Have you heard of Magna Carta Article 61?

For stuff that really doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Puppy
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#41 Post by VK6FUN »

best empowerment tip:

the internet is 90% bs, 10% reality.

empower yourselves by fine-tuning your bsfilter.

one way to do this is to be on the lookout for political buzzwords like "empowerment"


#42 Post by gcmartin »

I hope that was not a one-line-of-code reference. I find that-illogical, in a general and complex environment.

So far, I hope no-one sees me as someone who has any political agenda. Proposing change in human behavior , in and of itself, is not political from where I sit.

But, I think you are right, about being able to draw, narrowly, that line of thinking.

The internet is no more 80-90% BS than a Public Library is. Both, provide necessary services to halp a whole host of people wanting information.

Maybe, you are presenting a measure of contribution and you're having difficulty reaching useful information. Maybe, you could offer us, some understanding of "why you find information which may contradict what you were taught" as being distasteful to you. Maybe, even, you could give "your personal interpretation of the Magna Carta" which you feel would be useful. Or, better, you may be able to give us an understanding of one-line in the Magna Carta, that is wrong wth the Magna Carta, period. Convincing us that it should be abandoned because of the one-line flaw. Help us, usefully.

Or maybe you just feel a sense of disruption will have some negative impact that you are striving to achieve.

Please don't be angered at any new insights you might reach. "We didn't start the Fire".
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#43 Post by Aitch »

empower yourselves by fine-tuning your bsfilter.
one way to do this is to be on the lookout for political buzzwords like "empowerment"
Gee thanks, pete :(

Another way is to be on the lookout for 'spoiler' and 'negativity'
My BS bucket is overflowing with the amount you've added to this thread

It's a shame you can only see an attempt to offer insight and encouragement from an ordinary guy as somehow hijacked by adoption of common language by the politicos into political buzzwords
I reserve the right to use common language, positively, despite its theft by them, or your dissing of my efforts
The word empowerment doesn't lose its meaning any more than a piece of code loses its overall value - unless the observer chooses to apply his or her own reverse bs filter, making things appear bad where there was no intention by the original user for such meaning

Have you actually got ANYTHING constructive to add, or do you only do negative and p*sstake....?

Should I just refer to you as 'pete the troll' from now on?

gcmartin, thanks for your comments

Does anyone else feel the same way as me about pete's comments..re-reading the thread?

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#44 Post by VK6FUN »

i asked whether this investor-free banking system works against the interests of superannuation contributors.

i asked whether one should pay much regard to politicians.

now i ask why people on this forum have resorted to name-calling.

one might get a bit cynical.... ..

when i went to computer school that one line of code was called a "show-stopper". sorry gcmartin if this was not clear.

the linux user must always be ready for the next show-stopper, is what i meant.

i'm not a very good computer programmer. gives me a recursive headache.
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#45 Post by greengeek »

Aitch wrote:
Does anyone else feel the same way as me about pete's comments..re-reading the thread?
I think Petes comment:
we are all as free as we want to be

explains why his point of view differs from the point you were making Aitch. Personally, I am nowhere near as free as I want to be, but maybe Pete feels differently.

I'm guessing he hasn't yet experienced the frustration of being over-ridden and trodden on undeservedly, and having reasonable freedoms unjustly taken away. He is entitled to have his own opinion though.

Personally I see many examples around me of officialdom treading on common sense and removing individual freedoms for what I consider to be unsound reasons.

People just don't seem to understand it if they don't personally experience the pain. And lots of people are happy to swallow the BS the government feeds them.

The average population is like a bell-curve. One large group of sheep in the middle, thoughtlessly huddling together for the sake of mutual protection, with outliers of free-thinking individuals protecting the flanks.

