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#81 Post by antiloquax »

Hi Tman. I have just downloaded the puppi.tar.gz and unpacked it.
The md5sum was okay:

Code: Select all

66a141b3cb1f1c5b51007b6ae677c789  puppi.img 
I am using this zImage.

When I boot it up and login, X starts automatically.
I'm not sure why it didn't work for you. Let me know if you have any more information, or if you do get it going!
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#82 Post by Lobster »

Check out Magpi - online free mag

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#83 Post by Tman »

I dunno why i can't get a graphical interface going. I compiled it with the following settings:

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --target-list=arm-softmmu,arm-linux-user --enable-uuid --cpu=i686 --enable-linux-user --enable-system
My guess is, that I am missing some dependencies. If all else fails, I guess run a pre-compiled qemu in another linux distro.

Is there a way for qemu to write its contents somewhere outside of the .img file?
Or would I have to use "dd" and extract the needed files?
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#84 Post by Tman »

Good news,

I downloaded Slacko, and tried compiling it again. And it worked! :)
I have uploaded a pet for Slacko, if anyone wishes to try it out.

Qemu-arm 1.0.1 for Slacko
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#85 Post by antiloquax »

Glad to hear that it's working!
Tman wrote:
Is there a way for qemu to write its contents somewhere outside of the .img file?
Or would I have to use "dd" and extract the needed files?
I think there is. I haven't found out how. I will do so, as it would save time!
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#86 Post by Lobster »

You guys are doing great :)

I tried setting up woof2
have done it previously (at least initial stages)

Could not even download woof
even reregistered with a new woof name . . .

May have to try compiling programs again
or try learning some Chinese for light relief . . .
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#87 Post by antiloquax »

@Tman - I think you can use Samba to set up a shared folder. I'm not sure how (yet). I am just DDing things back and to. It's slow, but it works! :)

If anyone can tell me how to use Samba, I'd appreciate it.
I've tried pnethood, but nothing seems to happen. Do I need to install Samba, or is it already there?
I am downloading a Samba pet to have a go with that.

I installed Samba, but it gave me a segmentation fault!
I have compiled a few more things.
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#88 Post by Tman »

I've never used samba, but i thought it was for sharing files between a Linux System and Windows System.

Anyhow, I have discovered an easier method: you can mount your puppi.img ...

Example: First, create a folder called /mnt/imgdisk (or whatever name you prefer), then use the following terminal command:

mount -o loop /path/to/puppi.img /mnt/imgdisk

Unfortunately, I don't know what the unmount command in Puppy is:
I thought it was "unmount" but, I guess that doesn't exist in Puppy.

EDIT: I just found out that the unmount command would be: umount /mnt/imgdisk

umount, not unmount :twisted: :)
Last edited by Tman on Sat 12 May 2012, 22:49, edited 1 time in total.
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#89 Post by antiloquax »

Anyhow, I have discovered an easier method: you can mount your puppi.img ...


Good point ... why didn't I think of that?

I have been trying to have go at Assembly code today. I kept getting segmentation faults!
Do I use "as" or do I need a specific arm assembler?
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#90 Post by Lobster »

I am not sure that qemu would work on the assembly level?
. . . apparently it does . . . wow 8)
QEMU works well for testing program correction (i.e. whether the code would properly run on an actual ARM or PowerPC) but it is not good for testing program efficiency: the emulation is not cycle accurate, and speed measured with QEMU cannot be reliably (or even unreliably) correlated with speed on true hardware.

Also, QEMU will not trap unaligned memory accesses, which is not a problem for PowerPC emulation (the PowerPC tolerates unaligned accesses) but may be for ARM (an unaligned access, e.g. reading a 32-bit word in RAM from an address which is not a multiple of 4, will work fine with QEMU but would trigger an exception on a true ARM processor).
I have been looking at compiling in wxglade in Rpi Debian
and comparing wth Slacko 5.3.3
Some partial success with the Rpi, then I messed up the SD image using apt-get

Back to square 1 but have some trouble shooting leads here

from the new official Rpi forum

My learning curve:

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#91 Post by Tman »

I have no idea how to code in Assembly. I think learning how to program in C is hard enough for my tastes.

If you are able to get the RaspberryPi Arch image running, it would offer you newer tools than Debian...you have a better chance of compiling bleeding-edge software with Arch, which is very bleeding-edge itself.
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#92 Post by Lobster »

If you are able to get the RaspberryPi Arch image running
You may be right.
I will give it another go.

