Oroborus Windowmanager

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#21 Post by aragon »

Hi harii4,

I think i have a newer one, will try to look later today...

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#22 Post by musher0 »

Hello, harii4 and aragon.

Here is oroborus-2.20 I recompiled from a debian source, with deskmenu included.

Also included :
* my own configuration files for oroborus and deskenu, in /root. You'll want to change these configurations, of course: I've included them just to get you started.
* a cheat sheet for oroborus shortcuts, in ~/my-documents/docs/DOCS-Linux

Also remember to do a mouse click on the background after oroborus first loads, to have any pre-loaded program appear on the desktop (such as a clock, for example).

Enjoy ! And Happy New Year !
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#23 Post by musher0 »

Hi! Me again.

Just a note to say that the included deskmenu is configured to pop-up with the Ctrl-PageUp key combination.

There's also a little entry (or hook) in my deskmenu config for a Puppy menu... which you could create with aragon's spm! :-)

Of course, you'll need a panel. I find that lxpanel reacts best with oroborus. For some reason, the raise function of fbpanel is very imprecise with oroborus.

Any questions, you know where to reach me!

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#24 Post by musher0 »

Hello, harii4 and all.

This is an edit of the SW-gtk theme that was uploaded by harri4 in a previous post.

The changes I made are, by comparison with the original :
* the top bar has been thickened so that the name of the program can be seen (I found that I got lost if I had more that one window shaded.)
* the left corners have been made symetrical (It won't look as much as a wmx window, sorry!)
* a "shade" button has been added. (Superfluous, but nice.)

Here's what it looks like (see atached image).

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SW-gtk modified
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#25 Post by harii4 »

Looking good musher0 :D :D
This weekend i'll look over the old themes and see what they look like.
Its been a long time. :D

Always like how solid Oroborus handled + able to use Xfwm4 themes as well. 8)
To use the Xfwm4/xfce themes you must take-out the theme from the "Xfwm4 folder".
Oroborus will not look inside it.

ADDED FOR NEW OROBORUS USERS========================================
don't forget to setup rox for oroborus :)
right click then,
then unclick override window manager
Last edited by harii4 on Fri 20 Jan 2012, 04:11, edited 3 times in total.
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#26 Post by musher0 »

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#27 Post by `f00 »

This is a definite look/see for a light wm, kind of almost afterstepish in the scheme-color/theme-decor mix but 'way lighter in operation than a full afterstep or even the 'box wms (lol, already did some fussing about with easy transparencies in .xpm theme files - not quite ready for primetime but amusing inactive windows with no decor except a minimal border).

harii4's theme-setter dotpet as-is may have some issues (for me, it cleared all settings/binds in /root/.oroborusrc-personal after making doubled entries for scheme and theme, not quite clear what's going on there since I'm not much on coding :| ). Hi again, musher0 :), not much joy with the deskmenu stuff in your nice dotpet (but already have aemenu as a standard fallback, so..). Either/or as far as the fb/lxpanel goes, did notice that sloppy focus and autoraise can vary a bit in timing occasionally but fairly crisp if there's not too much going on.

Anyway, here's a link to a fullsize screenie @208k and an attached archive with some minor mods and a loosely commented sample of what I use for settings/binds for what it's worth.
minor this'n'that
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#28 Post by harii4 »

@`f00 - thank you
harii4's theme-setter dotpet as-is may have some issues (for me, it cleared all settings/binds in /root/.oroborusrc-personal after making doubled entries for scheme and theme, not quite clear what's going on there since I'm not much on coding
Your right :?
No coder but i have an fix for the scheme/theme-setter - wow it took awhile for it.

Delete the doubled entries and paste this new .oroborusrc-personal
Make your personal changes to it.
The commented out part is for Oroborus can use the themerc file in the theme.


Code: Select all

Try the thin-ice themes - they was made to go with the ororborus themes.
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 5&start=45
gtk theme=new_ice
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#29 Post by musher0 »

Hello harii and f00!

Downloaded your stuff, using it, and the result is this. Many thanks

The picture below has the orof00 theme and scheme, along with the ICE-coffee gtk theme harii provided.

I like that ICE-coffee makes the menu and the top part of the windows so tight and compact, and the orof00 theme/scheme solves my focus and "nodecor" problems: when a window is not focused, the decor is almost invisible. Somebody had to think of this! Clear, simple and efficient. Love it!