Pete also said
the linux user must always be ready for the next show-stopper, is what i meant.
There is some truth in that, as much of what Linux achieves is “avant-garde
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#46 Post by VK6FUN »

<oops stuff got doubled up>
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#47 Post by VK6FUN »

I'm guessing he hasn't yet experienced the frustration of being over-ridden and trodden on undeservedly, and having reasonable freedoms unjustly taken away.
25yrs of pmg->telecom->telstra->rubbish-heap (attaining the rank of aptu shop steward, brilliant career move mate highly recommended.)

back in the late '90s telstra was disparagingly known as "the biggest sheltered workshop in the world" and there was a general belief that everyone's telecommunications problems would be solved by competition.

nowadays perhaps i'm just spoilt rotten. i live in a falling down old asbestos primary school surrounded by wheat paddocks 35km from the nearest town.
the neighbours (farmers) tend to be natural sharing community-minded people despite their stupendous debts and total reliance on guessing the weather.
i dont earn much driving a schoolbus but it makes me feel like part of the community and we get the support we need when we need it. i have left the keys in the car so long now i forgot when i last took them out.

it will be nice to be debt-free but can't see how TAMS is ever going to help.

http://lawfulbank.com/ says
A positive credit system – for every £1 of cash deposited, each member creates £10 credit in their account. This credit (created by the system) on the back of the cash deposited is the property of the member and thus not a debt to the member. This will provided streams of credit to the system – and not debt
does this mean that the ATM will be a copying machine with NUMBER_OF_COPIES=9 set?

how do i explain this credit system on my tax return?

why do nations own the bank? why is nationalism better than globalism?
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#48 Post by greengeek »

VK6FUN wrote: nowadays perhaps i'm just spoilt rotten.
Ahhh, see how accurate my guess was. Miles off. My apologies for misjudging.

But I'm surprised - for someone who HAS seen social damage, why are you disparaging of the idea that corporates and governments see ordinary people as nothing more than ants and drones?

I would have expected you might have shared the same view?
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#49 Post by Aitch »

pete....IS THAT IT?

I thought the reason you kept kicking my sandcastles down was because you'd got all the answers....but you just raise more questions, and show that you don't even seem to understand the existing banking system.....
...it is neither owned by nations, nor does anyone say nationalism is better than globalism - neither the old nor the alternate is owned by nations....the old is privately owned, and so the alternate....the difference has to be ethics!
....and why are you worrying about the atm or tax returns....they ARE the old failed banking system....because it is based on debts, and has no collateral balance, no liquidity....no longer can everyone who's been issued with 'money' can they go to the bank and ask for it in real 'currency', like gold or silver....the notes no longer have the words on them saying,
'I promise to pay the bearer on demand'....so the promisory note of old is now just a myth - it is merely an unenforceable-by-you contract between you and the bank to write off the debt raised against your 'person' .....the myth created at your registration of birth which doesn't exist in human form reality, but has your name on it....and against which, you...the sovereign individual living human soul, are MORE powerful than the bank, as they have LIMITED LIABILITY, and you have none...
[Check out Fractional Reserve Banking!]
THIS is the secret of banking...but THEY aren't going to tell you, as you might withdraw your consent to contract ...and start contracting independently with a TAMS scheme....as a TAMS can do exactly the same lending against your POTENTIALLY LIMITLESS revenue stream.......because that is how banking works...like it or not

So, you choose to keep some fatcats living way, way' beyond their needs, or move on up yourself....


Try watching the videos in my original post again, and see if the penny drops....http://www.fmotl.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=71&t=7756

TAMS....the alternate monetary system....the main difference is, it would be owned by us....we could still borrow against our share input....for every £1000 paid in, the borrowing potential is 10x that amount, - £10,000.... interest/debt free!
Your small community of farmers could pay your wages directly to you for taking their kids to school, safely....and you could offset that by buying their produce....local economies don't need to pay to borrow DEBTS, which they pay for eventually anyway!! [see it happening all over in the false 'collapsed economy']
Keeping finance local saves money/energy/stress/taxes....but most importantly it means that neither you nor the farmers would be paying a private banking cartel so they can keep you enslaved, whilst they squander the money they got from you on fancy excesses like big houses in several countries, several holidays a year, lavish parties, and general opulence....they earn more in interest on the vast quantities of 'money' they transact in HOURS than many earn in a lifetime.....

The thing with getting TAMS started is it means WE have to do it...WE have to start by trusting each other and being honest and having integrity...because that is the missing ingredient, which is corrupting the whole shebang...and it needs critical mass - large numbers of people....it isn't going to work if just a few hundred people do it...though they could save themselves a lot of interest, and even make profit themselves from a local branch setup

The key to anything which is empowering, is, that it's not until you stop doing what hurts, that you realise the fact that you didn't NEED to do it...but were one of the sheeple like everyone else that did it

Lets face it...the puppy community IS radical!
We ARE outsiders from the great mass, so we already ARE adventurous....
So, is an alternate bank such a huge mindset leap to try to get your head around?

