5-steps - Netboot a Puppy over the LAN with NO Media (PXE)

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#41 Post by ShellyCat »

gcmartin wrote:Thanks @Aitch. Those are good approaches you present. I am going to open a new thread. It should helps us with 2 things which is what we working to solve.
  • An approach to getting a non-Puppy ISO/IMA to boot a PC over PXE. And,
  • to investigate what can be done to embrace a technology (a PET) in Puppy to allow this to occur.
Hope this helps

Here's the thread for discussion of Non-Puppy NETBOOTing
Wonderful ideas! Many people would like .PET that would allow them to just put a non-Puppy ISO in a directory, enable it to be served, and violla!

For the record, I was able to do flash the BIOS over PXE with netboot-server, using FreeDOS (a non-Puppy image), so apparently serving a non-Puppy image with netboot-server is trivial. (I also created an ISO of the floppy files and serving that with PXE. While the PXE part worked, the result of doing so was nothing to write home about, but the netbooting part worked fine!)

But for those who want a script to configure things for them, "mknetboot.sh" configures tftp to serve up a Puppy Linux image using a Linux kernel, while serving up a DOS image requires the memdisk" kernel (although to configure this would be very trivial). That begs the question, can you serve Linux with memdisk? I will try to use memdisk to serve a Puppy ISO and see if a Linux kernel is actually required. (Hey, you never know!)

Still, I don't see why "mknetboot.sh" couldn't be configured to optionally create a symlink to "fdboot.img" and configure "pxelinux.cfg/default" accordingly, or even give the user the option of adding 1 or more files to "fdboot.img" (such as those for BIOS update). It seems to me the complicated part would be offering more than one choice to a client at the same time (because the current Multi-boot Pup approach packs all the choices into one big ISO).

However, after I give explanations/solutions for some of the issues I encountered trying to update my BIOS and using FreeDOS and bootable floppy images over PXE, I will test some more methods with FreeDOS (and BIOS, too), especially ways that include menu choices, as well as trying that Multi-Puppy boot. Together they might yield some useful hints!
Puppy Distro: [url=http://openlab.jp/puppylinux/download/quickset_puppy/]pup-431JPqs3 "Quickset Puppy Linux (Japanese/English bilingual)"[/url]
Previous distros: Slackware (preferred), Fedora Core 6 (in school), Ubutntu (not much)

Diskette effort

#42 Post by gcmartin »


This is an important contribution.

Now, that you've accomplished this, you really should try MultiPUP, then come back here to the document. Follow the instructions there for "Netbooting a MultiPUP ISO".

For MultiPUP, do
  • Download current version,here
  • You can read the forum here
For Netbooting MultiPUP, read here.

Your approaches you've developed for non-Puppy Netboot (like diskette here), post on the new thread here, so others can find this important work of yours.

Hope this helps
P.S. @ShellyCat, Check your PMs
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#43 Post by Aitch »

Great stuff


It's really good to see this getting looked at and understood/documented

thanks :D

Aitch :)
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Results of BIOS upgrade

#44 Post by ShellyCat »

I'm sad to report that while updating my BIOS over PXE worked, the BIOS update did not fix the problems with my laptop. It still won't boot from anything but the hard disk or PXE.

I have it running (netbooted) Puppy now. I unplugged the AC power and it's running "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null" so I can see if the battery fully charged under the new BIOS.

The laptop is still usable, and I'd like to try to PXE WinXP eventually (for an older program that cannot run in WINE). The nice thing, if that works, is I will not waste hard disk space on a dual-boot...I can have Windows installed and run Puppy most of the time!

My main concern is the ability to back up large amounts of data. At least I can save money by buying an external USB hard drive, instead of buying a new laptop!

I benefitted by learning about PXE. I will help in the other thread (started by gcmartin) on finding ways to allow Puppy to serve non-Puppy ISOs! In the meantime, while I'm seeing how long it take the laptop battery to become discharged, I'll finish documenting the various things I tried while updating the BIOS over PXE in the new thread (see my last post).
Puppy Distro: [url=http://openlab.jp/puppylinux/download/quickset_puppy/]pup-431JPqs3 "Quickset Puppy Linux (Japanese/English bilingual)"[/url]
Previous distros: Slackware (preferred), Fedora Core 6 (in school), Ubutntu (not much)

Laptop NETBOOTing problem

#45 Post by gcmartin »


Since the Laptop was able to boot and run the BIOS update, I'm a little suspect on what's going on.

You had mentioned earlier, you were using a Puppy distro; namely QuickSET (which was built by Shinobar last fall. I tested this and did NOT have a Netboot problem.