Have a great day! :)
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#30 Post by musher0 »

Frustration, frustration, frustration. :cry: My .oroborusrc got zapped when I used Mark Ulrich's oroborus config thingy. I had to redo the config from the default... What a waste of time...

In any case, `foo, I think, you mentioned not using deskmenu -- but aemenu instead? Two questions if I may:

* what was wrong with deskmenu?
* how do you access your aemenu from oroborus?

As for me, deskmenu is not working with mouse click -- well only once, at bootup of the wm. As if there was a runonce command in this program. After that, no mouse click allowed! I have my deskmenu set up to show with the Ctrl-Inset key combination.

(Tsk-tsk, we don't want too many rodents in this neighbourhood, this programmer probably thought... After all, rodents are a nuisance, aren't they? We'll just give you a glimpse of one; hopefully, you have cat in the house, haha.) :twisted:

I've been trying to find info on the Web about successful usage of deskmenu, with next to no results. Is it just me, or is this deskmenu program soooo limited?

Thanks in advance for any reply.
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#31 Post by musher0 »

If anybody can double check ?

Features / bugs /shortcomings of deskmenu (sorry for being so frank!) :(

In the config file:
* the abreviation for /root "~/" doesn't work, you have to write /root/ in full.
* doesn't seem to load *.sh file, only executables
* you have to indicate the full path. Simply gexec won't work. You have to specify: /usr/bin/gexec

I learned, from reading an old post from harii on the antiX forum concerning firebox, that this Mr. Stephan is too busy to maintain or improve on deskmenu.

Conclusion: let's not bother any more with this one. I like thoroughness of implementation in a program, don't you?

Too bad, too. Because oroborus would really be a hit if there was an acceptable on-root menu for it.

Is there another "mouse click on root" menu program that will work with oroborus ? Let's be on the lookout.

Last edited by musher0 on Sat 28 Jan 2012, 04:11, edited 1 time in total.
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#32 Post by musher0 »

Bingo! Success!

(Any oroborus lover who's got a good singing voice can sing a cheerful song now !!!) :)

1) In addition to the last posts on this page
http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 61&t=53930,
1.1) tick the blackbox hack item in ROX options, as per
(see the note on blackbox/fluxbox, about 1/3 through the page)
1.2) UN-tick the pinboard item under the Desktop parameters in ROX Options.
1.2.1) You'll now need to use icewmbg or xli to set your background picture from .xinitrc. You'll still be able to use the Nathan wallpaper utility if you indicate

Code: Select all

 DesktopBackgroundImage="`cat /root/.config/wallpaper/bg_img`"
in icewm preferences (at: ~/.icewm/preferences) If you're not interested in icewm, it may actually be the only parameter in the file.

You can type a similar command in xli instead of specifying an actual picture.

Command line in the very last part of .xinitrc for xli would likely be:

Code: Select all

xli -onroot -fillscreen "`cat /root/.config/wallpaper/bg_img`"
2) get aemenu and create a puppymenu

(I've created a utility to make one from the icewm menu, a copycat of the real thing, really. Just ask if you're interested, but it would be off subject for me to post it here.)

3) Get and install xbindkeys.

In /root/.xbindkeysrc, somewhere, type

Code: Select all

"Puppy_menu.sh" # is your script based on aemenu
b:3 # is the binder between the puppymenu script and the right mouse button.

The only drawback will be that you'll have to do Shift-right-click in ROX to get its context menu.

Get back to me if you're confused... ? It's all very simple, really, if you're methodical about it.

Since the "proof is in the pudding", well, here's the "pudding". :)

Tra-la-la... :)

Showing an on-root menu popping up in oroborus, based on xbindkeys and aemenu, and with "raptor" gtk theme.
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#33 Post by harii4 »

You could use MyGtkMenu (menu with icons) - stu90 made an editor for it. :)
SimplePuppyMenu - an auto puppy aemenu
that way too :D
I learned, from reading an old post from harii on the antiX forum concerning firebox, that this Mr. Stephan is too busy to maintain or improve on deskmenu.
I should try to see if Firebox-WM will work on puppy - forgotten about that one :P
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#34 Post by musher0 »

Hi, harii.

I don't know about myGtkMenu, I'll have to look it over. But I discovered that aragon's spm is broken under the new puppies. The parser he uses is a perl exec that doesn't hook properly on the newer puppies. (My understanding of it.) I suppose we could ask him to fix his script.