The only difference between us, as I see it, is outlook......I'm trying to encourage rather than discourage

Puppy works well enough for us to use it, but it's not perfect.....

If my encouragement doesn't work for you, just stop posting, .....please...in the same manner as if puppy doesn't do it for you, use another OS and forum - don't just wreck it for everyone else....

Aitch :)
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#50 Post by VK6FUN »

kicking my sandcastles down
buddhism taught me a few things


and why are you worrying about the atm or tax returns
well they have a habit of investigating you if you dont lodge one every year. they consider it their responsibility to the public, tracking down income and grabbing "the nation's lawful share" as the elected government likes to call it. any sudden change to your liquidity is "adjusted". ok i know the electoral system has resulted in a plutocracy but progress towards a more transparent funding system is coming about its just agonisingly slow.

tax law is a large and well studied tertiary curriculum subject. there are thousands of graduates every year a percentage of whom would have radical tendencies. there tends to be, i would further suggest, an equal number of radically evil graduates as radically good graduates. jails are full of tax cheats who thought they had simply discovered a brilliant new way to handle money.
Try watching the videos
my bandwidth and monthly data limit makes videos and googleearth etc a luxury. any unused monthly up/dl is for downloading a kernel source tree or a puppy iso

where i live there is no mobile voice service only text is possible. also infrastructure provider telstra can change things like transmitters etc without much warning.

anyway i see my duty is to make sure to ask some questions and looking under the mat etc

http://www.fsa.gov.uk/static/pages/doin ... l-bank.pdf

if you clearly flagged the topic LATERAL THINKING EXERCISE i would have taken a completely different standpoint.

grumpy vain avaricious jealous lazy horny greedy old bastard
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#51 Post by Aitch »

I sincerely believe you to be confusing negativity with impermanence
I never claimed my efforts would last forever....and I did not offer them to these pages in reverence of a traditional teaching...but then you did not come here offering respect to my offering, and Buddha is in everything, so you do him a disservice

The Chinese seem to have a similar misunderstanding of Buddhism, which you've maybe unconsciously adopted,
The beatings will continue, until morale improves!
http://artofthequote.org/images/taodo1a1.jpg [made clickable as it's too big1]
grumpy vain avaricious jealous lazy horny greedy old bastard
By choice, not nature....change is possible, but requires a little effort

Yes, tax statutes give misguided people the belief that the tax collectors are behaving lawfully, and that you, the human living soul have a legal obligation to pay taxes...this is a complete misunderstanding - any obligation is on 'a person', which you are not....hence my explanation in my previous post
No law has ever been passed requiring you to do that, in fact, since you like digging under the mat, dig for 'you are not a person' and 'contract to pay taxes'
[I doubt you ever made such contract, though very often humans are suckered into a strawman argument that makes them accept that fallacy!]
In any event, if you exchange goods and services instead of demanding 'money' for every transaction you make, you do not create a taxable income....so nothing to chase you for

Another thing you could look under the mat of, after 'birth certificate', is the difference between a de jure court [or government even] and a de facto one....as all disputes with government in a democracy result in a legal right of defence to any claim, in which common law rules, which puts an aware human in control - see opening title and P1

See also Black's Law Dictionary - for a definition of words used in law, or ask in any court procedure for an interpreter, as you only speak common language and don't understand legalese :wink:

Time to throw off the shackles!


For those who do have bandwidth, listen - there's no video, just a picture

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_L5RMAC- ... re=related

or watch this series

VK6FUN wrote:if you clearly flagged the topic LATERAL THINKING EXERCISE i would have taken a completely different standpoint.
Well, ....no excuse now that you've recognised it :wink:

"I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money, are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies."
Thomas Jefferson

Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation,
and I care not who makes its laws.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild
"He who cannot obey himself will be commanded. That is the nature of living creatures."
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzche

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#52 Post by greengeek »

Aitch wrote: In any event, if you exchange goods and services instead of demanding 'money' for every transaction you make, you do not create a taxable income....so nothing to chase you for
Aitch, I guess that must be true for your country, but not for all. In my country (NZ) the law states that you must pay tax even when receiving non-financial remuneration.

So if someone gives you a bottle of wine for fixing their computer you still have to declare it and file an annual return.