There are 2 things I would like to have you try:
  1. Try each of these Puppy ISOs, say Puppy 4.3.1 AND Puppy 5.2.5. One of these should work while I believe the other will fail. Let us know if both fail.
  2. Windows has a NETBOOT program which does what the Puppy Netboot does. And I would like you to try it if both 4.3.1 and 5.2.5 fail.
If you have a running XP/2K/Vista/Windows7 PC, try this for me:
  1. Stop Puppy's NETBOOT Server
  2. There is a Windows NETBOOT program "TFTPD32". Download and install it.
  3. Copy your Puppy TFTPBOOT contents to the TFTP folder that TFTPD32 installed on Windows.
  4. Start TFTPD32
Now, Go to your Laptop and restart it to boot from the LAN (PXE). Expect that it will find the Windows Netboot Server and should start booting.

Let me know if that works or if it gives the same error that Puppy Netbooting causes.

Thanks in advance.
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#46 Post by jamesbond »

I've been away for a while, so I'd just drop by for while just to address a few things.

1. There will be no dhcp conflict between netboot-server's DHCP server and your router's DHCP server. netboot-server uses code originally written by phLe http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=62308 - the netboot DHCP only responds to PXE requests, not standard DHCP requests

2. The NIC is only used during PXE loading, and then released. When puppy is fully loaded, Puppy's drivers will take over the NIC. Once you see puppy's desktop, you need to configure your network as usual - the settings you get during PXE booting is temporary.

3. PXE support is done in BIOS - while web browsing in puppy is supported by Puppy's drivers. You need to check and ensure that your NIC is supported by Quickset puppy. (Puppy 4.31 is rather old, many newer hardware / NIC won't work with it).

Fatdog64 forum links: [url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=117546]Latest version[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/ke8sn5H]Contributed packages[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/se8scrb]ISO builder[/url]
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hey this script worked great for me THANKS!

#47 Post by cduran1983 »

Everything running fine... :D
I have all working DHCP server, TFTP server and the PXE server.

Just need it an ISO to "pxeboot" conversion!!

thanks!! Works great

I'm running Fedora 15 -

#jamesbond 2011
# convert a puppy iso into netboot-compatible vmlinuz and humongous initrd.gz
# Edited by Master_wrong so can save to other media not just temp

Xdialog --title "mknetboot" --msgbox "This script will create a set of files suitable for puppy netbooting.
The input is a puppy ISO file. The output will be located in /tmp/netboot - one vmlinuz and one huge initrd.gz.
If /root/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg exist, the output files will be symlinked to this directory as well,
so you can use netboot-server to server them straight away." 0 0

ISO=$(Xdialog --title "Choose puppy ISO" -fselect "" 0 0 2>&1 | tail -n 1)
if [ -n "$ISO" ]; then
rm -rf /$tmp2/netboot /$tmp/netboot_iso
mkdir -p /$tmp2/netboot/x /$tmp/netboot_iso
if mount -o loop "$ISO" /$tmp/netboot_iso; then
if [ -f /$tmp/netboot_iso/vmlinuz -a -f /$tmp/netboot_iso/initrd.gz ]; then
Xdialog --title "mknetboot" --no-buttons --infobox "This will take a while. Please wait ..." 0 0 60000 &
cp /$tmp/netboot_iso/vmlinuz /$tmp2/netboot
cd /$tmp2/netboot/x
zcat /$tmp/netboot_iso/initrd.gz | cpio -i
cp /$tmp/netboot_iso/*.sfs .
find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -9 > ../initrd.gz
cd /$tmp2/netboot
rm -rf x
if [ -d /root/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg ]; then
rm /root/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/vmlinuz /root/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/initrd.gz
ln -s /$tmp2/netboot/vmlinuz /root/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg
ln -s /$tmp2/netboot/initrd.gz /root/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg
kill $PID
Xdialog --title "mknetboot" --infobox "Done. Output is in /$tmp/netboot." 0 0 10000
Xdialog --title "mknetboot" --msgbox "Invalid ISO - cannot find vmlinuz and initrd.gz" 0 0
rm -rf /$tmp2/netboot
umount /$tmp/netboot_iso
rm -rf /$tmp/netboot_iso
Xdialog --title "mknetboot" --msgbox "Failed to mount $ISO" 0 0

Re: hey this script worked great for me THANKS!

#48 Post by gcmartin »

cduran1983 wrote:Everything running fine...

Is that script in the code window an "update" you are offering? If so, would you add a comment under "Master_Wrong" in the script you post?

Thanks in advance.

P.S. @cduran1983, Check your PMs

32bit PUPs are Missing DNSMASQ PET for Netbooting (PXE)

#49 Post by gcmartin »

This problem has been fixed. You can use the document to access the needed PETs; same as before.

