Fatdog64-521 (October 12, 2011)

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#41 Post by kirk »

would this be related to bug#24d53ff795....GTK+ recompiled with --enable-xinput ?
Probably, when we update gtk we'll put that in. There's another gtk configure option that needs to be changed too. Maybe another release on this base will be done with a updated gtk.
no cpu temperature
You can compile lm-sensors and get that information, or probably just figure out which kernel module load, the lm-sensors setup will figure that out for you.
Installed 521 on my HTPC. It's great, I can tell a lot of thought was put into every aspect of this distro; it's really quite the achievement.
Glad to hear!
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#42 Post by rcrsn51 »

Ncmprhnsbl wrote:no cpu temperature
Have you seen this?
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#43 Post by 2byte »

I started really using Fatdog tonight and have only found a very few bugs/glitches, mostly cosmetic.

Universal installer says ext3 is ext4 but still creates a proper ext3 save file.
Drive icons - right click unmount all does not work

aplay - no sound
Pmusic - no sound.
Xine works perfectly so far.

OpenBox right click menu:
Geany from menu opens a document named %F
Two Gimp entries under Graphic
Clicking either one gives GIMP Message Opening ‘/root/%U failed...
The panel menu & desktop icon open Gimp OK.

lxpanel menu is missing 5 icons.
Document->PeasyPDF Help, but no PeasyPDF menu (both OpenBox and lxpanel menus)

I am getting some weird effects when dragging a window across the screen with OpenBox, but not JWM. As the window moves across the screen it leaves a trail of two or three windows that are redrawing from top to bottom very slowly, but doesn't happen all of the time. :? Strange.

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#44 Post by kirk »

Thanks Bill, forgot about your CPUtemp pet. I uploaded it to the repo.
the window moves across the screen it leaves a trail of two or three windows that are redrawing from top to bottom very slowly, but doesn't happen all of the time. Confused Strange.

Sounds like 2D video hardware acceleration is not working. This usually happens when the Xorg server chooses the vesa driver. It picks the vesa driver because it doesn't have any other matching driver. If you've got Nvidia or ATI try the proprietary pet packages in the repo.
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#45 Post by 2byte »

Just FYI, the OpenBox menu just threw a '/root/%F: No such file or directory error' before Gnumeric opens. Again no error from the lxpanel menu or desktop icon.
If you've got Nvidia or ATI try the proprietary pet packages in the repo.
The ati catalyst drivers (pet) are already installed. Having multiple windows open seems to bring it on, and for some reason Abiword seems to be the most affected.

This is a new AMD FM1 socket with sound and graphics built into the processor and has been problematic on other Linux distros, so I don't really think it is a problem with Fatdog itself. In fact, Fatdog is the only Puppy I have tried that can provide any sound with it. The recent kernel patches leading up to 3.1 have a lot of AMD ATI code in them so maybe a 3.1 kernel and ATI driver update will take care of it. As it is, it's no big deal so far.

All considered, Fatdog64 is an excellent Linux for this brand new hardware. A little menu polish is all it needs, and that says a lot!

Thanks for Fatdog. You guys deserve a lot of credit.

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#46 Post by 2byte »

Kirk wrote: Sounds like 2D video hardware acceleration is not working. This usually happens when the Xorg server chooses the vesa driver.
Thanks for that tip, you are absolutely right. It just happened again. For some reason, once in a while, the flgrx driver is loaded but not used, even though xorg.conf is intact and correct. I confirmed this with lsmod, glxgears, amdcccle, and Hardinfo. Reboot and all is proper again. When the driver isn't used by Xorg lsmod shows fglrx 0 Used by, and when it is used lsmod shows 74 Used by.

This is beyond my abilities to correct so if you or anyone else could offer some guidance I would really appreciate it.