We have a massive problem here with people trying to get small businesses or even co-operatives off the ground and being ground into the dust by accounting laws. You even have to pay tax before you earn the money. Freedom is for the rich sometimes.

Setting free the creativity and energy of the average person is, in my view, one of the major battles we have to win somehow.
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#53 Post by VK6FUN »

my original question still hasn't got an answer.

are you a lawyer, aitch? can i ring you when i get arrested for fraud etc?
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#54 Post by Aitch »

... if i have a government approved superannuation scheme (compulsory in australia) wouldn't i be working against my own interests?
This question?


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superannua ... _Australia

The assets have grown consistently, but growth is down, with a BIG hole in it [where did that money go?]....does anyone give any written guarantee that it will be there when you retire? Do you have a contract to claim breach of, as part of your 'must pay' contribution, if it isn't, or is this just a faith arrangement?

What do you think you'd be working against by being part of an alternate scheme? - Your interests, or those who hold and manipulate the investment funds?
Losses to the superannuation funds from the global financial crisis have also been a cause for concern, said to be around $430 billion.[11]. Initial financial discussions determined that the Australian economy would be at risk if citizens were allowed to immediately access and withdraw Superannuation, further confirming the belief that mandatory Superannuation may not be a viable long term fiscal management tool. This was compounded by a lack of proper industry regulation, allegations of fraud and financial misconduct and a host of other issues currently plaguing the industry as a whole - "THOUSANDS of superannuation fund members defrauded in Trio Capital scandal"[12]
Against this...a people owned banking scheme, with no debt and interest free loans of 10 times the input - a potential pension scheme would be huge....how is that worse?
are you a lawyer, aitch? can i ring you when i get arrested for fraud etc?
Unless you intend to commit fraud, I wouldn't bother ringing....and if you do, I wouldn't bother ringing....empowerment requires individual responsibility....not looking at how to break things
'Do no harm and do unto others as you would wish to be done to you' is the essence of the long surviving common law, which we can still rely on
Maybe even you can figure out why....?

As I said, trust, honesty and integrity are missing ingredients from the old system

We have to put it there, not expect the corrupt to suddenly stop ripping us off, and drip feeding us the leftovers, and expecting us to be grateful....that's just another toxicity in our lives, poisoning our very existence leaving us feeling weak....if we allow it...
It's a matter of choices, that's all

PAIN <------------|------------> NO PAIN

Aitch :)

#55 Post by gcmartin »

@GreenGeek...I hope you didn't report that wine for your help. Shame on you should you have.

In several countries in the world, you are allowed to skip a select number of tax-years as long as you report for all the missing ones when you do report. Of course, each country would rather you didn't. Further, is several countries, should you skip and they owe you, they will kick in whatever interest they deem fair for allowing them to keep (use) your money during the years before reporting. BUT, should, when you report, you owe your country, the penalties for skipping is WILD!

ON another note
here seems to be lack of knowledge as to the base of what the Magna Carta started in Europe that would help in "translating" the meaning of this thread, at its outset.

So, politely, and you know who you are, "if you haven't seen The Corporation, you should. Then you'll better understand much of what is being shared for everyone's benefit.

Finally, it appears that some of this community are having problems making logical sense of this community, this area, and this thread.

I have already noticed that some are having a problem understanding what, even, the words "You have a message" means at the top of the screen. Oh well.

Cheers Everyone! An even if you're not Irish, toast them with a Beer on Saturday!
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#56 Post by Aitch »


My Zen advisor is reminding me it's time to get on with something else, since you seem to need more attention than I can offer
You could try a natural cure, like a good brisk walk, breathing deeply, or try a bit of street theatre...I'm told applause helps the condition, but best of all, is to leave a bedroom window open enough for fresh air to get in, but secured well enough to prevent the wife, children and dog from getting out..... :wink: :D

http://zenhabits.net/8-practical-tips-t ... -disorder/

also see

http://www.helpguide.org/mental/adhd_ad ... coping.htm

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#57 Post by VK6FUN »

oh well looks like thelawfulbank dot com will never be anything other than a lot of talk.

perhaps someone will be sufficiently motivated to produce some economic modelling, budgetting or "lawful accounting" software but i haven't seen any volunteers yet, and now that i have a better understanding of the proponents, it sure ain't gonna be me.

pity because such applications would never warrant any commercial interest and therefore must come from the open source community.

the level of discourse on this thread descended to name calling by one contributor, who has a rather fragile glass jaw, if you ask me.

