Dpup Exprimo 5.X. SMP multicore optimized version

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#401 Post by pemasu »

Today I listened my children and my daughter`s boyfriend speaking about how spotify is the most used net radio player amongst youngsters.

My son also demanded awhile ago spotify for his dpup. His comp was broken so he was submitted to use old desktop with dpup exprimo. So I created Spotify Linux for dpup exprimo. I used Qt libs and libicu libs from Polarpup compiled stuff.

The binary spotify with other config stuff was downloaded from here: http://repository.spotify.com/pool/non-free/s/spotify/

Today I decided to upload the result as pet and as sfs. Mostly the stuff was made so that my kids feels more familiar with Linux. The size is monster, mostly due to Qt libs and libicu. About 29 Mb pet and 26 Mb as sfs. But....well it plays fine. My daughter started to hit songs from dpup laptop immediately. Soon we had quarrel what we should play. It seems that we have somewhat different taste, lol.

I could make united Umplayer-Spotify pet, because they use about same Qt libs, you would get 2 multimedia apps in same libs dependency package.

Best solution would be, of course, upload Spotify for dpup and Qt-libs as separate packges, so further Qt needed apps would be as separate much smaller packages...But....well...here you go if you need just one multimedia app...

If somebody needs to satisfy his/her children demands, here you go.....

http://smokey01.com/pemasu/pet_packages ... .2.291.pet

http://smokey01.com/pemasu/pet_packages ... .2.291.sfs

Qt4 libs will be installed to the /opt so....reboot will be needed before the Qt4 libs are available. I have used Barrys method....maybe there is better way so that they are immediately available after installation. Or...maybe restart X is enough. Dunno.
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Dpup Exprimo 5.X.10.3 SMP multicore optimized version

#402 Post by Billtoo »

I've been using 5x10x3 for a couple of days and it's very stable.
I installed an Aurora pet that I made on top of your firefox and flash
works.Whatever you did to firefox fixed Aurora too I guess.
Anyways, having fun.
Happy New Year.
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#403 Post by pemasu »

I have been messing now with ati installer to compile and install fglrx driver. I was succesful, though my dual graphics gives hiccups. Observations. I can now extract ati installer to the folder and make installation to spesified folder. Symlinks points then to that folder and needs to be fixed. When I make a pet of it, it misses some scripts which enables the result to be succesful. For instance libglx.so will not be overwritetten with proprietary one. Even by manually fixing that, I cant get fglrx and X working.
When I just run ati.run and autoinstall the fglrx with all the other stuff, I can get fglrx working.
When I revert back to the intel (onboard graphics) I have to manually restore libglx.so to the appropriate location. Otherwise synaptics is not found. I also restore working xorg.conf files (2 of them) back to the folder. Now I have synaptics back.

There has been 2 reports, at least, that synaptics is not loaded. It is possible that xwin (which autoconfigures xorg.conf file) delets the entries of synaptics section. And then the synaptics is not loaded.

In the future, if synaptics is not loaded, look to the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, and check the synaptics section, is it found, also check the last line of hardware profile, then check that harware profile named xorg.conf...something file also, if it is lacking synaptics section.
Hardware autoconfigure probably sometimes does not enable synaptics, that is my conclusion.
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#404 Post by pemasu »

Tubeguy posted about hanging shutdown when there is samba shared mount established. I have now tried to produce that bug. I have mounted windows comp share, opened text file there and then rebooted when that file is open. It....just....shuts...down....as...it....should.
I used Pnethood for scanning and mounting.

How can I create the hanging situation. I know there could be a improvement to offer...as Karl Godt has posted in Racy thread. But I dont like to include code to the woof2 provided scripts if I cant be sure it is needed and it will fix the problem.

EDIT. Now I tracked the tubeguy`s post: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 126#590126

Using PupServer, it is not windows share. It is something else. NFS ? I am not familiar with connecting PupServer, yet...lol.
It is probably something with not unmounting that filesystem which PupServer provides. So....I would need to figure out first what filesystem is not unmounting properly.
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#405 Post by peebee »

Hi pemasu

Gnome-mplayer seems to have a missing lib... see attached screenie

Doesn't work for me from either the desktop "play" button or the menu entry.

Cheers & Happy New Year
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#406 Post by pemasu »

Peebee. Nope. The /usr/lib/libgconf-2.so.4 and corresponding real lib has been there and gnome-mplayer does not complain of it in my dpup.
I suppose you have installed some lucid puppy pet which has overwritten the existing lib. I suggest you to restore the original ones from /initrd/pup_ro2.

