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10 Days in ... 600+ posts and 70 registered users later

#1 Post by JohnMurga »

And ...

And it's all still working well :-)

However, I think we should make the IRC chat link at the top of the forum bigger, we never get enough people in there.

Anyway, is there anything we should add ?

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#2 Post by Lobster »


Nduantesh seemed to get his superstud status a little too easy. Did he simplify this page?



He has (I must admit) produced some excellent posts over the last day. However that could just be "forum standing tall"! A one night stand does not make a stud.

Here is a list of tasks I feel he might have difficulty attaining the position for:

When was he last up for a conversation in the IRC chat room? Could he satisfy all comers and Puppy virgins?

Has he made a unique contribution to the Karma of the Puppy Sutras?

Incidentaly before I forget can not use bold - the codes stay on screen not the results . . .

Back to Nduantesh, perhaps we should keep his status under review. Does he have staying power?

I think his elevation was a little premature. For a "Judge Dredd" you are a little too Puppy Soft . . .

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#3 Post by nduanetesh »

Lobster wrote::D

Nduantesh seemed to get his superstud status a little too easy. Did he simplify this page?


Simplify that page? Looks elementary to me already!
Lobster wrote: He has (I must admit) produced some excellent posts over the last day.
"Exellent"? That's a pretty strong word. I thought a couple of were pretty good...but I wouldn't toss around the word "excellent".
Lobster wrote: When was he last up for a conversation in the IRC chat room? Could he satisfy all comers and Puppy virgins?
As a matter of fact, I hopped into the IRC chat room tonight, and you know, there wasn't a soul there...but me. So, I like to think that everyone there was satisfied.
Lobster wrote: Has he made a unique contribution to the Karma of the Puppy Sutras?
Well, I did start an absolutely absurd thread that is now barrelling through its second page.
Lobster wrote: Incidentaly before I forget can not use bold - the codes stay on screen not the results . . .
Lobster wrote: Back to Nduantesh, perhaps we should keep his status under review. Does he have staying power?

I think his elevation was a little premature. For a "Judge Dredd" you are a little too Puppy Soft . . .

Lobster, I have to say that you stuffed more innuendos into this post than I would have thought humanly possible. Good work. And don't worry, I have no plans to be a lover and leaver of the puppy forum. Puppy is fascinating and a lot of fun, and the community has been friendly, helpful and welcoming. I will do my best to give back.


PS, if you haven't yet, please check the "how do I get a tagline" thread, as I wrote a note to you asking for your help, since I have screwed up the wikki (minorly).
PPS, I'll be out of town sunday and monday, at my girlfriend's place trying to get pcmcia wireless working on her 'puter. If I'm quiet then, don't go jumping to conclusions that my "forum standing tall" has worn off. :wink:
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#4 Post by JohnMurga »


I trust he'll be up to the challenge.

After all, given his status I expect him to be able to "keep it up" ;-)
As a matter of fact, I hopped into the IRC chat room tonight, and you know, there wasn't a soul there...but me. So, I like to think that everyone there was satisfied.
Lobster, Myself, Flash, Ian, Rhino and others have been putting a lot of time in on the IRC channel ... I think we are all a bit tired :-(


PS : Lobster, you are right, I must be getting soft... But let the man prove himself ;-)
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#5 Post by Lobster »

tee hee

Thanks for being a good sport.


I did notice that one of Ians pages was a litlle strange . . . The great thing about wikis is you can roll back. Appreciate what you say about the IRC channel. I always learn something about Linux or Puppy. Barry is starting to use it, was chatting with him yesterday.

Glad to see that bold is back (maybe it never went?) - really not sure what is happening there - might just be the preview - but the preview used to show the bold - m m m - more checking.

As well as people being awarded a designation of their choice, it might also be nice to award rosettes. For example all New Pups, should get a "Best Newcomer" award.

Here are some more:

"Most interesting Tale"

"Barking mad"

"Sniffing out new Leads"

"Playful Pup"

Just an idea . . .

Ok Just off to add the news - Puppy has learnt to play chess . . .
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#6 Post by JohnMurga »

Also ...

