Debian "Live Session User" sets NTFS drive to read only

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#21 Post by jbv »

My pleasure.

If you can answer the following questions clearly, it may help others who may be in a better position right now to help you.

1) If you boot pussy from a USB stick can you write to the NTFS partition?

2) If you put /live in the NTFS partition, and boot from the USB stick, does that work as expected?

3) As a short to medium term solution, would this be acceptable?

4) If answer to 1 and 2 is yes, how could we tidy this up so that the answer to 3 was also yes?

5) If answer to either 1 or 2 was no. Please tell us what happens and what is not right.

Give as much detail as you can. It can only help.

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#22 Post by nooby »

Edit. So sorry! I fail to find out how to mount sda3 or any partition
on the harddrive. I boot from USB and using the image and
installed using the dd command that sickgut and all the others
taught me to use.

Where is the prog that work like Pmount on Puppy? or what CLI to use?

Every program only see the usb and it's own Linux file system.
No program see any Harddrive. Maybe one have to mount them.
Where does one do that?

Very surprising. I guess it could have to do with something I do wrong
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#23 Post by jbv »

Hi nooby,

Now you have me confused.

Are you saying that you can boot pussy from the USB stick, but you can't mount your NTFS partition after you have done this?

Can I ask why you are using the "dd" command?
If you already have a bootable pussy USB stick, then you shouldn't need to use the "dd" for anything.

If you are asking how to mount your NTFS Hard Drive partition, try this:

ntfs-3g /dev/sdb3 /media/usb1

This will mount your NTFS partition for read-write access on /media/usb1 (forget about the name for now, we can sort that out later)

To "unmount it", try this:

umount /media/usb1

Note: I assume if you boot from the USB, your USB will be "sda" and your hard drive will now be "sdb".
I could be wrong about this, so you may need to change the /dev/sd"X" letter.

Are we on the right track now?


PS. Please ignore the network messages before you login.
We all know about this and it will be sorted (or something will be done) with the next build.
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#24 Post by saintless »

Nooby, the attached archive contains mount and unmount script from Emil. Just unzip them and click on the mount script. It will mount all your internal and usb drives in media. You have media icon on the desktop. Check there after you click on the mount script.
Tell us if you have RW access for NTFS partition with this script, because I don't have NTFS partition at the moment to test it.

JBV, I think Nooby needs the dd command to copy the files for frugal install.
Mount and unmount script.
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#25 Post by nooby »

Thanks to both of you.

Saintless is right. I used a too confusing text about the dd
It was how I made the install. the surprising thing is that
when I tested this USB on Acer D250 then it did find the
sda3 where I have all my files.

Now when I use Acer D255 with a slightly more modern Atom CPU
that is two cores instead of one then it failed.

But I don't really remember what was going on. I have to test again
tomorrow. Too late now to test it. Thanks for the suggestions.
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#26 Post by jbv »

Hi saintless,

I'm not sure what a "frugal" install is.
If a "frugal" install is where you copy (load) the pussy/puppy files onto a hard disk and then boot from the hard-disk, nooby can not do that. If he does that, he will never be able to write to the NTFS boot partition.

In the short-to-medium term I think he only has 2 options.

1) Create another small partition on his hard-drive and do a "frugal" install on that, then boot from the "frugal" installation and he will be able to read-write on his primary NTFS partition. However, as he has explained he can't do this as it may break something else.

2) Always boot from a USB stick and then mount his NTFS hard drive.

The longer-term fix (may be) to pull the bootloader apart (initrd.img) and replace the NTFS driver in there with a different one, although this is not for the faint-hearted nor is it a quick and easy job. It would quite possibly take a few days of solid work and an awful lot of testing. There is also no guarantee that it would work, so expecting someone to do it for fun is a bit of an ask. Nooby isn't capable of doing this and no-one else really has the time or inclination, so he's caught between a rock and a hard place.

As I see it, option 2 above is his only real choice. He seems to be happy enough to do this, and it seems that now he just needs some help to mount the NTFS partition after booting from the USB stick.

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#27 Post by jbv »

nooby wrote:when I tested this USB on Acer D250 then it did find the
sda3 where I have all my files.

Now when I use Acer D255 with a slightly more modern Atom CPU
that is two cores instead of one then it failed.
Whoah! Now you're using 2 different machines?
How do we know that the machines are identical and have the same disk layout. Chances are they don't.

Cripes nooby, you aren't making this easy for people to help.
You don't answer direct questions properly and then leave out important stuff. If we are to help you, you need to start helping us. Start answering direct questions directly and don't leave out stuff.

If you've got 2 machines and one has special partitions that you can't change and you can't modify it so you can update your phones etc., I can understand that. But why can't you just blow away the 2nd machine and use it for pussy/puppy whatever?

This is doing my head in, so it's time for me to leave. Good luck with it.
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#28 Post by nooby »

Yes you are most likely right. It is Debian and they/them want it that way.

But what about the Slax people. They do allow that one write to the
NTFS that one booted from. Porteus OS that is Slax Remix Community Edition
and Salix Os and NimbleX OS and CDLinux all of them allow what I want.

Why is it impossible to do it on Debian?

Even SlitaZ seems to allow it now. They did not some years ago
and told me that that is a policy thing. Only write to USB not internal HD
they told me. Then some years go by and now they do allow it.

Knoppix do allow it.

I don't remember about xPUD which is a Chinese Ubuntu if they allow it.

The bug in Ubuntu when one booted frugally did allow it but that was
unintentionally and they have patched that bug now.

So sure it is unusual but it should be possible. But okay it can be too
much effort needed.

Hahah what if the Debian Developer know an easy way to do it but they
keep it totally secret and would rather lie about it then to reveal it?

I only guess but they give such round about answers when people ask them.
Instead if describing how they say. You should not do it!
So I guess that indicates they know how to.

oops late here now so I go to bed.
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#29 Post by saintless »

Connected with this thread information here on page 99 and 100: ... start=1470
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#30 Post by sunburnt »

I`m not wining, but this isn`t programming or Puppy.
But then I know how hard it is to get any attention/help in the other forums.

Yeah, Debian is slow to respond to improvements, still won`t do NTFS r/w.
The suggestion of hacking the initrd file is probably the only solution.
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#31 Post by nooby »

I trust that the most likely move would be to get to know
how AntiX did it. They have solved it and seems to not mind
sharing their knowledge. So why not contact them?
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