I have just been informed that the 32bit version of DNSMASQ has disappeared and cannot be access as described in the document.

FATDOG and LightHOUSE64 are able to obtain the correct version from their PPM, but PUP528 (and probably other 32bit PUPs) does NOT offer the correct version via their PPMs.
Last edited by gcmartin on Wed 31 Aug 2011, 16:57, edited 2 times in total.

#51 Post by gcmartin »

Aitch wrote:any use? ... .Aitch :)
Thanks @Aitch.

The document, is again, accurate for use by any who venture to have PCs remote boot. Current ALL links in the document are accurate.
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Nicely done. Pre-existing pxe/boot server.

#52 Post by travis »

Nice guide, and even nicer scripts. They were easy to follow and reproduce what I needed to do in setting up puppy linux 5.28 in my pxe boot environment that is running on Fedora 14.

If anyone is interested I've put the vmlinuz and initrd.img files in an archive which is available http://dl.dropbox.com/u/40645459/puppy_pxe.tar.gz.

To use them simply download the file to somewhere in the /boot directory (ie /boot/puppy).

Code: Select all

tar -xvf puppy_pxe.tar.gz
Then edit the default file adding these lines

Code: Select all

LABEL Puppy 5.28
	MENU LABEL ^5) LivePuppy 5.28
	KERNEL /boot/puppy/vmlinuz
	APPEND initrd=boot/puppy/initrd.gz PDEV1=rootfs
Making sure the paths are correct and the MENU LABEL ^# match your environment and you should be good to go.
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#53 Post by puppy_newb »

jamesbond wrote:Master,

That guide will work for other puppies too. The netboot-server.pet is just a bunch of shell-scripts, it will work on any puppy. You just need to get a 32-bit binary dnsmasq for other puppies. jrb has created one on other forum of this thread, or you can use the one attached here (gunzip and drop it to /usr/bin). Too lazy to make it into a pet :twisted:
Hi JamesBond,

I'm just trying to get the tftp server working from dnsmasq. Is there anything special I have to do? I'm also using lucid puppy 5.2.8 will that make a difference?

#54 Post by gcmartin »

puppy_newb wrote:Hi JamesBond,

I'm just trying to get the tftp server working from dnsmasq. Is there anything special I have to do? I'm also using lucid puppy 5.2.8 will that make a difference?
Hi @Puppy_Newb.

This is NOT an answer from JamesBond, but, I will try to help until he can reply. Did you happen to notice that this thread provides a complete start to finish guide?

Its been tested on Puppy 5.28. It may work for you. And, it should gives some hints. (I would urge you to rename/remove your own DNSMASQ conf file should you choose to try the steps in the manual. That manual has been tested starting with Pristine systems which do not have any TFTP or DNSMASQ previously installed....But this manual does work. Further, USE THE PETs IN THE GUIDE because they are known to work in all tests until now.. The guide simply describes the working process that JamesBond created for us.)

Should you choose to use the manual, please provide any feedback you feel this thread's community would benefit from.

Thanks in advance.
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#55 Post by puppy_newb »

gcmartin wrote:
puppy_newb wrote:Hi JamesBond,

I'm just trying to get the tftp server working from dnsmasq. Is there anything special I have to do? I'm also using lucid puppy 5.2.8 will that make a difference?
Hi @Puppy_Newb.

This is NOT an answer from JamesBond, but, I will try to help until he can reply. Did you happen to notice that this thread provides a complete start to finish guide?

Its been tested on Puppy 5.28. It may work for you. And, it should gives some hints. (I would urge you to rename/remove your own DNSMASQ conf file should you choose to try the steps in the manual. That manual has been tested starting with Pristine systems which do not have any TFTP or DNSMASQ previously installed....But this manual does work. Further, USE THE PETs IN THE GUIDE because they are known to work in all tests until now.. The guide simply describes the working process that JamesBond created for us.)

Should you choose to use the manual, please provide any feedback you feel this thread's community would benefit from.

Thanks in advance.


Thanks for your help. I have been trying to get TFTP working from a remastered Puppy live CD for over three months now with no luck. I'm using ATFTPD right now and the tftp server is running and everything and it looks configured properly. The problem is that when i connect to my switch to download configs, it says Connection refused. I tried everything, turned off firewalls accepted the ip and port in iptables with no luck whatsoever. I have tried dnsmasq before as a pet and that didn't work so I'm still worried about trying this.
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#56 Post by puppy_newb »

gcmartin wrote:
puppy_newb wrote:Hi JamesBond,

I'm just trying to get the tftp server working from dnsmasq. Is there anything special I have to do? I'm also using lucid puppy 5.2.8 will that make a difference?
Hi @Puppy_Newb.

