Mageia 2-Based Puppies - LAST BETA RELEASE

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Mageia 2-Based Puppies - LAST BETA RELEASE

#1 Post by scsijon »

16 Apr 2013
The final beta of Mage2 is now available.

It includes the latest JWM Release and Thunor's gtk3dialog as well as earlier problem fixes.

For those wanting to play with gtk3 it's dev also contains three gtk test utilities in the /usr/sbin directory, although at this time they don't have menu items, one of them shows multiple options even allowing you to see the underlying code matching a display.

Files: NOW AVAILABLE ... .12.07.iso
hash is: f4a1c49702d55a8fd0a5c9c48a701fb4 ... .12.07.sfs
hash is: af1747d82d80710f2dbad6c0bbcecca5

Have fun.


12 feb 2013
I am just awaiting a last mageia2 xorg package to have a bugfix retrofitted from the mageia 3 alpha by the packages manager before building what I hope is a last beta.

Everything else I believe has been dealt with.

It will also have the new JWM2, ( ... 002#680002 for details and a current pet,) which I do like.

13 jan 2013
There are a couple of video drivers missing, a minor ?woof problem (pfix=nox not always working), and a jwm package update and rebuild to do.
The drivers and a Xorg problem found have workaround pets on p11, where we are starting from.
Please ensure you attach your sys-info reports, with personal details removed, to your first reply thanks to help me group reports and problems.
Mage2-0.0.11 is on hold while I fix these first.

06 Jan 2013

This was to be the last Beta for the first full release of Mage2 Puppy. It is assigned version 0.0.10 to indicate it's a bugfix prerelease version rather than either a minor step up (2nd digit 1.x), or bugfix (3rd digit set 1.0.xx). The actual release will have a title of Mage2-1.0.0.

Mage2-0.0.10 - This Beta. I have no problems left, knock wood, in my problem list that have not been either resolved or a 'work-around' is in operation, this is why it's being released into the community for a wider range of testing. If nothing major has been found by the end of January 2013, it is planned to be the Mage2-1.0.0 Release base.

Meanwhile I shall just be 'cleaning up' and working on my qtpy CutePuppy release.

Files: NOW AVAILABLE ... 0.0.10.iso
hash is: 987e8274215fddf24e70eb88c15e0021 ... 0.0.10.sfs
hash is: 76281c771f90dd8742652de65f1abec0

EDIT: For those with nvidea video, please use vesa to start with and download a nvidea driver from either the nonfree or tainted repositories, I didn't :oops: add one into the default set by mistake. It will be added into the next beta.

Further info at page 10 where this beta starts.

10 Sep 2012
The mage2-1.9.95 Beta using an updated 3.3.8 Kernel has been uploaded onto my site and is now ready for open testing. 3.3.8 is the last of the 3.3 Series of Kernels. is the relevant webpage on my site.

28 Aug 2012
There will be a second Beta needed, due to some problems found to have sources from within the 3.3.6 Kernel. The new one will use 3.3.8 Kernel which has these problems fixed and be out early next weekend. Sorry folks.

20 Aug 2012
The Mage2 - 1.9.90 Beta has been uploaded and is ready for testing, is the relevant webpage on my site.
It has an updated 3.3.6 Kernel, 3.3.6-mage2-p64gsw-i586 is the code. It has some additional drivers configured for, such as the Standard Braille Keyboard and some USB Gadgets. Page 8 has details.
I might also note that the Beta ISO is some 40meg smaller and the dev some 30meg smaller than the last Alpha, this is due to a lot of cleanup, it is not expected that the final release will be much smaller.
Please note that although the Standard Puppy Applications are included MPlayer has been removed due to conflicts between Puppy Lib's and Mageia 2 Libs as Mageia uses gstreamer as it's backend for all media.

26 July 2012
Down to one ?problem so now in 'lockdown' for the Mage2 Beta1 build. Will be available the 1st of August for public testing. Details at my reply ?near the bottom of page 8.

23 July 2012
On the qtpuppy topic: (extracted from page 6 as i've had pm's and queries)

I am comitted to matching the 'Puppy Standard Set' with the Mageia 2 Puppy (mage2) before I 'start cutting and pasting' when I branch off with qtpuppy, it may not be perfect at that point, but should work on most ocasions and with most packages. If someone wants to take it on as a continuing project at that point I will be happy to pass it on, giving help as I can.

