Translate Quick Launch

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Translate Quick Launch

#1 Post by don570 »

Translate Quick Launch

I already have French German Spanish translations
and a partial Russian translation.

... but I would love more :lol:

Just read the next post and translate the English
between the quotation marks into your language.

Then post on this thread or send by email to me.
Check out the software so you understand what
you're translating.
Last edited by don570 on Tue 15 Nov 2011, 20:17, edited 6 times in total.
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corrected version of text

#2 Post by don570 »

Here's the corrected version of text...

Code: Select all


set -a

LOC100="Favorites Folder List"
LOC102="Favorite Folders"
LOC103="Mounted Disks"

#Popup Tooltips
LOC200="Select a folder to put on list"
LOC201=" Add to the list of favorites"
LOC203="Launch Pmount to mount a disk partition"
LOC204=" Launch with Rox-Filer"
LOC205=" Help "
LOC206=" Open the folder's window "
LOC207=" Close this window "
LOC208=" Close some of the Rox windows "

#Heading (Bold)
LOC300="Select a folder and make it a favorite"
LOC301=" by clicking"
LOC302="'Add entry'"
LOC303="You may continue to add until completed."
LOC304="Restart program to activate the changes."
LOC305="Choose from a list of favorite folders."
LOC306="Select a folder and click on 'Open'."
LOC307="Open a drive window with"
LOC308="a click on the button. Only "
LOC309="mounted drives are shown. "
LOC311="Close some Rox windows"
LOC312="to tidy up the screen"
#Button labels
LOC400="Add entry to list"
LOC402="Add more folders"
LOC403="Open the window"
LOC404="Launch Pmount"
LOC405="Close Rox windows"

LOC501="This software has been written to provide quick access to folders"
LOC502="or a mounted disk. "
LOC503="Launch it from your bottom panel or shelf."
LOC504="The best way to launch is with a keystroke launcher program."
LOC505="The program can be launched with the keystrokes Ctrl-shift-L."
LOC506="You may modify by hand /root/.quick_launch/tmp/FOLDER_LIST"
LOC507="Rox Bookmarks are added automatically to bottom of FOLDER_LIST"

# Xdialog messages
LOC601="You must choose a folder."
LOC602="You may now add more folders to your list. "
LOC603="Folder has been added to Favorites."
LOC604="You must restart the program to activate changes."
LOC605="Select from your list."
LOC606="You must choose a disk or partition."

# Application Buttons

# Application text
LOC800="Enter full path name"
LOC801="The name will be added to the top of list."
LOC802="Remove names with a Text Editor. "
LOC803="You must select an application from the list."

# Notebook headings

Last edited by don570 on Sat 29 Oct 2011, 17:24, edited 2 times in total.
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Russian translation

#3 Post by rodin.s »

I have made Russian translation.
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#4 Post by don570 »

Thanks . I'll post on Saturday.

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quick launch text is now correct

#5 Post by don570 »

I now have the correct text to translate :oops:
I was using an old version.
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#6 Post by RSH »

Hello don570

here are the german translations. Please remark my comments.

Code: Select all


set -a

LOC100="Liste der Ordner-Favoriten"
LOC103="Eingebundene Laufwerke"

#Popup Tooltips
LOC200="Wählen Sie einen Ordner, um ihn in die Liste einzufügen"
LOC201=" zur Favoritenliste hinzufügen "
LOC202=" Über Quicklaunch... "
LOC203=" Starte Pmount um ein Laufwerk einzubinden "
LOC204=" Starte mit Rox-Filer "
LOC205=" Hilfe "
LOC206=" Öffne das Ordnerfenster "
LOC207=" Programm beenden "
LOC208=" Schließe die internen Rox-Fenster "

#Heading (Bold)
LOC300="Wählen Sie einen Ordner und machen"
LOC301="Sie ihn zu einem Favoriten, in dem"
LOC302="Sie auf 'Eintrag zur Liste hinzufügen' klicken"
LOC303="Sie können weitere Einträge hinzufügen."
LOC304="Starten Sie das Programm erneut, um die Änderungen zu übernehmen."
LOC305="Wählen Sie aus einer Liste von favorisierten Ordnern."
LOC306="Wählen Sie einen Ordner und klicken Sie auf 'Öffnen'."
LOC307="Wählen Sie ein Laufwerk bzw. eine Partition, in dem"
LOC308="Sie auf einen Eintrag klicken. Nur eingebundene"
LOC309="Laufwerke werden angezeigt."
LOC310="" #nothing to translate?
LOC311="Schließe die internen Rox-Fenster,"
LOC312="um den Bildschirm aufzuräumen."
#Button labels
LOC400="Eintrag zur Liste hinzufügen"
LOC402="Weitere Ordner hinzufügen"
LOC403="Öffne das Fenster"
LOC404="Starte Pmount"
LOC405="Schließe die Rox-Fenster"

