Puppy 6

Under development: PCMCIA, wireless, etc.
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Puppy 6

#1 Post by Lobster »


Wot say you developers?

64 bit? Check Fatdog - available, Kirk and JamesBond, speeding on . . .
Old hardware? Check Wary - available, BarryK + support team
Ubuntu fan? Lucid shines - available, Larry supporting and refining
Slackware fan? - Slacko - newly available, thanks Mick :)

All officially Puppy and Woof based (Fatdog is pre-woof)
. . . not Fatfog as previously reported - apologies to Kirk :oops:

and derivatives? :D
How did that duck get in there? :wink:

Are we ready for Woof powered Debian Pup or Dpup?
Time to compile for new CPU's?
You bet your Chihuahua we are :)

This is cutting edge
so we have to come together

This is our leading edge Dpuppery:

Guy Dog latest cutting edge Dpup from Iguleder
Exprimo 5.X.9 based on Guy Dog from Pemasu
Pussy 100% 'apt get' compatibility with Debian Squeeze from sickgut
Last edited by Lobster on Sat 12 Nov 2011, 03:52, edited 2 times in total.
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#2 Post by starhawk »

Can it run the Starship Enterprise?

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more - requests

#3 Post by scsijon »

i'd like it to be able to run a 3D projector without jamming it up so I can run 3d cad!

Specs are:
Optima HD20 Projector with a Optima 3D-XL decoding Box.

Alternative (for minaturists) is the Optima Pico PK101, at 4.1 x 2.0 x 0.6" and self powered, it's easy to loose.

And no, I don't work for them, it's just on my wish list!
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#4 Post by Lobster »

Our top dogs are tool chaining :? [whatever that is]
and doing other smart stuff :wink:

ARM processors and the developing Dragon Chip
are stepping stones to Puppy Quantum
(The first Puppy with multi dimensional processing)
- some of these are not yet available . . .

Raspberry Pi is an educational charity
and many Puppys are self educated or educators

Puppy has never stopped changing and evolving 8)
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#5 Post by Ray MK »

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#6 Post by Ray MK »

Hi - what do you think of this ?

[url]http://www.arm.com/markets/mobile/smart ... q5.php[url]

Is this what we need for puppy on arm ?

Would it work on 3g as well as wifi ?

How would we download and test using such a device.

How can we help Barry ?

Very best regards - Ray
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#7 Post by Ray MK »

Hi - what do you think of this ?

http://www.arm.com/markets/mobile/smart ... martq5.php

regards - Ray
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#8 Post by darkcity »

added Puppy6 and Parmo to the big list (forthcoming)


any other new versions of Puppy in the planning stages?
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#9 Post by arcanis »

Ray MK wrote:Hi - what do you think of this ?

http://www.arm.com/markets/mobile/smart ... martq5.php

regards - Ray
My son just purchased a Coby Tablet PC with Android, something I'd managed to ignore until now.

I'm watching the development of this ARM Pup thing with interest, and I like this device, I think. It's hard to tell until you have one out of the box and play with it. I wonder if the OS is some version of Android...

I also assume that the screen, like my son's Coby, would have the lower tech 'resistant' touch interface, as opposed to the nifty 'capacitative' touch on higher end ware. (Just throwing out techie terms I didn't even know until about two weeks ago, trying to look cool until some Alpha geek emerges to eclipse my light. :lol: )

And most importantly, I don't know how the different touch interfaces change the programming of the device's OS. I would assume that the capacitative interface is more demanding do to its greater set of capabilities.
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#10 Post by arcanis »

But back to Lobster's original topic: should Puppy 6 be based on Debian? I think it's up to the lead developer, just as the basing of 5.3 on Slackware was the decision--with Barry's assent, I gather--of the project lead.

I was rather under the impression that the 6x series might be based on some .rpm distro, probably Mageia, but I can't remember where I got that idea. I was excited by it, to expand Puppy as a concept within Linux as opposed to JUST another distro...or YET another distro, if I haven't made enough .rpm references YET. Hey, Yet Another Puppy: it spells YAP! (In the U.S. we refer to the barking of a small dog as 'yapping.' Don't know if that registers in the rest of the English-speaking world.)

I have seen some yapping here whenever .rpm's are mentioned, but .deb's are not always perfect either.

Truth is, it's all Linux, and as long as it's Puppy and it works, I don't really care WHERE the binaries came from.
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#11 Post by p310don »

But back to Lobster's original topic: should Puppy 6 be based on Debian?
My 2c worth on this topic, which I've mentioned before.

I like that puppy is Binary compatible with other distros, and that helps and works great. BUT, I am sick of reading reviews that say Puppy is now an Ubuntu derivative, or a Slackware derivative etc.

Puppy is a derivative of Puppy. Other distro's packages work, cool, but nothing works better than Puppy Packages.

For my liking, I'd prefer to see Puppy as Puppy.
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#12 Post by Lobster »

Puppy as Puppy
There is no reason why Quirky or Racy could not be the new Puppy
. . . even Wary
They are all Woof built.
That would be great. 8)
With the new Woof, we could have several versions
for different situations.
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#13 Post by amigo »

"Puppy is a derivative of Puppy" Sorry, that has never been true because puppy has never had its' very own toolchain.
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#14 Post by scsijon »

Maybe, the prime requirement for Puppy 6 should be is that everything has been created from the source tree. That it is not another Distro. take-off. Even to see if we, "The Puppy Community", have developed to the stage that we can do it!

