Guy Dog 5.0.1

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#181 Post by pacer106 »

I got bubble wrap packing tape & a nice puppy themed wrapping paper :) Let me know if you need any :D
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Adding to Menu SOLVED -- Strangely

#182 Post by mikeslr »

Hi All,

After checking the spelling and grammar used in the .desktop files --case sensative, hard quotes in the right places-- and trying various arguments in the "Categories" parameter, I'm pretty sure I saved and rebooted. I recall that only one out of three now showed up in the menu. That was better than none out of three. So I checked if there was any discrepancy between the permissions of the one and the other two. Finding none, I decided to take a break and powered off. When I rebooted into Guy Dog, I installed Stu90's pets and while looking to see if a configuration file for tint2 showed up anywhere discovered the missing two.

Thank you Stu90 for the pets -- 'though that means I'll actually have to figure out how to configure tint2, sometime after I stop playing with your tint2 theme maker. Oh well. I've always known that there no such thing as a free lunch.

Iguleder -- the volume icon on the tray always displays as muted. The little red x isn't supposed to be there when its not. No biggy and this petty annoyance occurs in some other puppies.

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#183 Post by Iguleder »

Go to its options. By default, clicking it mutes the volume and scrolling increases or decreases it.

You can change this behavior, so you get a volume slider when you click it instead.
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Missing libss2 package from the base dpup

#184 Post by ldolse »

Minor nit - I was having problems with a savefile and somehow e2fschk blew my file away after fixing it (nothing to do with Guy Dog/Next as far as I'm aware).

Anyway I went looking for a way to recover the missing file and debugfs was the best included package for the job, but it didn't work because it was missing a dependent library, - I believe it needs the libss2 debian package added to the base dpup:

I didn't try rebuilding the base in my case, just re-built e2fsprogs with the --enable-elf-shlibs configure argument. For full disclosure I ran into this in Next Puppy rather than Guy Dog, but I also double-checked the Guy Dog Distro Pkg specs file and I don't see libss2 there, so I think it still applies.

Separate issue I've just narrowed down a bit, and I'm not sure if the problem is upstream in Woof or something to do with the fuse package being used in Next/Guy Dog. Any time I shut down with a CIFS share mounted the shutdown hangs. After littering rc.shutdown with debug statements I found out it was hanging on the last line in this code block:

Code: Select all

STRAYPARTL="`echo "$MNTDPARTS" |grep -v "/dev/pts" |grep -v "/proc" |grep -v "/sys" |grep -v "tmpfs" |grep -v "rootfs" |grep -v 'on / ' | grep -v "/dev/root" | grep -v "usbfs" | grep -v "unionfs" | grep -v "/initrd"`"
STRAYPARTD="`echo $STRAYPARTL | cut -f 1 -d " " | tr "\n" " "`"
 echo "Unmounting $ONESTRAY..."
 #091117 weird bug, no processes but when run this, x restarts...
 xFUSER="`fuser -m $ONESTRAY 2>/dev/null`" #091117 do this first, seems to fix it.
When I run the same command on it's own outside of rc.shutdown it doesn't hang - I suspect that it may also be related to the fact that before the file systems are unmounted the network has already been killed by rc.shutdown, which means this is an upstream issue. Anyway figured I'd get some thoughts on the problem before I raise it upstream.
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#185 Post by rexterd »

Nice! very good, aufs comes into action.

Now its 105mb, how much would the size be say if i only want to run X and Utilities without the applications. I want to have the applications on one sfs file so i can just layer it once X is running.
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#186 Post by ldolse »

rexterd wrote:Nice! very good, aufs comes into action.

Now its 105mb, how much would the size be say if i only want to run X and Utilities without the applications. I want to have the applications on one sfs file so i can just layer it once X is running.
If you take Iguleder's Woof environment/scripts from the first post, build his base dpup and only add the core files from his build scripts during the remaster phase (Window Manager, etc), it's pretty small, probably around 60Meg without Xorg high. Depends on exactly which packages you decide are minimally required in the base. If you want something that's already built and more stripped down you can look at Next Puppy, which is the predecessor to Guy Dog and is more stripped down in the ways you're asking.
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Guy dog + Opera

#187 Post by Volhout »


Would it be an option to replace Firefox with Opera. Opera includes mail, flash player, and bittorrent support. So you would replace 4 packages with 1.
Yes, I know it is against the "1 package perfunction" but it would give you a smaller iso.

Additionally you coult move some packages from the main iso to the devx sfs, since the main iso is for users (not programmers).
If I look at the list I would
- settle for 1 text exditor (not 3).
- move tcpdump to devx

For some of the packages, there may not be a wide audience, and these migh be put in pet's. I am playing with, and using in daily life puppy as a user, and have (as far as I know, from the description you gave in post #1) never used anything like:
- putty, dropbear (technical)
- homebank, osmo, xpad, parcellite, ghasher, gdmap
I cannot judge whether these are needed becuase you replaced ROX with emelFM2, but some of these apps may be very related to your own application.

