Dpup Exprimo 5.X. SMP multicore optimized version

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#981 Post by pemasu »

Thank you Shinobar of your feedback.
About Safe Mode disabling features. nodma nopcmcia does not work for me either. Of course there is reason why it does not work....but I do not know it. It might be kernel configuration which coulde be tested by testing other 3.X kernel booting. But it is shooting to the dark.
Meanwhile I will remove those choices.

Your menu.lst update suggestions. I do like that one page menu.lst more. I will update into it.
Acer laptops and possibly others has restore partition and the Windows choice finds the restore partition /bootmgr
If you install the real OS with included installer....(hd0,1)/bootmgr is the real win7 OS partittion
And you cant have usb hdd attached and configured to be bootable before laptop hdd.

So...it might be good idea...maybe....to have that choice there also. Otherwise some people might be confused when the grldr boots restore partition which offers you to create factory default installation to your win 7 OS partition.

It is nice boot choice when you do want to do that....but it really can confuse. Or...if there is other mechanism to inspect...when there is several bootmgr installed in hdd. In acer laptop the factory setup creates them to the restore partition hd(0,0) and for real OS partition hd(0,1)

About PLANG. Barry K posted today that he will upload soon updated 3builddistro which might have cure for locale persistence when you choose us_US.UTF-8 as default locale. And he has already uploaded updated quicksetup and lang2initrd. I am not sure if this kind locale persistence mechanism is good. The read only media users dont have possibility to update initrd.gz....at least without manual hacking. Which could be nice adventure to new users....lol...
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#982 Post by charlie6 »

Hi Pemasu,

Here have edited the boot/grub/menu.lst with pfix=ram to boot in ram.
Here, this does not work if there are already existing squeezesaveMY_NAME.4fs files present into the /home directory.

Here have to rename the squeezesave files (for onstance XsqueezesaveMY_NAME.4fs) so that they are ignored at pristine boot up.

Cheers, Charlie
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#983 Post by pemasu »

pfix=ram should work.
The right syntax for extra savefiles is: squeezesave-xxxxnamexxx.4fs
I havent ever had problems with pfix=ram option.
if you have same named puppy folders in different partitiion...that can cause problems. Use unique name for each frugal puppy folder or pdev1 boot time parameter to guide the loader to the right partition.
I would need more info about your unsuccesful usage of menu.lst. Copy of unsuccesful menu.lst would help debugging.
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#984 Post by pemasu »

Dpup Exprimo 5.X. has been reuploaded with fully working menu.lst for Live CD. No other changes.
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#985 Post by jim3630 »

5.X. frugal install to ext4 hdd pfix=ram.

only issue is firefox when reopen gives error msg ff is already running.
has done this after couple of reboots. of course, no other ff is open
but taskmanager does show one open. killing it in taskmanager allows
open ff from menu again.
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#986 Post by Tman »

jim3630 wrote: only issue is firefox when reopen gives error msg ff is already running.
Jim, try modifying /usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser to the following:

Code: Select all

yaf-splash -bg red -fg white -placement center -timeout 2 -text "loading.." &
killall firefox 2> /dev/null
sleep 0.3
exec /usr/lib/firefox/run-mozilla.sh /usr/lib/firefox/firefox "$@"
And then create an icon entry for defaultbrowser, or just type it in the terminal.
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#987 Post by jim3630 »

Tman wrote:
jim3630 wrote: only issue is firefox when reopen gives error msg ff is already running.
Jim, try modifying /usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser to the following:

Code: Select all

yaf-splash -bg red -fg white -placement center -timeout 2 -text "loading.." &
killall firefox 2> /dev/null
sleep 0.3
exec /usr/lib/firefox/run-mozilla.sh /usr/lib/firefox/firefox "$@"
And then create an icon entry for defaultbrowser, or just type it in the terminal.
Tman thanks for the help. on this startup of ff and closing problem is gone.
this has happened in the past with other pups but don't recall why occurred.
will keep your fix saved away.
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#988 Post by jakfish »

Hi, pemasu--

Just tried out *.10.3, and it's looking good:

1) getflash works, and without the annoying reminders

2) in previous dpup versions, after setting timezone, etc, I used to get a prompt to restart X. I don't now--is that right, there is no need to restart X?

