Now - Puppy 4.3.1 VirtualBox - Much Simpler than Before

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Networking is sorted

#21 Post by LesF »

Got it sorted now. VirtualBox defaulted to NAT, changed it to bridged, rebooted the client and it came up ok.

Guess I should have read the help files a little further first :)

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[SOLVED] Expand Step 2 of the fine print.

#22 Post by hitchup »

The *sfs were already there. Found they were already there when downloading the openoffice,org sfs.
Installed okay. Need some hand holding for the locations and compile instructions for the sources.
Thank You for the VB instructions.

2. Download and install kernel sources sfs and devx sfs in order to run the "Guest Additions" install program to compile and install the VirtualBox Guest Additions. The Guest Additions are the modules and processes that enable the feature set.
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#23 Post by playdayz »

hey hitchup, I am not sure what you mean.
Installed okay. Need some hand holding for the locations and compile instructions for the sources.

2. Download and install kernel sources sfs and devx sfs in order to run the "Guest Additions" install program to compile and install the VirtualBox Guest Additions. The Guest Additions are the modules and processes that enable the feature set.
The kernel sources and devx are necessary to compile the VirtualBox "guest extensions' which allow copy and paste between host and guest and mouse integration, but those guest extensions are already present so you don't need to do them.

Puppy 4.3.1 VirtualBox - Much Simpler than Before

#24 Post by gcmartin »

This would make an excellent Puppy development platform. Imagine the light-weightedness of Puppy as a HOST with the ability to run VMs under that host...hummmm.

Has anyone done this?
Does anyone make an ISO run this (like Ubuntu does)?

To get me started, give me some ideas on the effort to do setup a Puppy Host to allow VMs to run on the host. Imagine "what a concept".

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#25 Post by playdayz »

gcmartin, is this what you mean: a Puppy that runs VirtualBox so that Puppy is a host you can run other OS's inside of? Here is one link that mentions Vuppy--which you can Search for in the Puppy Derivatives forum. I think you will find other Puppies that run or can run VirtualBox.
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convert 4.3.1 RC2 frugal to full?

#26 Post by Marek »

Puppy 4.3.1 RC2 is a frugal install (isn't it?). Is it worth it to convert it to a full install for performance gain? If so, how?
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#27 Post by bee_pipes »

Man, this place is a goldmine of information. Thanks to all for your time. VBox is up and running like a champ!


Now - Puppy 4.3.1 VirtualBox - Much Simpler than Before

#28 Post by gcmartin »


Care to explain how you were able to get VirtualBox to come up and run in your Puppy Host?

I'm curious. I'm looking for any instructions to do that.

I went to the forum's Search box and typed VPuppy, but I'm not finding instructions. (I must be doing something wrong)

Help anyone. Thanks
P.S. I wouldn't care if it was KVM or Vbox. Any Virtual Machine approach is a start. (although, my PC has the hardware to support KVM in a Linux host)

This would allow me to test the different Pups and Pets as I streamline to a personal use of Puppy. Thx
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Video codecs?

#29 Post by theroar »

First of all... You Rock Playdayz! Awesome VM of puppy. I have been running them for a while, but never with sharing and the extensions enabled. So Cool!

I am creating training videos for a linux module for my 8th graders using Windows, a VM of puppy, and Camtasia. It uses a proprietary codec, so I was converting the .avi files for use in puppy. In that process I stumbled across your VM of linux... and the .avi play without converting!!!!

I cannot replicate it in my puppy 4.3.1 boxes that boot off the live CD.

Any chance you can tell me what you did to get a codec in gxine like that? I have tried adding the xine extra codec and it's two other files... but something must be escaping me.

Thanks for your time!

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Make the shared folder permanent?

#30 Post by theroar »

Still amazed at how this all works so well.

I am now wondering if there is somewhere I can put the mount command so that it occurs upon booting the vm.

Thanks for your time!

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Puppy VirtualBox

#31 Post by claude »

Question for Playdayz..... would it be possible to give us a simple tutorial to produce ovf and vmdk files for Puppy 5.2 (or any other version): I tried the one you did for puppy 4.3.1 and it works very well: I am trying to get VirtualBox guest additions to work for Puppy 5.2 and I do not succeed to get the shared file working..... the host is a Windows (XP or Seven).

Thank you very much for your help.

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#32 Post by gronos04 »

I have been running an access control system on a xp guest from puppy using Virtual Box for a number of years now.
It is like an elephant riding around on a mouse.
Previously I ran Parallels on puppy and Parallels on Centos4
I was able to move to VBox when they finally got that network bridging business sorted out
This access control application running on xp uses 45% of the total CPU so it is a dedicated box.
I am just about ready to test this setup using FATDOG and am interested to see how much of the CPU will be used.
I am using AMD2 CPU so will see what FATDOG can do, my gut feeling is that it will drop it below 20%.
I tried to remaster Fatdog with virtual box installed but it didn't go so well as VBox wasn't happy. This isn't a problem and as it only takes 10 mins to set it up again from scratch once you have all of the files.
I use virtual machine in this way so thas that I can have a very good backup system without setting up 2 identical boxes and having raid. I had a failure the other day so I hauled the disk out plugged it into a spare box running the same puppy derivative transferred the pupsave, virtual hardisk and settings Rebooted and off it all went again happy as a clam.