Not sure if this complicate things, but I guess what I am trying to say is that there may be more space to save if you decide there are some things that are auto included in Puppy from the start, but again seep into this distro without thought. One of these things may be osmo. It is a nice package, but completely useless if you are using a second agenda (paper or on organizer/phone/MSoffice) since it does not synchonize (havent found how to). So users may not use it at all.
Similar with homebank.....

Things I would need is CUPS. I need support for a printer. Actually, why include a document creation tool like Abiword, without any way to print the document. I am not proposing to include CUPS, since it is huge, but it is the thing I would need to download anyway for my desktop systems.

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#188 Post by Béèm »

My first encounter with guy dog is 5.0.1
Installed using my usual FRUGAL Lin'N'Win method.

It's running.

But configuring isn't really user-friendly.

Iguleder made reference to the tnt2 rc file and I changed f.e. autohide to 1.
Ok the tray is hidden, but how to get it back?
Touching the screen edge is doing nothing.
Also I like to have only icons in the system tray.
Didn't find what I had to do for this in the tnt2 rc file.

How to restart the WM?
I only found going to the X prompt and typing xwin.

I wanted to load sfs files at boot.
But when executing the bootmanager setup, I get a red warning that there are too much items to display in pupdialog, so I can't select any sfs to load at boot.
I can't show this error message as I didn't find a screenshot capability.
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#189 Post by tronkel »

Writing this from GuyDog. Nice work Iguleder!

Many moons ago, so long ago I can't even remember where the thing sits now, I built a DPUP from Woof. It was far from perfect, but it seemed to spur interest in this sort of Puppy.

One of the things that I experimented with at the time was the idea of getting apt-get to work in Puppy. I and some others also tried this - I think it was Gposil, but no one seems to have completely succeeded in getting it to work without error messages appearing. I was quite close to succeeding in one of my attempts as I remember. Barry also seemed keen on this idea of using apt-get at that time.

The main stumbling-block in trying to to get apt-get to work in Puppy is the initial apt-get configuration at first boot. Debian does this perfectly of course using an install script. I was never able to extract this script from a Debian install CD in order to see what it did exactly. Maybe this idea needs to be looked at again. Would be nice to have this in GuyDog and if apt-get was used on its own without the size overhead of Synaptic, space usage should not be an issue.

Canonical are looking into porting their rather bloated Ubuntu 11.10 with Unity to smartphones and tablets. Maybe they would be better to look at this system instead with its advantages of compactness and speed. Watch out that they don't pinch this system or its ideas!

Minor issues here with video configuration. Wary had exactly the same problems with the ATI Radeon 3450 card that I use. Have to disable KMS at startup to get video to run, but this means slow video performance. Will play with it more and let you know what happens.

Should GuyDog not now have a separate Distrowatch listing? Would also be nice to get a review of this system written at some point. When I get to know GuyDog better, I'll try to make time
to write a review. If not I'll see if any of my Linux training students would like to have a go at writing it up.
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#190 Post by chrismt »

Hi Iguleder,

Long time no see.

It would be great if you could install HTTPS Everywhere with the browser by default.

It is the only security for Puppy I guess :oops:

But then I hope OpenSSL is implemented in your build very well.

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#191 Post by Iguleder »

1) I want to build a dpup package for e2fsprogs, so the problem should be gone.
2) Separatiing X is too complicated and not very useful.
3) ldolse - that's right and I want to build a Window Maker flavor that deprecates Next Puppy soon.
4) Volhout - the packages you mentioned are quite small actually. And there's always that size vs. functionality debate - I go for balance.
5) Béèm: copy /initrd/pup_ro2/root/.config/tint2rc to ~/.config. Openbox can be restarted with "--restart". Regarding screenshots - you've got "rbpaint -s" and scrot.
6) tronkel - I'm currently thinking of buying or something like that and follow the Macpup and Grafpup path.
7) chrismt - actually, I wanted to do that but decided not to because of performance issues.
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starting .exe programs

#192 Post by smil99 »

mikeslr and others

Found this sometime back on the net and seems to work quite well in calling an installed .exe through wine.
1.create a script and name it to whatever win program you have installed via wine.
2. Paste the script below and edit it to reflect the win program by changing "path_to_your_win_program_exe".
3. Place it in /root/my-applications/bin folder.
4. now you can start the program as a desktop link or through the menu system if you create a menu entry for it.