The entire forum database and attached files has just been backed up :-)

I'll do it every week, just incase ;-)

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#7 Post by Lobster »

As you may know I was very worried about that cross eyed beaver (in fact a ground hog) looking at me - until finally GuestToo created a special DotPup beaver icon.

Well now I am getting a little intimidated by that Judge Dredd avatar. However the law is the law. Perhaps if new pups are given a "doggy bag" from the Judge they will not be as cowardly as Lobster . . .?

Now who knows what should be in the Doggy bag? (A best newcomer rosette for a start)
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#8 Post by Flash »

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#9 Post by JoeUser »

I nominate PakRat for superstud. At least on the irc line, he really knows his stuff, can help you with almost all of your problems.
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#10 Post by nduanetesh »

Hrmm...so, were PakRat to be named SuperStud, would that mean that I lose my status? or are we both SuperStuds? or do I get to reign with the not-defined-anywhere-really title of Ultra SuperStud, while PakRat is simply a SuperStud? Is anyone else as flaberghasted as me that this SuperStud business has gone on as long as it has?

Not that I'm ungrateful for the title, mind you. I just can't believe anyone else has played along this long. :D

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#11 Post by Flash »

You did ask for it. :P
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#12 Post by JohnMurga »


I'll open the floor to suggestions of what nduanetesh's new title should be


Lobster, Flash any ideas ? ;-)

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#13 Post by nduanetesh »

JohnMurga wrote:OK

I'll open the floor to suggestions of what nduanetesh's new title should be


Lobster, Flash any ideas ? ;-)


Am I usurped that easily? Have I proven terribly unworthy of my fictitious title? Is there not room for two SuperStuds on this forum? Let's not go doing anything rash here, JM...the next thing you know, I'll be running around with some ridiculous, absurd tag line while some imposter is claiming to be the Ultra SuperStud. And wouldn't that just be a slap in the face of not only this forum and puppy linux, but also the entire open source community as well?

Shocked at these developments,


BTW, you can just call me "ND" (pronounced "indy"). it's way easier to type than "nduanetesh"
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#14 Post by JohnMurga »


So far I have not even thought of giving anyone else your title ...

I was just wondering if you deserved a new one ;-)

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#15 Post by Pizzasgood »

The only reason I don't have a title is that it would be so great that it would burn your eyes out if you looked at it. Then you'd either need to do your best Muad 'Dib impression or go find a program to read for you. Only the Great Murga would emerge unscathed because his helmet's visor would protect him. 8)
[size=75]Between depriving a man of one hour from his life and depriving him of his life there exists only a difference of degree. --Muad'Dib[/size]
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#16 Post by nduanetesh »

Pizzasgood, to paraphrase Will Farrel satirizing James Lipton, "Your performance is so good there are not words to describe it. I will have to create a new word. Here it is: Scrumtrilescent."
JohnMurga wrote:Hehehehe

So far I have not even thought of giving anyone else your title ...

I was just wondering if you deserved a new one ;-)

OK, so I can start a collection? Can I have, like, a stack of them under my user name? Can I sell them? (i'll give you a cut of the profits, JM.)

[cue fashion show music]
"Today we have Nduanetesh modeling our newest user tag line, "Crazy AwesomeGuy". Other users find it cocky, yet endearingly kooky. While using this tag line, you will be expected to be crazy and awesome, but don't worry, the tag line will do most of the work for you! It can be yours for the low introductory price of $450USD."
[/fashion show music]

I definately think I'm on to something here...
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#17 Post by perdido »

Amazing, after 11 years the statistics boggle my brain:

The following information is from the Wayback Machine. The earliest date archived is 11-26-2006, so lets start there.

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And to quote John Murga from the first post of this thread
And ...

And it's all still working well :)

Thank you everyone that helps maintain this most excellent forum!

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#18 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
Agreed, Without this Forum, Puppy would not be anything but an obscure little Distro, with little following.
Again, I salute you John Murga, for all you do, 11 years running...
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#19 Post by Pelo »

Some users post too much (as Pelo), some not enough !
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#20 Post by LazY Puppy »

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No, but I gave my old drum kit away for free to a music store collecting instruments for refugees! :wink:
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