Ubuntu Studio: "Puppy Edition"

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#181 Post by l0wt3ch »


Do the devices show up in JACK settings under "Interface"?

For example, I click the arrow beside "Interface", and my PODxt Live is there:

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#182 Post by urphonesux »

No the zenyx does not but when I click the arrow next to that box and chose either of the usb option i can finally hear a signal coming through so I guess its working. I can't see a signal on my meters tho.
Right now I wouldn't even know where to put sounds so what do I have to do to get some actual sound coming through?

Thanks for all of your help

Update! While jack is open i can hear the click in audour!
Does ardour have a demo song i can listen to? :idea: I'm gonna google ardour while im waiting
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l0wt3ch didn't miss it

#183 Post by siabost »

Sorry l0wt3ch,

I missed that. :roll:

I shall do as you say re the system timer.


#184 Post by gcmartin »

Followers on this thread may know of a tool that is either included or can be brought to bear for this request.

A "meter-tool for microphone use" on the system. What would you recommend?

Thanks in advance

Edited: @JamesBond, has created such a tool. its simple and straight-forward. And, there are some others out there as well.
Last edited by gcmartin on Fri 20 Apr 2012, 23:32, edited 1 time in total.
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#185 Post by Rattlehead »

I hope this is the place to ask everything Puppy Studio related. Otherwise let me know and I'll open a new thread.

I found, to my surprise, that Audacity does not have the usual option to create a click track (Generate-> Click track). I searched in memory for the nyquist plugin only to find that audacity seems to be compiled as a whole single file, with no folders for plugins and the like.

So I tried to add the plugin myself, by creating a /usr/share/audacity/plug-ins folder, downloading clicktrack.ny and inserting it in there.

Now the generate-> click track option shows, but when I press it nothing happens (There should appear the menu with options for tempo, number of compasses, etc). Anybody has run into this problem too? I find very surprising that a distro so well packed with gear for music lacks such essential option. If I cannot make it work in Audacity, I'll try a workaround with Hydrogen, or maybe it's time to move to Ardour... (I've also checked the included metronome, Gtick, it would also do but alas it is not Jack enabled... )
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#186 Post by darkcity »

It may be an old version of Audacity? you could try adding a newer Audacity PET, probably a Lucid version...

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#187 Post by Rattlehead »

Thanks for the idea, Darkcity. However, I checked and it does not seem to be the case. My Audacity version in Puppy Studio is 1.3.11-beta. The one in my regular puppy (4.3.1) is former, 1.3.9. And I can generate the click tracks from there (I don't remember if I had to install the click track plugin or it came as a default).

Besides, if I'd install a new Audacity version, given that, as I mentioned before, Audacity in Puppy Studio comes as a simple whole file, I'd have to install again all the plugins (+300). Quite a price to have a simple metronome! :roll:

Can anybody think of something simpler? I just want to add one more plugin to the already existing.

By the moment, I've generated a few click tracks in my other distro, and I manage importing them on demand (ogg files called 120bpm, 122bpm, etc, you get the idea). But it is far from practical; and this is the kind of plaster workarounds that make me feel embarrassed whenever I try to show people how great Linux is. :(
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#188 Post by darkcity »

after reading your post more carefully, it seems you are doing everything to get the plugin to work.

often linux won't return an error message but simply do nothing.

have you tried running Audacity from the command and monitoring any error messages, especially when you click on 'generate-> click track'

the clicktrack.ny pluggin may require some additional libraries?
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#189 Post by Rattlehead »

Hey Darkcity, thank you. I just tried your suggestion. Surprisingly, trying to generate a click track does not produce any error messsage or output whatsoever in console. Nothing. Zero. Nada.
Well, I guess it was not that important. I'll create a library of premade metronome tracks, it is a one-time job after all. Thanks all the same. :)
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#190 Post by darkcity »

good work around ; -)
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