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#2441 Post by shevan »

pcsxr works fine

Saluki becomes much better with every day. Thanks!
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Re: PPM; search pet descriptions too

#2442 Post by jemimah »

mavrothal wrote: Would allow searches for "text editor" "sound plugin" "media player" etc and should not effcet the basic function
Any shortcomings?

Ideally you could have 2 search fields one for pet names only and one for description (like other package managers).
This would mess up the layout though unless the "find pet" button is a drop down menu (search name-search names and descriptions. A la synaptics)
We can do something like that when it's possible to search for something and get too many results. There's just not enough pets right now to warrant more complexity.
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#2443 Post by jemimah »

aarf wrote:network status doesn't do anything. using wifi only.
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Re: sfs_load-1.9.1

#2444 Post by jemimah »

shinobar wrote:
jemimah wrote:How stable are the other new features in 1.9? I'm hoping the next release or so will be a final and I'm unsure if I should upgrade or stick with my patched 1.3.
Yeh, sfs_load-1.3 + your patch works nicely. But the sfs_load-1.3, due to its another bug, may consume loop devices rapidly in some case.

Code: Select all

# losetup
/dev/loop0: 0 /mnt/tmpfs/puppy_squeeze_5.X.3.2.14.sfs
/dev/loop1: 0 /mnt/sda3/poedit-1.4.2-4.sfs
/dev/loop2: 0 /mnt/sda3/jre-1.6.31-1.sfs
/dev/loop3: 0 /mnt/sda3/gimp-2.6.11-squeeze-2.sfs
/dev/loop4: 0 /mnt/sda3/gimp-2.6.11-squeeze-2.sfs
/dev/loop5: 0 /mnt/sda3/gimp-2.6.11-squeeze-2.sfs
/dev/loop6: 0 /mnt/sda3/jre-1.6.31-1.sfs
It is not easy to reproduce...:
  1. Load sfs1, sfs2, sfs3.
  2. Unload sfs1, sfs2 (keep sfs3), then load again sfs2 and sfs1.
  3. And so on, with multiple sfs's.
Tested sfs_load-1.3 with jemimah's patch on the pemasu's dpup exprmo with 3.2.14 kernel.

The sfs_load-1.9.1 does minimize the loop device consumptions due to the duplication seen above. (Not perfect. Anyway, it is like the Mad Tea Party.) :lol:
Ok. I will go with 1.9 in the next release.

#2445 Post by gcmartin »

This question is solely about the Custom Builder's use
I want to "Master" a new version of Saluki with all of the system features of the original ISO AND the 3 PETs that are in a file-system folder.

I have a running Saluki booted from Live media. It has installed PETs from the Saluki Repo. The 3 PETs; namely JRE, SAMBA 5.12 and Seamonkey 2.7.2-Saluki were download into a separate folder. They were installed. The PC was rebooted, allowing the system to save the session to the multi-session CD. Upon reboot, the system was checked to insure that the 3 packages were operational.

When custom building the system, it will be running off-line (i.e. no connection to the Internet)!

Can the Saluki Custom Builder be used to create a Master of Saluki and the 3 PETs in a folder, while off-line?

Thanks in advance for all of your good work for us

Custom Builder loop

#2446 Post by gcmartin »

On Custom Builder

If I have a folder mounted on a LAN resource, that contains 2 PETs and 1 SFS, the Builder is hanging when it attempts to handle the SFS in the folder. It goes into a never-ending loop. When viewing the folder after killing the Custom Builder, I see a folder for the SFS it was working on. Subsequent restarting of the Custom Builder, I need to sequentially progress to the same point ONLY to have the save thing re-occur. I have also allowed it to run for several hours and it never progresses tothe expected next step.

Hope this helps
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#2447 Post by DaveS »

Is the re-mastering system used in Saluki REALLY an advance?
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#2448 Post by Jim1911 »

DaveS wrote:Is the re-mastering system used in Saluki REALLY an advance?
IMO, yes, it's faster and more flexible as well as being easy to use.
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#2449 Post by jemimah »

gcmartin wrote:This question is solely about the Custom Builder's use
I want to "Master" a new version of Saluki with all of the system features of the original ISO AND the 3 PETs that are in a file-system folder.

I have a running Saluki booted from Live media. It has installed PETs from the Saluki Repo. The 3 PETs; namely JRE, SAMBA 5.12 and Seamonkey 2.7.2-Saluki were download into a separate folder. They were installed. The PC was rebooted, allowing the system to save the session to the multi-session CD. Upon reboot, the system was checked to insure that the 3 packages were operational.

When custom building the system, it will be running off-line (i.e. no connection to the Internet)!

Can the Saluki Custom Builder be used to create a Master of Saluki and the 3 PETs in a folder, while off-line?

Thanks in advance for all of your good work for us
Custom builder is not a remastering tool. It wipes every application from the system and starts fresh. (Think of it as woof-lite). So you need to get pets to feed it from somewhere. If you only give it 3 pets, than you'll end up with a system with only 3 applications.

There is a traditional remastering tool in the repo, you might want to use that if all you need is to add a few things.

#2450 Post by gcmartin »

jemimah wrote: ... Custom builder is not a remastering tool. It wipes every application from the system and starts fresh. (Think of it as woof-lite). So you need to get pets to feed it from somewhere. I...
OK, I now understand that. From looking at the manner of its User Interface and structure, it appears (almost) identical in its approach for the Remaster tool.

