How to update QEMU-puppy 2.17 to 4.0?

Booting, installing, newbie
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#41 Post by robermann79 »

Update: I tried the VMKnoppix 5.3.1 CD Live (see ... ex-en.html), which, among other, contains qemu (v0.9.1) and kqemu. I was able to successfully test all the options, timing the elapsed time between the boot and shutdown of the "portable Puppy":
1. qemu: 2m30sec
2. qemu + kqemu: 1m53sec
3. qemu + kqemu with -kernel-kqemu: 1m33sec

(Very interesting is the script, inside the CD). Do you have any comparison data / impression on performance?
Last edited by robermann79 on Wed 23 Dec 2009, 10:13, edited 1 time in total.
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#42 Post by mikeb »

Ok ..I never got notified or your post so sorry if it seems I was ignoring you.
In the meantime catdude help my hand after trying out on his setup for me and ran...was one tiny piece of the puzzle...I will post his how to soon...:)

As for performance....

user mode..... kqemu gives a decent boost generally.
tested and install under it and was near native in speed...without used to take forever....have not tested kernel mode for install yet...

kernel mode.....for puppy was drastically improved gui performance..was like cold porridge before. win 2000 faster too.
98 will not boot..that's a known limitation but performance is snappier under user mode anyway.
NT4 it happy in the end but was slower than user mode.

So overall a worth while improvement.

by the way in kernel mode the guest sees the real processor (and upsets acpi slightly) which is probably why some guests get upset...

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#43 Post by robermann79 »

mikeb wrote: I will post his how to soon...:)
Have you already posted it? By the way... Happy new Year! :D
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#44 Post by mikeb »

I have indeed

happy new year too :)

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#45 Post by ttuuxxx »

Why not take 2.17 edit the sfs and replace with Barry's latest
-Rox, Seamonkey, Desktop icons, Geany, jwm,gtk-themes,rounded jwm, backgrounds, and call it a day, it would be like 10MB almost smaller, take less resources and look just as good :)
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#46 Post by ttuuxxx »

also directions are located @ :wink:
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QEMU, Puppy 4.3.1, booting, disk img

#47 Post by rberke »

I think I've been struggling on mostly the same path as this thread, but with a twist. I have a WinXP laptop, with low level disk encryption. Can't alter the boot sector to control a dual boot. I can boot from Puppy 4.3.1 CD okay, if I'm willing to end my Win session and suffer slow start up time. QEMU and hard drive seems a good solution for me.

I can launch QEMU 0.10, load up puppy 431 from ISO. I couldn't save to 'CD' from QEMU. Probably QEMU can't handle multisession writes as a real CD drive can. (Also tried 0.12.1, but that stops/exits immediately during attempts to run it.)

I was able to create a puppy4.img file using QEMU, then load up again from ISO and run Qparted, format for ext3, flag for bootable, and run Puppy's universal installer okay. All seems succesful so far. There's mention of GRUB, but I don't know what to do about it.

I exit my QEMU session. Start a fresh one aiming at the puppy4.img file, but MU doesn't proceed past the message 'Booting from hard drive'. I gave it 20 minutes.

I tried again from scratch. Tried to follow GRUB install instructions, but run into supposedly that /dev/sda1 is read-only. When I look at the mount table/display, it shows /dev/sda1 is mounted rw.

On my exit I told Puppy I wanted to save settings to file on hard drive. It did save them. I don't know where, but hope it's within the .img file somehow. I'm mystified how or when to use it. Upon reboot my settings were saved and reused.

Shouldn't my successful install cycle have made it so the .img would be bootable, and no longer use the .ISO file?

Sorry if this should be posted elsewhere. It seems to me to involve the same issues as with a flash USB drive about where to tell QEMU to pay attention.

Thanks to anyone who can clarify for me.

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#48 Post by mikeb »

grub4does would be an easy way to set up a frugal install. For booting you add one line to the boot.ini file partitioning and boot flag moving and no touching the mbr and boot sector.
The one file is added and a menu made and the main files from the cd and you are done. Would run a whole lot better than emulation.

heres a cute description

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Updated qemu-puppy

#49 Post by CatDude »


After nearly 3 weeks of trial & error hacking away at init files (inside of the initrd.gz),
i have managed to get a working version of Puppy-4.00 (k2.6.21.7)

I do not profess to knowing exactly what i was doing :roll: , and therefore cannot vouch for my hacks being 100% correct.
So, if someone who understands this stuff better than i do could take a look at it and check it out,
that would be very much appreciated.

I have tested it in all 3 modes:
  • Puppy in Puppy
    Puppy in Windows
    Running natively from the USB
In all 3 modes, i have been able to go online (ethernet),
download and install .pets,
make changes, for example: change desktop icons to the ones i downloaded,
and all changes are saved (if i choose to save them) to the pup_save.2fs

I have uploaded a copy of it here:
  • I am offering this with ABSOLUTELY no warranty whatsoever
    ######### USE ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK! #########
After downloading and unpacking the archive,
please read the CatDudes-readme.txt file.
The original readme.txt file is also in there.

The current pup_save.2fs
has been set up with the following:
  • Keyboard = uk
    Timezone = London
    Video = Xvesa at 800x600x16
Hope someone finds it useful

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Works for me

#50 Post by Dngrsone »

Thanks, CatDude, the updated Qemu-Puppy works for me in Ubuntu 10.04 and Win 7.

My biggest issue so far is the transparency settings on my Ubuntu terminal are too excessive, making it hard to see my Puppy console well, so I will have to fix that.

... and learning my way around Puppy-- it will take me a little time to explore the various programs and determine which ones I want to keep, & etc.

Out of curiosity, what version Qemu did you use?
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#51 Post by CatDude »

Hello Dngrsone

Welcome to the kennels.
Dngrsone wrote:Thanks, CatDude, the updated Qemu-Puppy works for me in Ubuntu 10.04 and Win 7.
Even though it has taken thirteen months for anyone to give it a test and say whether it worked or not,
that's very good to hear, i'm glad that someone eventually found it useful.
Dngrsone wrote:Out of curiosity, what version Qemu did you use?
It is the exact same version as used in the original QEMU-puppy 2.17
which according to this page is version 0.9.0

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#52 Post by Dngrsone »

Thanks for the welcome.

I got to try it exactly twice-- I lost my thumbdrive this past week. :(

... at least there was absolutely no personal data on that drive. Image

I need to get another drive, then see about customizing Qemu-Puppy (I despise white, and Puppy seems based on that color...) and maybe trying to get the Qemu virtual machine to run a bit faster on a newer machine without the KQemu driver (can't install on my work computer).
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#53 Post by Dngrsone »

Well... got a new thumbdrive; having problems getting Ubuntu 12.04 to run the file... Image
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#54 Post by Dngrsone »

So, apparently 12.04 won't just let you run a .sh script; you have to open a terminal and type sh or summat like that... (I suppose I could make a launcher...)

My current issue is that in either version of Ubuntu, the virtual machine is transparent at something like 50%, so it's hard to see the Puppy desktop in certain areas, depending on my Ubuntu wallpaper at the time.

That, and the trackpad won't move the mouse in 12.04.
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#55 Post by cochranizer »

Currently trying to create a XenialPup QEMU Puppy right now...since this is an old thread, I figured I'd bump it.
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