I will build a mage3 puppy when Mageia 3 is out, as I believe that I now have most of the necessary knowledge to create a step-up, however Mageia 3 'will' be a different 'beastie' from the earlier ones as there are a lot of removals and replacements of system packages we now use so it won't be a fast build.

I am also considering a x86-64 mage2 puppy as I am seriously considering paralleling qtpuppy, having it both in i586, and x86-64 with vm's for development work with other platforms. This will depend on current x86-64 puppy package compatabilities.

What I intend to do with mage2's first qtpuppy's, (release codes 2.0.90 - 2.0.99,) is to do what I did with my earlier warz builds and split all apps into their own sfs first. I can update/cut/kill and add at this stage and that is as far as I will be following puppy's standards without serious changes. Things like removing mplayer and it's stuff and replace with mageia's gstreamer and it's kit, which is much better as well as being less processor intensive; getting rid of Seamonkey and replace with Mozilla packages is the second set; adding the latest stable qt4.8.x; adding the eggwm desktop as an alternate to jwm; as well as removing duplicate apps out of the default set are it's goal. Anything else will be by pet or a mageia package for the user to add into their savefile although I will have Pet Maker 2.2. so the user can build their own pets or sfs's.
Hopefully it will be out in October 2012.

In the following release version (2.1.90 - 2.1.99), I shall remove quite a bit of what is unneeded by a qt development environment from the (2.0.9x) 'base system' and bring in some of the 'behind the scenes' parts of the dev tools I use now. The apps in the apps.sfs will shrink considerably and may have the new qt5 as well as other development apps included in a qtapps.sfs, as well as reforming the Menu system to provide a separate 'Development' Main Menu point with Subpoints, rather than including them into Utilities as is now (not barry's fault as it hasn't needed separating). It will also be the stage I bring the Razorqt/qlwm (pure qt) desktop/windowmanager pair into the 'visable world', as well as replacing quite a few apps and utilities we now use with qt equivalents.
This is planned, at this stage, for a Febuary 2013 release as quite a bit had already been done in warz until I hit too many problem blockers and decided to change bases.

That's my stop point for now, although I do have a page or two of items on my wish-list for the following one and will no doubt add or change some from sugestions appearing here, I need to get back on track first.

16 July 2012

Pre-release Alpha for Mageia 2 Puppy

This has all the standard apps you are use to having in a Puppy.

I need testers, both for the internal apps and downloads from the Mageia Repositries, don't try to use my pet repositry, it's being updated.

I am hoping this is the last alpha, if so a Beta will appear on 1 Aug 2012 and the Release on the 15th. Then I can get back on to my qtpuppy building.

Files: NOW AVAILABLE ... 1.9.83.iso
hash is: bc89b599213bf138b3ffa615fbb15762 ... 1.9.83.sfs
hash is: e71f71ba81180a7d05e82504e5f9c5bd ...
hash is: ffc2431f18123c41da6cc8130c3ec70e

-After a Frugal Install you need to install the zz_mage2_fixup pet, it contains a few links found after the build to still be missing or packages that were updated between my last (internal) and the current build. These will be added into it before the 1.9.95 beta.
-Please check the partition sizes and location when creating the savefile using Partview, I have had it show wrong information on one of my test boxes, but could not work out why. Deleting the created savefile and starting again on reboot, all worked well, and on a complete install again it didn't reapear. I hope it was a once off.
-Mageia does use a number of "strange" places for files to live in, such as although they are using X11 7.6, the mageia files live under either /usr/X11 or /usr/X11R6. Similarly with qt4, which when installed lives under qt3's structure rather than it's own. If an application doesn't run, try starting it from a console and see what the responses are, I have found quite a number just have a path wrong or the "missing" lib just needs a link added as what is installed is a higher release than the package wants, this is especially possible if you have added a puppy pet.
-the kernel and aufs has stayed the same from the last alpha, the woof2 files have changed, but as i'm updating them at present for the beta I won't add them here.
-Nv drivers can be found under the non-free Mageia repositry.
- a few fixes listed from page 6 on

8 June 2012
Building first alpha from Mageia 2 in progress, hopefully stable enough to put out there next week.

7 May 2012
Things are on hold awaiting bugfixes with Mageia2 to be finished. There are just too many of them being fixed to build at the moment.