Maybe, Lobster, that should be the next BIG project, not to puppy6 over the next twelve months, but to get all these packages into one repositry, with an initial package owner or creator, and see just what we have so we can see if we can start filling in the holes. It wouldn't even matter at this point, if they weren't the latest and greatest, as long as they were complete and worked with a stable version of puppy. I'm not even sure that it should matter in the first place, whether it should matter if there was any intention to eventually use them or not! There are already a lot of packages out there, that have been added to puppy that were created or compiled from source trees by puppyians.

just a lateral thought


Addendum: have a look at one of Iguleders threads I just found, that may be an alternate way forward for puppy6 http://www.dimakrasner.com/drupal/node/3
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#15 Post by Iguleder »

I haven't noticed this thread until now, so I'll express my opinion of what Puppy 6 should look like.

I see it as the direct descendant of Puppy 5.x, but more organized and efficient, since the core Puppy developers have gained lots of experience with Woof and know more about the distributions it supports (most notably, Ubuntu, Debian and Slackware). I also think it's time to start thinking about making Puppy more "serious" in terms of infrastructure and the community structure; I think we should implement some automated package building solution (to make Puppy more source-based) and form a team of lead developers, which will coordinate the work of small, task-specific teams, such as a "kernel team", an artwork team, etc'.

However, words are words, time to talk about code. :lol:

At the moment I'm working on 4 components that form the infrastructure needed for a modern distribution:
- A competitor to Woof - I implemented something very similar to Woof, but more modular, much faster (15 mins vs. Woof's 5 hours, on my netbook, from the package processing part to the bootable image) and smarter. The main features are good design, efficient code, zero legacy code and generic nature (e.g less hard dependencies on specific packages). It's fully compatible with Woof's configuration format, so I was able to build a Slacko with it; the result was quite crude (i.e it was way bigger), but RAM usage was about 10 MB lower. It's ready and works great.
- A package building server - an automated, complete and sanitized solution for building packages. This server contains well-tested build scripts for all applications shipped with the distribution; the rest is taken from another distribution. This means we have good balance between size and ease of development: the base packages are provided by some "upstream" source, while the part of the operating system users care about is totally customizable. This server makes sure the packages are built in a clean environment using jails and virtualization, so development is easier and more future-proof. I use it for several months and it's great.
- A distribution, all the surroundings - I wrote build scripts, a package manager and documentation for a proof-of-concept Puppy "fork", which also has its own branding. This use of the term "fork" is kinda silly, since it's an independent distribution, but it's aimed at showing the world what my vision of Puppy 6 looks like; I'm a realistic person - building a POC of something is always better than explaining what it is in words. All its applications are built using the package building server, while the core binary packages come from Slackware (or any other distribution, I just need to implement support for it in my Woof implementation).
- A file system skeleton and init scripts. The package manager is ready, as I mentioned earlier, so I just need to write new init scripts. My experience with building small distributions should make it easy.

It's kinda funny that I find myself working on all these, since these are things I've already done in my past, but separately. I built my concept distribution (Calf GNU/Linux), which had its own skeleton, init scripts, package manager and binary packages, but lacked a proper building system.

Now I decided to go for it and build all 4 components, so I can see how far it gets. Unlike Saluki and other innovative Puppy initiatives, I'm starting from scratch - everything is fresh and clean, as the next Puppy generation should be. I'm not going to use Woof or Puppy's existing tools, because the best revolutions aren't transformations or natural evolution, but simple innovations that make things better.

2c :wink:
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#16 Post by jemimah »

I don't intend saluki to vie for the Puppy 6 title. I personally find building build systems dull so I'm thrilled that someone else wants to do it. Count me in for the "serious" team. 8)
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#17 Post by Lobster »

Thanks to Igu (aka Iguleder and Dima) and Jemimah

The next Puppys are likely to be 5.3.3
Wary and Racy
and then Saluki

By then cheap ARM motherboards (Raspberry Pi is still our best bet) will be freely available
and that is when we can evaluate Igu's solution
and Woof2 on ARM

So for Puppy 6 (also available in 64bit and x86)
we can aim for multiprocessor Puppy . . .
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#18 Post by zomzilla »

this all looks very promising :)

i'm giving the roar-ng a go and it seems to be working ok

i have just a couple questions that you may be able to answer:
1) will puppy6 have a system to update packages?
2) will you be ditching JWM in favour of something more maintained?


oh; and what do you think about making it a puppy based puppy which can use .deb .rpm arch packages etc; all the converters exist...
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#19 Post by Lobster »

1) will puppy6 have a system to update packages?
2) will you be ditching JWM in favour of something more maintained?
XFCE is being used by Saluki, there is a fork of JWM
which is being maintained . . .

I think PARM is radical enough to be Puppy 6
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What Should the Next Puppy Be?

#20 Post by Hotdog »

I began with Puppy 5.1.1 then moved to 5.2.8. It has become my OS of choice replacing CentOS on both the desktop and laptop. My installations have grown large with addons which have been easy to install and fast to run. My hardware isn't ancient, but neither is it close to the latest, either. I am a happy Puppy user.

My next Puppy won't require that I drastically upgrade or replace any hardware. But, if I do upgrade, Puppy will like his new home and really run like the wind.

He will not require that all my applications be reinstalled from scratch. It would be acceptable to restore from backup with something like Clonezilla.

My next Puppy won't dictate that every six months he has to be swapped out for a new version that may or may not support a favored application. That was my reason for moving from Fedora to CentOS.

Maybe Puppy didn't propose to become a full-blown distribution. But, for some of us it did - and a really good one. However it goes from here, we are grateful to all who have shared their efforts with the rest of us.

If future development does not match my hopes for Puppy, it still would not be reason to jump ship. I'd continue to use what I have, 5.2.8, until either my hardware fails or until there are favored applications that will not run on my Puppy. Then I would be willing to start from scratch with a new Puppy.
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