Bug in Gnumeric

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Bug in Gnumeric

#1 Post by Payoon »

Hi folks,
in Saluki there is a bug in gnumeric. When you cut certain cells and want to paste it in another worksheet the clipboard is empty, but the selected cells in the source worksheet are also gone. They can't be restored with undo.
I have seen this bug in other puppies ( lucid 520 with gnumeric 1.10.12 ), but it doesn't happen in lucid 528 with gnumeric 1.10.13).
Otherwise: Saluki is great, especially the custom puplet builder.

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Joined: Mon 05 Jan 2009, 00:54
Location: Gatineau (Qc), Canada

#2 Post by musher0 »


I had a similar problem in the gnumeric of lupu 5.25-retro4. After a few weeks of use, the column and row headings disappeared, making gnumeric useless, of course. I finally removed it, and now use planmaker. But gnumeric was handy because it was a smaller package.

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