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#1021 Post by jemimah »

From Programming Perl:
The quality that makes you go to great effort to reduce overall energy expenditure. It makes you write labor-saving programs that other people will find useful, and document what you wrote so you don't have to answer so many questions about it. Hence, the first great virtue of a programmer. Also hence, this book.

The anger you feel when the computer is being lazy. This makes you write programs that don't just react to your needs, but actually anticipate them. Or at least pretend to. Hence, the second great virtue of a programmer. See also laziness and hubris.

Excessive pride, the sort of thing Zeus zaps you for. Also the quality that makes you write (and maintain) programs that other people won't want to say bad things about. Hence, the third great virtue of a programmer.
Don't be fooled - these are real character flaws in the wrong context. The main reason I went into IT is that these make it difficult to do anything else without pissing people off.

I will PM you the password so you can upload your SFSes.

#1022 Post by elroy »

Lol. I guess I can relate to hubris. I work graves US Central Time.

#1023 Post by elroy »

you'll have to forgive me; I'm no too experienced when it comes to PM - I think I sent you a message, but then again, maybe not????

Believe me, I want to make contact in the worst way, but I am totally foobared at doing this...
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#1024 Post by jemimah »

It worked. You should be all set.

#1025 Post by elroy »

k. But I still don;t know what to do...stupid is what stupdi does, eh? In the..meamine, it's my Monday, Monday on the Island. Place your bets, pleaze, and i f you're up on the tables, don't foreget to play the slots before you leave....:) funny, but I myself don;t believe in's too much like fishing....catch and release....jermimah....can you help me out? Whet do I nned to do to connecct via PM....via really old school?

OK - I guess this is what I need - walk me through the steps of uploading a SFS file, and I guess I'll have to be happy with that. - sorry for the simplicity - after all, I am a linux newbee....
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#1026 Post by Geoffrey »

jemimah wrote:
elroy wrote:By the way, Jemimah, Dir2Sfs doen't work from thundar, or desktop (context menu).
Works perfectly from the terminal, though.
Thanks, i'll check it out.
Mmmm, so it don't on the desktop, in thunar I have no problem with dir2sfs, also dir2pet and dir2tgz don't work on the desktop, dir2tgz will create a empty file inside the dir that is being compressed. :?

Anyone got any ideas on how this can be fixed, many hands make light work :D

It appears that it is only the conversion of directories that have a problem on the desktop , all the archiving utilities work fine, could it be that the visual desktop is not a true representation of desktop in the file system.
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#1027 Post by jemimah »

elroy wrote:k. But I still don;t know what to do...stupid is what stupdi does, eh? In the..meamine, it's my Monday, Monday on the Island. Place your bets, pleaze, and i f you're up on the tables, don't foreget to play the slots before you leave....:) funny, but I myself don;t believe in's too much like fishing....catch and release....jermimah....can you help me out? Whet do I nned to do to connecct via PM....via really old school?

OK - I guess this is what I need - walk me through the steps of uploading a SFS file, and I guess I'll have to be happy with that. - sorry for the simplicity - after all, I am a linux newbee....
I'll pm you some more specific steps.
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fonts in Opera in Saluki

#1028 Post by Marv »

Ah, a huge font improvement in Opera in Saluki. Either with or without enabling fontconfig ( in opera:config), the hinting within opera was set to full irrespective of the hinting settings in xfce4. Regardless of the fonts used, this was pretty ugly. Replacing the local.conf file in /etc/fonts with the one attached sets the hintstyle within opera to hintslight if fontconfig is enabled in opera and all the TTF fonts look much better. I'm currently using the liberation sans and either the Times new roman or liberation serif fonts. Both fit well with Barrys hierarchy in fontconfig. I haven't gone back to see how DejaVu looks but I am pretty sure it benefits also. This might be doable within Opera but it actually seems to follow the fontconfig rules better than its own.
(217 Bytes) Downloaded 180 times
Pups currently in kennel :D Older LxPupSc and X-slacko-4.4 for my users; LxPupSc, LxPupSc64 and upupEF for me. All good pups indeed, and all running savefiles for look'n'feel only. Browsers, etc. solely from SFS.
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#1029 Post by headfound »

Success! For some reason Isomaster (old habits die hard) couldn't see the zdrive, only mounting the iso directly in rox let me see it. After that everything booted perfectly. Very nice :)
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#1030 Post by zigbert »

from main post wrote:The following apps have been added:

xmenumaker - Thanks Geoffrey!
I would not actually recommend pCD as it hasn't been maintained lately - Pmusic has taken its place in my house. The latest version of Pmusic fixes major trouble when trying to fetch info from which seems to be down - temporary or ??? pCD has the same issues but not fixed.

I will probably switch to Musicbrainz if things doesn't stabilize.

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#1031 Post by jemimah »

zigbert wrote:
from main post wrote:The following apps have been added:

xmenumaker - Thanks Geoffrey!
I would not actually recommend pCD as it hasn't been maintained lately - Pmusic has taken its place in my house. The latest version of Pmusic fixes major trouble when trying to fetch info from which seems to be down - temporary or ??? pCD has the same issues but not fixed.

I will probably switch to Musicbrainz if things doesn't stabilize.

