pMusic 6.0.0

Audio editors, music players, video players, burning software, etc.
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#1141 Post by zigbert »

I have updated the faq.

It is far from perfect, but I spend some time since some aspects was old or missed.

Also started to get down some thoughts of how Pmusic actually works.
How does it work?

It is no secret that Pmusic acts slower than many players. This because it is built of slow libraries (Bash, ffmpeg and gtkdialog). This gives some challenges when it comes to gui solutions and speed. One thing to mention is that Pmusic is strictly playlist-based, which means you can only play a song added to playlist. You can not start a song from ie. the 'Music-Source' field, bookmarks or from the album list in 'Track-info'. The song must be added to the playlist before played.

Keeping us strictly to the playlist-based model, we can manage huge music-collection in a snappy way. As there are many options combined to the slower playlist, the Music-Source list is simple and fast. Here you can render 20000 items in a blink of an eye. The best workflow is therefor to do as much as possible in the Music-Source list.

In contrast to many new players that focus on audio-streaming and the cloud, Pmusic offers options to build up you local collection. This includes storing lyrics and albumart found on the web, as well as grabbing tracks from your favorite radio-stations.

Pmusic offers a wide range of track info for the playing song. By default this info is not built in the main gui as known in other great players. One of the main targets of Pmusic is to be an easy player, and many (most?) users want the player to ... yepp... play. The track info is therefor separated from the rest in an unique module. Still easy reachable, - only one click away. Also, the track info module can be embedded into the main gui as done in the 'Wings' frontend.
This could be a lot more...

any thoughts?
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#1142 Post by zigbert »

Version 2.5.3
See main post

- Albumart/lyrics
- Move lyrics/albumart settings to preferences.
- Show source of albumart/lyrics.
- Option to save albumart.
- New builtin command in masstagger: CLEAR
- Updated FAQ.
- New icon for larger resolution.
- Updated credits in the about window.
- Moved Refresh-button in trackinfo from tab to main widget.
- Bugfix: Lyrics from missed last line (thanks to robwoj44)
- Bugfix: At firstrun using ie 'pmusic --version', it plays "Hoovers" hidden. (thanks to linuxcbon)
- Bugfix: window-icon in alternative-meta-info heading.
- Bugfix: Do not use local lyrics/albumart if not activated in preferences.
- Bugfix: fails when offering translated lyrics in separate coloumn.
- Bugfix: Terminal error when playing url and radio-index is missing. (thanks to sheldonisaac)
- Bugfix: If language is set to auto, keep it auto. This is required if user installs langpack.
- Bugfix: Terminal output.
- NLS: Added: LOC_REFRESH, ALBUMART, 850, 851
- NLS: Changed: LOC258, 666, 680, 901
- NLS: Removed: LOC681, 682, 691, 692
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#1143 Post by linuxcbon »

I have the same error with local files :

Code: Select all

Filename: tailtoddle_lo.mp3
Path: /root
Size: 352K (352256)

Length: 00:01:28.06 
Audio format:  Audio
Samplerate (hz):  Audio
Channels:  Audio
Bitrate (bits/sec):  Audio
This is with racy 5.2.90
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#1144 Post by Dougal »

zigbert wrote:I have updated the faq.
So... why do I need to enter username+password in order to read the FAQ? (ahem)
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#1145 Post by zigbert »

linuxcbon wrote:I have the same error with local files :

Code: Select all

Filename: tailtoddle_lo.mp3
Path: /root
Size: 352K (352256)

Length: 00:01:28.06 
Audio format:  Audio
Samplerate (hz):  Audio
Channels:  Audio
Bitrate (bits/sec):  Audio
This is with racy 5.2.90
I have put this onto the todo-list, and will check out....

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#1146 Post by zigbert »

Dougal wrote:
zigbert wrote:I have updated the faq.
So... why do I need to enter username+password in order to read the FAQ? (ahem)
Ahem.... No username/password required if connecting from help-menu in Pmusic - which is the only known way for the users. The link from the forum was for the nerds. :)

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#1147 Post by oldyeller »

Hi zigbert,

How do I remove the feed for Hoover, or any feeds that I no longer want?

Thanks oldyeller
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#1148 Post by zigbert »

You can
- open a new playlist. Either from menu or with the clear-button
- Right-click on the track/feed/stream in the playlist, and you get a menu with different options
- Simply click on the feed with the mid-mouse-button. This is the shortest way to remove an item in the playlist.

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#1149 Post by oldyeller »

Hi zigbert

Will do

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#1150 Post by don570 »

Version 2.5.3 works well with pemasu's Exprimo

Puppy clock just barks once when the alarm goes off.:lol:
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#1151 Post by zigbert »

My work with Pmount gave me an introduction to svg in gtkdialog. This will lead to a 'better' look for Pmusic without adding many kb.