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#47 Post by rcrsn51 »

2byte wrote:Document->PeasyPDF Help, but no PeasyPDF menu (both OpenBox and lxpanel menus)
That's true. If you read the help, it explains that the easiest way to run PeasyPDF is from the command line.
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#48 Post by Ncmprhnsbl »

Probably, when we update gtk we'll put that in.
ok, i'll be keeping an eye on the bugtracker :wink:

fatdog is the first puppy to include a wacom driver...full functionality will be much appreciated.....no pressure :wink:

Have you seen this?
if i looked i might have :roll: ...thanks , installed and working..instantly.
beats the compile option. ive got a half second memory for syntax.
this is the best temp monitoring in linux(as far as sensor detection goes) i've come across so far....was going to suggest it for repo but your way ahead of me.

a question-- any way of changing gtk theme for spot? that is, making it the same as root.
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#49 Post by jamesbond »

Ncmprhnsbl wrote:kirk
Probably, when we update gtk we'll put that in.
ok, i'll be keeping an eye on the bugtracker :wink:
For the time being you can install the gtk+-2.18.6-with-xinput-amd64.pet from the pet repo. Beware that it will eat a lot of your save file :wink:
Fatdog64 forum links: [url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=117546]Latest version[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/ke8sn5H]Contributed packages[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/se8scrb]ISO builder[/url]
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#50 Post by jamesbond »

Ncmprhnsbl wrote:a question-- any way of changing gtk theme for spot? that is, making it the same as root.
I haven't tried this but I think it should work:
1) remove /root/spot/.gtkrc-2.0
2) symlink /root/.gtkrc-2.0 to /root/spot/.gtkrc-2.0
Fatdog64 forum links: [url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=117546]Latest version[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/ke8sn5H]Contributed packages[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/se8scrb]ISO builder[/url]
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#51 Post by Ncmprhnsbl »

I haven't tried this but I think it should work:
1) remove /root/spot/.gtkrc-2.0
2) symlink /root/.gtkrc-2.0 to /root/spot/.gtkrc-2.0
hey thanks! i'll give it a go hmmm...symlink ey hmmm....
For the time being you can install the gtk+-2.18.6-with-xinput-amd64.pet from the pet repo. Beware that it will eat a lot of your save file Wink
thanks again..i'll give it go in a couple of days when my connection speed is back to normal :D

edit-- did the symlink thing , does the trick! :D
didnt work for my theme at first-- had read permissions set to owner,
which was ok for root but not spot, thanks again!

Re: Java crashes: Fatdog 520 and Fatdog 521

#52 Post by gcmartin »

jamesbond wrote: ... I don't have the problem. ... recently I updated the Java SFS to Update25, both works ...
Hi @Jamesbond/Kirk.

The problem for us Live media users is that we rely on the PPM. Often times it seems, that SFSs are being created. But, there are NO instructionals for LIve media users who need functionality that is ONLY available via SFS. And, in the past, I have always relied (excepting for some special testing) on the PPM as the product gospel for FATDOG. (And a prior post by Kirk seems to re-enforce that).

I know Jamesbond and Kirk has been sensitive to this need in the past and I hope that sensitivity continues. Many or most apps that we use are permanent apps. Thus the download, typically, is not an issue. And installation, generally occurs once in the lifetime of the system's use.

Thanks for all the good work you guys do.
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#53 Post by Ncmprhnsbl »

hi again,
installed gtk x-input--enabled pet .... working ,of course :D
..doesnt seem overly large,..i usually make a 1 gig savefile straight off.

also, installed ati fglrx. comes up with a lot complaining about missing qt4 deps and listed scribus as a dep.....ignored all that and working fine.
interestingly it drops the cpu temperature by 2 to 3 degrees(see below)
handy with such high figures...i wonder about the wisdom of an i7 laptop.

anyway, thanks again, i definitely have keeper with this one

edit. forgot to mention webcam now works.
idle temp comparison
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#54 Post by Sage »

