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missing window decoration

#2661 Post by Pete22 »

Looking around for answers to my problem,
I found out that missing window decorations
is a common issue in Xfce. Some say it is a
conflict with compiz. Can't be in my case because I don't
use compiz and don't have it installed.
However, they say there is a configuration window
in compiz that will let me fix the window decoration
problem.I decide to download it and fix Saluk.


Saluki 19 will not do it. When I click on the link to download,
it opens the check dependencies window and closes it and
then it does nothing. I tried 4 times.

I checked the uninstall to see if I missed seeing it load up the pet.
Nope its not there. I also noticed there are several blank lines with
no pets listed. Not sure if they are connected with this problem or not,
but they should not be there.

I find it very hard to use Saluki without window controls.

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#2662 Post by Lobster »

The following Saluki support resources exist and can be updated or used as the basis for further projects :)

wiki anyone can join thereby becoming an editor and able to update

this can be updated by sending an email but has not been used and updated much

better still create your own at

A blog can be created with several editors eg:
one of the editors is working on a Saluki + Python remaster
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Puppy Links Page :D
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Saluki for official Puppy status

#2663 Post by oliverjames »

I am adding my name to the list of those who cherish this Puppy and would be sad to see it go.

Thank you Jemimah and the team.

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I found the window decorations !!!!!

#2664 Post by Pete22 »

Not sure why, but I found the window decorations for full windows on my panel.
Looking at the panel I see a plug in that is showing the decorations.
I don't recall putting it in because I did not do what it would do.
But it does give me more desk space


I really like Saluki and will be adding it to all my friends computers when it is official.I know I am one of the
nongeeks with lots of questions, yet Jemimah really listened listened to my concerns. She and added features
that made Saluki work for me. Other forum members have been very kind to help me with other questions.

Thanks to you all.

I always expected Saluki to be Puppy 6. If not, its still wonderful.

WHEN I learn enough, I want to make a remaster of Saluki with my personal tweaks.
I am pleased to know that Saluki is ready to help me do that. when the time comes
And then I'll move on to build my own flavor of Saluki.

Saluki can do it all - from beginners to geeks.

I am already excited about Saluki 2.

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#2665 Post by Geoffrey »

Here's a new QT PeaZip package updated to version 4.5, Size 8.5 MB (8,942,402 Bytes)
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#2666 Post by oliverjames »

Running version 019 on Asus Eeebox with Nvidia Ion graphics card.

Discovered that changing the XFCE Style from "Prudence" to "Prudence Dark" has nasty effect on the screen display and general performance; moving windows like gragging through treacle, and causing radio stream to breakup, machine generally unresponsive.

Return to initial "Prudence" Style setting proved prudent. All again snappy and musical.



#2667 Post by aarf »

prefer the version of the space in drives app (in the bottom tray) that is in lupu 528.005 than the version in saluki. gives better info and is left click though it takes a little longer
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Re: MD5 check sums

#2668 Post by jemimah »

einar wrote:Is the MD5 Check sum of the kernel source 3.28.sfs correct ?

its listed as :kernel_sources-3.2.8-ski.sfs-md5sum.txt e854ae44ba7974d640f04fd180dc92e2

i have downloaded the kernel source 2 times and get

A672E9046EA2BB07691EAA0ABC47BC67 *kernel_sources-3.2.8-ski (1).sfs
A672E9046EA2BB07691EAA0ABC47BC67 *kernel_sources-3.2.8-ski.sfs
Yes I think the checksum is wrong. I'll check it out.
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#2669 Post by jemimah »

shelezyaka wrote:These changes have made ​​the most Jemimah. I do not understand why.

Code: Select all

 82   #120409 experimenting with minit, i discovered "rm -rf /tmp/*" is killing mingetty. initrd.gz wipes it, have added code to wipe for full hd install at bootup...
My program works with the modem uses for flags directory / tmp.
Not yet corrected the modem did not work.
This is something Barry is expermenting with but it doesn't help us. I am going to roll that one back in the next release.
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Re: Well Done!

#2670 Post by jemimah »

TTW wrote:
jemimah wrote:
sszindian wrote:I'd say Saluki is ready for final release! and YES it should be made available to the public somehow if not selected as Puppy 6 it's just to unique a Puppy to 'die in the forum.'
We need a professional-looking website to make it happen. However, It's not possible for me develop saluki, maintain the website, and provide tech support for a bunch of new users all at the same time. I tried it with Puppeee and it just about killed me.

I can maybe do one and a half or two of those things.

I need some serious community help.

I can do website design - just let me know what you want doing

Anything to do my bit for saluki

Awesome. I will send you a PM.
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Re: My window decor is disappearing

#2671 Post by jemimah »

Pete22 wrote:Today I noticed something weird in Saluki.
It might be caused by something I did, not sure.
But the window decor disappears on any window in full screen.
Is there some way to get the window decor to stay on?