#check this path below is pointing to your word executable
wine "C:\Program Files\path_to_your_win_program_exe" "`winepath -w "$@"`"
EXECUTE_STRING=$HOME"/root/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/path_to_your_win_program_exe"
#this is what / is mapped to in wine in my case its z:
#convert unix path to windows path
newname=${ROOT_DRIVE_MAPED_TO}`echo "$1" | sed 's/\//\\\/g'`

"$EXECUTE_STRING" "$newname"

Hope this helps.

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#193 Post by starhawk »

Erm... anyone want to guess at absolute minimum useable specs for this?

Ulterior motive: trying to see if it's worth an attempted shoehorn into my Dell CPi 300MHz P2 w/ 64mb RAM. RAM will be doubled in the next ten days, if that helps, and I should get a 4gb CF card (for the HDD) in the same time period. Not doing a permanent install until those things arrive (along with replacement CMOS battery)...

Also... Iguleder, I'd be interested in talking politics with you sometime ;) my mother went to Palestine. Dunno how you feel about that situation, but I do believe that's what PMs are for ;)

EDIT: forgot to mention... this puplet really needs a film noir / private eye type background if it's going to keep that name ;)
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#194 Post by starhawk »

*sigh* sorry for my impatience... downloading to try it myself.
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Linux-Firewall Wizard

#195 Post by ExtremeDpup »

When I run the Linux-Firewall Wizard i get the following output:

Running './rc.firewall check'. Output will follow ...

-> Linux Firewall version 2.0rc9 running.
-> Performing sanity checks...... [ FAILED ]
-> FATAL: Local Loopback interface (lo) required but not found.

Errors were detected in your system configuration.
See the output above for specific details.

A copy of the Linux Firewall initialization script preconfigured by this
program is located in /tmp/rc.firewall

Firewall install script finished.
Press ENTER key to quit

Also, when I first started Xorg it took some time to display the wallpaper and wbar..

Otherwise Guy Dog appears to be working fine on my amd 64 Athlon X2.
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#196 Post by starhawk »

So far it doesn't seem to work... something about that NeoMagic card that Xorg really, really, really doesn't like... also can't seem to auto-detect the screen's maximum resolution. Not sure if that's just old tech or what.

Starting to wonder if this thing doesn't have either a damaged motherboard or cooling problem. Seems to like to shut off with a steadily blinking CPU light... has me a little worried. Then again... if it dies outright, I'll just put it in the local eWaste bin, not worth the money it would cost to get repair parts... assuming that they're even available.

I'm gonna let this thing cool down a bit and try again. I know for a fact that the NeoMagic driver won't work (and I can't seem to "blackbox" it into functioning), and the vesa driver refuses to work as well... so I'm going to see if it works just fine with the default Xorg driver (whatever that is).

FWIW... TurboPup turns the LCD off (when it should be displaying a desktop, mind you!) with the default Xorg driver, and xvesa makes for a very seasick looking desktop (it's bright flaming green!). Can't seem to find an option to use a driver with TurboPup, even... oh well, there's a separate thread for that.
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#197 Post by starhawk »

Well... the default driver *does* work ... if you wait long enough for it to render ;)

No offense Igu but I think I'll stick to trying to get TurboPup working...

EDIT: we're talking 10+ min, from pressing the power button to what could potentially be called useability. The screen is almost entirely black until the "move your mouse here" box disappears, then it (slowly) loads the dock, and then it (more slowly) loads the background. There's still a black box around the dock that I'm guessing is the vid card attempting (and failing) to load a transparency effect. It's a rather Pyrrhic victory at best.
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#198 Post by Béèm »

Iguleder wrote:5) Béèm: copy /initrd/pup_ro2/root/.config/tint2rc to ~/.config. Openbox can be restarted with "--restart". Regarding screenshots - you've got "rbpaint -s" and scrot.
hmm, copying the tint2rc was my first thought but:

Code: Select all

# pwd
# ls -l
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 31 2010-10-09 19:11
strange I don't have it.

I don't have rbpaint, rgbpaint is there. :wink:
But scrot is working.

I think I have to verify the download and eventually re-install.
I edited the tint rc file to have hide de-activated and rebooted, but all of a sudden the tray hides and doesn't come back.

Will post back.

I verified the checksum --- it was ok.
Nevertheless I erased the installation and started again.

I first looked at the bootmanager issue.
This is the error message

EDIT1 - SFS loading
I installed sfs load on the fly.
At least I can load my needed sfs files, as the bootmanager doesn't work.
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#199 Post by Dougal »

Hmmm. So generates leafpad.desktop...
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#200 Post by Béèm »

As Guy Dog is quite snappy, I activated, through a sfs, enlightenment e17.
Now I enjoy my favorite desktop environment, but more snappy.
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