Classic Pup 214X-TOP9 creates pupsave to root by default

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Classic Pup 214X-TOP9 creates pupsave to root by default

#1 Post by PenguinPupLin »

My Classic Pup214X-TOP9 created a pupsave at root by default. I moved it manually to the subdir where the core files(vmlinuz,initrd and pup-214X.sfs) in frugal install are found. But how do I make it search the psubdir for the pupsave file on bootup. what commands do I append to the kernel line? I added the following at the end but it didn't work:-
kernel /Pup214X/vmlinuz ... PUPSAVE=ntfs,hda1,/Pup214X\pup_save-acertm632.2fs
My Puppy 214X is frugal installed for multi-boot with WinXP. Any help appreciated. I'm doing this as I intend to manually add another Puppy Legacy OS2 frugal install and it is also based on 214X which similarly creates pupsave to root by default, which I would later move to its subdir too. Neater that way so they won't search root for the pupsave files and ask me which to load, considering they are for different puppies.
Last edited by PenguinPupLin on Mon 16 Jan 2012, 06:21, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Classic Pup 2145X-TOP9 creates pupsave to root by default

#2 Post by maik.murks »

PenguinPupLin wrote:My Classic Pup214X-TOP9 created a pupsave at root by default. I moved it manually to the subdir where the core files(vmlinuz,initrd and pup-214X.sfs) in frugal install are found. But how do I make it search the psubdir for the pupsave file on bootup. what commands do I append to the kernel line? I added the following at the end but it didn't work:-
kernel /Pup214X/vmlinuz ... PUPSAVE=ntfs,hda1,/Pup214X\pup_save-acertm632.2fs
My Puppy 214X is frugal installed for multi-boot with WinXP. Any help appreciated. I'm doing this as I intend to manually add another Puppy Legacy OS2 frugal install and it is also based on 214X which similarly creates pupsave to root by default, which I would later move to its subdir too. Neater that way so they won't search root for the pupsave files and ask me which to load, considering they are for different puppies.
A backslash in a path is wrong in every case - within the linux world.

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#3 Post by PenguinPupLin »

Noted,correction done,thanks. Pupsave load alright ... done.
And then I get all sorts error messages in red, dumping(cannot read block 0x01,etc),waiting 30 seconds,pausing, and finally kernel panic - attempting to kill init

Below is the relevant part of my menu.lst :

title Classic Pup 214X-TOP9
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,0)/Pup214X/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 PMEDIA=idehd PDEV1=hda1 psubdir=Pup214X PUPSAVE=ntfs,hda1,/Pup214X/pup
_save-acertm632.2fs pfix=fsck

initrd (hd0,0)/Pup214X/initrd.gz

title Classic Pup 214X RAM mode\nBoot up Puppy withot pupsave
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,0)/Pup214X/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 PMEDIA=idehd PDEV1=hda1 psubdir=Pup214X pfix=ram,fsck
initrd (hd0,0)/Pup214X/initrd.gz

Anything wrong with it,how about the root=/dev/ram0 part?

Btw,further down the menu.lst, I've another puppy frugal installed manually,namely LegacyOS2 also based on Pup214X kernel which til now I'm still not able to boot into RAM to create a pupsave. Wonder if these two versions of puppies clash. The Legacy cfg is similar as follows:
title Legacy OS 2 - Do not load save file
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,0)/LegacyOS2/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 PMEDIA=idehd PDEV1=hda1 psubdir=LegacyOS2 pfix=ram,fsck
initrd (hd0,0)/LegacyOS2/initrd.gz
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#4 Post by sfeeley »

I'm not absolutely positive, but I think I remember that the kernel that classic pup is based on doesn't allow for the savefile to be in a sub-directory. I do know that my install of an earlier version of classic pup had to be configured that way.

(I wish there was a way to search that specific thread, as I recall seeing something on this about 200 pages back)
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#5 Post by Keef »

Code: Select all

title 214X 
 rootnoverify (hd0,1) 
 kernel   /214X/vmlinuz  root=/dev/ram0  PMEDIA=idehd SFSFILE=ext3,hda2,/214X/pup_214X.sfs PUPSAVE=ext3,hda2,/214X/pup_save-214X.3fs 
 initrd   /214X/initrd.gz
The above works for me, just adjust to suit. I think it's the SFSFILE= bit that is important once you put the savefile in the psubdir.
I'm using Grub4Dos, but it reads older grub style entries.
Note: PUPSAVE etc should be on the same line as 'kernel'
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#6 Post by maik.murks »

PenguinPupLin wrote:how about the root=/dev/ram0 part?
"root=/dev/ram0" is OK.
PenguinPupLin wrote:I've another puppy frugal installed manually,namely LegacyOS2 also based on Pup214X
As far as I know, LegacyOS2 is NOT based on Pup214X.
PenguinPupLin wrote:title Legacy OS 2 - Do not load save file
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,0)/LegacyOS2/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 PMEDIA=idehd PDEV1=hda1 psubdir=LegacyOS2 pfix=ram,fsck
initrd (hd0,0)/LegacyOS2/initrd.gz
As far as I know, LegacyOS2 don't like subdirectories - if you move the files of LegacyOS2 to root directory of the partition then LegacyOS2 should boot - of course you have to edit your menu.lst accorgingly.

