He puts a mhwaveedit configuration file in his ISO
so that the first time a user launches mhwaveedit
it will have a wide window and less vertical scroll bars.
It's a nice touch!!
Here's the file he uses ----> /root/.mhwaveedit/config
Note that there is a line for window geometry
Code: Select all
# mhWaveEdit configuration file.
# Automatically generated by mhWaveEdit 1.4.20
# May be hand edited but extra comments will be removed when the
# settings are saved.
# Remove this file to restore default settings.
tempfilesFP = true
speedReset = false
viewQuality = 128
timeDisplayScale = 0
varispeedConv = 5
tempDir1 = /root/.mhwaveedit
rollCursor = false
mixerUtility = retrovol
showTimeScale = true
showSpeed = false
showHorizontalZoom = false
playerFallback_BigEndian = false
showVerticalZoom = false
speedSmooth = true
speedConv = 0
soundDriver = auto
soundBufferSize = 65536
timeDisplay = 0
mainwinFront = true
recentFiles = 4
drawImprove = true
varispeed = true
playerFallback_SampleSize = 2
autoPlayMark = false
outputStereo = false
useGeometry = true
outputByteswap = false
ditherPlayback = 0
windowGeometry = 50_50_822_292
diskEditingThreshold = 131072
centerCursor = true
soundLock = false
playerFallback_Signed = true
ditherEditing = 1