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#1152 Post by zigbert »

Vector graphics continue to creep into Pmusic.
This screenshot (probably) shows the default look for next release - if no protest.
The pet will increase with about 10kb :shock:
- desktop icon
- Rewritten Nad theme included (as shown in screenshot)
- The Default theme will also be available
- splashes, headings, logo, ...
- General improvements and bugfixes

Still a lot more to do....
If anyone wants to share their designer-ideas, I can upload a test-pet...

... or if anyone wants to do some work on the Wings frontend. I feel a bit unsure how to move it further. I don't use it, so I have no hard opinions on that one...

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#1153 Post by zigbert »

Working on how to really take benefit of the gtk-theme (not just the look). I want the first that meets a new user should be clean and understandable.... ???? Pmusic is meant for both the newbie and the freak.

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#1154 Post by zigbert »

I have made some work on the Export feature. If you plan to do some testing, you might want to include your requests as well?
- save settings
- user-defined numbering

Note that the attached Pmusic is not a stable release.

(104.83 KiB) Downloaded 307 times
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#1155 Post by Flash »

Okay, thanks. I just checked out another audio book. I'll try this out on it. :)

I downloaded the Pmusic 2.5.4 .pet from your last post and installed it in Racy Puppy The installation seemed to go without complaints. However when I clicked Menu -> Multimedia -> Pmusic, The GUI looked the same as always. I couldn't find which version of Pmusic I was looking at. Would it be possible to put the version number in the title bar at the top of the window, right after the name Pmusic?

I went ahead and tried to convert a CD anyway with the Pmusic that opened, but nothing happened. I suppose that installing the new version of Pmusic messed up the old one. Not to worry, I'm running Puppy from a multisession DVD. I'll just reboot without saving.

If it's any help, here are the results of a quick test I did a few days ago, comparing Pmusic, Pcdripper and Asunder:

I converted the same CD to mp3 with each one. Though I couldn't always tell what the mp3 settings were, I tried for 32 kbps mono.

Pmusic: took >5 minutes and the result of converting all the tracks on the CD totaled 16 MB
Pcdripper, using icedax, VBR, minimum quality: took >5 minutes and the result was 13 MB
Pcdripper, using cdparanoia, 32 kbps constant bit rate: took >6 minutes and the result was 16 MB
Asunder @ 32 kbps constant bit rate: took ~3 minutes and the result was 16 MB
Asunder @ 64 kbps VBR: took <3 minutes and the result was 18 MB, probably stereo, but I can't say for sure. mhWaveEdit says 22050 Hz, 16 bit, 2 tracks (which I presume is stereo.) None of the media players in my Puppy show the particulars about the file that is playing (stereo, bit rate, etc.) Gxine used to, but I can't get it to work any more.

Note that Asunder only took 3 minutes to rip and convert the whole CD. It ripped continuously until the CD was done. Sometimes Pcdripper will do that but this time it stopped ripping after each track and waited for the mp3 conversion to finish before starting to rip the next track. So did Pmusic. When Pcdripper rips continuously, it too takes only about 3 minutes to rip and convert a whole CD.
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#1156 Post by zigbert »

Version is showed in Menu>About or by running pmusic -v in terminal

Oh, it could be issues with the attached pet....
.... But if I got you right, Pmusic ripped the CD in the format you liked?

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#1157 Post by zigbert »

