.Pet request for Dino file manager

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.Pet request for Dino file manager

#1 Post by Gnuxo »

Dino is a file manager written in QT, which allows you to do things with a mouse click that I've never seen a file manager allow before.

...Such as symlinking files. It also has a built in text editor.

It would be awesome if there was a puppy package for this.

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#2 Post by kooliepup »

XFE has been doing all that and more for years.
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#3 Post by Gnuxo »

I've never used XFE so I can't speak about it but I know one thing. XFE isn't written in QT.

Edit: Ok I looked Xfe up and it does seem cool. Dino however is designed to be easy to use for newbies and Xfe seems like it may be more complex. Again I haven't used it so I can't judge.
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#4 Post by Dingo »

I built Dino (statically) few days ago, but it has no impressed me, however, if youy want give a try, I'll upload somewhere
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#5 Post by Gnuxo »

I see. Anyway I installed XFE in a virtual machine and it doesn't just come with a file manager...it downloaded audacious, plugins and all sorts of extra stuff.

What surprised me is that XFE can be used as a replacement for Gdebi and Rpm. I found that cool!

As Dino not being impressive, pcmanfm hasn't impressed me either, it's a file manager. Dino to me is the pcmanfm of qt desktops and I thought it would be really useful to people who are running razor-qt (like me) or KDE desktops so you don't have all the extra dependencies.

All it needs is libqt4 and didn't install any additional deps. So I found that awesome. I found XFE downloaded way too many deps for me. Though it really is lightweight and has a lot of features.

Dino is 0.2 in development so I'm sure the file manager is going to get better. I found it just like pcmanfm only without all the gtk builds.

The only reason for me to use XFE would be to get rid of GDEBI which is like the only gtk app left on my system because it's easy to install Debs that way.

I didn't know that XFE had symlinking also but it does. Though I haven't tried symlinking anything to compare the execution of it. However I found resource usage similar and features also similar.

I would actually like to use XFE on puppy. I'm running Slacko and I would actually like to run XFE then Rox. I mean I've always been uncomfortable with how Rox works. I'm not necessarily an advanced user so I'm worried about mucking around too much.
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#7 Post by pemasu »

There isnt anything extraordinary in Dino. I have uploaded Dino pet to the exprimo thread.
You will need Qt libs with it...so to have it solely...it isnt that small anymore.

Rox with good rox right clicks framework works much better and have symlinks choice, support for as many text editors as you include with rox right clicks and has good support for Puppy architecture.

Only thing it has better is...the copy - paste...which you can get with almost any other filemanager...without Qt libs.
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#8 Post by disciple »

Anyway I installed XFE in a virtual machine and it doesn't just come with a file manager...it downloaded audacious, plugins and all sorts of extra stuff.
That is pretty bizarre. Perhaps your package manager or your mouse or something is malfunctioning.
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