3) from exprimo repo, downloaded and installed .5 bluetooth pet without problem

4) fn volume control on S10-3t is fixed, with on-screen volume scale

5) no more prompt about setting up pupsave file until actual shut-down; I like that, too

6) my xorg.conf reconfiguration to get working ClickPad and touchscreen still functions

7) as usual, dpup exprimo found my router and broadcom internal wifi, and WEP setup went fine

A couple of things:

1) your bluetooth start-up file (that lives in /root/Startup) is missing

2) when I downloaded .5 bluetooth pet, for the first time in my dpup try-outs, it warned me of copying over libs. I knew I needed .5, so I went ahead and installed. But the file is necessary, and you don't want t to scare off new users and bluetooth. Maybe this pet should come pre-installed

3) fn brightness works, but with no on-screen scale (similar to volume control). I don't mind, but is a file missing (the way volup, etc was missing from previous version)?

I hadn't realized that Racy 5.2.2 had a 3.07 kernel, so I tried that out. Racy saw my router, but couldn't connect, nor was the ClickPad fully functioning. My xorg re-config crashed Racy.

So this dpup is the real thing for my particular hardware.

Many thanks, once more,
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Shutdown without mouse

#989 Post by shinobar »

Strange for me, the PupShutdown does not accept keyboard.
I pressed the power-button, the PupShutdown dialog arises, but it cannot be managed by the keyboard.
I suppose it is not safe considering the case we loose the mouse or the display. There is no way to shutdown unless the hard power-off.
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#990 Post by pemasu »

Shinobar. That Pupshutdown problem needs fixing. Thanks.
I am atm in Polarpup...probably whole this evening. I am considerating to update Polarpup a little. Just compiled Qupzilla in it and testing it now.
But I will back with Dpup Exprimo tomorrow...I just have too much stuff around to reboot.
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#991 Post by don570 »

User review

I got great results with the following :lol:

I tested squeeze-5.X.
with Charlie6's xf86-input-k.3.2.11-wacom-0.14.0.pet
that I got from Murga wacom thread
and the Wacom Bamboo tablet

.... and it worked beautifully!!

I didn't have the problems that I experience with Lucid Puppy.

i.e. not problems with a black screen when I make a Pupsave file
and there was no persistency problems.
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#992 Post by don570 »

Note to pemasu:

Barry Kauler puts a link called usr/bin/nicoedit in his recent puppies.

I think he does it just in case there is a script that
needs nicoedit.
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#993 Post by pemasu »

Thanks don570. I havent encountered so far problems, but I can put symlink to point to leafpad.
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#994 Post by pemasu »

1) your bluetooth start-up file (that lives in /root/Startup) is missing
Bluetooth starting file is and has been in /etc/init.d...do you mean something else ?
2) when I downloaded .5 bluetooth pet, for the first time in my dpup try-outs, it warned me of copying over libs. I knew I needed .5, so I went ahead and installed. But the file is necessary, and you don't want to scare off new users and bluetooth. Maybe this pet should come pre-installed
I believe the pet really overwrites some existing files. It has been packaged and tested by stu90. I dont have working bluetooth system so I cant much test it. Of course I could inspect the overlapping files but...if it works...
3) fn brightness works, but with no on-screen scale (similar to volume control). I don't mind, but is a file missing (the way volup, etc was missing from previous version)?
I believe Jemimah could answer better to that problem. You could pm her ? And if you get working solution...please post the procedure here.
I hadn't realized that Racy 5.2.2 had a 3.07 kernel, so I tried that out. Racy saw my router, but couldn't connect, nor was the ClickPad fully functioning. My xorg re-config crashed Racy.
Well...that is the best part of puppy land. You can find working solution from other puppy. There is so many kind hardware and needs that several puppies complements each other...There is official Puppies for older hardware and so on... I cant much use Racy because the xorg does not like my touchpad. The same problem with Saluki and also with Precise Pangolin...which has Barrys compiled xorg-server:
There were some issues, such as the xorg-server segfaulting, so I recompiled it, used version 1.11.4 instead of 1.11.3 used by Ubuntu.
Somewhere in this compile happened the same kind intolerance to my touchpad which affects Racy and Saluki. So...I stick with Dpup. It supports my hw perfectly.