Maybe in the future, a single, expandalbe-retractable screen for generation can differenciate the Custom Builder screen's similarity with the Remaster approach. Maybe even having an option for a configuration file.

NOW, for my next question
Let's suppose that I have Saluki runnig. And, let's suppose I want to make my own version of Saluki. Is there a "bucket of Saluki PETs" which can be used as a jump start for recreating a Saluki?

How would one do this?

Thanks in advance
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#2451 Post by jemimah »

That's what the downloader does. It tells you what's in the current adrive and you can pick the pets you want in your bucket and then it downloads them. After you run it once, just hang onto the pets - you don't need to download them again.

#2452 Post by gcmartin »

Thanks @Jemimah

I sent you a PM iwth an important question. Hope you understand what it is trying to get at, regarding Saluki=Custom Builder.

If I understand you, the Custom Builder is going to guide me that it wants the A-Drive and it will combine the requests from the A-Drive contents with the folder that I have my 3 PETs in, and will build me a brand-new ISO that is Saluki-like with the 3 additional PETS.

Further, as I understand it, the tool will do this faster than if I had attempted navigation using the Remaster tool (which also I have run into problems where it is troublesome with certain packages that are running in the system I full recognize that this is NOT a Sauki problem asI have had the same-similar remaster issues for 2 years.)

Am I correct in understanding the Custom Builder?
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#2453 Post by jemimah »

The point is not to do it faster, it's to give you more options, more control, and be a bit more failure resistant.

You need to put together a collection of pets to make a new adrive out of. You can do this with or without the downloader. The downloader just simplifies the task by giving you something to start with.

What's in the existing adrive is not reused at all except for offering you the package list.
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I'm not sure, but I think saluki is innocent

#2454 Post by Pete22 »

Not sure how it happened, see the picture
Anyone have any idea how I can fix this.

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Re: sfs_load-1.9.1

#2455 Post by shinobar »

jemimah wrote:Ok. I will go with 1.9 in the next release.
Sorry, the link to 1.9.1 was broken. Now fixed.

Note that the 1.9 hangs, the 1.9.1 does not. Alaso note 1.9.1 is released yesterday(2012-04-09) as the test release. We need a lot of test.
Hope you all to test the sfs_load-1.9.1 and give feedback.
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#2456 Post by jemimah »

Here is is with my patches to ignore the adrive and show up in the correct menus.

Please test it out.
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#2457 Post by James C »

I haven't noticed many full installs so....... Saluki 018 full install on one of my old P4 test boxes.
Zero problems. Internet,sound and display all working and correct on initial boot.Installed several pets... no problems. Looking good.

# report-video
VIDEO REPORT: Saluki, version 018

Chip description:
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)

Driver used by Xorg:

Video mode used by Xorg:
Resolution: Depth 24 Depth: "Display"

...the above also recorded in /tmp/report-video
Actually using the Intel driver.

Processor Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
Memory 512MB (121MB used)
Operating System Unknown distribution
User Name root (root)
Date/Time Mon 09 Apr 2012 08:30:52 PM CDT
Resolution 1024x768 pixels
OpenGL Renderer Mesa DRI Intel(R) 865G x86/MMX/SSE2
X11 Vendor The X.Org Foundation
Audio Adapter ICH4 - Intel ICH5

Kernel Linux 3.2.8-ski (i686)
Compiled #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Mar 12 16:42:30 EET 2012
C Library GNU C Library version 2.10.1 (stable)
Default C Compiler Unknown
Distribution Unknown distribution
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#2458 Post by jim3630 »

Sage wrote: In the meantime, happy to accede to your requests:
Please report any bugs you find
imagine that thought with the developer's expressed exasperation there is too much traffic on this thread distracting her and not being able to keep up it all. then a reasonable conclusion might be:

this is not an appropriate venue to air opinions repeatedly on unrelated matters such as:

"No floppy is a very bad idea - I said that before. Without it, there is no simple way to manipulate the BIOS, inter alia. Most good boards still have the pin headers and a BIOS entry. Apart from which, 1.44Mb is still a very large text file. This entire episode was a subterfuge initiated by Dell in league with the devil - the DWIntel cartel to save $5. Besides, every review I've read of Puppy and it's derivatives mention it's prime function for resurrecting old kit. It seems rather pointless using what started out as a liveCD and a Mr-fixit tool on SOTA HW which would be more suited to running RH and guiding probes around Saturn's moons. Dan Dare and Sondar must be turning in their graves, if Treens die, that is."
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ANOUNCE: updated pupsaveconfig-2.2

#2459 Post by shinobar »

Long persistent bug of pupsaveconfig.
Was failed with the bootfash comboformat install. Thanks to Ghost Dog who reported this.

Code: Select all

# v2.2 8apr12: fix was failed with no space partition(tnx to Ghost Dog), fix was failed with SAVEMARK, fix was failed mmc card, default partition and folder, exit 0 (thanks to don)
# v2.2 10apr12: sync with woof 20409, kill acpid (rc.shutdown) ... 719#618719
kill acpid (rc.shutdown) maybe from the code of jemimah. Thanks.
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#2460 Post by jemimah »

Good news. I have fixed the problem where gtk themes using shade() render in red or pink instead of the intended color.

I compiled a different C compiler and recompiled gtk and the problem was finally solved.
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