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#58 Post by Aitch »

greengeek wrote:
Aitch wrote: In any event, if you exchange goods and services instead of demanding 'money' for every transaction you make, you do not create a taxable income....so nothing to chase you for
Aitch, I guess that must be true for your country, but not for all. In my country (NZ) the law states that you must pay tax even when receiving non-financial remuneration.

So if someone gives you a bottle of wine for fixing their computer you still have to declare it and file an annual return.

We have a massive problem here with people trying to get small businesses or even co-operatives off the ground and being ground into the dust by accounting laws. You even have to pay tax before you earn the money. Freedom is for the rich sometimes.

Setting free the creativity and energy of the average person is, in my view, one of the major battles we have to win somehow.
sorry, I overlooked this - I suggest consulting a probono lawyer and getting the statutory law enforcement challenged as it clearly is impinging needlessly on ordinary people's rights....which implies that some public officials are exceeding their authority.....which means they can be challenged lawfully



go to your library and get a copy of Black's Law Dictionary, and find some legal definitions of both your rights, and their legal limitations...it's quite enlightening when you see some legalese explained

Don't let the barstewards get you down :wink:

Pete - fragile? moi? :lol: :lol: pot, kettle, black! :wink:

Just who is resorting to name-calling and negativity in this thread is blatantly obvious
pity because such applications would never warrant any commercial interest and therefore must come from the open source community.

...which is why I raised the issue, and brought it to this forum - but you never can be certain about commercial interests...spank them often enough and they too, will rebel...

http://www.abeldanger.net/search/label/ ... y%20Reform

http://www.abeldanger.net/2011/12/ameri ... laves.html

If we make it a world repudiation and if we replace the withdrawn credit with social credit, it will not be the end. It will be the beginning. Recessions and economic scandals should never be. With Social Credit they won’t be ever again.
Looking a little deeeper shows that this website is a deceit in itself, as it promotes James Delingpole and Heartland Institute.....so BS filters needed! :lol: :lol:

This is a good read if you want to understand finance, corporations, government, law, and your relationship to them...

http://www.quintessentialpublications.c ... an/?p=2636
So essentially, our national government, our state governments, our municipalities, and we individual citizens have now been co-opted into a giant global Corporation Frankenstein, controlled by private banks. And the center of the international banking industry has always been, and still is, the sovereign City of London Corporation. It is they who assert ownership over our persons and property. Although this may chap our hides to think about it this way, the truth is that we have all unwittingly agreed to it. By responding to summons and demands made by the corporate government to the Straw Man, the Straw Man becomes reality, just as would a homunculus, golem, or servitor the first time it responded to the uttering of the name its creator had given it. And by responding that way, the servitor or straw man places itself in subordination to whoever summons it. Using Federal Reserve Notes, paying taxes, and receiving benefits from the government are all acts of subjugation.

In a way, a good portion of what’s accomplished with the creation of corporations, including governments, is separation of property from its actual owners in the eyes of the law, to shield them from taxes, regulation, and public scrutiny. Historically, monarchs and other sovereigns have used the magical power of their sovereignty to create imaginary realms or worlds in which things function by different rules, and then create a corporate entity to rule over it in his or her steed. Several tax havens have been created in the British Commonwealth using this process. The process was perfected in the late Middle Ages by the Knights Templar, the inventors of banking, who used the special sovereignty granted them by the Pope to turn all of their preceptories throughout Europe into such autonomous zones. So the real reason our government is now structured this way is to keep us from recognizing the illusion we are all locked into. It is a confusing maze that is meant to hypnotize you. As long as we all remain trapped in the illusion, our masters have magical power over us. But this can end if we all wake up.

Corporations are not inherently evil. It is an extension of the power given to children of Adam to have dominion over the Earth and the spirits, and to make contracts with whomever we choose. We have the right as men to form corporations, just as we have the right to create golems, servitors, and homunculi. But it is a severe perversion of the natural order for a privately-owned corporation to take over an entire government and then take ownership of its citizens. We must not allow our personhood to be subsumed by corporate entities owned by others.
A lawsuit begins, see http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=76830

Aitch :)
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