puppylinux.info was closed Jan 14, reopened Jan 28, 2012

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Re: inherit

#21 Post by saintless »

raffy wrote:We could take that as ominous sign that the forum will live on if you take it under your care. :)
I will walk around deserted streets and peeping through the windows waiting for you to came back people :lol:

http://cdn.c.photoshelter.com/img-get/I ... 008022.jpg
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#22 Post by kooliepup »


I just read ubservers TOS, and they don't seem too keen on forums by the look of it.

Other than that, their hosting seems better than any I have looked at recently.
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#23 Post by saintless »

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#24 Post by vovchik »

Dear raffy,

Thanks for coming to the aid of Puppy when things looked very grim. I hope you keep the site up and will be able to activate it for new posts should the need arise.

With kind regards,
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#25 Post by Dave_G »


and then there were two :D

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#26 Post by pemasu »

I havent been active in posting to puppylinux.info, only when I have found spesific questions about stuff, which I have also compiled, so that I have had possibility to point to the link, which has at least one solution.

But.....I have noticed that several active coders...command line power users have found puppylinux.info a good place to share code and thoughts. Vovchik, Big_bass, RSF, Dave_G to mention some. That gathers testers and feedback. And keeps the developing and innovations fruitful and meaningful.
I would say that puppylinux.info has served as the place for many small nice new scripts.
Not speaking of that a lot new Puppy user has gotten friendly help and answers.

I have followed several threads with keen interest.

No opinions otherwise....just my observations...

http://puppylinux.info/topic/help-peopl ... with-woof2
That was the thread which awakened my interest just before closure....
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#27 Post by saintless »

Dave_G wrote:@saintless
I have updated your pic to reflect the updated population. :D
Thanks, Dave_G :lol:
May the Puppy force be with us!
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#28 Post by saintless »

pemasu wrote:http://puppylinux.info/topic/help-peopl ... with-woof2
That was the thread which awakened my interest just before closure....
I haven't try Woof but if you can offer some links to Woof tutorial I can post them there for you.

Just like post-by-proxy service :)
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#29 Post by Terryphi »

And then someone posted an over large image which messed up page formatting for this topic ....

Later: thanks for fixing. :)
Last edited by Terryphi on Sat 14 Jan 2012, 13:47, edited 1 time in total.
[b]Classic Opera 12.16 browser SFS package[/b] for Precise, Slacko, Racy, Wary, Lucid, etc available[url=http://terryphillips.org.uk/operasfs.htm]here[/url] :)
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#30 Post by Dave_G »

OK, image changed from inline to url.
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#31 Post by sickgut »

Can i ask why puppylinux.info is closed? I thought there was alot of interest and alot of people have put time into makeing readable articles.... was it just a backup forum for when this was down? or was it not popular enough to continue with?

Alot of VPS providers dont like forums and almost all dont like irc traffic or even perfectly legal torrents downloaded from or served from your VPS.

Ive used 3 separate VPS plans that where similarly priced at $25 a year all went out of business before the term of my contract. Im using a VPS's from www.fusevps.com altho the service is awesome i wouldnt like to speculate if these guys will stay in business or not.
The thing is that places like Linode that have been around since day one are 10 times more expensive for half the specs. I would prefer to pay $5 a month than $50, even if it means that i need to move the site to another VPS when the company im using goes out of business.
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#32 Post by SFR »

It's a sad news for me this morning, but I fully understand Raffy's decision.

I have always believed it's far better to act freely (freely as "it doesn't mean you should, just because you can") than to be restricted by merciless and freezed rules.
This is it what distinguish both this and puppylinux.info forums from other ones, and why I like them so much.
And I really think that people here and there (mostly they are the same people) are truly great and unique - sometimes I visit (as a guest) one film forum, which has rules and is moderated, and it's hard to find there a single thread WITHOUT personal attacks. :roll:
It's all up to us.

I only expressed my feelings, and all what I mean is: "That which doesn't kill us, only makes us stronger".

Thanks Raffy for maintaining that pleasant place. I hope it's not the end and we ALL will meet there again.
And thanks John for this forum.

