Lupufy 005 for Slacko 5.3.3 - One-Click XineDVD and Openbox

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Lupufy 005 for Slacko 5.3.3 - One-Click XineDVD and Openbox

#1 Post by playdayz »

This was designed for early versions of Slacko (5.3 as a matter of fact). You should not use it for later versions. You can look at the list of utilities and search them out one by one to add to Slacko. Some are in the slacko PPM such as openbox.

There are 3 Lupufy Slacko pets here. One installs some favorite utilities from Lupu into Slacko (see the list). Another installs XineDVD into Slacko. And the third installs Openbox. As simple as 1 - 2 - 3.

These are some utilities that people have said they liked from Lucid 5.2.8. They are listed individually with their thread so that they could be installed individually as preferred. At the bottom there is a pet that contains all of them to install at one time. The whole pet is only 1.1MB. Most are written by members of the Puppy community. Some were made for Lucid so they don't have links (or I haven't found them yet).

Version 005 is for Slacko 5.3.3 and version 004 is for previous versions of Slacko.

PupControl - radky ->
right-click - don570 ->
Puppy Help 101 - smokey01 -> ... 99&t=69321
No Blank Screen - trio -> ... 06&t=45825
Simple GTK Theme Maker - trio -> ... 75&t=45702
JWM Theme Maker - trio -> ... 91&t=45397
Cloud Apps - sszindian ->
RoxTerm (try Preferences -> Select color scheme -> Tango)
SearchMonkey file finder
Stay Connected to Internet
HomeBank Help menu entry
Abiword Help menu entry
Pupsave Hot backup - 2byte ->
PupClockset - radky ->
PupApps - radky -> ... 02&t=61962
Menu Entry Maker (originally by trio with new revisions by Geoffrey) -> ... 05&t=64969

1a. Utilities for Slacko 5.3.3. Slacko 5.3.3 includes PupControl, so that is removed from this version of Lupufy Slacko >

1b. Utilities. This 1.1MB pet will install all of the programs listed above ->

2. XineDVD is the default DVD player in Lucid 5.2.8. It doesn't have any problem with DVD menus as gnome-mplayer does sometimes. This pet is configured as XineDVD is in Lucid with the nice Antares skin and set as the default DVD player. It also contains the latest xinelib 1.1.20 (compiled in Slacko) so it will play most videos (and audios). -> ...

3. Openbox is configured as in Lucid, but with the Deep Thought theme from Three-Headed Dog which goes nicely with the Slacko wallpaper. Use Menu -> Desktop -> WM Switcher after install to select Openbox. Install this after installing the lupufy-slacko utilities (or run PupClockset). -> ...

To set Roxterm as default console: right-click desktop icon console and choose Edit item. Enter '/usr/bin/roxterm' in the top line and click OK. To use Roxterm icon, right-click console and choose File 'console' -> Set icon and drag in /usr/share/pixmaps/roxterm.xpm

To set PupControl as default setup: right-click desktop icon setup and choose Edit item. Enter '/usr/local/PupControl/PupControl' in the top line and click OK. To use PupControl icon, right-click setup and choose File 'setup' -> Set icon and drag in /usr/local/PupControl/icons/control-panel.png

Using lupufy-slako on other Puppies. The utilities should work on most other puppies also, but possibly all programs might not work. XineDVD is iffy since xinelib was compiled in Slacko--it might work. The same with Openbox. I am not sure what WMSwitcher will do on other Puppies than Lucid and Slacko. It might be safer not to run it but to use Menu - Shutdown -> Exit to prompt -> xwin openbox to select openbox--or to use openbox from the puppies own repo. (Thanks go to DaveS I believe for the original Openbox for Slacko.)
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#2 Post by 01micko »

Marker post for Lobster to link to the Slacko News/wiki page :wink:

EDIT.. Thanks Lobster :)
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#3 Post by Jasper »

Hi playdayz,
***Better treat this all-in-one as an experiment until you know if you want to keep it. Or install the ones individually that you want. It might take a couple of tries to get this all-in-one ready for prime-time. It appears that right-click might not uninstall properly..****
I installed your all-in-one pet in Slacko 5.3 main and all seemed well. I uninstalled using Puppy Package Manager > Uninstall > left-click.