This is NOT an answer from JamesBond, but, I will try to help until he can reply. Did you happen to notice that this thread provides a complete start to finish guide?

Its been tested on Puppy 5.28. It may work for you. And, it should gives some hints. (I would urge you to rename/remove your own DNSMASQ conf file should you choose to try the steps in the manual. That manual has been tested starting with Pristine systems which do not have any TFTP or DNSMASQ previously installed....But this manual does work. Further, USE THE PETs IN THE GUIDE because they are known to work in all tests until now.. The guide simply describes the working process that JamesBond created for us.)

Should you choose to use the manual, please provide any feedback you feel this thread's community would benefit from.

Thanks in advance.

Another thing I forgot to ask. All i need is the TFTP server up and running and not refusing connections. Do i still need to follow the guide all the way?
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#57 Post by puppy_newb »

gcmartin wrote:
puppy_newb wrote:Hi JamesBond,

I'm just trying to get the tftp server working from dnsmasq. Is there anything special I have to do? I'm also using lucid puppy 5.2.8 will that make a difference?
Hi @Puppy_Newb.

This is NOT an answer from JamesBond, but, I will try to help until he can reply. Did you happen to notice that this thread provides a complete start to finish guide?

Its been tested on Puppy 5.28. It may work for you. And, it should gives some hints. (I would urge you to rename/remove your own DNSMASQ conf file should you choose to try the steps in the manual. That manual has been tested starting with Pristine systems which do not have any TFTP or DNSMASQ previously installed....But this manual does work. Further, USE THE PETs IN THE GUIDE because they are known to work in all tests until now.. The guide simply describes the working process that JamesBond created for us.)

Should you choose to use the manual, please provide any feedback you feel this thread's community would benefit from.

Thanks in advance.

Looks like I got another failure when trying to use dnsmasq tftp server. It says the following when i try to send a file to my server:

dnsmasq-tftp unsupported request from

I have no idea how to correct this.

Trying to help a member with remote boot.

#58 Post by gcmartin »

If you tell me which version you remastered, i will set it up in a Live media boot, and follow the guide to see if I get a failure. So far, there have not been any reports of the guide failing on the PUPs that have been tried since this became available.

I cannot help with anything beyond this guide as its the ONLY thing I am familiar enough to give comments on. I have been a user of this without failure on 6 different PUPs since preparation of the guide. It just works!

I only offered to have you, too, try the guide as other have. And just maybe, if it works for you, it will help you discover your own problem.

Its easy to test and the guide will give you a working system to compare against. Then, this may just be the thing that gets you to find that "needle in the haystack" that you're desiring.

The last 32bit distro that I tried was one of Pemasu's ISO. I just
  1. downloaded the Puppy ISO (or if you have one handy in your possession)
  2. created a multi-session Live CD (need not be a CDRW...RW NOT needed.)
  3. Booted the Live CD
  4. Followed the guide.
That's it. 10 minutes total and we are booting PCs over the LAN. (you'll spent more time downloading and creating a CD than you will setting up and booting other PCs.) Is the 10 minutes a problem for you?

If you have a problem with the guide let us know, please. Tell us which step in the guide you're getting hung up on and we'll help.

Hope this helps
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TFTP Server Cannot Receive File

#59 Post by MagicZaurus »

Hi puppy_newb!

What are you trying to do? It sounds like you want to send/upload a file from your client to the TFTP server.
It says the following when i try to send a file to my server:
The TFTP in dnsmasq is only for providing data from the server to the client, not the other way around. This is from the man pages of dnsmasq.
Enable the TFTP server function. This is deliberately limited to that needed to net-boot a client. Only reading is allowed;
So if you want to do some uploading of files to your server, it will be better to use a normal FTP server on the server. This will also be faster, as the TFTP protocol is slower than FTP protocol.

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Re: TFTP Server Cannot Receive File

#60 Post by puppy_newb »

MagicZaurus wrote:Hi puppy_newb!

What are you trying to do? It sounds like you want to send/upload a file from your client to the TFTP server.
It says the following when i try to send a file to my server:
The TFTP in dnsmasq is only for providing data from the server to the client, not the other way around. This is from the man pages of dnsmasq.
Enable the TFTP server function. This is deliberately limited to that needed to net-boot a client. Only reading is allowed;
So if you want to do some uploading of files to your server, it will be better to use a normal FTP server on the server. This will also be faster, as the TFTP protocol is slower than FTP protocol.

Hi Magic,

This is my problem that I realized the hard way. I want to upload text files from a client to the TFTP server which is running on my Lucid Puppy 5.2.8. Do you have any idea of any TFTP server which works in this way? I have not been able to get anything to work for this purpose for the past three months.
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