LOC501="Diese Software wurde entwickelt, um einen schnellen Zugriff auf"
LOC502="Ordner und/oder eingebunde Laufwerke zu ermöglichen."
LOC503="" #makes no sense to me
LOC504="" #makes no sense to me
LOC505="Das Programm kann mit der Tastaturkombination Ctrl-shift-L gestartet werden."
LOC506="Sie können dies manuell ändern: /root/.quick_launch/tmp/FOLDER_LIST"
LOC507="Rox Bookmarks werden automatisch am Ende der Liste eingefügt."

# Xdialog messages
LOC601="Sie müssen einen Ordner wählen."
LOC602="Sie können nun weitere Ordner zur Liste hinzufügen."
LOC603="Der Ordner wurde zu den Favoriten hinzugefügt."
LOC604="Starten Sie das Programm erneut, um die Änderungen zu übernehmen."
LOC605="Wählen Sie aus der Liste."
LOC606="Sie müssen ein Laufwerk oder eine Partition wählen."

# Application Buttons
LOC700=" Programm starten "
LOC701="Programme hinzufügen"

# Application text
LOC800="Geben Sie den vollständigen Pfadnamen ein"
LOC801="Der Name wird an erster Stelle der Liste eingefügt."
LOC802="Entfernen Sie Namen/Einträge mit einem Texteditor. "
LOC803="Sie müssen ein Programm aus der Liste auswählen."

# Notebook headings


Edited: i have download the program and check it out, right now. I will be back in a few minutes to translate the unsure lines (maybe).

Edited: it is done. Looks nice.
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#7 Post by don570 »

Note to RSH

My first post says that I already have a German
translation, but it's for the old version of Quick launch
so your translation might have some improvements :lol:

I'll read through it and compare.

Note that we usually package translations separate from
the application in order to save space.

For instance the translations for mtpaint are the
same size as the application itself, so Barry leaves them out.

With scripts it doesn't really matter but I'm keeping them
separate anyway.

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#8 Post by don570 »

It added some new features,
so I made a new file of translations.

Last edited by don570 on Sat 19 Nov 2011, 19:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Portuguese locale

#9 Post by ferro10n »

See a couple of posts below for an update of the Portuguese locale and the Italian locale plus screenshots :D
Last edited by ferro10n on Sun 04 Dec 2011, 22:05, edited 2 times in total.
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#10 Post by don570 »

Thanks ... I'll have it ready early next week

Note to ferro have you tried my application
Bacon Recorder. I could use a tranlation into
Portugese and Italian for it.
It's my favorite app!! So I would appreciate you
taking the time to translate it!!

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#11 Post by ferro10n »

:arrow: Portuguese locale updated

Code: Select all


set -a 

LOC100="Lista de Pastas Favoritas" 
LOC102="Pastas Favoritas" 
LOC103="Discos Montados" 

#Popup Tooltips 
LOC200="Selecione uma pasta para adicionar à lista" 
LOC201=" Adicionar à lista de favoritos" 
LOC203="Lançar Pmount para montar uma partição de disco" 
LOC204=" Lançar com Rox-Filer" 
LOC205=" Ajuda " 
LOC206=" Abrir janela da pasta " 
LOC207=" Fechar ista janela " 
LOC208=" Fechar algumas janelas do Rox " 

#Heading (Bold) 
LOC300="Selecione uma pasta e faza-la uma favorita" 
LOC301=" clicando em" 
LOC302="'Adicionar entrada'" 
LOC303="Pode continuar adicionando até completar." 
LOC304="Reiniciar programa para ativar mudanças." 
LOC305="Escolher de uma lista de pastas favoritas." 
LOC306="Selecione uma pasta e clique 'Abrir'." 
LOC307="Abra uma janela de disco com" 
LOC308="um click no botão somente " 
LOC309="mostram-se os discos montados. " 
LOC311="Fechar algumas janelas do Rox" 
LOC312="para limpar a tela" 
#Button labels 
LOC400="Adicionar entrada à lista" 
LOC402="Adicionar mais pastas" 
LOC403="Abrir a janela" 
LOC404="Lançar Pmount" 
LOC405="Fechar janelas do Rox" 

