Puppy-eloix: Electronics, Schematics and Engineering

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Puppy-eloix: Electronics, Schematics and Engineering

#1 Post by abu_ilya »

I just finished puppy-eloix3.15
It contains: spice2g6, spice2data, PSpice5.0, sspice, wxmaxima, octave, gnuplot, statist, xfig, xdosemu, vipec, eagle 5.6.0, LaTeX, lx

You can download it here:

http://i.minus.com/1339111263/1gldZTsxr ... ix3.15.iso
or here:
http://www.mydrive.ch/download/19346558 ... ix3.15.iso
username: puppy-eloix
passwd: linuxlinux

best regards,
Last edited by abu_ilya on Wed 11 Jul 2012, 11:35, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Puppy-eloix version 3.15 available

#2 Post by abu_ilya »

I did some fine tuning, put octave en wxMaxima
on the desktop and installed the flashplayer to be able to view the youtube eevblog
Some extra info:
Spice-models and vipec models and docu are in /root/common
If you want to use pspice or sspice you first have to start xdosemu
the models are on drive f: e.g. f:\pseval50\eval.lib

Here is the link to version 3.15:
http://i.minus.com/1337263885/WpvF-p_3L ... x888YI.iso (429 MB)

abu_ilya wrote:I just finished puppy-eloix3.13,
It contains: spice2g6, spice2data, PSpice5.0, sspice, wxmaxima, octave, gnuplot, statist, xfig, xdosemu, vipec, eagle 5.6.0, LaTeX, lx

You can download it here:

https://i.minus.com/1337197861/TSxzHNHF ... 4KD3jV.iso

best regards,
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#3 Post by darkcity »

great stuff, glad you completed your remaster!

You can use-

Code: Select all

to make a click-able url.

Any screenshots?

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#4 Post by abu_ilya »

darkcity wrote:great stuff, glad you completed your remaster!

You can use-

Code: Select all

to make a click-able url.

Any screenshots?

Thanks for the suggestions:
Version 3.15 is at:
http://i.minus.com/1337431824/NgrEoZRVt ... x888YI.iso
and I attached a screenshot of the desktop

puppy-eloix 3.15 showing desktop with octave, wxmaxima, gnuplot, xfig...
and pspice5.0 running in xdosemu
(34.31 KiB) Downloaded 2235 times
Last edited by abu_ilya on Sun 20 May 2012, 09:43, edited 1 time in total.
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#5 Post by abu_ilya »

abu_ilya wrote:
darkcity wrote:great stuff, glad you completed your remaster!

You can use-

Code: Select all

to make a click-able url.

Any screenshots?

Thanks for the suggestions:
Version 3.15 is at:

Code: Select all

and I attached a screenshot of the desktop
For reasons unknown to me you might get a warning "the file does not exist or is unavailable, minus", but if you neglect this message and just click on the link you actually _can_ download the iso without a problem...
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What does it & they do?

#6 Post by mikeslr »

Hi abu_ilya:

Could you tell those of us who aren't familiar what puppy-eloix and "spice2g6, spice2data, PSpice5.0, sspice, wxmaxima, octave, gnuplot, statist, xfig, xdosemu, vipec, eagle 5.6.0, LaTeX, lx" do. That is, what activities they provide or support which aren't available using some other puppy.

Of course, we could search the web to find out. But I would think that having made puppy-eloix available you might want to attract attention to its capabilities.

Just a suggestion from someone who started life in sales.

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Re: What does it & they do? (puppy-eloix) (part1)

#7 Post by abu_ilya »

mikeslr wrote:Hi abu_ilya:

Could you tell those of us who aren't familiar what puppy-eloix and "spice2g6, spice2data, PSpice5.0, sspice, wxmaxima, octave, gnuplot, statist, xfig, xdosemu, vipec, eagle 5.6.0, LaTeX, lx" do. That is, what activities they provide or support which aren't available using some other puppy.

Of course, we could search the web to find out. But I would think that having made puppy-eloix available you might want to attract attention to its capabilities.