About Pupserver and unmounting smb-cifs netshare. That seems tricky thing. The share has been mounted as:
/mnt/network/PUPSERVER/usr=root passwd=woofwoof and that long share name with space in the name is the reason that umount does not work. Umount does not like share names with spaces.
First I would need figure out how to umount that kind mount name. Then the fix could be transferred to the script.
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#407 Post by peebee »

pemasu wrote:Peebee. Nope. The /usr/lib/libgconf-2.so.4 and corresponding real lib has been there and gnome-mplayer does not complain of it in my dpup.
I suppose you have installed some lucid puppy pet which has overwritten the existing lib. I suggest you to restore the original ones from /initrd/pup_ro2.
Thanks pemasu - that was the answer - I'd installed chromium-17.0.945.0-slacko.pet

both chromium and gnome-mplayer worked after i'd restored your libgconf-2.so.4.1.5

Thanks and very sorry to have been a nuisance
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#408 Post by pemasu »

Peebee. No problem. I have already learnt that this distro hopping presents problems which one puplet creator need to recognize. Nice that I was correct in my assumption, it helped to fix the bug asap.

Billtoo sent me nice multimedia package with umplayer and vlc with needed qt4 framework. I removed the stuff from the sfs which is not needed and I added Spotify into it. Now I have multimedia-vlc-umplayer-spotify-qt-4.8.0 sfs in 30 Mb. Not bad.

I tested the Umplayer and VLC mediaplayer with xvid packaged avi, mkv and mp4, all worked, also finnish subtitles worked oob.

Billtoo, thank you of your sfs and that you sent pm to me.

http://smokey01.com/pemasu/pet_packages ... -4.8.0.sfs

Oh yeah. Happy Next Year !!!!! Let Your Puppy shine with you.
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Dpup Exprimo 5.X.10.3 SMP multicore optimized version

#409 Post by Billtoo »

I did a full install to my emachines D620 laptop.
I installed the new multimedia-vlc-umplayer-spotify-qt-4.8.0.sfs

Sun 1 Jan 2012 Operating System: Dpup Exprimo SMP-5.X.10.3 Linux 3.1.0
5.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690M
[Radeon X1200 Series]
oem: ATI ATOMBIOS product: RS690 01.00

X Server: Xorg Driver: radeon
X.Org version: 1.7.7
dimensions: 1280x800 pixels (338x211 millimeters)
depth of root window: 24 planes

AMD Athlon(tm) Processor 2650e
Core 0: 1595 MHz

It's working nice on this laptop.
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#410 Post by stu90 »

Hi Pemasu,
I haven't posted much lately - built the latest version of XBMC-11.0-Eden-Beta1 for D-lite will test it on Exprimo also.


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#411 Post by pemasu »

Billtoo and Stu90.
Good to hear that multimedia section works and will have possibly new addtions. Inspired by Billtoo, I compiled latest Qt-4.8.0 final, released Qt4 library with 2 different configurations. The first one includes the usual stuff with Qtwebkit. The second one is the same but has Phonon-Gstreamer-support included.
Both does not have stupid libicu (19 Mb installed) dependency. Now I know how to not have it. It is autochecked if you have it and you cant disable it, if you have for some reason installed libicu stuff (by the need of some app). Now I made sure I dont have it.

Now I am going to go through which my previously compiled ( compiled with RC Qt-4.8.0 development libs) Qt apps works straight and what might need recompile. Then I will create dpup Qt4 repo with pets to have base qt libs, development environment and plain apps as single pets. That way ppl can choose what they want. Base qt libs and some single apps, want to compile them more (rare occasion) and what kind of qt libs they want. Gstreamer apps is option with that other qt libs set.

Umplayer and Smplayer worked straight with new qt libs.

Oh....qt libs will be installed to the /opt and I have made separate init pet to have that location recognized. Restart X is enough for /opt/qt to be recognized.
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#412 Post by pemasu »

I have now compiled and packaged QT-4.8.0 libs.
And also compiled Smplayer (new version was released in december 2012) and Umplayer. Billtoo`s VLC-1.1.12 has been packaged to contain VLC files only.

There are now in libs folder 3 QT packages. Package which provide plain libs for using QT apps (qtconfig included) and 2 full packages for those who need more or want to compile Qt apps. The dev packages are separated.

So...you want to run Qt apps in dpup, install this: http://smokey01.com/pemasu/QT-4.8.0-dpu ... y-dpup.pet
Restart X so...the /opt/qt4 location will be noticed.

And then from apps folder application pet or sfs: http://smokey01.com/pemasu/QT-4.8.0-dpup/apps/

If you need Qt-4.8.0 with full installed stuff, install this instead: http://smokey01.com/pemasu/QT-4.8.0-dpu ... t-dpup.pet

If your app needs phonon-gstreamer support, install this full set instead of the above basic one: http://smokey01.com/pemasu/QT-4.8.0-dpu ... t-dpup.pet

If you want to compile, install this also: http://smokey01.com/pemasu/QT-4.8.0-dpu ... t-dpup.pet

And if you want to compile gstreamer-phonon application, intall this corresponding pet: http://smokey01.com/pemasu/QT-4.8.0-dpu ... t-dpup.pet

It is possible that phonon-gstreamer wants also QtOpenGl lib, no worry, I am atm compiling third set with Qtwebkit-phonon-gstreamer-OpenGl support. That is for real demanding apps like Clementine. I wish good luck with compiling it. Done it once.

