X quit working in Lupu 525

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X quit working in Lupu 525

#1 Post by spkslayer »

I was using my computer thats running lupu 525 and out of nowhere a bunch of blank windows covered my screen and the screen went black and went to something like the start up and said Exited from X. i try and try to get back on and even from a dead shutdown it wont go. It will act like is is by when i startup it shows the black mouse curser and goes black again and takes me where it says Exited from X. It tells me in red words "If X fails to start type in command xorgwizard" but when I do that I still cant get X to work and it says Exited from X again. Please help I love puppy linux and now I cant use it.
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#2 Post by pacer106 »

I am no puppy expert. You might try runnin from cd with puppy pfix=ram to see if it will boot up as if you were starting fresh.

You might also try some of the other boot options. There are a couple for fixing a corrupted save file. I believe 1 of them is pfix=purge its mainly used for updating i believe. when puppy starts up from cd press F2 to get into the extra boot options. I am sure a more experianced puppy user will suggest some more options soon :)
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#3 Post by spkslayer »

The thing is the guy who gave the computer to me moved and I dont know how to get a hold of him. And he never gave me the CD. So I stuck. I have tryed almost everything I could find online on how to fix it. Do you know where I can download a new CD for Lucid Puppy 5.25.
Also I downloaded lupu 528 but how do I burn it to a CD right? And if I can how can I install it?
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#4 Post by pacer106 »

Here is the link to the lucid 5.25 thread which has the download you are looking for.


Are you currently on windoze? If so then you can download imgburn which is pretty decent & its free. Google imgburn & you will find it im sure.

A bit of info is really needed in order to get you more help. What OS are you running?

If you are not familiar with burning a cd i can post some simple instructions for burning with imgburn if you are on windoze.

For future posts i would suggest giving as much info as possible so we can all help as quickly as possible :) best of luck :)
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#5 Post by spkslayer »

On the computer that has puppy on it Im running nothing couse puppy is the only OS on it. The other computer that I downloaded lupu528 on is a MAC. And when I downloaded the lupu 528 it came with the iso life and a file called CD ROM and it has other files in it I think Ill try to burn that first and if that not work find out how to burn an iso with MAC
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#6 Post by pacer106 »

I personally have never used a mac computer so can not help you there much.

I am sure there are other members with the info you are looking for & will be along to help soon enough.
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#7 Post by spkslayer »

Im just bummed out I really love puppy linux and I just got it looking the way I wanted. Thanks for your help though. Now I know were to get 525 if I cant use 528
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#8 Post by pacer106 »

I know the feeling I have had something like this happen a few times to me.

I did learn how to do a remaster of the cd once I get my puppy setup how i like it. Then I burn that to cd so it is always how I like it if it gets messed up again. (I try too hard to be like the pro puppy members & end up breaking puppy sometimes :( )
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#9 Post by spkslayer »

How can I make a remaster cd after I reinstall puppy
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#10 Post by pacer106 »

In the programs menu under setup you should see the remaster puppy cd option. Click on that & it will run the remaster wizard & walk you through it.

You might check out http://wellminded.com/puppy/pupsearch.html
Just about anything can be found with a little searching :)
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#11 Post by spkslayer »

Cool thanks. I went ahead and burned the lupu 528 and installed it and worked perfectly thanks. I really wouldn't have done it without your help thanks.
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#12 Post by pacer106 »

No problem always glad to help a fellow puppy fan in need :)
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