How to Create a Kiosk using Racy 5.2.2

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How to Create a Kiosk using Racy 5.2.2

#1 Post by shadower_sc »

It is me again! :D Back at it with a new Kiosk Creation Project using Racy 5.2.2. I assume the instructions for Racy will be compatible with Wary as the differences shouldn't effect this project.

Re-Master Quick List - Racy Puppy 5.2.2: Re-Master Quick List - Racy Puppy 5.2.2.txt

You may need to click on options and then line numbers in the editor to make the line numbers show up.

Link to Lucid Puppy 5.2 Kiosk Setup (updated for 5.28):
Last edited by shadower_sc on Tue 31 Jan 2012, 18:57, edited 17 times in total.
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How to Create a Kiosk using Racy 5.2.2

#2 Post by shadower_sc »

(Put a # sign at the beginning of a line to comment out the line.)

Task #1 Disable Save on Shutdown:

Comment out lines 7-13 in the file: /usr/bin/wmpoweroff
Comment out lines 7-13 in the file: /usr/bin/wmreboot
Comment out lines 255-268 in the file: /etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown

Task #2 Disable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace and Function Key Combos
Edit the files "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" and "/etc/X11/xorg.conf0".

Find the Server Flags section and uncomment the following two lines:
Option "DontZap" "false"
Option "DontVTSwitch"

Replace "false" with "true" to disable Ctrl+Alt+Backspace.

Task #3 Install and Lockdown Firefox

Go to
Click on Firefox 7 and 8 for Puppy5/Wary5.
Click on the link for

Save the file to the root folder.

Click on the File Icon on the Desktop and then click on the Firefox .pet file you just downloaded. The pet will install and after a few moments of waiting the screen will flicker. Firefox 9.0.1-1 should now be in your Internet Menu.

Start Firefox:

Click on Tools in the Firefox Toolbar at the top of the window.
Click on Addons within the Tools Menu.
Click on the "Get-Addons" Button.

Search for and install the following addons: Public Fox, ProCon Latte, Menu Editor, and Reset Kiosk.

Task #4 Setup the Add-Ons and Create a Whitelist.

I use Public Fox for the following tasks:
Password Protect the Menu and about:config. (I generally check most every "lock" option in Public Fox.)

I use ProCon Latte for the following tasks:
Enforcement of the Whitelist. In ProCon v 3.3 the menu entry to enable the Whitelist is actually in the Blacklist menu. Click on the preferences button for ProCon Latte. Click on the Blacklist tab. Click on the advanced tab.

I use Menu Editor for the following tasks:
Editing the Right-Click Menu. I remove all Save Image As, etc.... entries as well as the ProCon Right-Click Menu Entry.

These Add-Ons are full of useful things. It would be wise to take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with their functions.

Task #5 Remove all Desktop Icons

Edit the file "/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin".
Delete all Lines beginning with <icon.

Right-Click and Drive Icon and select "Run Drive Icon Manager".
Uncheck all boxes in all tabs of the Drive Icon Manager.

Edit the file "/root/.xinitrc".
Comment out lines 11 & 12. They contain clean_desk_icons and pup_event_frontend_d which adds the Drives icon to the desktop.

Task #6 Edit the JWM Tray

Edit the file "/root/.jwmrc-tray".
Comment out the line "<Dock/>".
Comment out anything else you do not want to appear in the Tray.

Open the JWM Configuration Menu.
Navigate to: Menu->Desktop->JWM configuration
Click on Tray Management.
Click on Virtual Desktops.
Click Ok to accept the 1 column by 1 row configuration.
Click Ok again.
Click Restart JWM.
Click Exit

Task #7 Edit the JWM Menu

Edit the files "/root/.jwmrc" and "/etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc".
(Make the exact same changes to the menu in each file.)
Comment out any entries you do not want.

I comment out anything between the starting Root Menu line and the start of the Shutdown Menu. I also comment out the Restart X Server and Exit to Prompt Menu entries in the Shutdown Menu.

I copy each Program Menu line separately for Firefox, NicoEdit, Urxvt Terminal Emulator, and Remaster Puppy live-CD. Then I paste each one to just above the Shutdown Menu. I then make sure I have a separator line between the Shutdown Menu and the other Menu Entries.

This way I can create a "Kiosk Setup" CD and can have all of my changes done, except the final steps for the specific machine I am working on.

Fix for Urxvt Terminal Emulator menu entry not working on Remaster:
I edited the "Urxvt Terminal Emulator" menu entry and changed the command "rxvt" to "urxvt" and it works.

When I tried to run rxvt in the urxvt terminal it gave the following error: "rxvt: unable to load the base fontset, please specify a valid one using -fn, aborting."
Last edited by shadower_sc on Wed 01 Feb 2012, 17:55, edited 6 times in total.
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Setting up Printing in Racy Puppy 5.2.2

#3 Post by shadower_sc »

Setup Printing

Step #1 Manage your printers

Start your Internet Browser: (I use Firefox)

Go to the CUPS management page:

Click on the Administration Tab.

Click on the Add Printer Button.
It will try to automatically detect your printer(s).

The interface is easy to use and as long as you know what you are doing all should work well. There are some help files to look into that have great information.

The Network Printer Help page has a list of models and their common URI types. "http://localhost:631/help/network.html"

Step #2 Keep the printer settings for your Kiosk
When creating the Re-Mastered CD remember to do the following:

Delete the "/tmp/etc/cups" folder.

