Watchdog version 1 released with Zoneminder

Using applications, configuring, problems
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#61 Post by CatDude »


@ edoc
edoc wrote:I have loaded WaryWatcher on my Samsung Netbook NB30

It loads OK but cannot "see" an IP Camera that wants ActiveX.
Sorry mate,
but i have no experience at all of using IP cameras.

If it does indeed require ActiveX, then you may well be out of luck.

Have you had a look at this page:

@ singlshot
singlshot wrote:In reading this I'm wondering if anyone knows wher to get version 1.1
Take a look here
I suggest that you read this entire thread as it may help you get things working.

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#62 Post by singlshot »


thank you . I'm sorry for the slow responce . I have found wellminded puppy search . hopefully I will not need to ask again

thank you
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compiling zoneminder???

#63 Post by mung »

I wanted to use an old geode based system as a video surveilance system, and I did not want to spend hours setting it up.

Never used puppy before this weekend, but it looks like it is now the best of the small(ish) linux (even though it is not really small).

Well done for to everyone for continuing development, it seems you done a good job.

Unfortunatly it is not a fast setup :(

I thought I would give a rough outline of what has taken me about 4 hours
in case anyone else wants to try......

download and install the the following puppy packs on your test devel vmware machine: ... ry_5.2.sfs ... 4.4.tar.gz ... ... ... ...

GET XAMPP and follow install instructions:

and follow the install instructions

once you have installed xampp try the following:

mount the devx .sfs ackage with the file manager (click on it)
cd /mnt/{wherever the .sfs file is mounted}
cp -a --remove-destination ./* /
cd ~
mkdir oldtrash
mv /usr/lib/perl5 oldtrash/
mv /usr/bin/perl* oldtrash
ln -sf /opt/lampp/lib/perl5 /usr/lib/perl5
cp /opt/lampp/bin/perl* /usr/bin/
cp /opt/lampp/lib/*.a /usr/lib/


tar xzf ZoneMinder-1.24.4.tar.gz
cd ZoneMinder-1.24.4
mv ./configure configure.old
./configure --with-webdir=/opt/lampp/htdocs --with-cgidir=/opt/lampp/cgi --with-mysql=/opt/lampp/lib/ ZM_SSL_LIB=openssl

now you will get some errors from missing perl modules each time the configure stops read the error something like:
checking for perl module DBI::
"ERROR: DBI missing required"

so run perl and install the required module as follows:
perl -MCPAN -e shell
install modulename

then run configure and repeat for all missing modules

once you have done this configure will complete

now you can compile zoneminder with make:


let me know if you get on okay, I may have missed some steps as my memory fails.
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#64 Post by edoc »

What, please, is a "geode based system"?

Is the video-stream ip-type or usb or rgb or vga or ??

This can get confusing as I try to sort it all out.
[b]Thanks! David[/b]
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zoneminder configuration not working??

#65 Post by mung »

I think I am doing something wrong, as I am now trying to configure and the webcam is not displayed by zoneminder???

I have tested the webcam in mplayer:

mplayer -tv driver=v4l2:height=240:width=320 -vo jpeg tv://

it dumps lots of nice jpegs to the current directory so the cam is working!

I have setup the cam in zone minder and it shows it recognised.
set OPT_USE_AUTH enabled and logged in using admin:admin
restarted apache and zoneminder in /etc/rc.d/init.d/zoneminder start ....

when I click on
'Name' Monitor-1 in the zm console it pops up a window showing controls but the image is not displayed.

the location of the image is shown as:
http://localhost/cgi-bin/zm/zms?mode=jp ... &scale=100........

has anyone got this working??

Any help would be appreciated, thought maybe I should re read back through this thread(which I will now do :? )

This is the basic watcher 511 iso full install to a vmware image for test purposes.

a geode is a type of AMD computer chip, I'm sure you can search it on google if you are interested but it is really irrellevant to the current subject.
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sort of fixed now???

#66 Post by mung »

Okay I got zm working sort of but still not fully correctly.

checked /var/log/zm/zmdc.log but this seems to give little information of use.

Seems the problem maybe a driver issue as there were two webcams installed, maybe also caused as the system was run under vmware as its just a test setup.

Two webcams installed seems they use the drivers uvcvideo and gspca_sunplus.

I tried unplugging both cams and rebooting trying just one cam and zoneminder works okay, but add a second cam and problems start to arise...

Its a bit hard to describe all the symptoms as I did not make full notes of everything that I did, but if anyone has similar problems or knows a possible fix I will go through it again and list all the symptoms when setting different options and loading/unloading driver modules and what happens to the cams and video feeds.

basically one cam okay two and many different errors occur and the errors seem to change as different options are selected, e.g.:

one cam works /dev/video, install 2nd cam /dev/video2 and 1st still works, setup 2nd cam in zm and it cannot be configured to show anything but noise, change source/device channel in zm for 2nd and it then seems to stop the 1st cam displaying, try disabling both cams and they cannot be disabled....

