Xorg Configuration Keeps Changing After Restart

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Xorg Configuration Keeps Changing After Restart

#1 Post by Amgine »

Puppy 5.2.8

I am trying to use Puppy on a another computer I just setup. I am running it off of a USB, (The same USB I use on my other computers) This computer is much better then the other two. (More RAM better graphic card)

Each time I restart, it will revert back to 16 bit color, I will rerun the Xorg wizard and set everything back to my settings 1440x900x24 Works and looks great, I restart and it is back to the wrong settings.

When its at 16bit the computer screen will be dime with a green tint....

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#2 Post by ICPUG »

Assuming you have a frugal install on the USB.

Do you have a pupsave file?

That should hold the settings.

One problem is that moving from computer to computer may require different settings. To solve this create different pupsave files (you are asked if you want to modify the name on creation). When Puppy finds different pupsave files on boot up it will ask you to select which one you want to use. Choose the one for the computer you are using.
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#3 Post by Amgine »

ICPUG wrote:Assuming you have a frugal install on the USB.

Do you have a pupsave file?

That should hold the settings.

One problem is that moving from computer to computer may require different settings. To solve this create different pupsave files (you are asked if you want to modify the name on creation). When Puppy finds different pupsave files on boot up it will ask you to select which one you want to use. Choose the one for the computer you are using.
No it is not frugal, at least I don't think so, I would like to keep my save file. That is why I am using puppy so I can keep my saves and settings on any computer I plug into...
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#4 Post by Amgine »

Is the save file, lupu_528.sfs???
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#5 Post by Karl Godt »

THATs the files list of a frugal installation using Grub4Dos bootloader on an Ext3 formatted partition of 2GB size on a 4GB USB pen drive i installed today :

/mnt/sdc1/pup-431.sfs <-MAIN PUPPYdotSFS
/mnt/sdc1/pupsave-2012_02_02.2fs <- SAVE_FILE

It is a Puppy 4.3.1 but it should be similar for later puppies .

Note the difference between .SFS and .2FS

SFS is squash filesystem (requiring the squashfs kernel module)
2FS is the ext2 formatted puppy save file .
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#6 Post by Amgine »

Karl Godt wrote:THATs the files list of a frugal installation using Grub4Dos bootloader on an Ext3 formatted partition of 2GB size on a 4GB USB pen drive i installed today :

/mnt/sdc1/pup-431.sfs <-MAIN PUPPYdotSFS
/mnt/sdc1/pupsave-2012_02_02.2fs <- SAVE_FILE

It is a Puppy 4.3.1 but it should be similar for later puppies .

Note the difference between .SFS and .2FS

SFS is squash filesystem (requiring the squashfs kernel module)
2FS is the ext2 formatted puppy save file .
I still can't find the save file, I looked in /root/mnt and did not see it.

So an ideas on how to fix my xorg problem, I don't use frugal or grub, I don't use nor need that blasted Windozs junk lol.

No need to dual boot for me, I can pull stuff off my hard drive with out it. I just want it to work.

BTW my USB is formatted to ext3..

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#7 Post by Amgine »


xorg problem :?:
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#8 Post by gerry »

I think it's a Woof problem- see my post, topic number 75650 in this forum.
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#9 Post by ICPUG »

A full install doesn't have a save file. The file system is continuously updated. This is a bit unusual for a usb flash disk due to the no. of writes problem.

An idea - what happens if you make the resolution changes and then make xorg.conf read only? Shouldn't be able to overwrite now, should it?
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#10 Post by gerry »

That does not work- it gets changed back to what it was. I suspect that it gets deleted and re-created.
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#11 Post by Amgine »

ICPUG wrote:A full install doesn't have a save file. The file system is continuously updated. This is a bit unusual for a usb flash disk due to the no. of writes problem.
Thank you! I will put that aside and try to save a new one. So I assume its the lupu_528.sfs
ICPUG wrote: An idea - what happens if you make the resolution changes and then make xorg.conf read only? Shouldn't be able to overwrite now, should it?
But wouldn't that mean that I could not use the USB on my another computer, since its holding a different computers resolution profile?

Here is the info from the xorg.conf not sure if it tells you anything..

Code: Select all

#Special base config file used in Puppy Linux.