CAUTION the command "rm -r" is a powerful delete tool and will not give you a second chance. It will more or less irrevocably Delete Everything You Tell it To.

Use this command to delete the temporary cups folder:
"rm -r /tmp/etc/cups"

You should no longer have a "cups" folder in the "/tmp/etc/" directory.

Use this command to move the current cups settings from Step #1:
"mv /etc/cups /tmp/etc/"

You should now have a "cups" folder in the "/tmp/etc/" directory.
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Setup Custom Data - Timezone, Country, Etc...

#4 Post by shadower_sc »

Setup Custom Data - Timezone, Country, Etc...
Run the Country Wizard with the following command:

The first drop down menu is the default Language of Puppy.
The second drop down menu is the Time Zone that Puppy is set to.
The third drop down menu is the default keyboard layout of Puppy.

It is also a good idea to setup psync.

Run psync with the following command:
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Remastering Racy 5.2.2

#5 Post by shadower_sc »

::Start Remastering::
Start the Remaster Puppy Live-CD script.
Menu->Setup->Remaster Puppy Live-CD
Click Ok.

Select Device to use as the place to put Remaster files. (I select a USB Drive.)
Click Ok.

Select Device with Live Puppy-CD to acquire essential files and create the puppy_version_specific.sfs file.
Click Ok.

It asks, if you want to make xxxxxx.sfs, the separate driver file?
Click Cancel. (It takes a few minutes to create the puppy_specific_version.sfs file.)

/tmp/root directory has been made.
Make any necessary changes to the /tmp/root files.
Click Ok.

Do you want to include Hardware Customizations?
(Hardware Customizations are things like screen resolution, drivers, etc for the specific machine you are using.)
(To Create a Setup Puppy Kiosk CD select Cancel.)
(To Create a Specific Puppy Kiosk CD select Ok.)
Click Cancel.

/tmp/etc directory has been made.
Make any necessary changes to the /tmp/etc files.

CAUTION the command "rm -r" is a powerful delete tool and will not give you a second chance. It will more or less irrevocably Delete Everything You Tell it To.

rm -r /tmp/etc/X11/xorg.conf0
rm -r /tmp/etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
rm -r /tmp/etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown

mv /etc/etc/X11/xorg.conf0 /tmp/etc/X11/
mv /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
mv /etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown /tmp/etc/rc.d/

(Do the following, if you setup a printer.)
rm -r /tmp/etc/cups
mv /etc/cups /tmp/etc/
Click Ok.

Do you want to edit the isolinux.cfg file? (The Boot file on the CD you will be creating.)
Click Cancel.

Do you want to make any additional changes? Such as including a .sfs file.
Click Ok. (Ok is the only option. It just accepts the files as they are.)

Do you want to Burn a CD or Create an iso?
(Click Cancel to Create an iso.)
(Click Ok to Burn a CD.)
Click Cancel.

Do you want to create an iso or quit?
(Click Ok to Create an iso.)
(Click Cancel to quit.)
Click Ok.

It will take a few minutes to create the file. The iso will be on the device you specified at the beginning. It will close the window and open a final dialogue letting you know where it put it and what the iso is called.
Click Ok.

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View PDFs inside Firefox

#6 Post by shadower_sc »

Go to:
Step 1: Choose Linux
Step 2: Choose English
Step 3: Reader 9.4.7 English for Linux (.bin)

Click Download Now.

Save to your /root/ folder.

Open a terminal.
Type: ./AdbeRdr9.4.7-1_i486linux_enu.bin
Tell it to install to /root/my-applications

Wait for a while. It will drop back to the command prompt after it is finished.

Type: cd /root/my-applications/Adobe/Reader9/Browser/
Type: ./install_browser_plugin
It should show the correct folder that Adobe Reader 9 is installed to.
Press Enter and/or change the path to point to Adobe Reader 9.

Option 1 should be a global install. It finds the browser for you.
Type: 1
Press Enter.

It says that it is already installed and I chose to overwrite the current plugin.
(That may mean it was installed correctly when we installed Adobe Reader 9.)

Start Firefox and now your PDFs should open inside your browser.
You should also have a new firefox plugin for Adobe Reader listed in your addons->plugins section.
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Kiosk Script

#7 Post by »

What would it take to create a script to automate to Kiosk creation and/or updates. I ask this as some who does not know how to program but is not apposed to learning how if needed.
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#8 Post by Flash »

I think someone developed a Puppy especially for use as a kiosk. It's been a while so it might no longer be useful, but if you can find it you might study it to see how he did it.
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Re: Kiosk Script

#9 Post by shadower_sc » wrote:What would it take to create a script to automate to Kiosk creation and/or updates. I ask this as some who does not know how to program but is not apposed to learning how if needed.
All of the steps that I have taken could be reduced to edits using Sed.

You need to know how to do two things to create a basic script that would work.

#1 How to do in-line edits using Sed.
Example of what you are asking ... ell-script

#2 How to create a BASH Script file

A Simple script could be made to detect the correct version of Puppy Linux, Ask to Edit the file(s), Edit the file(s), and return operation succeeded or operation failed.

A more complex script would have further error checking, be able to work on multiple versions of Puppy, and/or have a graphical interface.
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