Using the cli program vboxmange it is possible to start your virtual machine as x starts so it appears that you are booting into xp or another guest natively. It is also possible to run the vbox headless with having to start x and then vnc into it from the same machine or any other on the network.
If you have a powerful enough box you can run multiples OSs.
I did try to install a virtual machine inside a virtual machine but this went beyond the laws of physics.
I have also tried to install disk cloning inside the virtual machine hard disk but the cloning program didn't like the disk.

if you want to share your root folder on your puppy host.
Open vbox then go to settings for the guest machine that you want to use > shared folders - share root.
Fire up the guest xp and when it is running right click on 'my computer' > map network drive. this should take you to 'My network places' and there you should see 'VirtualBox Shared Folders' and there should be \\Vboxsvr and your shared root folder should be under that.
Going the other way you can share share you folder in windows and pick it up with Pnethood. You can share folders between virtual machines as well.

good luck
thanks to all

Please repost this

#33 Post by gcmartin »

Would you mind re-posting this post here, please? I think you'll get much better answers there.

Hope this helps
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Puppy as host

#34 Post by Frank Cox »

Has anyone played around with using Puppy as host?
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#35 Post by konaexpress »

Hi, is 4.3.1 the newest VB Puppy? If it is, I will download this and let you know how it runs on a Mac.

Thanks -John
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#36 Post by konaexpress »

Well, I downloaded it and it is running! This is so cool. Now if I could just get the internet up and running.......hmmm.
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#37 Post by konaexpress »

Never mind, got it.
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Display Window

#38 Post by Jonesy »

I have looked all over the web and can find nothing that tells you how to manage the size of the Puppy desktop in Virtualbox. Can anyone here help? I see that the posts are very old but thanks if you still monitor this thread... :shock:
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Re: Display Window

#39 Post by maik.murks »

Jonesy wrote:I have looked all over the web and can find nothing that tells you how to manage the size of the Puppy desktop in Virtualbox. Can anyone here help? I see that the posts are very old but thanks if you still monitor this thread... :shock:
Hi Jonesy.

Thank you for the link, but as I've written in the other thread there are some more informations needed, if you like to get some sense making help:
maik.murks wrote:Hi Jonesy.
maik.murks wrote: How does one get the PL desktop to fill the Virtual Box window
I worry about that I don't understand your 'simple question'. From my point of view VBox works quite the same in WinXP works quite the same in *buntu works quite the same in Puppy. And the VBox windows are always filled with the guest system. On the other hand it seems to be that you have a problem. So, maybe it could be a good idea if you provide some more detailed informations of your system, of your VBox, of your Puppy and of what is exactly going on from your point of view - if you like to have an answer from me.
maik.murks wrote: I asked it here on the Virtual Box thread and no one ever responded
Unfortunately I don't know of which thread you are talking about - but if you give me the link to this thread, then I could try to answer your question within that other thread - because this thread here isn't a good place for it. However, better you should provide the informations i've described above.


Cheers :wink:

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Re: Display Window

#40 Post by SFR »

Jonesy wrote:I have looked all over the web and can find nothing that tells you how to manage the size of the Puppy desktop in Virtualbox. Can anyone here help? I see that the posts are very old but thanks if you still monitor this thread... :shock:
Hi Jonesy.

First, you must have Virtual Box Additions installed.
Jonesy wrote:I am running PL 5.2.8 in Oracle's Virtual Box on Win XP
[ ... 001#590001]

Since you have Lupu-528:

1. Download lupu_devx_528-4.sfs: ... _528-4.sfs
and kernel_src_L4- ... atched.sfs
2. Put these files on sda1 (or where your 'lupusave.?fs' resides)
3. Menu -> Setup -> Setup Puppy -> SFS-load on-the fly and install them both.
4. VBox Menu: Devices -> Install Guest Addidions
5. Back to Puppy and open sr0 drive.
6. Click on and wait until it's finished.
7. Add the following lines to /root/.xinitrc (it's hidden file):
VBoxClient --clipboard (<- if you would like to have shared clipboard)
VBoxClient --display (<- to enable autoresizing)
8. Unmount sr0, attach Puppy ISO again and reboot.

But it's better to disable mouse integration at this point, because cursor position will become inadequate.
VBox Menu: Machine -> Settings -> System -> Enable absolute pointing device (<- uncheck)

To achieve correct icons' position after window resizing - restart X server.
If there will be any problem with position of drives icons, go to
Menu -> System -> Puppy Event Manager -> Desktop Icons -> Tick box to erase then redraw and realign existing icons
Check this box and restart X server.

PS. Successfully tested with Virtual Box 4.1.4, Win7 as a host.

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