I really am not sure what is going on???

Anyone had similar problems?
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sort of fixed now???

#67 Post by mung »

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Last edited by mung on Wed 09 Nov 2011, 18:03, edited 1 time in total.
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more video problems, and compile problems

#68 Post by mung »

I have now looked a little deeper and found that there are actually problems with the drivers in the puppy distribution used in watchdog 511.

I think this is a problem in the v4l2 drivers or librarys, not the kernel webcam modules.

specifically the gspca_sunplus driver

it works in wary 5.2 but not in wary-watcher

other web cams seem to work but not the gspca.

I have looked further at trying to install zoneminder on wary5.2 but am having problems at the last stage (linking against mysql)

I have probably wasted 8-10 hours on this now.

I may continue and get zm to compile or take the quick easy way out and buy some new webcams that work on 511.

depends how enthused I get, or if anyone can point me to the answer?
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#69 Post by motorcity »

Are you still out there?
I've successfully installed & run zoneminder on my laptop running ubuntu 10.10 with a cheap Logitech usb webcam.
I'm trying to install and run zoneminder on this Dell desktop running puppy lupu 528
The idea is here (the desktop) I can install multiple cctv cards and cameras ultimately 24 cams.
So far I have the usb cam instantly on with GUVCViewer
Got it streaming with mjpg_streamer
Got xampp downloaded and unzipped
But I'm stuck here:
sudo apt-get install zoneminder apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server ffmpeg

It seems there are no answers in puppy for "sudo" or "apt-get" (they're stupid I guess) and "service mysql start" may not be stupid but it just isn't possible.

I'll be reading through this and following your lead - later. It's lights out time 4 me.

#70 Post by aarf »

Can you post more info on the cheap logitech camera.
8 to 10 hours is not enough it takes days of concerted effort. The perl modules are the most time consuming. It can be done in 528. But i just cant get my cheap cameras to work.
More info later.
Pussy is much faster and easier to get it setup but still my cameras just wont work in zm. Pussy thread just use the debian setup info for zm.
Last edited by aarf on Sat 25 Feb 2012, 23:07, edited 1 time in total.
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#71 Post by motorcity »

Here's the specs;
Its Logitech C210 paid about $28 @ Best Buy
I uploaded a screenshot of my GUVCViewer Controls
Hope this helps[/img]
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#72 Post by aarf »

motorcity wrote:Here's the specs;
Its Logitech C210 paid about $28 @ Best Buy
I uploaded a screenshot of my GUVCViewer Controls
Hope this helps[/img]
yes that is perfect as it is available locally. What would be even more helpful is a screenshot of the configuration for the camera from a running zoneminder . specifically both the general and source tabs in the add monitor section.
Last edited by aarf on Fri 17 Feb 2012, 14:20, edited 1 time in total.

#73 Post by aarf »

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#74 Post by aarf »

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#75 Post by motorcity »

Here's the screen shots
So far I got lost while running terminal only in both watch dog 2, and pussy. Then I went back to ubuntu and after fits & starts (just not used to loading linux distros) got it with ubuntu mini cd.
Some monitor problems have been put off till later as my focus is proving there is an operating system I can use to run zoneminder on old cheap equipment like this Dell desktop P-4 with 32 bit
Now I haven't actually gotten zoneminder running (able to monitor @ localhost) on it yet, but I have checked and service mysql, apache, & zoneminder all report their running from terminal.
The webcam works from guvcview & mjpg_streamer just no zoneminder to try it in yet.

The screen shots are from my laptop running zoneminder normally from ubuntu 10.04
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#76 Post by aarf »

Went to the shop and the C210 is out of stock. Stymied again. Both my inbuilt webcam and USB plugged cheapie will work and save images in various webcam apps but they refuse to work with all the settings i have tried in various zoneminders Pussy, puppy 525, catdudes wary, and both watchdog versions. Later zoneminder versions have settings different to the screenshots you have posted. It is those that i was looking for. Moving about for the next few days so this is put aside for now.
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#77 Post by motorcity »

I'm not sure what you mean by "Later zoneminder versions" mine says 1.24.2 from the console, its no more than a month or so old.

I think I found my problem. I booted in recovery mode and got this message;

Starting Zoneminder: DBI connect('database=zm;host=localhost','zmuser',...) failed:
Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) at /user/share/perl5/ZoneMinder/ line 89
Can't call method “prepare_cached

#78 Post by aarf »

here is my text of pussy zoneminder install run. maybe of use.
my install run shows apache/mysql errors because i had already installed and was running these when i did the install. but it did not affect the outcome adversely.
will post a screenshot of my console setup and version later.
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#79 Post by aarf »

zm in pussy images attached
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#80 Post by edoc »


Thanks for sharing those - it is always encouraging to see progress.
[b]Thanks! David[/b]
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