Moreover, depending on your hardware, maybe it could be a good idea to change "PMEDIA=idehd" into "PMEDIA=atahd".

Finally, if everything fails with Classic Pup 214X Top9, try to boot it while having all important files in the root directory of the partition.

Cheers :wink:

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#7 Post by PenguinPupLin »

Thanks for all the replies.
Keef,your boot code modified accordingly works for me. Just don't understand why SFSFILE= is different from psubdir= , and why PDEV1=hda1 is not necessary or must be taken out. Thanks again.
Sfeeley, if by any chance you come across that thread which says Classic Pup doesn't allow savefile in subdirectory,please let me know;I'd thought that limitation was overcome by newer versions of 214X-TOP.
Maik, I guess Legacy OS2 is not quite suitable for my WinXP notebook unless I'm prepared to create an ext2 partition with 500MB swap for full harddisk installation as the author of Legacy OS2,John Biles,himself strongly recommends or runs into all sorts of problems,even with ext3 partition which I'd have much preferred if I'm willing to go that route, as I originally use Windows Installer to frugal instal Quickset Wary511 to avoid touching or messing up my WinXP installation. Btw,I've just found out that for Legacy OS2,the vmlinuz and initrd files have to be in /boot while leaving the rest in root. I also take note of your pointing out the difference between PMEDIA=idehd or atahd for older hardware. Thanks,I thought they mean the same thing basically. And I've also read somewhere that Legacy OS2 is based on older versions of Puppy 2.14 just as Classic Pup 214X.
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Initrd.gz not recognizing/finding Pupsave file

#8 Post by Honeypuck »

I have similar issues as does/did Keef.

I did a frugal install on sda1 setting the kernel options to load all files into RAM. When shutting down I get asked if I want to save my settings in a .3fs file. Puppy Slacko 5.3.1 does not use the pupsave file when rebooting, although I used analogous settings in menu.lst file like Keef.
Here is what I have:

Code: Select all

title Puppy Slacko 5.3.1 (sda1/puppy5.3.1)
  find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /puppy5.3.1/initrd.gz
  kernel /puppy5.3.1/vmlinuz psubdir=puppy5.3.1 pmedia=atahd psubdir=puppy5.3.1 SFSFILE=ext3,sda1,/puppy5.3.1/puppy_slacko_5.3.1.sfs PUPSAVE=ext3,sda1,/puppy5.3.1/slackosave.3fs pfix=fsck pfix=ram pkeys=de ##That is all in one line##
  initrd /puppy5.3.1/initrd.gz
I also tried putting the absolute path of the pupsave file:

Code: Select all

Still, none of my settings are saved and I get asked for monitor configuration on each startup.

What am I doing wrong? Should I follow another approach what I'm trying to do?
Thanks for your help, this thread was the best solution to the problem I found so far. In case I have overlooked something in the tutorials, let me know.
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#9 Post by PenguinPupLin »

My boot code for Slacko5.3 frugal install is much simpler with pupsave in the same subdir as puppy core files:

title Puppy slacko 5.3 (sda1/Puppyslacko5.3frugal)
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /Puppyslacko5.3frugal/initrd.gz
kernel /Puppyslacko5.3frugal/vmlinuz pmedia=atahd psubdir=Puppyslacko5.3frugal pfix=fsck
initrd /Puppyslacko5.3frugal/initrd.gz

title Puppy slacko 5.3 (sda1/Puppyslacko5.3frugal) RAM mode\nBoot up Puppy withot pupsave
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /Puppyslacko5.3frugal/initrd.gz
kernel /Puppyslacko5.3frugal/vmlinuz pmedia=atahd psubdir=Puppyslacko5.3frugal pfix=ram,fsck
initrd /Puppyslacko5.3frugal/initrd.gz

If I'm not wrong,for your case pfix=ram means you're running puppy in RAM mode which means pupsave isn't used though you've saved it. For my case,my first choice uses the pupsave while the second is in RAM mode without loading pupsave in case I want to try something out without saving it automatically when I reboot/shutdown or when I want to create a new savefile with new settings/applications. Bear in mind,pfix=ram means RAM mode without pupsave. Give it a try. I may be a newbie but I'm sure about this.
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Running Puppy Linux in RAM

#10 Post by Honeypuck »

Thanks for the quick reply PenguinPupLin

I see what you mean with 'running in RAM prevents saving',
but that is exactly what I want to do. Otherwise my old machine (IBM T21 with P3 800 Mhz &512MB) would be really slow.