Version 2.6.0
See main post

- Export
. . . Keep settings for output stream. (thanks to Flash)
. . . User-defined 1. number in 'Add numbering'. (thanks to Flash)
. . . Add numbering for cd-rip. (thanks to Flash)
. . . Removed 'Bookmark target dir' option.
. . . More explanations in tooltips and info-box
. . . Bugfix: No place to set filename for CD-rip when playlist is a mix of files/cd-tracks
- My Music
. . . Store filter-settings in /rcindex for next run.
. . . Hotkey CTRL+m for open 'My music' window.
. . . Bugfix: .album-files are sorted alphabetically, not by track order.
. . . Bugfix: Doesn't include .album-files in index_all during index-build.
. . . Bugfix: 'Update only recent' doesn't delete old existing item in index-file.
. . . Bugfix: Scaling window.
- If source for some reason won't play, skip to next track in playlist after 5 sec error message.
- Svg-logo. /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/pmusic
- Show name of playing song big and clear (svg). Statusbar now shows full path.
- Pmusic header in external windows.
- Themes
. . . Theme is extended with text color definition in themerc
. . . Gtk-classes for search/lyrics/...
. . . Unique gtkrc for main window and splash-box.
. . . Pet includes 2 themes.
. . . Gtk will look like the active (global) gtk-theme.
. . . Nad4 is made espesially for making Pmusic feel good.
. . . No prelight in music-source <table>-header. These are not clickable.
. . . Info/radio-stream icons in main window is now svg --> crystal sharp.
. . . Bugfix: Gtk won't reset to original gtk-theme in Slacko if THEME_ALL_DIALOGS=false (themerc).
. . . Bugfix: Some external windows didn't react on settings in themerc.
. . . Bugfix: Reset gtk-theme when open web-browser via trackinfo/preferences/about window.
- Delete-button in trackinfo tag-entries.
- Reorganized Manager frontend.
- New menuitem 'Quit and save geometry'.
- Show new tracks in playlist WHILE importing m3u ('Add all' / 'Add random').
- Move locales to /usr/share/locale/. Still supporting old model.
- Show Pmusic-logo when not detected albumart in trackinfo window.
- Show logo in splash-box.
- Search-option-box via search-field now uses gtkrc_splash for better framing.
- Move 22x22 icon to /usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/pmusic.png.
- Remove $HOME/.pmusic/tmp directory at version upgrade.
- Add Pmusic to Rox globicons during install. --> Works also as icon on the desktop.
- Hotkey ctrl+o for show overview in source-list.
- WebMusic
. . . Jamendo index file-format is heavily shrinked.
. . . Jamendo index is updated.
. . . Bugfix: Browse webmusic when more than 1 index file is present.
. . . Bugfix: Browse jamendo from menu doesn't work. Works from overview.
. . . Bugfix: Add stream with timestamp to playlist.
- New parameter '--reset'. Start Pmusic like a fresh install, but keep personal settings.
- Generated_playlists are moved to $HOME/.pmusic/.
- Updated radiostation-index.
- New About-dialog
- New icon for 'about' (in menu).
- Bugfix: 'Please wait' in progress-splash-box was hardcoded to english.
- Bugfix: Playlist length shows 00:00 at first run.
- Bugfix: Trackinfo-button in LowPowered frontend missed tooltip-text.
- Bugfix: Run Trackinfo window as background process in LowPowered frontend.
- Bugfix: Scaling Preferences window.
- Bugfix: Quit from menu doesn't stop music.
- Bugfix: Rating gets deleted if reaching min/max.
- NLS: Added: LOC_PLEASEWAIT, LOC_STREAM, 109, 114, 174, 251, 2913, 719, 726
- NLS: Changed: LOC116, 288, 2912, 490, 495, 631, 708, 903
- NLS: Removed: LOC289, 290, 670, 671, 720
- FAQ: How can I control Pmusic by hotkeys?
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#1158 Post by 01micko »

Nice! Only issues so far is that there is a circular link to the pmusic22.png icon, easy fix for me, and the splash screen when switching between manager and wings is an empty window.
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#1159 Post by zigbert »

Will have to check it out on a fresh Puppy. Can't see the issues here.

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#1160 Post by Flash »

Sigmund, I've tried the new Pmusic 2.6.0, I just haven't had time to write up a report. Here's a short one:

The .pet replaced the old version of Pmusic and started up when I clicked Pmusic in the menu. I noticed that the GUI now shows the version number. Thanks. :)

I found the black-on-dark grey motif so hard to make out that I tried to change it. Noticing that the drop-down menu for View had a Classic option, I clicked it thinking it might have a white background. Not only did it have the same dark grey background but now I couldn't find a way to get back to the original view.

So I went ahead with it, squinting and peering at the screen. :)

First, Pmusic took over 8 minutes to rip a CD and convert it to 32 kbps mono mp3; much slower than my tests of any of the alternatives :( While Pmusic does save the export settings, it takes me an awfully long time to navigate back to the export window after changing the CD to the next one.

Numbering the mp3 files doesn't work quite right I think. For the first CD, I entered a "1" in the "Add numbering to keep sort order" box. The result was files numbered 0001_1,mp3; 0002_2.mp3; ... 0022.22.mp3 (That particular CD had 22 tracks.) For the second CD, I entered a "2" in the "Add numbering to keep sort order" box. The second CD had 23 tracks. The result was files numbered 0002_1.mp3; 0003_2.mp3; ... 0024_23.mp3. I don't really care how they are numbered as long as I can put the files from all the CDs that make up a book into one directory and they will stay in the correct order. I have a script that renumbers them the way I like, as long as they are in the correct order to start with.

Finally, Pmusic gives no notification when it's done ripping a CD. Pcdripper slides the tray out and barks. :lol:
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