newest kernel 3.1.8 & 3.0.16 test on lupu528

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Re: Why no USB3 support in new Kernel?

#81 Post by wuxiandianzi »

otropogo wrote:Have just burned the latest version of this update (from the URL on page 5) in the hope it would include USB3 support, as Slacko 5.29.6 does.

However, puppy didn't detect my USB3 drive on the expresscard port. Is Slacko 5.29.6 using a more recent version of the Linux Kernel?

I also encountered another problem I haven't seen in a long time in Puppy - failure to automatically configure the Internet connection. Every previous version of Puppy 4.xx, lupu and Slacko managed this, as do SLAX, Tinycore, and Knoppix.
thank you

usb3 has been configured as "CONFIG_USB_XHCI_HCD=m"

so you can modproble XHCI_HCD by hand
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Re: Why no USB3 support in new Kernel?

#82 Post by otropogo »

wuxiandianzi wrote:
otropogo wrote:... puppy didn't detect my USB3 drive on the expresscard port.....
thank you

usb3 has been configured as "CONFIG_USB_XHCI_HCD=m"

so you can modproble XHCI_HCD by hand
Thanks. But I won't have access to the USB3 hardware again until next weekend.

Will try it then and report my results.
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528_k3.07 won't boot on Intel D865GLC Motherboard

#83 Post by otropogo »

Have just tried lupu_528_k3... on my main desktop machine, hoping that once I get USB3 support working for the laptop, this could be my main Puppy.

Unfortunately, this version won't boot on my Intel D865GLC.

I tried first using the "puppy pfix=ram" parameter, which resulted in an unusually prolonged bout of "pausing" (the word displayed at least four times, I'm afraid I didn't note it carefully).

That was followed by the following text:
lupu_528.sfs not found. Dropping out to initial-ramdisk console.
/bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off
At which point the system locked up.

I was particularly surprised by the "...528_sfs not found" message, since obviously the file is on the CD itself. This situation also raises the interesting question of how the boot module distinguishes between the lupu_528.sfs file with the new kernel, and the old one, which has the same name and is sitting in on one of the hard drives in the system.

Could the existence of that older sfs file account for the boot failure? If so, shouldn't the new sfs file have a different name, so that one doesn't have to continually rename or remove the sfs file to use one or the other lupu?

In any case, I next tried booting without arguments, and let the boot loader find all of the lupu-save.2fs files on the system (which again resulted in four "pause" s), before selecting "0 - none" to avoid corrupting any of them.

The system then locked up with 25 rows of the following text on the display:
[188.239542] <IRQ>
Update: after renaming my old lupu_528.sfs file, I rebooted again with the new kernel, this time using both of the following arguments:

Code: Select all

puppy loglevel=7 pfix=ram
The result was exactly the same as the first time, with pfix=ram alone.
Dropping out to initial-ramdisk console.
/bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off
I then tried allowing the boot loader to search the system for lupu save files, adding only the

Code: Select all

command. This produced a different ending than the previous time:
[176.088021] BUG: unable to handle kernel
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Re: 528_k3.07 won't boot on Intel D865GLC Motherboard

#84 Post by wuxiandianzi »

Thank you for your "bugs".
Lots of people would have this problem or kernel panic.
First, I want to know if you have other puppy files(such as initrd.gz XXX.sfs pupsave.2fs) on your hdd? when you boot it from cd, the "init" script in initrd.gz will search XXX.sfs file and pupsave.2fs file. This will lead to kernel panic.
Second, Most kernel modules have been compiled as modules(config as M).
It is diffrent from old kernl ( 2.6.X.. ..). So when it boot from from cdrom, some modules which support CDROM driver not be loaded. And init script can not find XXX.sfs file.

I worder if your CDROM is SCSI interface? I only put little basic modules into "initrd.gz". If you know the exact driver you have, I am pleasure to build a special-purpose "initrd.gz" for you.

Finally I think the problem is mainly caused by the lack of drives of your CDROM.
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#85 Post by peebee »

Hi wuxiandianzi

Just tried lupu528-k3.0.7 on my HP550 laptop frugal install

Same problem as previously with savefiles - the "standard" mechanism doesn't create one and I have to install pupsave and use that before the 1st reboot to create the savefile.

/lib/firmware/b43 now has contents but I still need to copy the directory from lupu528 to get my wifi working - the copied directory seems to be much bigger than that in the iso.

Strange problem with JWM Configuration - I'm unable to reduce the number of desktops from 4 no matter what I try.

Once these things are sorted seems to run fine - posting this from Iron13 with wifi connection courtesy of Frisbee.