Just got some sound out of the Rpi for the first time (just a test)
I was connected to mini speakers and I was worried that they would require more power than headphones (these are unpowered speakers) but it worked . . . 8)

For future ref this is the advice I followed
The ALSA sound driver is "alpha" and has issues, but some applications do work. If you are running Debian, try

cd /opt/vc/src/hello_pi/hello_audio

to test analogue output. And

./hello_audio.bin 1
for HDMI
Ay chihuahua - I have to make (compile) the hello_audio program . . . :shock:
Fortunately it was as easy as pie (so to speak)

OK gonna go through the Raspberry Pi wiki and forums
for any other tips . . . :)
Last edited by Lobster on Sun 13 May 2012, 08:18, edited 1 time in total.
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#93 Post by Lobster »

I tried setting up woof2
have done it previously (at least initial stages)
Tried again . . .
This time I used the 1.20 binary of Fossil (rather than the updated)
I also created a separate partition for the process
This enabled me to go through the whole of the woof2 process
- including the setting up of an image to an SD card

This is near the start of the process
# ./merge2out

This script merges woof-arch, woof-code and woof-distro, to ../woof-out_*.

woof-arch: architecture-dependent (x86, arm) files, mostly binary executables.
woof-code: the core of Woof. Mostly scripts.
woof-distro: distro-configuration (Debian, Slackware, etc.) files.

Important: the host architecture is distinct from the target architecture.
The host is the machine you are running Woof on, the target is the machine
in which the Puppy that you build is going to run. Typically, you will build
on a x86 machine, and the target may be x86 or arm.

1 arm
2 x86
Type number of host architecture: 2
...ok, x86

1 arm
2 x86
Type number of target architecture: 1
...ok, arm
and this near the end
Uncompressing image, please wait...
Writing skeleton image to /dev/sdc, please wait very patiently...
7727264+0 records in
7727264+0 records out
3956359168 bytes (4.0 GB) copied, 2240.47 s, 1.8 MB/s
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc2,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so

Something is wrong. There should be two partitions on the SD card,
vfat and ext4. There was an error mounting them. Aborting script.
Not successful :cry:

I have sent Barry more of this process to his gmail address.
A lot of error messages came up . . . however woof2
may be the most complete option
For the ARM build only Debian Squeeze and the Mele compiled kernel
were available

Getting there . . . :)
Last edited by Lobster on Fri 11 May 2012, 05:09, edited 1 time in total.
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#94 Post by antiloquax »

Hi Lobster,
I have tried using woof before and got very confused.
I was wondering about trying the "Linux from Scratch" approach. However, I only got as far as compiling binutils following the instructions in the book. When I tried to move on to gcc, my luck evaporated :(
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#95 Post by Dinor »

Just got the go ahead to order my Raspi today here in Sweden so I guess it will be July at the earliest before I get my hands on it! Do you guys think a working Puppi will be available by then?
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#96 Post by antiloquax »

Hi Dinor - glad to hear your Pi is imminent. I hope Lobster can answer your question ...

In the mean-time, I have compiled a few more packages: gmeasures, SDL and xarchive. They are on my ftp site!

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#97 Post by Tman »

In Qemu; I wasn't able to run the Arch image downloaded from http://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads , so I decided to copy the image onto a 4GB SD card to see its contents. ( dd works in Slacko, but you need to reboot to see the changes on the SD card )

I discovered that it contains 2 partitions: the 1st is a Fat16 partition with files I've never seen before, and the 2nd is an ext3 partition containing the Arch linux filesystem.

if you take this image and replace the contents of the 2nd partition with the contents of your Puppi.img, I think that it should work on Lobsters Rpi. The screenshot below is are of the contents of the 2 partitions. I don't know what all the individual files in the first partition specifically do, but I assume that their combined purpose is to boot the linux distro in the Rpi.
(70.23 KiB) Downloaded 722 times
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#98 Post by antiloquax »

Hi Tman,
Yes, I'd thought of trying that, but I haven't got as far as uploading the combined partitions. I'll see if I can get something sorted later tonight.
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"[url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=76049l]RacyPy[/url]" puplet on Toshiba Tecra 8200. PIII, 256 MB RAM.
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#99 Post by Lobster »

Hi Lobster,
I have tried using woof before and got very confused.
My normal mind state . . . :)

Woof2 is under development, especially the ARM part.
There are some unique qualities of formatting an SD card, on the Rpi it seems to have two partitions. :shock:

For the bootstrapping working with an existing working image and cutting it down is sufficient and may be the better option for now.

The advantages of the woof2 system is that Fatdog (pre woof), Lucid, Slacko, Racy, Wary, Precise, Upup and Puppi can all be very similar. We are turning into a mature distro and our users can expect some consistency,
RacyPy, Saluki, Calf and custom derivatives or radical configurations are all part of the learning kennel.

The Raspberry Pi is a development system. You are buying a board with operating systems (Debian, Fedora, Arch etc) that are of Alpha quality.
So be prepared to help, test, tinker, develop a case, a project. Dream. program etc.

An ARM Puppi is going to run quiet (solid state) with less energy requirements. You can already program on it.

If your attitude is what can I put into Puppi and Raspberry, you will get a great deal out of it. 8)
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#100 Post by Lobster »

Do you guys think a working Puppi will be available by then?
Some of the programs will be mature. Some aspects will be very much Alpha build.
We have the Geek Scouts, working towards a mind controlled robot on our side . . .
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