11th April 2012

Still sorting out new dependancies, plus I need to replace a number of past used pets with mageia2 packages as the pets won't inter-work with mageia2.

Should be all ok again with a working system including qt4 at the end of the month, and we will have libstdc++6 included in it for those that want to play with apps needing it. Looking at a 220meg iso though!

1st April 2012

I've decided to skip from mage004 and build mage2-002 (my first using Mageia2's base). The reason was that mage005 went through internal testing without any sign of problems showing and the only hardware problem left to deal with needs the mageia2 nv driver to fix.

It should be out about the easter weekend and has a number of applications added.

Please ensure the underlined bit in testing is attached, thanks.

24th March 2012

The first alpha of QtPuppy (mage004) has been uploaded.

What is wanted at this early stage please, is primarily hardware testing across as broad a range of hardware as possible. I would like to get as much of that sorted out so it is clear as possible what is hardware linked, before starting with the Software side of things with mage006.

Both mage004 and mage006 are Mageia1 based, except for the 3.6.9 Kernel and a few kernel related packages. Mageia2 starts thereafter.

Download and start as frugal ONLY

Testing Processes please

When you go through startup you will find that both methods of setting keyboard/country/area/screensize will appear, please check both are right. If not adjust with the first (standard) setup method and use the second to check that it is still ok.

Before going further, please run the Lighthouse Sys-info package (under system), note the filename and move the .gz file under /root or where you can keep it to upload, it's default location is under /tmp/root/sys-info-date.gz which means it's deleted. Please attach this first file to your reply as it will allow me to trace if there are any missing mageia packages or libs needed. Currently the only video problem I know of relates to acpid, but it doesn't seem to stop video working ok.

Please carry out a frugal install ONLY.

Please check the installed apps for problems.

Please check for an external connection, however there is no default browser at this stage, although you can find the standard ones in the PPM if you wish to try a download, that comes with mage006, when qt4 and the basic set of qt apps are added.

Do not use any apps attached to this thread at this stage, things are not all there at this point!

Report needs to contain, please:

What the machine is: Model and Make, unless you built it, in which case I need the motherboard and if not onboard, the video card data;

Any problems found, with as much detail as possible.

and please make sure you attach the sys-info file at the bottom.


If all goes reasonably well, mage006 should be out on the 1st of April, with each of the three suceeding planned Alpha's appearing on the 1st of the month following until we are ready for a Beta.

All ISO & Dev Files for QtPuppy will be on my website at
All associate pets (when available) will be found at
And of course, you can always try what's in the Mageia repos, that will be available through the PPM!


22 March 2012

Effective this midday AEST, we are alive again! !phew!


The new base used for mage and QtPuppy will be Mageia 2

The alpha codes will be mage1 or mage2.0.x.x
The Beta codes will be mage2.1.x
Releases will be mage2.2.x

The Kernel for the alpha's will be 3.2.9-mage (many thanks to pemasu for teaching me how to build a Kernel). Betas and Release should all have 3.3.x, as Mageia 2 will have.

All Files will still remain on my website at

First Alpha for testing (without qt4, qtapps and qtdt/wm) should be up on the 25th!

Please download and run for hardware tests only at this stage, and especially the 'Lighthouse sys-info' and attach the returning output.

26th Jan 2012

As of this morning QtPuppy is in hibernation for two to three months.

It has become more and more complicated to create what I want without creating or updating the linux core components using T2 and wary as my base, it has got to the stage that i'm chasing my tail and fixing things that I neither have the capacity to do, or the wish to do so.

What I shall be doing is using my warz alpha10 program-set and building against the other bases to see which would be more suitable to use for a Qt Design platform.

I did consider at one time creating a OpenSuSE Puppy base, maybe I shall see if I can do something along those lines as it hasn't been tried to date, however initially I will be looking at both Mageia-Drake (as mageia2 is in alpha) and Slackware and LFS.