For the record, I've puit my creator script here :

A two-legged puppy member on that thread asked me if I want to internationlize the script? Phew... That's big. Not sure what's involved. I'm fluent in only two languages. Thinking about it.

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#35 Post by harii4 »

internationlize the aemenu sounds hard :(
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Check into Navig8or - an GnoMenu + Screenlets

Really don't use an menu just an launcher and "rox /usr/share/applications"

Could use "app starter" from browser linux,
pupapps,pupcontrol and pupshutdown from radky - much like an menu
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#36 Post by `f00 »

An advantage with rox is that dotdesktop files show the comment when hovered (for those who like extra detail when available in that value) and you can visually 'trim' the applications dir by hiding/rename with a dot-prefix for apps less-used. I usually do something a bit more drastic - comment out the Category=* line in those less used dotdesktops so the app is available but doesn't show normally in any menu that gets an update/fixmenus treatment like jwm, etc. Rox shows the icons as well but doesn't organize the apps by category value like a 'real' menu :|

@musher0 - generally I simply edit aemenu (or the clientrc file, to be sure) since it's so easy to do - even an extras section for backgrounds, panels, what-have-you. Haven't tried the xbindkeys thing for a traditional r-click on rootwindow launch yet, usually have aemenu launched from appbar (lightweight launchbar here) or wbar (wbar is a basic startup for all my wm along with conky for a sysmon, all the variations are in a script along with a background if needed in /root/Startup for each wm, the separate script helps to keep /root/.xinitrc a bit tidier and more foolproof).

Yeah, lots and lots of ways to set background - I'm kind of partial to hsetroot or whatever works nicely (like wmsetbg -s -S for those tiny 'minimal' bgs, see here). roxpins are another story - generally an on-demand item for me with a little 'kill rox' icon on 'em (some folk like a roxpin for the drag'n'drop or driveicons, for me it's just one more running process rather than a simple set-it-and-forget-it bg..).

Back to menu(s) - yep, internationalizing the text may be a chore (but some work has been done with .mo & .po localization, I think perhaps - more/better/recent in BK's blog). Next best is an iconified menu (like in the fb/lxpanel plugins), simple graphics are international by nature :) but can be a bit sparse for details :lol:
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#37 Post by aragon »

harii4 wrote:internationlize the aemenu sounds hard :(
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Hi harii4,

internationalisation of menus will allways be a pain, as long as the desktop-files on puppy do not contain the int. items as intended. the jwm_tools by technosaurus have code to generate an int. menu for jwm that could be adapted to do the same for aemenu. I'm actually working on a new version of spm that uses this code (but i've not much free time atm). With the new version we will also get rid of the perl-dependency (spm seems not to work with recent puppies as musher0 posted).

BUT (as allways a big but), as stated above, this will only generate int. items for apps, if their desktop-files do contain the int. texts...

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#38 Post by musher0 »

Oh, allo, aragon, "long time no see" :)

Well, thanks in advance for whatever update you can provide on your spm.
And you're right, there is nothing much we can do about internationalization until the comments[fr] and [de] and [pl], [it], etc. etc., are properly introduced in the *.desktop files.

As for me, I was thinking of my own needs when I produced my version base on icewm. I didn't think it would have even a small echo when I posted my script. There must be a need then, among average puppies (meaning : the average Puppy users), for customized menus.


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#39 Post by musher0 »

Does anybody here remember Mark Ulrich (aka MU, of NYPup fame) mentioning a fix for oroborus, you know, the annoyance it is that you have to click on the background to get some programs to appear after launch in oroborus.

I thought I had read something from him about it a couple of years ago, but I can't find it anymore. I should have made a note at that time, but I was focusing on wmx back then... Anyway, thanks in advance for any lead.

Last edited by musher0 on Sat 28 Jan 2012, 04:10, edited 1 time in total.
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#40 Post by musher0 »

From `roo:
> Yeah, lots and lots of ways to set background -

I've recently rediscovered xli myself. Rather complete for such a small app. Not only can it set a background, it can do slideshows and lots of other things, such as modify the light intensity of a picture.

Thanks for providing your "recipe" concerning aemenu. I do pretty much the same. I've also created aemenus for directories, navigation in my work folders, etc. I even created with it sort of an organizer that points to calendars, months, a true PIM program, etc. Very versatile, this aemenu.

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