# **********************************************************************
# Module section -- this  section  is used to specify
# which dynamically loadable modules to load.
# **********************************************************************
Section "Module"

# This loads the DBE extension module.

    Load        "dbe"  	# Double buffer extension

# This loads the miscellaneous extensions module, and disables
# initialisation of the XFree86-DGA extension within that module.
    SubSection  "extmod"
      Option    "omit xfree86-dga"   # don't initialise the DGA extension

# This loads the font modules
#    Load        "type1"
#    Load        "freetype"

# This loads xtrap extension, used by xrandr
#   Load       "xtrap"

# This loads the GLX module (if present). xorg 7.4/5 need explicit disable to disable...
    Load    "glx" #LOADGLX

# This loads dri module (if present). 7.4 loads it by default, have to disable...
   Load       "dri" #LOADDRI
#    Disable "dri"


# **********************************************************************
# Files section.  This allows default font paths to be set
# **********************************************************************

Section "Files"

# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (which are concatenated together),
# as well as specifying multiple comma-separated entries in one FontPath
# command (or a combination of both methods)

    FontPath   "/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/"
    FontPath   "/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/"
    FontPath   "/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/"


# **********************************************************************
# Server flags section.
# **********************************************************************

Section "ServerFlags"

# Uncomment this to disable the <Crtl><Alt><Fn> VT switch sequence
# (where n is 1 through 12).  This allows clients to receive these key
# events.

#    Option "DontVTSwitch"

# Enables mode switching with xrandr
# There is a report that this can cause Xorg not to work on some
# video hardware, so default is commented-out...
# but i want to use it in xorgwizard so leave on...

    Option "RandR" "on"

# With this, Xorg won't talk to HAL to add evdev devices and you'll be back
# with the old Xorg behavior (pre-7.4)...

    Option "AutoAddDevices" "false"

# For no-Hal, kirk also suggests this...

#    Option "AllowMouseOpenFail" "true"

# Xorg 7.4, Ubuntu Jaunty, CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE is disabled by default...

    Option "DontZap" "false"


#everything past here is auto-generated by Puppy's Xorg Wizard...

Section "ServerLayout"
	Identifier     "X.org Configured"
	Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
	InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
	InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

Section "InputDevice"
	Identifier  "Keyboard0"
	Driver      "kbd"
	Option      "XkbRules" "xorg"
	Option      "XkbModel" "pc102"
	Option      "XkbLayout" "us" #xkeymap0

Section "InputDevice"
	Identifier  "Mouse0"
	Driver      "mouse"
	Option	    "Protocol" "IMPS/2" #mouse0protocol
	Option	    "Device" "/dev/mouse"
	#Option      "Emulate3Buttons"
	#Option      "Emulate3Timeout" "50"
	Option      "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" #scrollwheel

Section "Monitor"
	Identifier   "Monitor0"
	VendorName   "Monitor Vendor"
	ModelName    "Monitor Model"
	HorizSync    31.5-100
	VertRefresh  59-75
	#UseModes     "Modes0" #monitor0usemodes
	Option      "PreferredMode" "1440x900"
Section "Modes"
	Identifier "Modes0"

Section "Device"
	### Available Driver options are:-
	### Values: <i>: integer, <f>: float, <bool>: "True"/"False",
	### <string>: "String", <freq>: "<f> Hz/kHz/MHz"
	### [arg]: arg optional
	#Option     "NoAccel"            	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "SWcursor"           	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "Dac6Bit"            	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "Dac8Bit"            	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "BusType"            	# [<str>]
	#Option     "CPPIOMode"          	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "CPusecTimeout"      	# <i>
	#Option     "AGPMode"            	# <i>
	#Option     "AGPFastWrite"       	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "AGPSize"            	# <i>
	#Option     "GARTSize"           	# <i>
	#Option     "RingSize"           	# <i>
	#Option     "BufferSize"         	# <i>
	#Option     "EnableDepthMoves"   	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "EnablePageFlip"     	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "NoBackBuffer"       	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "DMAForXv"           	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "FBTexPercent"       	# <i>
	#Option     "DepthBits"          	# <i>
	#Option     "PCIAPERSize"        	# <i>
	#Option     "AccelDFS"           	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "IgnoreEDID"         	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "CustomEDID"         	# [<str>]
	#Option     "DisplayPriority"    	# [<str>]
	#Option     "PanelSize"          	# [<str>]
	#Option     "ForceMinDotClock"   	# <freq>
	#Option     "ColorTiling"        	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "VideoKey"           	# <i>
	#Option     "RageTheatreCrystal" 	# <i>
	#Option     "RageTheatreTunerPort" 	# <i>
	#Option     "RageTheatreCompositePort" 	# <i>
	#Option     "RageTheatreSVideoPort" 	# <i>
	#Option     "TunerType"          	# <i>
	#Option     "RageTheatreMicrocPath" 	# <str>
	#Option     "RageTheatreMicrocType" 	# <str>
	#Option     "ScalerWidth"        	# <i>
	#Option     "RenderAccel"        	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "SubPixelOrder"      	# [<str>]
	#Option     "ShowCache"          	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "ClockGating"        	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "VGAAccess"          	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "ReverseDDC"         	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "LVDSProbePLL"       	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "AccelMethod"        	# <str>
	#Option     "DRI"                	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "ConnectorTable"     	# <str>
	#Option     "DefaultConnectorTable" 	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "DefaultTMDSPLL"     	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "TVDACLoadDetect"    	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "ForceTVOut"         	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "TVStandard"         	# <str>
	#Option     "IgnoreLidStatus"    	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "DefaultTVDACAdj"    	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "Int10"              	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "EXAVSync"           	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "ATOMTVOut"          	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "R4xxATOM"           	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "ForceLowPowerMode"  	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "DynamicPM"          	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "NewPLL"             	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "ZaphodHeads"        	# <str>
	Identifier  "Card0"
	Driver      "radeon" #card0driver
	VendorName  "ATI Technologies Inc"
	BoardName   "R580 [Radeon X1900]"
	BusID       "PCI:5:0:0"