Just a suggestion from someone who started life in sales.

OK, here is part 1

Puppy-eloix is developed to offer those interested in electronic engineering a set of useful programs without having to install or fine tune them first on whatever other operating system. It is based on
puppy-linux lupu-5.28.005.

Here is a list of the programs and what they are used for
1. Gnuplot
This program is a free software champ for producing high quality graphs and doing non-linear fitting. It is often used in combination with the industrial strength typesetting engine LaTeX. There is a very helpful users group at comp.graphics.apps.gnuplot and this is its homepage:
You can start it in puppy-eloix at the command line (press ALT-F2 first)
with the command gnuplot or by clicking at the icon on the desktop

2. Statist
Even though Gnuplot has a very advanced method for non linear curve fitting, you might sometimes need a program just for linear or polynomial regression. Because there isn't a simple relation between the statistical information produced by Gnuplot and a correlation coefficient you can consider to use Statist.
Just press alt-f2 and enter the command statist and follow the instructions.
The rumour is that newer versions of Gnuplot will also give you a correlation coefficient. Statist is also useful if you want to check whether a dataset has a normal distribution ... and to manupilate your data e.g. by inverting them, taking the log of them ...

3. Spice2G6 and spice2data
This was the last Fortran-version of Spice 2, it is still considered a very robust and trustworthy electrical circuit simulator. It is known that some commercial simulators used its code base rather than the Spice 3-base which was written in C and is known for its need of patches
How to use it?
-1. make an input file myfile.inp with your favourite editor (joe, pico/nano, vim...)
-2. run spice as follows:
spice <myfile.inp >myfile.out
-3. check your output file for the results with a pager:
less myfile.out
-4. you can use the data in the outputfile for a nice graph made by Gnuplot as follows:
spice <myfile.inp |spice2data >myfile.dat
plot 'myfile.dat'

4. XFig
This program is even older than unix but it is stable as a rock and just does what it should do:
You can draw great (electronic) schematics with it
You can start it from the command line as follows:
xfig -inc
or you can click on the xfig-icon on the desktop (when doing so the -inc option is automatically used)
There is a library (Library-->Electronic-->Schematic) with electronic symbols including European resistors, ground, elco's ...
I draw all my schematics in xfig and use the "export to eps" feature to include them later in my LaTeX-documents.

5. sspice 1.01
This is symbolic spice a great program developed by Gregory M. Wierzba.
You can use it to solve electronic networks symbolically in stead of numerically as standard Spice does. It was developed for DOS and unfortunately hasn't still been recoded for a more recent operating system.
Using xdosemu however you can still use it as follows:

6. pspice5.0
This was one of the last versions of PSpice which didn't force you to draw schematics but has a special spice-input-file editor on board with syntax checking and help. It also has a great graphical postprocessor called Probe.
It runs as follows:
ps myfile

tip 1: you can speed up the simulation to warp speed by pressing the CTRL-key!
tip 2: some component libraries are on the F: drive, you can make use of them by entering e.g.:
.lib f:\pseval50\eval.lib
.lib f:\spicemod\ua741.sub
Last edited by abu_ilya on Fri 08 Jun 2012, 17:48, edited 9 times in total.
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#8 Post by mini-jaguar »

Wow, this is fascinating. So would this calculate voltage across different points in a circuit in order to troubleshoot a (physical) circuit not working properly and find the faulty components? Resistance values across different points?

Can you plot vacuum tubes/valves with this as well?
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Thank you for making Puppy even more useful

#9 Post by mikeslr »

Hi abu_ilya,

To quote mini-jaguar, "Wow." Thank you for making Puppy even more useful. While I, myself, can not envision how I would use it, I've called it to the attention of two of my younger friends (non-Puppy-users) who might, or may have friends who can.

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Re: What does it & they do? (puppy-eloix) (part2)

#10 Post by abu_ilya »

mikeslr wrote:Hi abu_ilya:

Could you tell those of us who aren't familiar what puppy-eloix and "spice2g6, spice2data, PSpice5.0, sspice, wxmaxima, octave, gnuplot, statist, xfig, xdosemu, vipec, eagle 5.6.0, LaTeX, lx" do. That is, what activities they provide or support which aren't available using some other puppy.