Please read the third and fourth messages below for the vision statement and general plans for QtPuppy.

This panel is reserved for version update notifications and will be updated when required.

Reminder Note: that only even number releases are public'd.
16 Jan 2012
Unfortunately a serious problem has appeared with warz522010 and it's development environment (in this case, the cmake environment) and so I am unwilling to release it as it is. I am, at this stage, even considering steping back to warz522008 and working forward from this point to find and clear it. It doesn't appear to effect the replacement apps which appear to be working properly, so that when sorted out the release should appear quickly. At this point my tentative release for warz522010 will now be before March, but it could even be next week if the problem is simple to solve.
29 Dec 2011

The Alpha of warz522010 should be out early/mid jan, will have a modified jwm menu system I want comments on, it should also have RazorQt/egg (both qt based, small and fast) as a second desktop/windowmanager, a small number of puppy apps will be changed for qt apps and a few fixes have been sorted out.

Qt Pets are appearing in this topic as built/fixed/tested/released.

This is planned to be the last with me using woof1, I shall be changing over to woof2 for the warz522012 release (second last planned alpha) due out mid march.

First Public Alpha is NOW, version 08, basic test results ARE STILL WANTED.

You'll have noticed a lot of apps gone, these have qt replacements that will appear over the next few alphas (10-12), and it already has mahjongg added, my favorite game :-)} and it's a good video structural workout. Use wary5 pets if you want to add anything.

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#2 Post by scsijon »

This pannel is reserved for a created list of qt4 applications, you the puppy user have used and would like to have included!

Can you ensure you include the following please when you add a request:


Application Name & a Source URL if you have it.

First Packages are:
qelectrotech electric diagrams editor
QT Pixeltool
qt Creator

Plus a pile of demo qt apps
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#3 Post by scsijon »

QtPuppy (pronounced Cute Puppy)


The Vision for QtPuppy

It will be designed and based on a basic-bones version Mageia2 plus Qt4.8.0.

The Development Versions will be coded mage0.0.x and mage1.x.x, while Release Versions will become mage2.x! In all cases, only those with even number endings can be considered to be Stable Versions for use! Only Versions with an even number will be publically released and should appear about 8 weeks apart until stable.

In all cases it is planned to have something like the traditional Puppy screen layout available either via Raptorqt/qlwm, a Qt Window-manager/Desktop, or by Puppy's JWM. It will not have a number of the general libraries and applications you are use to in Puppy, as the applications will be replaced by Qt4 equivalents as they are located, tested for stability and added to Qtpuppy, or developed from the ground up.

It will also have by default from mage006 the Qt Design Package "Qt Creator" integrated into it so you can have a go at building your own ideas into an application. Qt Creator can also multi-Platform, so may be of use when we expand into other systems in the future.

Others like the popular openoffice.sts, etc. should be useable and loadable via bootmanager as long as the sts's are internally complete.

Most of the multiple programs that do the same thing will be missing. This is a common complaint now from those windows users thinking of trying a version of linux out now.

QtPuppy is planned to be modem, wifi, network and Satellite compatable.

QtPuppy will have some standard Printer drivers already installed.

I have allocated a fair proportion of my time for all of 2012 to try to meet this concept!
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And away we go........

#4 Post by scsijon »

I am hoping to have a first Public Alpha Release of qtpuppy (coded warz522008) about mid November.

Although this should have some applications and it's new desktop (if i'm happy with it's stability still), this is intended only for some basic hardware compatability trials.

What I would like from puppy users prior to this point, is to start to create a list of qt4 Applications that you have either actually tried or used with a comment on their desirability or not for inclusion, either directly in the base or to be available as pet's. This is your initial way to give input folks, the requested order is to be:-
-Is it to be in the main package or a addon pet (warq/wars/pet/no)
-Application Name
-Application Version
-Sourced from (a url, check it please as if I can't use the url it it's OUT!)
-Short description (256character max)
-Reason for inclusion or not! (256character max)

For those that want to keep ahead, you can check out my website at, but be aware that files will change dynamically and unless this topic has been updated with an announcement, your can consider everything found there as unstable!