PS. Thanks for taking care of scripts, Saintless :)

[color=red][size=75][O]bdurate [R]ules [D]estroy [E]nthusiastic [R]ebels => [C]reative [H]umans [A]lways [O]pen [S]ource[/size][/color]
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#33 Post by 8-bit »

I also would like to see puppylinux.info be resurrected.
But hopefully I would want it to return to the forum I saw when it started.
That is without heated arguments, name calling, degrading countries and members.
If the Puppy Linux Speakers Corner was removed, it might also help to keep those spats from starting.
It does not have to have all the sections that this forum does.
But I guess what I am getting at is if opened back up, the one rule I would like is "Keep all discussions civil or you are gone. No exceptions for anyone."

There, I would have just made some enemies and trampled on Freedom of Speech according to some.

But there are forums that are made for discussions on country, politics, religion, etc. for those that are so inclined.
A Puppy forum does not need to cater to those types of discussions as it is in fact a Puppy forum for discussion of things relating to Puppy.
One thing that did bother me was that a new member had attempted to join just before the forum closed.

That new member was Lycos and if you would like to know a little more of him, just visit YouTube and do a search for his work.
He did a number of videos on using Puppy and even hinted that he was in the process of making a new Puppy version!

Nuff said by me.
What changes would you like to see in the event the help forum opened back up?
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#34 Post by Dave_G »

8-bit wrote:
What changes would you like to see in the event the help forum opened back up?
The admins being more strict.
You said it all 8-bit:
Keep all discussions civil or you are gone. No exceptions for anyone
Why not implement a sort of three strikes and you're gone concept.
If you post something offensive or don't behave, your post gets deleted,
if it happens three times, you're out.

I have no doubt that some will jump on the free speech bandwagon but
the forum has rules and expected behaviour.
It's pretty much the same if you go visit someone at their home, respect
their rules and customs or don't visit.
Simple really.

I believe there should still be an off-topic area for general banter
and humor.
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#35 Post by Terryphi »

Confine discussion to Puppy derivatives and associated hardware and software issues. Take a stand against blatant thread drift which is as annoying to some of us as dogmatic expressions of nationalist/political/religious views. The worst culprits are usually the most boring contributors. Do not have an Off-Topic section .... that only encourages them! ;)
[b]Classic Opera 12.16 browser SFS package[/b] for Precise, Slacko, Racy, Wary, Lucid, etc available[url=http://terryphillips.org.uk/operasfs.htm]here[/url] :)
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#36 Post by jim3630 »

glad to see the forum open at least read only. it closed after my email to raffy. sorry i had any part in that.

i would agree "Keep all discussions civil or you are gone. No exceptions for anyone."
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#37 Post by big_bass »

Thanks raffy for all your work
you did a great job setting everything up

And I agree with the temporary closing
to reorganize and clean things up for the better
I would agree "Keep all discussions civil or you are gone. No exceptions for anyone."
I agree 100%!

And I will add helping others is the goal
if you aren't helping others you aren't on topic
be that by posting information
posting code or linking to packages or
offering detailed feedback that can be of some practical use

And a pre-screening of Administrators /mods
that are focused on the maintaining of the forum
and can do the job well

Disclaimer *no names were given or implied
peace brothers

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#38 Post by kooliepup »


I have just set up a new site on freehostia.com.
It seems like a better host than all the others I have looked at.

I didn't notice any nonsense in their TOS.

Take a look at it.

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#39 Post by Dave_G »


What do you make of this one under section XII MISCELLANEOUS ?
Having password-only, hidden, or restricted access pages (all Web
pages must be accessible to the Internet community at large).
A bit broad isn't it?
Other then that they look pretty good.
Might just give them a trial run too for some projects I'm working on.
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#40 Post by kooliepup »

I don't have a problem with that.

You can have hidden-but-not-hidden directories that are not linked to anything, and only accessable to those in-the-know.
Or maybe that's what they are talking about.
We'll find out.

One thing I like about them is that by the time you have finished your registration, the site is operative.

Start FTPing yer stuff immediately.

I had mine fully set up in 10 mins.
I had it all ready to go and tested locally.

Easy peasy.

So far so good.
No complaints.
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