Of course, we could search the web to find out. But I would think that having made puppy-eloix available you might want to attract attention to its capabilities.

Just a suggestion from someone who started life in sales.

OK, here is part 2

7. Eagle 5.6.0
This is a freeware version of a PCB-design package which is very popular in Europe (certainly in Germany). The free version is limited to half a eurocard (16cm*10cm) and two layers for routing. Keeping in mind we do a lot with smd's these days these limitations are most of the time no problem at all.

8. wxMaxima 0.8.4 (with maxima 5.20.1)
This is the free software alternative for Maple. It's used to perform symbolic math i.e. if you forgot what the integral of sin(x) is,
just type integrate(sin(x),x); in wxmaxima and you'll get the answer.
You can start wxMaxima by typing the following commands:
or just by clicking on the icon on the puppy-eloix-desktop
There is a beautiful manual (in dutch) for it from the dutch open university
(google for open universiteit maxima). And there is also a mailing list to which you can subscribe, the people in that list are very helpful even to newbies they are really the best support in open source software I know of, if you ever meet them buy 'em a drink

9. octave 3.2.3
This is the free sofware alternative for matlab. It's great for numerical maths (as opposed to symbolic math for which I use wxmaxima).
A lot of matlab-code just runs when used with octave. Support from a mailing list to which you have to register:

10. vipec 3.2.0
Network analyzer for electrical networks, simulation of microwave structures, library with S-parameters under /root/common/vipec
Last edited by abu_ilya on Fri 08 Jun 2012, 17:53, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Thank you for making Puppy even more useful

#11 Post by abu_ilya »

mikeslr wrote:Hi abu_ilya,

To quote mini-jaguar, "Wow." Thank you for making Puppy even more useful. While I, myself, can not envision how I would use it, I've called it to the attention of two of my younger friends (non-Puppy-users) who might, or may have friends who can.

nice, if they are looking for spice-subcircuits to model tubes, here is an interesting link:

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#12 Post by Puppyt »

abu_ilya - this is genius!
In my regard this project is firmly in the same orbit as ChemPup (http://www.chemtoolbox.com/index.php/ab ... oxcom.html) or BioPuppy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BioPuppy / http://biopuppy.org/), well done!
Search engines for Puppy
[url]http://puppylinux.us/psearch.html[/url]; [url=https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=015995643981050743583%3Aabvzbibgzxo&q=#gsc.tab=0]Google Custom Search[/url]; [url]http://wellminded.net63.net/[/url] others TBA...
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Re: What does it & they do?

#13 Post by abu_ilya »

mikeslr wrote:Hi abu_ilya:

Could you tell those of us who aren't familiar what puppy-eloix and "spice2g6, spice2data, PSpice5.0, sspice, wxmaxima, octave, gnuplot, statist, xfig, xdosemu, vipec, eagle 5.6.0, LaTeX, lx" do. That is, what activities they provide or support which aren't available using some other puppy.

Of course, we could search the web to find out. But I would think that having made puppy-eloix available you might want to attract attention to its capabilities.

Just a suggestion from someone who started life in sales.

Part 3
11. LaTeX
For scientific reports with lots of maths, tables, schematics and graphs I prefer LaTeX in stead of wysiwig-software. Puppy-eloix has a fully operational LaTeX.
How to use it?
-1. make your LaTeX-inputfile e.g. myreport.tex with your favorite text-editor
-2 alt-f2
-3 latex myreport
now you can have unsolved references therefore we run LaTeX once more
-4 latex myreport
now we have a device independent file myreport.dvi which we want to convert to postscript
-5 dvips myreport -o
now we want to look at the postscript-result with ghostview:
-6 gv myreport
Of course you may find this all a bit longwinded, therefore I wrote a simple script called lx which just performs all these commands, it's used as follows:

lx myreport
and there you have your report displayed

12. lx
see above

I have also put "the not so short introduction to LaTeX2e" in the directory
/root/common/docu it's called lshort.pdf. There are also two dutch LaTeX-courses in that directory called latexhnd.pdf by the great Piet van Oostrum and latex-cursus-zeus.pdf by Gaspard Leqeux. Finally there are some examples of
LaTeX-documents in the archives: templateverslag-0.4.tgz, KaHoThesis0.81.tar.gz, you can try them out by unpacking them and then run lx