Sfs packages will become later. My comp compiles now so hot that I dont dare do mksquashfs at the same time.
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Nvidia drivers for Dpup Exprimo

#413 Post by shinobar »

UPDATE: nvidia-glx-sdl-290.10-1.sfs which supports Dpup Exprimo both with kernel 2.6.39 or 3.1.0.
Downloads for Puppy Linux [url]http://shino.pos.to/linux/downloads.html[/url]
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#414 Post by tubeguy »

pemasu wrote:Tubeguy posted about hanging shutdown when there is samba shared mount established. I have now tried to produce that bug. I have mounted windows comp share, opened text file there and then rebooted when that file is open. It....just....shuts...down....as...it....should.
I used Pnethood for scanning and mounting.

How can I create the hanging situation. I know there could be a improvement to offer...as Karl Godt has posted in Racy thread. But I dont like to include code to the woof2 provided scripts if I cant be sure it is needed and it will fix the problem.

EDIT. Now I tracked the tubeguy`s post: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 126#590126

Using PupServer, it is not windows share. It is something else. NFS ? I am not familiar with connecting PupServer, yet...lol.
It is probably something with not unmounting that filesystem which PupServer provides. So....I would need to figure out first what filesystem is not unmounting properly.
Haven't kept up for a few days due to a move across town.

All I can tell you about PupServer is it is based on 4.3.1 and I have it frugally installed on an ext4 partition. I dumped Windows on that box so no NTFS stuff. I don't have the issue on lucid or spup. I actually forgot about this until now though so it doesn't seem like that big a deal for me, Exprimo is still my daily driver. :)
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#415 Post by pemasu »

Tubeguy. I believe that the problem is the name of the mounted share. It has space in its name. Pupserver offers the mounted shares through smb/cifs. So it uses the usual way how to mount stuff from ntfs filesystem.
I just didnt invent cure, how to unmount that long mountname with space in its name. The mount point is under /mnt/network/Pupserver...if I remember right.
Trying to umount it from command line fails due to that mount point name. Better than me is needed to fix the problem.
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#416 Post by tubeguy »

pemasu wrote:Tubeguy. I believe that the problem is the name of the mounted share. It has space in its name. Pupserver offers the mounted shares through smb/cifs. So it uses the usual way how to mount stuff from ntfs filesystem.
I just didnt invent cure, how to unmount that long mountname with space in its name. The mount point is under /mnt/network/Pupserver...if I remember right.
Trying to umount it from command line fails due to that mount point name. Better than me is needed to fix the problem.
No problemo. ;)
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#417 Post by James C »

I decided to install Exprimo 5.X.10.3 (k-3.10) on one of my old P4 backup boxes a few minutes ago and was surprised by no network driver.Checked all of them...no go.
Don't expect a driver,just reporting.It's my backup,backup box so no big deal. In case anyone else runs into this though the nic is a AMDtek NC100 Fast Ethernet.

No problems from the install on my Athlon XP box... still working great. :)
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#418 Post by pemasu »

James C.
AMDtek NC100 Fast Ethernet
I am interested what driver is in use in the Puppy where it works. Could you check it with working Puppy, I am sure you can easily find out what driver is loaded when it works. Barrys Simple Network Setup ie SNS shows the driver used/loaded nicely.

Then I could check if the driver exists or is the problem somewhere else.

When you know the driver name, you can also by yourself check the existence in 5.X.10.3, in console:

Code: Select all

find /lib -name "DRIVERNAME*"
replace the drivername with the loaded driver name.
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#419 Post by James C »

pemasu wrote:James C.
AMDtek NC100 Fast Ethernet
I am interested what driver is in use in the Puppy where it works. Could you check it with working Puppy, I am sure you can easily find out what driver is loaded when it works. Barrys Simple Network Setup ie SNS shows the driver used/loaded nicely.

Then I could check if the driver exists or is the problem somewhere else.

When you know the driver name, you can also by yourself check the existence in 5.X.10.3, in console:

Code: Select all

find /lib -name "DRIVERNAME*"
replace the drivername with the loaded driver name.
Since it's almost 3 am here I'm not doing much more checking until I get some sleep :lol: but Lucid uses the "tulip" driver. Description "Digital 21*4* Tulip ethernet driver". Assume Slacko uses the same since it's installed and working too.
I'll check after I get some sleep but I'm pretty certain it wasn't included in the list of drivers.... I tried most of them..... :lol:
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#420 Post by James C »

And the result is.....

Code: Select all

# find /lib -name "tulip"
Time for sleep. :)
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