And finally, can I have a list of people willing to either build, fix apps, or, more importantly at this stage, perform the initial hardware tests please.

Lets get this happening folks!

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#5 Post by Flash »

Running Wary 2 final from a multisession Blu-Ray disk.

Poking around in the Puppy Wary 5 package manager I noticed qelectrotech electric diagrams editor in the Graphics section. I'd like to try it but it needs qt4 which Wary 2 doesn't have and I couldn't find in the package manager. I'm waiting to try qtpuppy. :)

Edit: Oops, I didn't think to try the package manager search function to look for "qt4". :oops: I've installed it and we'll see what happens.
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Re: And away we go........

#6 Post by Puppyt »

Three Cheers!
scsijon wrote: ...What I would like from puppy users prior to this point, is to start to create a list of qt4 Applications that you have either actually tried or used with a comment on their desirability or not for inclusion, either directly in the base or to be available as pet's. This is your initial way to give input folks, the requested order is to be:-
-Is it to be in the main package or a addon pet (warq/wars/pet/no)
-Application Name
-Application Version
-Sourced from (a url, check it please as if I can't use the url it it's OUT!)
-Short description (256character max)
-Reason for inclusion or not! (256character max)

...And finally, can I have a list of people willing to either build, fix apps, or, more importantly at this stage, perform the initial hardware tests please.
I'd love to help out, in my weeny capacity for initial hardware testing. There are some QT apps that I would like to check running in your setup, but I will have to send you details later. Must sleep now.
Search engines for Puppy
[url][/url]; [url=]Google Custom Search[/url]; [url][/url] others TBA...
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#7 Post by scsijon »

Ok, just a first note

I'm using alpha warz520007 (sorry, a closed release) now for this and it's fast, QtWeb is better than I thought, nearly as good as Firefox7.

First release you'll see is warz520010.

Just for fun (and to allow you to check your graphics out :lol: ) warz520010 will have a few games included.

I've gone back to jwm2 for now as eggwm has a problem that needs to be fixed and Infinity is still being sorted out (not due till warz520015 anyway).

I shall include any qt apps listed/requested before the 8th if they run.

Be aware that it will be about 140meg as it will be full.
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#8 Post by Dingo »

Flash wrote: Poking around in the Puppy Wary 5 package manager I noticed qelectrotech electric diagrams editor in the Graphics section. I'd like to try it but it needs qt4 which Wary 2 doesn't have and I couldn't find in the package manager. I'm waiting to try qtpuppy. :)
I already compiled qelectroetch statically for Puppy 5.2.5
replace with .info to get access to stuff I posted in forum
dropbox 2GB free
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#9 Post by scsijon »

this project is on hold for a week or two!

My BRAND NEW HARD DRIVE SIEZED UP LAST NIGHT! I know, I heard the sudden squeal and silence.

I spent money on a good one, just for my qt-dev box because the old one was becoming noisy ( :lol: after 13 years of use), and I expect to need the dev box for a 'few' years with qt, especially with it's cross-compiling facilities build into it's system.

Thankfully it's only been used for a week, but it did have a lot of material that had been finally completed, such as the qt4 pets made especially for the 520010 release.

Been on to my supplier this morning, and he'll do a swap on the spot (old customer, etc.) and sort it out for me, 2hr trip though, but it will still take time to reassemble the data, the missing source from my backups and rebuild what is not on the origonal drive.

On the other hand it also kills some work for others.

Thank god for work action diaries, else I would be looking at months!
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#10 Post by sszindian »

Just want to wish you luck with your new QtPuppy scsijon! It's nice to see some new stuff coming into the picture for Puppy!

You may consider my... Cloud Computing For Every Puppy (URL at the bottom of this post) and include it somewhere in your build?

It's a small .pet that should take Puppy into the area of Cloud Computing for years to come... playdayz has used it in his latest 528 build.

Anyway... again 'Good Luck' I'll be watching for QtPuppy and will surely give it a good testing for you!

Cloud Computing For Every Puppy (a .pet)
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#11 Post by nooby »

Yes it shows how important it is to always do back up. Even when
one have new HDD but emabarrassingly I fail to back up things too.

