JoomlaOnPuppy Unbranded(Web-Server out of the box)

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JoomlaOnPuppy Unbranded(Web-Server out of the box)

#1 Post by Atle »

Due to publishing JoomlaOnPuppy on Joomla Extension website, I must except a lot of downloads. In the Joomla world it is normal to require a registration for a download. I do this as well, due to the file being 173mb and I will get complaints from my webhost if I go to far as in downloaded gigabytes from the site.

Yet I hope there is someone that can grab the file and host if for a direct download for Puppy users as this is normal in Puppyland.

Joomla is a very very large community and I got to be prepared for a thousands of downloads in a short time, or maybe none:-)

The new download link is here

Thanks to those that made this possible.

Please post any feedback here.
The reason for this release is FEEDBACK:-)

Last edited by Atle on Sat 07 Jul 2012, 16:05, edited 2 times in total.
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#2 Post by russoodle »

Hello Atle,

I think you have a very interesting concept here and i'm downloading your iso now.

It's quite a novel idea, AFAIK, to preinstall a CMS application such as Joomla into any OS, and i can't imagine that it's a very easy thing to do.

I wish you success with this project and i hope you receive a lot of support with your efforts.

Cheers :D
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How do to start joomla?

#3 Post by mikeslr »

Hi Atle,

I agree with russoodle that this is an interesting project. I'd add, perhaps an important one considering your target users.
I downloaded the iso and did a frugal install. Perhaps if I knew enough about joomla I'd be able to start it. But I don't. And I would guess your target audience won't be able to either.
There is no menu listing. Thinking that perhaps the arguments in the desktop file were wrong I checked applications. No joomla.desktop file. Typing joomla in console produced "bad command." pfind locates a joomla folder with many binary files at usr/local/var. Browsing to it revealed a mysql folder, which having played with Wordpress and SFM I suspect would be required by joomla.

Then I noticed that your last post was in September. If you're interested in reviving this project, I'm certain that I'm not the only one on the Puppy Linux Forum who would be willing to help. Just repost with "Help Needed" in your posts heading.

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#4 Post by Atle »

Hi Mikeslr

I think if you retry your frugal install and simply hit the "home" button in your Firefox that is preinstalled, your in your Joomla right away...

The path is http://localhost/joomla/

For administrator is the same, but also /administrator

Password is woofwoof, but I think Firefox has that saved for you.

Can you try that?

Thanks for downloading and trying.

You know.... Joomla is running from the webserver that starts from boot.

But I like the idea of making a desktop icon or a menu item out of it, as this is meant to finally serve those that really starts from scratch, so thinking of all possibilities of misunderstandings are a part of the development.

This is like a feedback release before i make it official in the Joomla extension as a competitor to ALL :shock: of the Joomla Stand Alone Servers

So I trust in Puppy as a platform to WIPE the others as platform and hopefully get some synergy as new users and merging of interests :roll:

Lets see if rain or anything else comes along so I can make the custom Wallpaper and the logo.16 in and its ready to roll...

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joomla > start firefox

#5 Post by mikeslr »

Hi Atle,

Sorry about the delay. Joomla wasn't on my radar, i.e., threads I read daily. Just thought about it, read your above post, and edited Grub4dos to replace precise with joomla. (Precise is just too early in development for me to be much use). I'll boot into joomla later and report back.

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Login not effective Joomla Alpha ISO

#6 Post by dennis-slacko531 »

I've been at this for five hours. I did get to the Admin page like so...

But no matter what you enter for user & password, no go.
I tried USER root
with PSWD woofwoof

Here's what's returned: Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet.

If I try the first user name I gave it five hours ago, SAME ERROR MSG.
I guess I need to read more. (sh*t)!!!
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#7 Post by raffy »

There is a discussion here:
The password is stored in the MySQL database jos_users table password field. (change this for your table prefix if different)

Use a MySQL utility such as phpMyAdmin or MySQL Query Browser to edit this field. Open the table, find your admin username, and then select that row for editing. The password must be hashed (MD5), you cannot simply enter text into this field.

Set the password to a known value eg: - admin = 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3

For woofwoof, the md5 hash is
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#8 Post by Atle »

Hi dennis-slacko531...

I think the username for the Joomla is admin and password is woofwoof.

Actually, as by default the superuser account of Joomla is admin during innstallation.
I will have some time for double checking this info later on today. If I do not remember wrong, this information is present at /localhost/joomla at the frontpage there...

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Username was admin -- Joomla working now.

#9 Post by dennis-slacko531 »

Hey thanks for that (admin). Joomla looks alright. I'll be learning it.
I inserted a sample PNG (bananas of course) if I can post it here.
(191.8 KiB) Downloaded 435 times
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