Still, I do not see why loading Puppy Linux into RAM conflicts with saving the settings (Does my logic fail me here?). When booting from an USB stick or a CD it does do that, doesn't it? At least that's how I've understood the workings of Puppy Linux. Why would it make a difference between loading the files from a pen drive and loading from a partition on a hard drive.

Well, does anyone have an idea, how I could achieve what I would like Pupply to do?

Thanx for your kind help
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#11 Post by PenguinPupLin »

Just thinking. You saved pupsave to your USB stick? If yes,then you should remove pfix=ram or create another choice without it to allow pupsave to be used - the pupsave should preferably be in the same subdir as the core files,i.e vmlinuz,initrd,puppy_slacko_5.3.1.sfs. Another thing in your boot code, your sda1 is pointing to a harddisk which is the case in my Slacko frugal install. For USB stick,it should be sdc1,mine is when I plug in a USB stick. Check your Slacko desktop to confirm it.
OTOH,if your pupsave is in your harddisk 1,then sda1 is correect,sill you must remove pfix=ram or create another choice without it as I've pointed out above. Without using pupsave with all your settings/aplications,how do you expect Puppy to know what you've selected, xorg,keyboard,locale,etc? Pfix=ram is also what they call live booting, whether from livecd or liveusb without saving anything or using savefile,that's how I understand it. HTH.
To add,your boot code showed you wanted to use pupsave yet you've pfix=ram to cancel it - a contradiction.
And don't worry about your computer running slow,only creating the pupsave file takes time,subsequent bootup is much faster. For Puppy Linux,if you've read carefull,frugal install (not full install) plus pupsave file is the recommended setup;it runs more stably,faster than livecd,with many advantages such as saving your settings so you won't be asked for it each time you boot, as well as adding applications and programs to it - all of which are automatically stored in your pupsave;so remember to make a backup of it as it does get damaged or corrupted,and though 512MB size is usually recommended I normally go for 1GB based on my own experience and usage,provided you can afford the harddisk space. To make your computer runs even even better with Puppy, I'd strongly suggest creating a swap space,either a swapfie or partition, at least equal in size to your physical RAM - you already have 512MB which is nice for Puppy but it can still run out of RAM if you use modern browsers with youtube,for example.
To add further,are you aware that you can save pupsave to your multi-session CD (not finalized) with a CDWriter,just as you can save it to your USB stick, without copying anything to your computer harddisk at all?
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Location of pubsave file

#12 Post by Honeypuck »

The pubsave file is not on an USB stick, but in the same directory as the .sfs file, namely /puppy5.3.1 on sda1.
The Thinkpad is not able to boot from USB, so I decided to install Puppy Linux onto the hard drive. I want to try that solution first, before venturing into PLOP to make the BIOS think the USB was a floppy drive, so it would boot. Maybe I'll have to follow down this route eventually.
The notebook also doesn't have a DVD/CD drive to burn disks, that's way using a remastered Puppy CD is not an option, although I'm trying to get a drive with that function from somewhere. Isn't so easy after all, since it's really old hardware.

I'll try the full install, but, although without experience thereof, I'm quite skeptical as to whether this install method is not markedly slower thatn running everything out of RAM. Access/Read time should be way higher.
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#13 Post by Aitch »

don't waste time - ask ttuuxxx in classicpup thread

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#14 Post by sfeeley »

Sfeeley, if by any chance you come across that thread which says Classic Pup doesn't allow savefile in subdirectory,please let me know;I'd thought that limitation was overcome by newer versions of 214X-TOP.
entirely possible (and in fact based on the other comments it looks like i'm wrong). I encountered this issue about 1 1/2 years ago, and I know there's been a lot of active development since.

sorry if I mislead
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#15 Post by Aitch »

I have old TP560/570, neither has internal floppy or CD
I got an external usb floppy with matching IBM cable/nonUSB, that will boot, and USB dvdrw for £20 or so
I got a dos CD driver that plugs into a w98 boot disk, and that finds the dvd, which then boots - not impossible,
plop will do similar, or smartbootmanager...hardware is easy, but relatively pricey, but usable with other PCs, so evens out good

taking the hard drive out and sticking it in an adapter in a desktop, is another option

I think somewhere someone has posted how to boot the iso from hdd, without burning to CD, I think you open the iso and move the files, then install grub, sorry, it's been awhile, but you should be able to use well-minded to find most stuff

Aitch :)
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