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Re: 528_k3.07 won't boot on Intel D865GLC Motherboard

#86 Post by otropogo »

wuxiandianzi wrote:Otropogo:
Thank you for your "bugs".
Lots of people would have this problem or kernel panic.
First, I want to know if you have other puppy files(such as initrd.gz XXX.sfs pupsave.2fs) on your hdd? when you boot it from cd, the "init" script in initrd.gz will search XXX.sfs file and pupsave.2fs file. This will lead to kernel panic.
Thanks for your comments. I will have to search my partitions for the answer to the above.

Depending on how many USB devices are connected, there may be as many as 12 partitions attached to my system at bootup, so this is not an easy question to answer. However, I've never, ever, encountered this problem with Puppy 4.3.1 or Lupu 5.2.8 (standard kernel).

I thought, moreover, that booting with the pfix=ram parameter would cause the boot loader to ignore all of the connected partitions, and look only on the LiveCD.
Second, Most kernel modules have been compiled as modules(config as M).
It is diffrent from old kernl ( 2.6.X.. ..). So when it boot from from cdrom, some modules which support CDROM driver not be loaded. And init script can not find XXX.sfs file.
I'm not sure I understand this part of your commentary. But I do know that I saw "loading Puppy_5.2.8.sfs to RAM" displayed. The lockup of the system comes later.
I worder if your CDROM is SCSI interface? I only put little basic modules into "initrd.gz". If you know the exact driver you have, I am pleasure to build a special-purpose "initrd.gz" for you.
No. I have two CD/DVD burners. One is internal IDE, the other is USB2:

TSSTcorp USB Mass Storage Device

Neither has ever encountered a problem booting the system from an Ultilex, Puppy 4.3.1, or Puppy 5.2.8 LiveCD, and I boot my system exclusively from LiveCD, which means I boot from the CD drive at least once a day, and often six or seven times.

Finally I think the problem is mainly caused by the lack of drives of your CDROM.
I'm afraid I don't understand your meaning.
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Re: lupu_528_k3.0.7_SMP(cpu) update:20111021

#87 Post by ETP »


Many thanks for this latest pup. Currently testing a manual frugal install on a fat 32 USB 2 stick. No problem creating an ext2 save file.

Just using the nv driver, it is faster than 528 with a proprietary driver. It has sailed through every test I have subjected it to and is IMHO the best pup yet !
A slideshow of tests can be found here:

Very, very well done.
Regards ETP
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can't get online with lupu k307

#88 Post by otropogo »

For the first time in several years I'm unable to get online with a Puppy.

In the standard Lupu 5.2.8, Wary, Slacko, 4.3.1, I have never had a problem getting online. If I'm cabled to the router/modem, it's automatic. If I've neglected to attach the CAT5 cable, I click on the Puppy Network Wizard icon, choose ehto-0, then auto dhcp, and I'm connected.

Lupu K307 reports there is no interface, and all attempts with the two available methods of connecting have failed.
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USB3 not hotpluggable in lupu K307

#89 Post by otropogo »

Have just tried the command:

Code: Select all

modprobe XHCI_HCD
After booting lupu k3.07 with pfix=ram, then hotplugging the USB3.0 adapter and USB3 3TB Goflex Desk into the expresscard bus.

the response was:
module XHCI_HCD not found
The drive was not found by pmount.

When I rebooted with the USB3 adapter and hard drive already attached, the drive's icon appeared on the desktop automatically, and could be accessed normally.

In Slacko hotplugging the 3TB USB3 drive works.
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burned and verified second copy of lupuk07,won't boot at all

#90 Post by otropogo »

Have just burned a second copy of lupu k3.0.7 to test the suggestion my first disk was scratched.

I burned the original md5summed iso with Burniso2cd using a different burner than last time (as burner defects were also suggested), and then verified the burn.

I then booted my Intel D865GLC desktop system with

Code: Select all

, and the boot failed with the same error message as before.

I then took the disk over to the Toshiba laptop that has so far booted without apparent problems with the first disk burned. This time the laptop failed to boot as well, giving the same error message.

I can't detect even a hint of a scratch on the disk.
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Re: burned and verified second copy of lupuk07,won't boot at all

#91 Post by wuxiandianzi »

otropogo wrote:Have just burned a second copy of lupu k3.0.7 to test the suggestion my first disk was scratched.

I burned the original md5summed iso with Burniso2cd using a different burner than last time (as burner defects were also suggested), and then verified the burn.

I then booted my Intel D865GLC desktop system with

Code: Select all

, and the boot failed with the same error message as before.

I then took the disk over to the Toshiba laptop that has so far booted without apparent problems with the first disk burned. This time the laptop failed to boot as well, giving the same error message.

I can't detect even a hint of a scratch on the disk.
updated , Thank you!
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Re: burned and verified second copy of lupuk07,won't boot at all

#92 Post by otropogo »

wuxiandianzi wrote:
updated , Thank you!
Have visited your download site, downloaded the puppy_slacko_5.3.sfs file and the md5.txt, and now realize I have no idea how to use them.

Is the md5.txt for the above sfs file?

