'), findutils (find, xargs, locate), grep, sed, mktemp, wget and more. They should be smaller and faster than the ones we use now.

Once all these are built on Guy Dog 5.0.1, I want to build a testing build which uses them.
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