Puppy Linux: the "Greenest" OS in the world...

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Puppy Linux: the "Greenest" OS in the world...

#1 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
One look at this Forum, and it is clearly evident..
This is one "green machine"
Some work to make Puppy close to 100mb...
Some, to make it run on less than 128mb of ram..
Some, to make it run on any "garage sale/dial up/win98" computer they can harvest..
Some hack scripts, saving every KB...
Some help "Trim the fat" from lang and doc stuff...

Of course, we can run on the bleeding edge machines...
But Puppy has probably saved many people, many thousands of $`s, and hours of frustrations...
I have a Puppy 3.01 variant on a P1 75mhz with 64mb ram and swap..
Plays zsnes, which it what it is for...

What we do here is a good thing...
What Barry Kauler has done has wide effects, in small ways...
What we have, we owe to him, his ideas, his ideals...

We have the power to help many, because of many, and because of one...
Thank you BK, and you, and you....
And so many...
From so many....

Puppy.. Resistance is Futile.. And kinda dumb... :lol:
Close the Windows, and open your eyes, to a whole new world
I am Lead Dog of the
Puppy Linux Users Group on Facebook
Join us!

Puppy since 2.15CE...
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#2 Post by sickgut »

few years ago my 512mb ram, AMD 2800 semperon computer was getting too slow with AVG + spyware detector and winxp running......

had decided to upgrade the computer, spend about $500 on it, gave Puppy a go and im still using it today. Puppy WAS the upgrade from winxp to something better and faster and it took me only 2 months to completely ween off winxp and now i can do more things than i did with XP loaded.

saved money, no need to upgrade. Infact i have a few old compaq celeron 500 cpu, 128mb RAM, 4.3GB HDD, intel 810 video desktop machines that i put puppy 4.1.2 on and they play youtubes perfectly fine and are perfect browsing machines.

You see.... Puppy.... well... any linux... altho small is more like Win7 in its compatibility and features than it is WinXP or Win2000 or Win98. And the fact that viruses dunno how to screw with Puppy systems is a bonus. That 128mb doesnt go very far once AVG or something is installed. It just makes so much sense to use old puters, save money... save land fill... regift them for super awesome points from relatives and friends ... and all with really really smart software design, not bigger and better hardware.....
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#3 Post by Aitch »

Great post, Jay

I wholeheartedly agree

I often pick up 'dumpsters/skips PCs or those left by lamposts [They're quite mad in UK] and am continually shocked that people throw away working PCs just because the Microsloth OS has become corrupted in its registry or virussed to heck because of no, or non-updated AV, no firewall, sometimes no updates.........just used on the net till it stopped, then lob it !
Many P3 boxes are perfectly adequate running Puppy, and appear faster than XP to many I demonstrate/give them to, and now that many games are available, the old cry, of 'it doesn't do games' is well laid to rest...even, if you get the right version....flashgames will run, youtube, and, if you're lucky and a DVD is installed, these too, - though I also copied some to usb stick and they worked on a thinkpad with a P2 with only 76mb ram!
On top of that a friend who's a MAC addict, is now a MACPup addict!

How lucky, and green, as in saving resources, we all are! :D

Aitch :)
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#4 Post by rmcellig »

I am also a Mac to Puppy and for that matter Linux convert. Since 1988 I have been using Macs. After spending several thouysand dollars over the years, I finally came to my senses in 2011.

I spend about 90% of my time running and learning Puppy. 10% of the time is spent on my Mac watching videos and that's about it because of a larger screen.
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#5 Post by RSH »

I am also a Mac to Puppy and for that matter Linux convert. Since 1988 I have been using Macs. After spending several thousand dollars over the years, I finally came to my senses in 2011.

I spend about 90% of my time running and learning Puppy. 10% of the time is spent on my Mac watching videos and that's about it because of a larger screen.
I think this is most exactly the reason, why puppy is "catching" you/me/us.

It is a system for "workers" and "thinkers" - definitly not for "must-have-always-the-newest-stuff-addicted" CONSUMERS.

And because of this sort of consumer-addiction this stuff is that expensive, wich is the following reason of that much illegal stuff (music, movies, software) having around the www, and this maybe one reason of upcoming sopa and similar movements.

Nice, you came to your senses in 2011. :D
[b][url=http://lazy-puppy.weebly.com]LazY Puppy[/url][/b]
[b][url=http://rshs-dna.weebly.com]RSH's DNA[/url][/b]
[url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=91422][b]SARA B.[/b][/url]
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#6 Post by musher0 »

I'm crying a river... shedding tears... of joy!!! :D

No, really, in a small way, Puppy and a couple of other small distros are changing the way people are thinking about their computing.

Why buy a new computer when you can download one -- as goes the ToutouLinux motto. (Toutou is the French-language Puppy.)

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#7 Post by Lobster »

Send out the whole pack :)
When you can send voice mail
use SIP phone (Puppy Phone in Slickpet)
Create promotional videos
Live in another dimension
Practice cyber meditation
. . . all before breakfast . . .
. . . then . . .
Yours is the Internet and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Puppy my son!
http://www.everypoet.com/archive/poetry ... ing_if.htm
Puppy Raspup 8.2Final 8)
Puppy Links Page http://www.smokey01.com/bruceb/puppy.html :D
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#8 Post by rmcellig »

You might not believe this but it's true. My wife and I had to sell our bedroom set to buy an iMac. That was five years ago. I'm typing this post on an old Dell Dimension 3000 that was given to me by a friend of mine who had it with Windows. I was ready to turf it as well as another Dell PC that she gave me s well (circa 2001 model).

When my Mom came to live with us, rather than buy her a new computer I decided to put Ubuntu 11.04 on the oldest Dell desktop. She used that machine for 15 months with absolutely no problems at all!!!

I speak from experience and now I tell you that the two Dells I have work great with Linux. The two old HP laptops I have also are running Ubuntu ( Zorin, and Puppy 5.2.8. No issues at all.

I learned a valuable lesson by going through this exercise. At least for me, it's astounding how powerful advertising is and how people can easily become attached to something that can cost a lot of money and doesn't offer true freedom when it comes to computing. These were the lessons I learned.

My niece was over yesterday with her little Gateway netbook running Windows 7 mobile. I asked her if she had a USB stick. She gave me her 1GB stick which I happily installed Puppy 5.2.8 on. Needless to say she was amazed.

It makes me so happy to see all these Linux developers and people who really appreciate something special. I still have tons of Linux questions but I tell you so far it has been fun fun fun!!
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