No Blank Screen by trio was already installed before being re-installed with all-in-one. It is great that it remained installed after the all-in-one uninstall,

My questions are:

Would you be so kind as to explain the "right-click" uninstall method (I have never read of or seen that)?

Then, the thought my being able to merge many pets of my choosing is appealing. So perhaps, in due course, you might publish your technique?

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#4 Post by playdayz »

Would you be so kind as to explain the "right-click" uninstall method (I have never read of or seen that)?
Hey Jasper, That is what I am trying to figure out right now.

I will write up about combing pets later today or tomorrow.

#5 Post by Jasper »

Hi playdayz,

Thank you for your prompt reply and I look forward to more details whenever that may be convenient to you.

There is one small (perhaps rare) matter which (though of no concern to me) I report:
my digital clock (bottom right screen corner) changed from my usual 24 hr to 12 hr format (without am/pm) and stayed like that post all-in-one uninstallation.

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#6 Post by playdayz »

There is one small (perhaps rare) matter which (though of no concern to me) I report:
my digital clock (bottom right screen corner) changed from my usual 24 hr to 12 hr format (without am/pm) and stayed like that post all-in-one uninstallation.
Jasper, Almost certainly that is due to the installation of PupClockset manager which can be used to adjust parameters of the time display. Menu -> Desktop -> Pupclockset manager.

There is now version 002 of lupufy-slacko all-in-one, which properly uninstalls right-click.

You can uninstall version 001 and then install version 002 if you wish to continue using lupufy-slacko all-in-one, so that if you subsequently uninstall it it will uninstall properly. There is also a little script to complete the uninstall of version 001 if you want to uninstall it and not use lupufy-slacko all-in-one. Thanks.
Last edited by playdayz on Sat 19 Nov 2011, 18:19, edited 1 time in total.

#7 Post by Jasper »

Hi playdayz et al,

My apology that I was confused and may have spread my confusion.

In retrospect, I foolishly interpreted "right-click" as a right click (or right clicking) thinking there was a new uninstallation method. I now see that your comment was actually about uninstallaion of the program named "right-click".

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#8 Post by kickstart »

Using lupufy-slako all-in-one on other Puppies. It should work on most other puppies also. One report is that it does work on Racy.
Have just tried lupufying Racy. Roxterm appears in the utilities menu but doesn't start when clicked. lxtask is missing completely. Otherwise all the other additional utilities seem to work fine.
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#9 Post by playdayz »

Have just tried lupufying Racy. Roxterm appears in the utilities menu but doesn't start when clicked. lxtask is missing completely. Otherwise all the other additional utilities seem to work fine.
Thanks kickstart. I can understand about roxterm--there is probably something missing. If you could run 'roxterm' in a console it might tell us what is missing and I could possibly add it. LX Task should be under Menu -> System -> system status and config. i don't know why it wouldn't be there. Could you also try to run that in a console if you get a chance--run 'lxtask' no quotations of course.


Announcement. Lupufy Slacko now has pets for one-click install of XineDVD and Openbox as configured in Lucid.

The first message in this thread ->
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Right-click available for Slacko

#10 Post by don570 »

I've made Right-click compatible to Slacko so the
options should all work. I recommend that
gkhash be installed first.!! ... e80#585321

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#11 Post by playdayz »

I've made Right-click compatible to Slacko so the
options should all work. I recommend that
gkhash be installed first.!!
Thanks don570,

This could be installed on top of Lupufy Slacko or of course by itself. For ease of uninstall, some options from the full set of right-click are not included in lupufy-slacko. Oh rats, I should have put gtkhash in the utilities package--coming up in version 003. I can hardly use any Puppy without right-click anymore!