I think you enabled the global menu panel applet. The decor doesn't disappear, it goes into the pane. Just disable it and things should go back to normal.
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Re: PeaZip

#2672 Post by jemimah »

Geoffrey wrote:Here's a new QT PeaZip package updated to version 4.5, Size 8.5 MB (8,942,402 Bytes)
Thanks. I've added it to the repo.
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Xfce taskbar plugin color issues

#2673 Post by KJ »

I am having some minor Xfce taskbar plugin color issues in 019 that I don't remember having in earlier versions. The plugins work but the CPU graph, Network monitor, and Sensor plugin background color do not change when I select a different taskbar background color and I can not change the individual cpu bar colors, net Rx (receive) and Tx (send) colors or temp bar color. I thought these might be worth some attention if a final release is near.

I am using a clean frugal 019 install to a USB drive. Thanks KJ
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Re: Lazarus.sfs troubles

#2674 Post by jemimah »

elroy wrote:
dawg wrote:As of 019 I'm having the same problem with Lazarus- It worked fine in 018.
Any ideas/suggestions?
As Geoffrey pointed out, the lazarus- works with 019.

I've made a SFS for the latest stable releases of Lazarus and the Free Pascal Compiler: lazarus- You can download the SFS and md5 here -

It also works on 019. However, it does not contain the cross-compiler for creating Windows binaries. But neither does the SFS in the Saluki package manager.
I have moved this to the repo and removed the old version.
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#2675 Post by jemimah »

dawg wrote:One thing I'm missing in Saluki, or rather under its "network status/setup icon" in the tray, is the ability/option to bring the network connection up/down quickly at will, as it is possible in other Puppies.

Edit: Another annoyance / undesired behaviour (AFAIC):
In Thunar: right-click a file -> Gzip. This does make a gzip of the file, but it also deletes the original file afterwards!
One might not want to touch the original file necessarily, other than making a compressed back-up version of it, such as of a file that is currently in use by Puppy (or some app), namely the savefile.
At least with Frisbee, just right click on the tray applet and choose Enable/Disable wireless network.

That is the normal behavior of the gzip binary. Use "create archive" instead if you want a copy.
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#2676 Post by jemimah »

mavrothal wrote:Tried to load a couple of homemade SFSs in 019 and I get

Code: Select all

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop5,
       missing codepage or helper program
and dmesg reports

Code: Select all

SQUASHFS error: Filesystem uses "unknown" compression. This is not supported
Compressing with default or "-comp gzip", same difference. Mounting manually no problem and filesystem reports as "squashfs"
Any idea?

BTW looking at sfs_load for clues I noticed 2 different "mountedpart" functions :?
If you want gzip, then just omit the argument. Or use the dir2sfs command and it will ask you which you want.
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#2677 Post by jemimah »

A bit more about my thoughts on saluki's future...

I'm good financially at the moment. I got lucky enough to get a job with copious paid bench time. But it's highly unpredictable and could send me all over the country on high-stress implementations at any time. This makes it hard to have a normal social life so I end up spending a lot of time alone.

In my downtime I need to be building something or I get soul-sick and depressed. Developing puppy distros seems to do the trick and give me a good reason to get out of bed.

However, maintenance is far more difficult because it doesn't provide the needed fix. I do like doing tech support and working with advanced users because they ask interesting questions. But once there's more than 10 or 20 users I don't have enough time or motivation to handle new users' questions. So there's this time period before the community is large enough to do it, where I feel personally responsible to answer everything but it's not humanly possible. This is what makes me feel like giving up.

Saluki needs its own community outside the murga forum if it is going to attain critical mass, since it needs to be advertised to a different user base than standard puppy. So I'll need committed moderators. Once the first release of saluki is stable, I'll try to set something up.

Remember it took Barry many years to nail down a build system and revision control. It's a lot of overhead and not a lot of fun, and provides little benefit unless there are actually multiple devs on the project. (plus I have a short attention span - I need fast, visible progress to sustain my momentum). I think if I was seriously trying to build a "real" distro, I wouldn't start with Puppy. Amigo is working on KISS linux which shows a lot of promise as a suitable base system, but I don't think he's released anything yet. But I think it should make it easier to build something less ad-hoc. Just musing...
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#2678 Post by jemimah »

I've uploaded cairo-dock 3.0 into the repo.
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#2679 Post by jemimah »

Geoffrey wrote:I just tried LibreOffice-3.5.1-en_us-2.sfs from, it seems to run fine in saluki. ... n_us-2.sfs

If it proves to be usable maybe it should be added to the Saluki repository
Looks good. I'm uploading it now.
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Re: Well Done!

#2680 Post by TTW »

jemimah wrote:
TTW wrote:
jemimah wrote: We need a professional-looking website to make it happen. However, It's not possible for me develop saluki, maintain the website, and provide tech support for a bunch of new users all at the same time. I tried it with Puppeee and it just about killed me.

I can maybe do one and a half or two of those things.

I need some serious community help.

I can do website design - just let me know what you want doing

Anything to do my bit for saluki

Awesome. I will send you a PM.
i wait to hear from you Jemimah
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