Great news is that Barry K has returned to use aufs. So...it ensures the support to the aufs in Barrys woof and his builds. Slacko and Dpup have been examples using aufs all the time. Well...Slacko tested unionfs for awhile. I did one compile and got weird errors...didnt like it at all.
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#995 Post by pemasu »

Strange for me, the PupShutdown does not accept keyboard.
I pressed the power-button, the PupShutdown dialog arises, but it cannot be managed by the keyboard.
It seems to be gtk-theme related..whether you see the changing selected box or not. Nodoka themes shows the selected box alright. Aurora doesnt. So....it might be better to change the default theme for next version...sniff...
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Re: Shutdown without mouse

#996 Post by radky »

shinobar wrote:Strange for me, the PupShutdown does not accept keyboard.
I pressed the power-button, the PupShutdown dialog arises, but it cannot be managed by the keyboard.
-Added keyboard shortcuts for the eight standard shutdown options: Alt+P (Power-Off), Alt+R (Reboot), Alt+L (Log-Out), Alt+S (Lock Screen), Alt+X (Restart X), Alt+W (Restart WM), Alt+T (Manage Task) and Alt+F (Backup Files). Thanks shinobar.

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Re: Shutdown without mouse

#997 Post by shinobar »

pemasu wrote:It seems to be gtk-theme related..whether you see the changing selected box or not. Nodoka themes shows the selected box alright. Aurora doesnt.
radky wrote:PupShutdown-1.8.1
-Added keyboard shortcuts for the eight standard shutdown options: Alt+P (Power-Off), Alt+R (Reboot), Alt+L (Log-Out), Alt+S (Lock Screen), Alt+X (Restart X), Alt+W (Restart WM), Alt+T (Manage Task) and Alt+F (Backup Files).
Great. Both works fine. With keyboard:
[F12] >> [↑] >> [Enter] (Nodoka theme)
[F12] >> [↑] >> [Alt][P] (PupShutdown-1.8.1)

But still i propose another solution for the case we loose mouse and keyboard, or the display. Or for the keyboard-less systems.
I made a timeout feature against radky's PupShutdown. It goes to power off if no replay for 60 seconds. This timeout behavior is only when the PupShutdown is launched by the power button thanks to the acpid. Eternal wait (normal behavior) if the PupShutdown is launched from the menu.

Attached my proposal. It requires thePupShutdown and the acpid. Contains 3 files, /etc/acpi/actions/acpi_poweroff.sh, /usr/bin/wmpoweroff, and /usr/local/PupShutdown/PupShutdown.
EDIT: UPDATED 14:19:09 4 Apr 2012
EDIT: UPDATED 5 Apr 2012 http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 422#617422
Last edited by shinobar on Thu 05 Apr 2012, 14:27, edited 3 times in total.
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#998 Post by pemasu »

Thanks Shinobar. I will test. We will get also improved Aurora theme with better visualization of selected button.
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acpi_poweroff.sh updated

#999 Post by shinobar »

pemasu wrote:Thanks Shinobar. I will test.
Updated the pet (timestamp 14:19:09). Only the file /etc/acpi/actions/acpi_poweroff.sh to be configurable the behavior.
# Patriot Jan 2009 for Puppy Linux 4.1.1 GPL
# Revision 0.0.6
# 13sep09 dialogbox by shinobar
# 4nov09 TIMELIMIT 30sec
# 26dec09 wmpoweroff, adjustable less than 10sec.
# 4apr2012 shinobar: PupShutdown with time limit
TIMELIMIT=60 # in second, 0: eternal wait, negatives: skip dialog

[ -f "$SOUND" ] && which $(basename $PLAY) >/dev/null && $(basename $PLAY) "$SOUND"

#echo "DISPLAY=$DISPLAY" >> /root/acpi.log
X_pid=`ps ax | awk '{if (match($5, "X$") || $5 == "X") print $1}'`
if [ "$X_pid" != "" ]; then
#if [ "$DISPLAY" != "" ]; then
[ $TIMELIMIT -ge 0 ] && [ -x /usr/local/PupShutdown/PupShutdown ] && P="/usr/local/PupShutdown/PupShutdown $TIMELIMIT"
[ "$P" = "" ] && P=wmpoweroff
exec $P
Skipping the dialog is preferable for the keyboard-less systems. I frequently use Puppy for the keyboard-less monitoring systems in manufacturing factories. Boot from USB flash, no HDD, and no saving back thanks to the pupsaveconfig.
Last edited by shinobar on Wed 04 Apr 2012, 05:55, edited 2 times in total.
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#1000 Post by jakfish »

Hi, pemasu,

Regarding the missing bluetooth file--it's an sh called "bluetooth" in /root/Startup. It's basically a kill-all file, with a bt restart, and then obexd setup for file transfer.

I think it's needed, or at least, I wasn't able to get bt working until I put it /root/Startup

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