#12 Post by aarf »

md5sum from right click doesnt work in lupufyed racy522. dont know about in slacko
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#13 Post by don570 »

Thanks for the report. I'll check on it tonight.

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#14 Post by Geoffrey »


I noticed with the that Menu Entry Maker is located in /usr/bin, it needs to be in /usr/sbin or the edit and delete function won't work.

That's a problem I had when I first added the edit function, so I made it the default working directory for the edit to get it to work, I just tried it in Saluki and found the problem.

I have just fixed that so it will work from any directory, I also changed it so that it works with gtkdialog4 as I had it linked to gtkdialog3, now the hotkeys will work.

I do have another version 1.1.17 but I will need to fix that as well, in the mean time here is 1.1.16 that I fixed, let me know if there is a problem with it,
I have tested it and seems to work ok from where ever I run the script so all should be good fingers crossed. :wink:

No still has a problem it needs to be in /usr/sbin, I will have to sort it out but it may be just as easy to keep it where it was and it will work ok, Gee I hate when things do this :roll:

Simple GTK Theme Maker is a stu90 creation, stu90 also has a theme maker for openbox SimpleBOX theme maker

I just checked the 1.1.17 version it appears that I had already fixed the gtkdialog, it might be a better option as it opens other directories for icons and apps.
Not a gz remove extension and make sure that it's executable, has to be in /usr/sbin, gtkdialog fixed
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#15 Post by don570 »

aarf wrote:md5sum from right click doesnt work in lupufyed racy522
I didn't find anything wrong with my Right click pet package
and Racy. The MD5sum could be found quickly with
a right click. Check again with a fresh install,
then install my Right click pet package . You shouldn't have any
problems. If you do I would be interested in a detailed

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#16 Post by playdayz »

md5sum from right click doesnt work in lupufyed racy522. dont know about in slacko
aarf, gtkhash was not in version 002 of lupufy-slacko. It is in the current version 003. Thanks.

Geoffrey, I will move Menumaker and update in version 004. Thanks.
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#17 Post by 01micko »

:!: Important

There is a critical bug with the installation of lupufy-slacko and lupufy-slacko-openbox

The permissions on var and tmp are wrong

tmp <-- 1777

var <-- 777

This can cause problems often with printing.

I have fixed this for the pets I'm uploading to the slacko repo.

If you have installed lupufy-slacko or lupufy-slacko-openbox please run these commands in a terminal:

Code: Select all

chmod 1777 /tmp
chmod 777 /var
This should fix the issue.

Thank you.


NB: Note to ALL packagers:

This is a common problem when a package maker (including sfs files and especially debs) does not check the permissions and ownership of the directories before packaging. It only takes a second to do this and correct. If I have to explain how to do change permissions/ownership you should not be packaging for general consumption!! Ubuntu debs are very sloppy. often the ownership is some one elses :shock: (not on your system so it defaults to 500). This is not a puppy problem however it is the cause of a lot of grief.
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#18 Post by playdayz »

The permissions on var and tmp are wrong

tmp <-- 1777

var <-- 777
Version 004 of lupufy-slacko and version 002 of lupufy-slacko-openbox correct this problem. They are described in the first message of this thread.

#19 Post by aarf »

racy522 maybe i ran out of space. (15 m out of 47m still reported free) or it was from deleting what i had installed already before adding the pets.
tried a few things and they are working. md5sum for iso, sfs, tar.gz are working from right click now.
dont know if or what the missing dependencies affect. i dont recall doing a dependancy check with lupify002
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Last edited by aarf on Mon 12 Dec 2011, 12:40, edited 2 times in total.

#20 Post by aarf »

this desktop icon snuck in the backdoor when i wasnt looking. will change it back to its fbpanel -lupify2 icon.
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