Section "Screen"
	Identifier "Screen0"
	Device     "Card0"
	Monitor    "Monitor0"
	DefaultDepth 24
	#Option         "metamodes" "1440x900_60 +0+0" #METAMODES_0
	Subsection "Display"
		Depth       24
		Modes       "1440x900"


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#12 Post by gerry »

This problem occurs not only in 5.2.8, but also in 5.X.9, 5.3.1, and 5.2.2. Xorg.conf should be created only the first time the system is booted, and then modified by xorgwizard or
other means. It should not then be AGAIN created when the system is booted, this results in the customisations being lost.

I notice that the original poster is using the radeon driver: so am I. Does this problem only occur with that driver?
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#13 Post by Amgine »

gerry wrote:This problem occurs not only in 5.2.8, but also in 5.X.9, 5.3.1, and 5.2.2. Xorg.conf should be created only the first time the system is booted, and then modified by xorgwizard or
other means. It should not then be AGAIN created when the system is booted, this results in the customisations being lost.

I notice that the original poster is using the radeon driver: so am I. Does this problem only occur with that driver?
Yes it does, I installed the Xorg high driver to see if it would fix it, I just removed it and it still happens.
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Karl Godt
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#14 Post by Karl Godt »

Mine is

which is for


which can be obtained with the

Code: Select all


Seems that the chips of your monitor dont contain any vendor information like some USB pendrives .
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#15 Post by bigpup »

The save file should have a name like:

The (XXXXX) is an added name you gave to the save file when you made it.

What I think is going on. You have a save file made for use on a computer, that has a very different graphics card, from the one you are now trying to use it on.
When you boot, the settings are being defaulted to a basic setup, because that is the best guess that will work.

If you are using the usb flash drive on different computers. You need a separate save file for each.
Each computers specific settings in a specific save file.

To do this.
Boot Puppy.
At the boot screen hit F2 key.
Use boot option puppy pfix=ram.
this will boot like a fresh clean start with no save file.
When asked to make save file, give it a name to identify what computer it is for.
After it boots again, now using the save file you just made, make the setting changes you need.
Now you have specific settings for this computer.

When the USB drive is used on a different computer, do the same procedure to make a specific save file for it.

When you boot Puppy, it will give you option screen to choose which save file to use.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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lucid 528 ati 10.10 pet

#16 Post by baildoggg »

Lucid 525 or 528

On install, used vesa driver during the auto setup. Afterwards, installed the pet file for ati 10.10. I rebooted the machine and it booted into 1600x1200 @ 60hz. If I switch it to any other resolution using catalyst control panel, I lose part of the desktop area icons that were part of the 1600x1200 screen. When I restart X or reboot PC, it reverts back to 1600x1200 @ 60hz.

Using either X.org or Vesa works fine. I can change resolutions and they stick between reboots. However, using the X.org or Vesa, VLC or gaming is incredibly choppy - seem like hardware exceleration gets disabled.
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#17 Post by bigpup »


You need to start a separate topic for your problem.
When you do. Give info about computer hardware and how you run Puppy.
Hard to help two people, with different computer hardware, in one topic.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
YaPI(any iso installer)
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