LOC501="Este software foi escrito para fornecer acceso rápido a pastas" 
LOC502="ou a um disco montado." 
LOC503="Lance-lo a partir do seu painel de fundo ou prateleira." 
LOC504="A melhor forma de lançar é com um atalho de teclado." 
LOC505="O programa pode ser lançado com a combinação de teclas Ctrl-Shift-L." 
LOC506="Você pode modificar à mão /root/.quick_launch/tmp/FOLDER_LIST" 
LOC507="Os Marcadores Rox são adicionados automáticamente ao final de FOLDER_LIST" 

# Xdialog messages 
LOC601="Você deve escolher uma pasta." 
LOC602="Agora pode adicionar mais pastas a sua lista." 
LOC603="A pasta foi adicionada a Favoritos." 
LOC604="Você deve reiniciar o programa para ativar as alterações." 
LOC605="Selecione a partir de sua lista." 
LOC606="Você deve escolher um disco ou partição." 

# Application Buttons 

# Application text 
LOC800="Digite o nome do caminho completo" 
LOC801="O nome se adicionará no topo da lista." 
LOC802="Tirar nomes com um Editor de Texto. " 
LOC803="Você deve selecionar um aplicativo da lista." 

# Notebook headings 
:arrow: NEW! Italian locale

Code: Select all


set -a 

LOC100="Elenco di Cartelle Preferite" 
LOC102="Cartelle Preferite" 
LOC103="Dischi Montati" 

#Popup Tooltips 
LOC200="Seleziona una cartella per collocare nell'elenco" 
LOC201=" Aggiungi all'elenco delle preferite" 
LOC203="Lancia Pmount per montare una partizione disco" 
LOC204=" Lancia coll Rox-Filer" 
LOC205=" Guida " 
LOC206=" Apri la Finestra della Cartella " 
LOC207=" Chiudi questa finestra " 
LOC208=" Chiudi alcune finestre di Rox " 

#Heading (Bold) 
LOC300="Seleziona una cartella per farla una preferita" 
LOC301=" cliccando su" 
LOC302="'Aggiungi entrata'" 
LOC303="Puoi continuare ad aggiungere finché completare." 
LOC304="Riavviare il programma per attivare i cambi." 
LOC305="Scegli di un elenco di cartelle preferite." 
LOC306="Seleziona una cartella e clicchi su 'Apri'." 
LOC307="Apri una finestra di disco con" 
LOC308="un clic del bottone soltanto " 
LOC309="i dischi montati sono stato mostrati. " 
LOC311="Chiudi alcune finestre di Rox" 
LOC312="per riordinare lo schermo" 
#Button labels 
LOC400="Aggiungi entrata all'elenco" 
LOC402="Aggiungi più cartelle" 
LOC403="Apri la finestra" 
LOC404="Lancia Pmount" 
LOC405="Chiudi le finestre di Rox" 

LOC501="Questo software è stato scritto per fornire un accesso veloce a cartelle" 
LOC502="o a dischi montati. " 
LOC503="Lanciane dal pannello o piattaforma inferiore." 
LOC504="Il migliore modo di lanciarene è con una scorciatoia di tastiera." 
LOC505="Il programma può essere laciato colla scorciatoia di tastiera Ctrl-shift-L." 
LOC506="Puoi modificare a mano /root/.quick_launch/tmp/FOLDER_LIST" 
LOC507="I segnalibri Rox sono aggiungiati automaticamente alla fine di FOLDER_LIST" 

# Xdialog messages 
LOC601="Devi scegliere una cartella." 
LOC602="Adesso puoi aggiungere più cartelle al suo elenco. " 
LOC603="La cartella è stato aggiungiata alle Preferite." 
LOC604="Devi riavviare il programma per attivare i cambi." 
LOC605="Seleziona del suo elenco." 
LOC606="Devi scegliere un disco o partizione." 

# Application Buttons 

# Application text 
LOC800="Scrivi il nome completo del percorso" 
LOC801="Il nome sarà stato aggiungiato all'inizio dell'elenco." 
LOC802="Togli nomi con un Editore di Testo. " 
LOC803="Devi selezionare una applicazione dell'elenco." 

# Notebook headings 
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