Good luck reconstructing what you where about to release.
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
not an ideal solution though
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#12 Post by scsijon »

your package is already on the list indian;

and thanks nooby, backups I have, but not always the latest build in file, just the work done in my logbook;

The real frustration is the time it takes to put it all back together, downloading latest versions and rebuilding them, changing scripts to suit, fixing bugs and typos and testing and rebuilding pets, etc. etc.

However i've ended up with a faster and slightly larger hard drive out of this, although I never used half of the old one as it was so only the speed increase may be of use.

And suddenly my leadlighting work is picking up, uugh........

warz520010 alpha should be up before the end of the month, anyway, although i'm hoping the 24th, as it's not quite as bad as I first thought as I had forgotten I had done an intermediate backup between 07 and 08, a lot of work still though. How barry created puppy's before woof must have been horrible if a crash ocurred.

oh well, I had best get off to our local rememberance day service, that's this mornings priority!
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#13 Post by scsijon »

It's not small though as with a complete set of qt 4.7.4 inbuilt it's already some 204Meg, but it will start to shrink soon as I replace 'some bits' with qt equivalents.

The hash for the warz-5.22.08.iso is e426808c58eb55a2d134edf08aea385c.

Remember it is an alpha

url is ... .22.08.iso

Any comments and results in this thread please

for those who have answered in I shall keep it in mind
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#14 Post by scsijon »

just a little note that the warz522010 should be out early/mid jan 2012 for the testers.

I'm working on a desktop/wm combination of razor-qt/eggwm, both are qt4, so very small very fast, and razor uses xdg for menus. I would like to include it in the release for comment.

I've already sorted out the menu changes for xdg-jwm except for making a few icons.

Otherwise 010 is just about ready for building.

happy new year to all
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Qt Games be here

#15 Post by scsijon »

A few qt4 games to play with, more will come when I have them running, none are my creations, just tidied up and pet'd.

ChessX v0.8 - you can play against others with this one.
(79.94 KiB) Downloaded 890 times
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Internet stuff :-)} here

#16 Post by scsijon »

Webrender, a fast qt browser.
Note: I have rebuilt this package. The first version had a non-puppy lib requirement of gtk6 which was got around by by another pet I had loaded for another package which I have decided not to use as it was not stable enough.
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QT4 Components

#17 Post by scsijon »

Complete Qt4 Pets for warz, but should work with all others, includes things like QtDBus components.

Split into three parts, usually you only need the first
Base, Dev and Nls in one ...
Qt4 Doc's ... (BIG)
Demo and Example files if needed ...

coming soon
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#18 Post by pemasu »

Do you have QtWebkit included ?
If yes, I suggest you to test qupzilla web browser. It has behaved nice. I compiled it in Qt-4.8.0. ... ent=145693 ... 380#593380
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#19 Post by scsijon »

pemasu wrote:Do you have QtWebkit included ?
If yes, I suggest you to test qupzilla web browser. It has behaved nice. I compiled it in Qt-4.8.0.
Certainly do pemasu, will give qupzilla a go as I do like mozilla and use firefox for daily use, although I do like the webrender and qtweb packages.

The only thing not included, as far as I know, is motiff as I didn't have the libraries and dev files for the qt4 compiler to link it into. Part of the reason for the 'large' size, even after compressing.

I will remind everyone here, that QtPuppy is designed to be a Builders Puppy and thus will never be as small as the normal desktop varieties! I will consider that if the final V1 release fits on a standard cd (450meg), it's good :P , if it's under 256meg it's great, but I will be checking for what i've taken out in error :? !

By the way, if anyone downloads from my website and finds the pet won't open, can they please leave a PM here as i've found a couple of packages lately I've uploaded ok (by byte-size) but not when downloaded again. The problem is in my website providers techs to work out why and I want to give them extra info if I can to help them.

edit: yours didn't work, but I suspected that as it was 480. Will have a build myself but I am leaning towards my latest build of webrender as it's horribly fast!
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#20 Post by scsijon »

22 Jan 2012
Unfortunately, having fixed one developers tool problem, another more serious problem has appeared with warz522010, the ld Dynamic Link Loader in the binutils package is not working correctly in all cases, I will try to build a slightly later one that has the patches to fix the LD problems before going forward again!
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