Those temps are worryingly high. To what do they refer? - the on-board diode?, the surface temperature, an under-chip sensing element? the algorithm calculation?
A decent single core Athlon Barton, even when clocked, doesn't show much above 35C from the on-board diode and runs faster than multiple cores with less on-chip overheads. Multiple cores were another example of failed Intel technology. They still cannot control thermal run-away and seem determined to drive down feature size towards quantum indeterminancy, when presumably they will vanish into their own void. They remind me of the old failed Soviet Union. Capitalism requires incessant growth to increase profit. So they make smaller and smaller widgets each year. Great way to increase 'productivity! It doesn't work, doomed to disaster, get out while you can. Meanwhile the smart chip designers are concentrating on the '735' answer - everything goes onto one single core, probably ARM RISC.
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#55 Post by Ncmprhnsbl »

Those temps are worryingly high. To what do they refer?
good question..... no idea... same sort figures for windoze 7 which of course comes with no inbuilt temp monitoring.... what you dont know about can't hurt you :wink:
but hey you think those figures are worrying, check this...
about two thirds through a mandelbulber render (with radeon grphx driver) :shock:
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#56 Post by Sage »

It's partly a matter of lifetime, which isn't necessarily an issue in the profligate West. Normally, a cpu could expect to last ~25yrs. [Although even this needs qualification - does it imply continuous ON state, because the more ON-OFF cycles shorten MTBF].
Some of my chips have been clocked until they failed, some until they stop. The former are RIP, but some of the others seem to have survived - so far.
I raised the issue of 'cpu temperature' a year or so ago in connection with laptops. It met with the usual disinterest, ignorance and down right hostility in a couple of high profile cases who should know better. Now they talk of 32nm, even down to 16nm features. That may be a bridge too far for heat dissipation (I^2R !!!), quite apart from cross-talk, etc.
As for regular clods, they just wont be happy until they see a number in the tray. Any number, even the proverbial number you first thought of. Sad.
The human tongue is still the best test if the elbow can't reach...
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bricscad not working

#57 Post by neo01 »

Dear friends,
I have downloaded bricscad for linux recently, unpacked it and tried to run it, but the prompt i get is

Code: Select all

# ./bricscad.sh 
./bricscad.sh: line 3: /root/spot/Downloads/bricscad/bricscad: No such file or directory
./bricscad.sh: line 3: /root/spot/Downloads/bricscad/bricscad: Success
# ./bricscad
bash: ./bricscad: No such file or directory
please help

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#58 Post by 2byte »

In earlier posts I mentioned that sound was working, then posted that aplay and pmusic had no sound. VirtualBox could not provide sound either. It turns out that the multiple sound card wizard wrote some incorrect entries into /etc/asound.conf for my Gigabyte GA-A75M-UD2H motherboard built in sound chip. The incorrect entries were

Code: Select all

pcm.!default { type hw card 1 device 0 }
ctl.!default { type hw card 1 device 0 }
when they should be

Code: Select all

defaults.ctl.card 1
defaults.pcm.card 1
defaults.timer.card 1
This is for my setup which is a desktop PC with ordinary plug-in stereo speakers. Now Alsa sound is working for everything I've tried that needs it.

Code: Select all

# aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: Generic_1 [HD-Audio Generic], device 0: ALC889 Analog [ALC889 Analog]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: Generic_1 [HD-Audio Generic], device 1: ALC889 Digital [ALC889 Digital]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 2: pcsp [pcsp], device 0: pcspeaker [pcsp]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

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#59 Post by Ncmprhnsbl »

As for regular clods, they just wont be happy until they see a number in the tray.
i fear i may be one of those :wink:
not sure i'd want to put my tongue on that sort of 'hot chip',
seriously though, i share your concerns.....with my limited understanding of them..
just the shutdown temp drop from 60 or even 55 to ambient 25 seems a bit extreme...
nuff said best not hijack this thread.......
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#60 Post by rcrsn51 »

Sage wrote:Those temps are worryingly high.
Sage wrote:As for regular clods, they just wont be happy until they see a number in the tray.
Since the coretemp and the THRM temp match (whatever they represent) there is pretty good evidence that this CPU is running hot when you put it under a load.
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