I'm trying hard for "one app per task" and since Xnoise doesn't have support for disc playback yet, I really want a very simple program that just plays cds. pCD was the only such program that I could find that still works.

I patched pCD a little bit because it never tried to contact the cddb at all - I think it works ok (kind of slow though) with the patch. The patch I did was to change the connection test to uses google instead of (which was down at the time of my testing - seems up now though) and adjusting some wget flags so it doesn't give up as easily.

Perhaps you would consider updating pCD?

Code: Select all

--- func.orig	2011-01-01 08:06:30.000000000 -0500
+++ func	2012-02-09 11:19:53.578910373 -0500
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 #Copyright 2009,2010,2011
 #Sigmund Berglund
 case $1 in
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@
 	[ "`grep -F 'load cdrom' $WORKDIR/pcd-cddb`" ] && ERROR="$LOC401"
 	#if no internal cd-text, try www
-	LANG=C wget -S --spider -T 1 2> $WORKDIR/pcd-tmp #check internet connection
+	LANG=C wget --spider 2> $WORKDIR/pcd-tmp #check internet connection
 	if [ "`grep 'CD-Text: not detected' $WORKDIR/pcd-cddb`" ] && [ "`grep 'connected' $WORKDIR/pcd-tmp`" ]; then
 		rm -f $WORKDIR/pcd-cddb
 		cdda2wav dev=$DEVICE -cddb=1 -info-only -no-infofile > $WORKDIR/pcd-cddb 2>&1 &
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#1032 Post by mavrothal »

jemimah wrote:
elroy wrote:Believe me, Jermimah, not trying to be a pain in the arse... this is the distros
I see with PPM, after updating (Update Repositories). I may be blind (I am advanced in age... at 46 I have 5 grandchildren).
I fail to see anything that has to do with any of the following...


And, so, I argue this would be typical of the average nebee...

...however, clicking SFS Downloader reaveals opera-11.61-1250.i386.opt.sfs, which would'nt be obvious to a newbee
(myself). So therefore, possibly, this should be more obvious, especially considering that Saluki is placing much more
emphesis on the SFS filesystem than most Puppy distros...just a thought, not trying to offend anyone...

Like I said, my previous post was not meant to be a pain in the arse; I have no desire to recreate the wheel. But
if attracting new users, un-typical users, is the target, then it must be remembered that the obvious must be OBVIOUS.
I'm not sure how to make it more obvious. The SFS downloader is a totally separate program from the ppm - they truly be integrated without extremely major surgery - which isn't terribly appealing at the moment.
What about appending the SFSs in Packages-puppy-saluki-official in a format

Code: Select all

and then this at the top of

Code: Select all

if [ "`echo $TREE1 | grep \.sfs`" != "" ] ; then 
	sfsget & 
	exit 0
Is far from perfect but puts the SFSs in PPM and a way to get them
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#1033 Post by jemimah »

I'll think about it.

My gut tells me that trying to do something like this will cause more problems than it solves.
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#1034 Post by jemimah »

I have found a solution that I like. :)
(40.75 KiB) Downloaded 472 times
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#1035 Post by zigbert »

jemimah wrote:Perhaps you would consider updating pCD?
There are other tasks that have higher priority at the moment.

I know you prefer binaries over scripts, and it is nothing wrong with seeing things differently.... But if it is a while since the last time you tried Pmusic, I would encourage you to take a quick look. Pmusic does most of what Goggles, Asunder, pCD and Streamtuner does all together. Plus some more.

- Yeah, Pmusic is a crappy bash-script using gtkdialog with all its limitations.
- Pmusic is still slow and uses more cpu-power than your chosen binaries.
- And there is nothing wrong with your preferred apps.


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#1036 Post by smokey01 »

zigbert I have to agree with you. Your Pmusic has come a long way from it's early incarnations.

It is my audio player of choice.

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#1037 Post by jemimah »

zigbert wrote: But if it is a while since the last time you tried Pmusic, I would encourage you to take a quick look. Pmusic does most of what Goggles, Asunder, pCD and Streamtuner does all together. Plus some more.
Looks good, and also feels less flaky and more stable than before. But I still prefer Xnoise and I'd like to avoid adding ffmpeg to the base.

It's all good. I will try to maintain pcd. :D
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#1038 Post by jemimah »

Saluki-011 has been released:

New in 011:

More PPM enhancements
Remove Builtins now works with adrive
Defaults-Chooser - Scottman's version with updates
PupRemaster - This is Dougal's version with some updates
The firewall installer has had a bit of a face lift

Various bugfixes and enhancements
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#1039 Post by Jim1911 »

jemimah wrote:
Jim1911 wrote:
jemimah wrote:You should need to modify it.
I don't think there's a bootcode for selecting specific drivers. However if this process works, and you successfully create a save file you'll only need to do this once.
Sorry, "pfix=nox" does not solve the problem, however symptoms are different. Setup screens are normal and then goes to a prompt. Both selecting probe or choose driver gives same results. Xwin boots to a gray screen, the only way out is the power off button.

Does it do that if you pick the vesa driver?
Selecting the vesa driver gives a different symptom, xwin fails to boot, it just returns to a prompt.

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#1040 Post by don570 »

Repository is down??? Can't download.

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