How do I boot the sfs file? Why is it called Slacko instead of lupu?
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#93 Post by sszindian »


Installed the 308.sfs in Squeezed 4.99-2 Puppy.... All applications that I've tried so far, no problem!

I must say it is very, very, fast, it's hard to tell the speed from the 304 Kernel to the 308 Kernel as both are so close but it does appear that 308 has a slight edge on speed but then again, when everything with the new kernels in Puppy make it so fast to begin with, I just can't see how Puppy can get any faster?

At any rate, I'd say for sure the 308 Kernel looks like a real winner so far,at least in my book!

One thing I'm sure everyone would like to know... the advantages over the 304 Kernel?

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#94 Post by otropogo »

beguiled wrote:otropogo
I thought they banned you? Did you make one of those sniveling apologies?

Does this not meet your criteria for "useless bickering"? Is it time to lock this thread then, or does that only happen to threads started by otropogo?

I assume from you past rulings, that this sort of unprovoked personal attack on otropogo is considered fair game and good posting. Whereas any attempt of otropogo to defend himself is considered "useless bickering" and grounds for immediate moderation.

Since I'm not permitted to defend the truth when I've been defamed, perhaps you would be so good as to at least clarify my record of making "sniveling aplogies" to the moderators of Murga-linux.

BTW - I have NO IDEA who the poster quoted above might be. I certainly haven't responded to him under that name publicly or privately in recent months, if ever.

Is this the kind of posting you seek to encourage by your oh-so partisan "moderation"?
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#95 Post by peebee »


Dowloaded the 3 files needed for a frugal install - sfs - vmlinuz - initrd.gz

Still the 2 main problems:
- woof pupsavefile routines don't work - see screenie - needs the pupsaveconfig pet loaded - this maybe because the partition is ntfs formatted?

- b43 wifi is not being recognised and firmware is not being unpacked (this problem also in Barry's racy with k3)

New problem - Seamonkey is in Chinese and I can't see how to make it English!!

Many thanks for these interesting experiments
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#96 Post by James C »

I had to be different so I made a bootable cd of Slacko-530 with your 3.0.8 kernel.Easier to test on different hardware running live.
Detected the graphics,sound and internet(wired dsl) on initial boot.On to more testing....
(24.16 KiB) Downloaded 1307 times
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#97 Post by wuxiandianzi »

peebee wrote: - woof pupsavefile routines don't work - see screenie - needs the pupsaveconfig pet loaded - this maybe because the partition is ntfs formatted?
Thank you, I think the error in pupsave step has something to

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this script leads sanity fails:

Code: Select all

pupsavefunc() {
 sPTN="/dev/${SAVEPART} "
 SMNTPT="`mount | grep "$sPTN" | tr -s " " | cut -f 3 -d " "`"
 #ntfs uses /dev/fuse so '/dev/$SAVEPART' no good for grep... NOTE: this fixed later versions ntfs-3g, so this line actually redundant...
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Re: burned and verified second copy of lupuk07,won't boot at all

#98 Post by wuxiandianzi »

otropogo wrote: How do I boot the sfs file? Why is it called Slacko instead of lupu?
K3.08 test on slacko-5.3
so, you need 3 files: vmlinuz-3.0.8 initrd-3.0.8.gz puppy_slacko_5.3.sfs

You'd better edit your "bootconfig" file. such as grub in menu.lst:

Code: Select all

  title slack puppy 3.0.8
  root (hd2,2) #this is my hdd,you should edit as your
  kernel /boot/s/vmlinuz-3.0.8 root=/dev/sdb3 ro vga=normal 
  initrd /boot/s/initrd-3.0.8.gz
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Re: burned and verified second copy of lupuk07,won't boot at all

#99 Post by otropogo »

wuxiandianzi wrote:
otropogo wrote: How do I boot the sfs file? Why is it called Slacko instead of lupu?
K3.08 test on slacko-5.3
so, you need 3 files: vmlinuz-3.0.8 initrd-3.0.8.gz puppy_slacko_5.3.sfs

You'd better edit your "bootconfig" file. such as grub in menu.lst:

Code: Select all

  title slack puppy 3.0.8
  root (hd2,2) #this is my hdd,you should edit as your
  kernel /boot/s/vmlinuz-3.0.8 root=/dev/sdb3 ro vga=normal 
  initrd /boot/s/initrd-3.0.8.gz
Thanks for your suggestion, but I'm afraid it's beyond my skill level. I boot Puppy strictly from the LiveCD, I've tried remastering once, and it failed dismally. I was advised to use Woof! next time, and haven't figured out what Woof! is yet.

I'm one of those strange birds who believed when told that Puppy is easy to use. I guess it is, if you're able to fit your needs into the limited capabilities of Puppy. Unfortunately, those capabilities seem to wax and wane with every new update.
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#100 Post by taca0 »

Kernel 3.08 in a pet file for use on woof??

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