A technical note:
If you think certain .sty-files are missing for LaTeX, let me know I'll add them to future puppy-eloix versions

best regards
Last edited by abu_ilya on Wed 13 Jun 2012, 19:01, edited 1 time in total.
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#14 Post by abu_ilya »

Puppyt wrote:abu_ilya - this is genius!
No, it's not, I have been standing on the shoulders of giants ;-) and some very kind and helpful people in the free software and open source community, all praise should go to them

In my regard this project is firmly in the same orbit as ChemPup (http://www.chemtoolbox.com/index.php/ab ... oxcom.html) or BioPuppy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BioPuppy / http://biopuppy.org/), well done![/quote]
I'll have a look at these too, maybe I should change the name to EloPup?

Last edited by abu_ilya on Fri 08 Jun 2012, 17:55, edited 1 time in total.
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#15 Post by Keef »

You could go with 'ElectroPup' - although it does sound like it could be used to make very bad music with....

Now here's a winner: 'Ohm-My-Dawg'
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#16 Post by abu_ilya »

Keef wrote:You could go with 'ElectroPup' - although it does sound like it could be used to make very bad music with....

Now here's a winner: 'Ohm-My-Dawg'
Can you attach a sound sample pronouncing that? I can use it to replace the initial puppy-linux barking

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md5 hash and mirroring

#17 Post by TekVahana »

I'm downloading the 3.15 ISO image as I type, and was wondering if you have a checksum for the file?

I'm looking into mirroring and wondered if you have looked into setting up a torrent for it since it is 428M. I would recommend ClearBits, which is only for Open Licensed Media and currently features OneBone as their only puplet in distribution so far.

If you would rather not bother setting up a torrent, do I have your permission to upload a copy to get that ball rolling? Then even our friends stuck on dial-up connections would have a reliable way to get their own copy of puppy-eloix3.15!

Either way we get a torrent going I will be happy to add the torrent to my little Puppy powered torrent server, which has delivered 935G in the 255 days it has been running so far. Need that checksum, though.
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Re: md5 hash and mirroring

#18 Post by abu_ilya »

TekVahana wrote:I'm downloading the 3.15 ISO image as I type, and was wondering if you have a checksum for the file?
Here is the md5sum:
I'm looking into mirroring and wondered if you have looked into setting up a torrent for it since it is 428M. I would recommend ClearBits, which is only for Open Licensed Media and currently features OneBone as their only puplet in distribution so far.

If you would rather not bother setting up a torrent, do I have your permission to upload a copy to get that ball rolling? Then even our friends stuck on dial-up connections would have a reliable way to get their own copy of puppy-eloix3.15!

Either way we get a torrent going I will be happy to add the torrent to my little Puppy powered torrent server, which has delivered 935G in the 255 days it has been running so far. Need that checksum, though.
I really would appreciate it if you put it on a torrent server Just let me know

best regards,
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#19 Post by TekVahana »

Thanks for the md5!

My recommendation for ClearBits was a little premature since they charge $45 per year for file hosting with 10GB of bandwidth in their Content Creator package (which includes direct downloads) and $20 per year for their Supporting Member package which just provides torrent tracking.

I'll keep on working on it and post a link to the torrent file here when that mission is accomplished.
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#20 Post by inoxidabile »

Hi everybody!

It seems very interesting for me because I'm a technician.

I tried several times to download it (http://minus.com/lbllMxs14KD3jV), but it doesn't go on.
Could someone tell me if it's available somewhere else?

Thanks !
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